Ben Armstrong, a prominent name associated with the Bitboy Crypto brand, has recently been ousted by BJ Investment Holdings, marking a significant turn of events for the popular web3 YouTube channel.

BJ Investment Holdings, the parent company of the Hit network, made the decision to remove Armstrong from his role, citing concerns related to substance abuse and the subsequent impact on various aspects of the Bitboy Crypto community.

The decision comes as a response to Armstrong's relapse into substance abuse, which has reportedly caused emotional, physical, and financial harm to employees and members of the Bitboy Crypto community. The move, although undoubtedly challenging, is seen as a necessary step for the well-being of the BitSquad and the future trajectory of the brand.

This is not the first instance of controversy surrounding Armstrong. His history includes engaging in contentious behavior, including alleged harassment of a lawyer, as well as skipping a court hearing in favor of going on a cruise. Notably, Armstrong was banned from posting threatening tweets directed towards the lawyer and the clients of his firm. Additionally, a court appearance in Miami reportedly featured lighthearted moments stemming from Armstrong's distinct and colorful behavior.

The decision to remove Ben Armstrong from the Bitboy Crypto brand underlines the significance of addressing the well-being and integrity of the crypto community. As the crypto landscape continues to grow and evolve, the accountability and responsibility of key figures within the space become increasingly paramount.

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