(Public Trading Contract)

The #DEFI space is still in its evolutionary phase. In order to evolve and reach its revolutionary state, it still requires unique innovations, and this is exactly what Athena DexFi brings to DeFi.

#AthenaDexFi is introducing a series of productivity tools into the DeFi ecosystem. With its proprietary product, it aims to revolutionize decentralized trading and copy trading by eliminating all barriers and enabling anyone to participate in this cryptographic niche.

As crypto embraces its genuine Web3 identity, the imperative arises for every facet of DEFI to be inclusive and accessible to all. Until now, copy trading in DeFi has remained beyond the reach of the masses.

Athena DexFi tackles these limitations by introducing copy trading to the realm of DeFi. Have you come across any other decentralized exchange that offers a comprehensive suite of copy trading tools for both proficient traders and those looking to emulate their strategies?

What is fascinating is that the concept of copy trading here doesn't involve directly duplicating someone else's trades. Instead, you have the opportunity to participate in a smart contract managed by traders who have a verifiable track record directly on the blockchain, which is inherently immutable and transparent by its nature. It's akin to entering a trading arena guided by the experts themselves!

(Past Trading Contracts)

Wouldn't you appreciate the opportunity to securely emulate the operations of skilled traders in a decentralized manner without encountering restrictions such as KYC, market manipulation, and the risk of having your account frozen, all of which are prevalent risks in centralized exchanges?

Isn't it incredible to be able to follow skilled traders operating within the transparent and secure realm of the blockchain? This integration allows users to confidently select skilled traders to manage their funds, supported by verifiable track records. The tamper-proof nature of the blockchain ensures the reliability of these records, while its decentralized structure adds an extra layer of security. With rules imposed by Athena's smart contracts, traders won't be able to buy coins that haven't been previously selected, ensuring that your capital isn't put at risk in worthless coins. This fusion of proven expertise and security through blockchain marks the beginning of a new era in trustworthy financial management.

(Select Your Trading Pairs For The Contract)

Wouldn't you appreciate the opportunity to become a trader who can manage other users' funds and earn a commission on the profits you help generate? Our platform provides you with a whole range of tools to operate professionally even in a decentralized setting: limit orders, stop market orders, stop-loss, short orders, and leverage. We've ensured that you have everything you would use on a centralized exchange, but without the risk of someone preventing you from withdrawing.

Transparently demonstrate your trading skills, and people can start following you, allowing you to manage significant capital. Everyone can become a trader, but only a few will show their true abilities.

(Claiming Profits From The Contract)

Unlike centralized exchanges that enable copy trading, Athena DexFI will only take commissions on your profits and only when you withdraw your capital along with the corresponding profit. This means that Athena DexFi has been built from the ground up to strive for its users to make gains. If users don't profit, the platform doesn't profit either.

(Trading Contract Creation)

Traders can create smart contracts and establish various management rules, initiating the trading activity. On the other hand, less experienced users, once they understand the smart contract rules, such as the maximum position closing time and the coins that can be purchased, can automate their trading by participating in the smart contract to start earning without needing to take further actions. 

This ecosystem is built without requiring an excessive trust in the trader, as people can change over time. Therefore, Athena has implemented rules in the smart contracts that prevent the trader from withdrawing funds from within the smart contract, instead granting the possibility to exchange them on a decentralized exchange. Every time a token exits the smart contract, another token enters, creating a kind of vault that holds everyone's capital.

(Trading Dashboard)

Using the Athena DexFi platform is now simple and intuitive, thanks to exciting tools in the trader's toolkit! With functionalities like stop loss, limit order, stop market order, and even short and leverage orders all at your fingertips, it's like having a whole array of superpowers to assist you in decentralized trading. Whether you're managing your own capital or someone else's, these tools will aid you in the market. You can even manage the funds held in your hardware wallet without sacrificing security, as everything that goes into the contract only returns to the depositor. This means that funds from the hardware wallet can only be withdrawn there, but you can still manage them from a less secure wallet like Trust Wallet, which is more convenient to have at hand. If a hacker steals your Trust Wallet, they won't be able to withdraw what you've deposited from your hardware wallet. 

Athena DexFi supports you in the exciting experience of decentralized cryptocurrency trading! Indeed, the days of enduring avoidable trading losses due to non-professional tools in the DeFi world are over. Now, you truly have the opportunity to manage your trades in a decentralized, transparent, and secure manner.

Did I mention that copy trading is just one aspect of Athena DexFI?

Have you heard of the Athena DexFI secret feature?

Athena DexFI Secret Feature

Athena DexFI will provide an innovative and unique Trader-As-A-Service (TAAS) feature, designed to help as many users as possible make profits, using advanced tools and immutable historical data.

(Your Own Trading Contract)

Imagine this scenario: You're given the incredible opportunity to create your own trader contract where you are the sole owner and manager, even if you're not yet a trading expert. It's like having a training ground where you can refine your trading skills while keeping the door open to potential extra profits. You have the chance to prove that you're skilled, much more than many others.

You're in control: set the initial amount, choose the contract's duration, select the trading pairs that interest you, and you can even activate or deactivate lending and leverage options, all within the secure confines of DeFi. This is your personalized trading arena, offering the opportunity to learn and earn, all within the safety of the DeFi landscape.

It's important to note that every user of Athena DexFI effectively becomes an owner of the platform.

And here's the added bonus: even if you're not a trading pro, there's still a way for you to get in on the action. You can invite people to join Athena DexFi, and for each time your invitee earns from a contract, the platform will share its commission with you. You can earn not only from your direct invites but also from all the invites of your invitee. This allows you to earn automatically without the need to invest. Keep an eye out for my next post – I'll dive deep into explaining this feature. Stay tuned for more exciting insights!

Ready To Explore Athena DexFI?

Rumors have it that Athena DexFi will conduct an #airdrop for users who test their testnet, which could be a great opportunity.

If you're seeking a safe haven while delving into DeFi, look no further than Athena DexFi.