$BNB Breaking news! SEC vs Binance, BNB is not a security and the judgment shocked the cryptocurrency circle!

🔥🔥 Major announcement, hit the heart! The battle between the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) and Binance has come to an end - BNB has officially declared a clear line with the word "securities"! The judge said: "Cryptocurrency? Securities? Not at all!" This news has set off a huge wave in the cryptocurrency circle!

👀 You may still be looking for a needle in the ocean of news, but this lawsuit is definitely a big event in the circle! The judge is very observant and determined that BNB is not a security in the primary or secondary market. Why? The SEC did not produce evidence that Binance sold BNB to make money, and coupled with BNB's 18 martial arts in the DeFi world, the judge naturally did not buy the securities account!

🎉 What's more, BNB also easily passed the legendary "Howey test", and now, it is even more certain that it is not a security! This judgment not only gilds BNB, but also allows Polygon, Cardano, Avalanche, Solana and other chain partners to see the dawn of the law, and maybe they can also benefit from it!

🚀 For the crypto market, this is simply a spring breeze! Now it seems that everything is moving in a good direction. Imagine if Coinbase also won a big victory in the lawsuit with the SEC, what would that mean? The transactions on their platform are legal and compliant, not some black account securities! Small currencies are probably going to be happy, especially when the Fed's interest rate cuts and quantitative easing are blowing, it is not a dream for prices to soar directly!

💪 The judge's final decision has injected a shot of confidence into the cryptocurrency market! Coinbase smiled, and the entire industry also smiled. The legal status is stable, and future development is limitless! The spring of the crypto world is really here! #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛