According to Odaily, Ki Young Ju, the founder and CEO of CryptoQuant, has stated that the current cycle is different, with different sources of funds. He noted that the Bitcoin ETF now accounts for a quarter of the total spot trading volume. This indicates that the funds entering the market are more mature than ever before, and he believes that there will be even more mature funds in the future.

Mature funds often have diamond hands, and there are still many institutional capitals waiting to enter the field. The channels for them have now been opened. This shift in the market dynamics signifies a new era in the cryptocurrency sector, with more mature and stable funds entering the market.

The increase in the proportion of Bitcoin ETF in the total spot trading volume indicates a growing interest and trust in the cryptocurrency market. The entry of more mature funds into the market is expected to bring more stability and growth to the cryptocurrency sector. This development is a positive sign for the future of the cryptocurrency market, as it indicates a growing maturity and acceptance of cryptocurrencies among institutional investors.