The chart displays the relationship between Bitcoin price and the profitability of mining operations over time .

- Miner Profit/Loss Sustainability (Colored Areas):

- The vertical axis on the left represents the sustainability of miner profits/losses.

- The chart uses different colors to indicate periods when miners were:

- Extremely Overpaid (Red)

- Overpaid (Orange)

- Fairly Paid (Gray)

- Underpaid (Black)

- Extremely Underpaid (Blue)

- Miner Profit/Loss Sustainability Trends:

- Miners experienced periods of extreme underpayment (blue) mainly in the first half of the period and again in mid-2024.

- Periods of overpayment (red and orange) were more frequent from mid-2023 to early 2024.

- There are notable dips below the green line in June 2023, January 2024, and May 2024, indicating times when miners were extremely underpaid.


- Miner Profitability:

- Sustained periods of miners being extremely underpaid could lead to reduced mining activity or shifts in mining strategy.

- Conversely, sustained profitability (overpayment periods) can incentivize more mining operations, increasing network security but also potentially increasing competition.

- Market Sentiment:

- The periods of extreme underpayment could reflect market stress, where the cost of mining is not adequately covered by the revenue from mined Bitcoins.

- Overpayment periods suggest bullish market conditions where the value of mined Bitcoins significantly exceeds mining costs.

Written by Amr Taha