The current Web 2.0 focuses on connecting people through the invention of social media platforms and the development was on the application layer only. The introduction of Web3 has turned into a #Megadrop as it unlocked a huge opportunity for all with no involvement of a third party.

In 2022, #DaoLabs became the proprietor of #SocialMining with the idea of supporting organizations in areas of rewarding their community members for contributing to organizational growth through a DAO structure based on a merit-based system, and in today's engagement, we see a lot of points based platforms that majority of the project is using to grow the projects, this shows that users' content is an asset in the Web3 space hence, needed to be rewarded. You can do your further research on DAOLabs Social Mining Idea for more information as there is a huge opportunity right there.

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Now, Let's Talk About Real World Asset

As we know, Web 3 is all about ownership (decentralization), and recently we saw how the technology set to tokenize the Real World Assets (RWA) which involves digitizing ownership of physical and financial assets on the blockchain. According to #CoinMarketCap Real World Asset sits at $34.9 Billion with a Trading Volume of $1.3 Billion in the last 24hrs which shows there is huge liquidity around the Real World Assets ecosystem. A lot of projects here release unique features that users can benefit from, however, I sighted $OM which is a MANTRA utility token launching its new chain on Cosmos Network though its genesis token launched on Ethereum Network in 2020 and added Binance and Polygon blockchain respectively, there is need to check out what this project is doing differently and position for the opportunities right there.

Coinmarketcap RWA Market Capitalization at 3:46 pm 3rd July 2024


The growth experienced in the RWA ecosystem lately made financial analysts say tokenizing Real-World Asset will push its value up to $16 trillion by 2030, signifying a transformative shift in traditional financial and investment practices. MANTRA is positioned as a Security First RWA Layer 1 Blockchain, capable of adherence to real-world regulatory requirements, and making sure the project connects with everyone in every location or country.

Notable Point

  • MANTRA Chain will enable the seamless fractionalization and tokenization of real-world assets, including art, commodities, and real estate.

  • MANTRA Chain will streamline user onboarding with a secure DID system, utilizing Soulbound NFTs for enhanced identity verification and simplified KYC/AML compliance.

  • MANTRA Chain will utilize Cosmos Hub and IBC protocol for secure token movement and seamless transactions across the Cosmos ecosystem.

  • MANTRA Chain will foster a dynamic ecosystem through on-chain governance, enabling community participation in continuous upgrades and improvements.

Knowing that the chain's mainnet launch is still in the pipeline, interacting with the incentivized testnet and position for Airdrop might be one of the advantages this project brings for all participants coupled with the fact that the utility token is already a listed token on Binance exchange. This is an advantage for all Binance users to leverage the utilities that surround the token.


As RWA projects like MANTRA create tokens on a blockchain that represent physical or financial assets like art, real estate, stocks, or bonds, so is DAoLabs sees the user's content as an asset, and every single drop command reward to the creator, this technological innovation, especially in Social Mining pitched by DAOLabs, allows the user receives platform points on their content which servers as the digital proof of ownership.

Notable Point

  • Social Mining incentivizes community-building that is decentralized and supports projects in the long run.

  • Social Miners earn through recognition of quality content shared.

  • Social Mining is a proven product that helped many leading blockchain networks build their community. TON Network, Avalanche, Polygon, WAX, and KAVA are presently using it.

In conclusion, you can tokenize anything but for value purposes, everything is not supposed to be tokenized. Check through project utilities, leverage them, and protect your investment through proper risk management.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, every information shared here is for educational purposes, please do your research.

For DAOLabs: https ://www .daolabs .com

For MANTRA: https ://www .mantrachain .io