To use profitably one trading system, does not mean that there are no other trading systems that make money for their users.

Indicators are lagging.

Moving averages don’t work.

Fibonacci levels are for amateurs.

Elliott waves do not make any sense.

I have heard traders saying these things so many times. I have probably used similar words in the past myself. Being a price action trader myself and not using indicators or having failed in using indicators does not give me the right to say that indicators can’t form a profitable trading strategy. Not understanding how a certain tool works does not give you the right to dismiss its value.

Traders commonly make the mistake of taking something for granted when they shouldn’t and this act forms an unprofitable trading bias, which is very hard to eliminate.

No matter how much evidence you have for or against something, never underestimate the possibility of being wrong. There is always a chance to experience a black swan moment (low probability event) at some point in your life. And if you have never believed that black swans exist, then you will probably wake up surprised one morning. Everything can work some of the time, but nothing works all of the time.