According to Odaily, employees of the National Electricity Authority of Paraguay (ANDE) have been accused of direct involvement in setting up illegal Bitcoin mines in the country. Seven engineers employed by the Paraguayan National Electricity Authority are alleged to have participated in organizing illegal connections to provide electricity for Bitcoin operations in Paraguay.

Felix Sosa, the director of the National Electricity Authority, clarified that the agency's internal audit department is currently verifying and investigating the organization. All relevant information will be submitted to the National Prosecutor's Office for further investigation. However, Sosa stated that the employees of the National Electricity Company have not been responsible for the execution of electrical connections for some time, and this function has been delegated to third-party contractors.

Since December of the previous year, ANDE has been struggling with illegal Bitcoin mining connections and has already cut off power to more than 70 mines that were directly extracting unmetered electricity from the grid.