$USTC $LUNC Let me explain the matter of lunc from my point of view. From the point of view of an investor who was affected by the crash. Before the crash, investors bought $1 million Dollar #lunc and received around 10,000 coins. These were worth nothing a short time later. Billions of coins were minted, trillions, new people came along who hoped to suddenly become rich by buying billions of coins and believed they would get back to $1. In order to buy these coins back, there has to be a party - let's call the Teletubbies party. The Teletubbies have a lot of coins, but retail investors also have a lot of coins. How do you get these coins back from the people who have too many coins? By manipulating the market. You don't let the price go up. I explained in a post how a buyback works. The Teletubbies ensure that the price doesn't go up by pushing it down every time. This removes liquidity and ensures that retail investors who are not affected by the crash sell their coins again. From the perspective of an affected investor, new investors are a harmful thing. Why should these new investors get richer than the investors who lost their lives during the crash? Why should that happen? Investors have lost millions and have not had anywhere near millions of coins like these new viruses who are now hoping to get rich and would immediately bring the price back down when the rate goes back to $1. This has to be changed first. And if the Teletubbies do the buyback, you will be forced to sell your coins in the long term. If you hold on too long, circumstances like hacks (btcturk is the best example) will happen that will make you sell your coins. I could write a book about these views ❤️#who_am_i #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTournament #CryptoTradingGuide