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#SOL Is what we seeing a pattern for going long? Wdyt? #SOLUSDT $SOL

Is what we seeing a pattern for going long?


A1 Crypto Trading community
Baisse (björn)

A1 CRYPTO TRADING undiluted price action

Entry ⛔ market price
SL 149.26
TP 3% to 7% 135.95$SOL

We have already seen the Bearish continuation flag.. V-E-R-I-F-I-E-D ✅👍✔️
#altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #ETFvsBTC #MicroStrategy
#SOLANA #SOLUSDT $SOL For the most attentive ones, you could have earned based on the signal that was in the post I made several hours ago about Solana. All those who paid attention are in profit. And for those who want to trade using my indicator, write to me now - with your purchase, you can still receive token!

For the most attentive ones, you could have earned based on the signal that was in the post I made several hours ago about Solana. All those who paid attention are in profit. And for those who want to trade using my indicator, write to me now - with your purchase, you can still receive token!
Lary Gramm
#SOLUSDT #Solana⁩ $SOL

Another asset that we constantly trade using my indicator. We consistently profit from it. Hurry up and buy it at a low cost; pay once, use it constantly. Plus, you now receive an airdrop of a promising token as a bonus. Write to me and acquire a reliable and profitable assistant!
#SOLUSDT #Solana⁩ $SOL Another asset that we constantly trade using my indicator. We consistently profit from it. Hurry up and buy it at a low cost; pay once, use it constantly. Plus, you now receive an airdrop of a promising token as a bonus. Write to me and acquire a reliable and profitable assistant!
#SOLUSDT #Solana⁩ $SOL

Another asset that we constantly trade using my indicator. We consistently profit from it. Hurry up and buy it at a low cost; pay once, use it constantly. Plus, you now receive an airdrop of a promising token as a bonus. Write to me and acquire a reliable and profitable assistant!
Lary Gramm

Perhaps many were expecting the market to continue its upward trend today and did not close their long positions. I hope everyone managed to move their stop losses to break even. My indicator started giving short signals on almost all coins starting from 15:00. That's why I closed my long positions, understanding that a possible trend change is happening. For the coins I regularly trade, I opened short positions. And now I'm successfully collecting profits. If you want to work with my strategy, you simply need my indicator. Especially since it's available at an affordable price now.
Baisse (björn)
现在这种行情应该布局哪些币子,玩哪些板块比较容易拉盘【重点关注!提前布局】💹💹💹 首先每一轮的牛市行情爆发,都伴随着主叙事的爆发带动市场热度,上一轮牛市是各大公链Defi的爆发引领牛市。那这轮牛市要关注布局哪些板块呢? 1⃣AI板块 这一轮无需质疑的是ai掀起了板块上涨浪潮,同时配合外部全球市场的ai浪潮造就了这个板块的强势,这一轮ai一定是一个主叙事板块,这种板块币种的特性就是,上涨具有持续性,资金涌入积极,每次下跌反弹表现比较好,这也是后续需要关注的重点之一。 谷歌将会在5月14号进行开发者大会,而AI则是本次会议的重中之重,所以这是AI板块本月的利好。第二个利好就是英伟达财报将会在5月22号公布,市场预计会同比增长400%,而且英伟达股价也是在近期开始飙升,带着各路AI项目一起飞。 2⃣MEME币 Meme币板块秉承着公平发行,无解锁全流通的特点,Meme币这种模式更公平,所以这一轮表现极其抢眼,全流通的Meme币赋予了庄家想要控盘就需要真金白银的去买入积累,同时后续拉盘也会比别的币更猛,散户也更愿意去跟随买入,流动性极佳也为最后期出货提供了更便利的条件,所以这种情况就是大家都愿意看到的局面。这也是这一轮主叙事之一。 3⃣SOL生态 sol的交易跟发行极其的顺畅并且成本比较低,特别是sol上一轮因为ftx原因导致熊市价格严重被低估,并且后方还是站着美国华尔街的投资机构,也就是相对于为了钳制以太坊一家独大的局面,这一轮更是借助发行Meme币种,一举跻身币圈生态top3,但是整体的生态估值其实偏低,也意味着后续有更大的发展空间,值得关注! 以上说的是三个主要叙事,这三个叙事后面会持续贯穿整个牛市,主叙事就是行情好的时候是领头羊,行情不好的时候相对抗跌,大周期的上升趋势明显一浪比一浪高,高低点明显,同时行情调整过后一般也是再次启动的龙头反弹也是最猛的。 这里还要说的是一个特殊的板块,基本属于具有指向性的。 4⃣体育粉丝代币 随着6月份欧洲杯的临近,与足球俱乐部、赛事或相关业务有关联的数字货币可能会获得更多的关注和使用。这些加密货币可能用于各种目的,如购买俱乐部商品、投票权利、入场门票以及作为与足球相关活动的奖励或支付手段。 现在行情下,要密切关注以上几个板块的币子,提前布局,否则再大的牛市也和你没什么关系!想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?那么建议你关注我。并通过主页联系财神。一对一给你仓位做分析。记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #AI板块强势进击 #SOLUSDT #山寨币热点








#Meme币你看好哪一个? #AI板块强势进击 #SOLUSDT #山寨币热点
#SOLUSDT #SOLANA $SOL Perhaps many were expecting the market to continue its upward trend today and did not close their long positions. I hope everyone managed to move their stop losses to break even. My indicator started giving short signals on almost all coins starting from 15:00. That's why I closed my long positions, understanding that a possible trend change is happening. For the coins I regularly trade, I opened short positions. And now I'm successfully collecting profits. If you want to work with my strategy, you simply need my indicator. Especially since it's available at an affordable price now.

Perhaps many were expecting the market to continue its upward trend today and did not close their long positions. I hope everyone managed to move their stop losses to break even. My indicator started giving short signals on almost all coins starting from 15:00. That's why I closed my long positions, understanding that a possible trend change is happening. For the coins I regularly trade, I opened short positions. And now I'm successfully collecting profits. If you want to work with my strategy, you simply need my indicator. Especially since it's available at an affordable price now.
$SOL 4小時級別,有空單的建議確認一下止損的位子 #SOLUSDT
$SOL 4小時級別,有空單的建議確認一下止損的位子 #SOLUSDT
$Sol Sol is moving as expected and successfully achieved 20% of its targets till now✍️🚀 #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #SOL #SOLUSDT 🚀🚀🚀

Sol is moving as expected and successfully achieved 20% of its targets till now✍️🚀

#Crypto #Cryptocurrency #SOL #SOLUSDT

#SOLUSDT #SOLANA $SOL Solana continues its upward trend, but it doesn't interfere with my indicator trading fluctuations. And it handles this successfully. While others are still contemplating, those who have purchased my indicator are already earning. We also provide basic trading education when purchasing the indicator, and we don't leave clients alone with the market. Write to me and improve yourself now.

Solana continues its upward trend, but it doesn't interfere with my indicator trading fluctuations. And it handles this successfully. While others are still contemplating, those who have purchased my indicator are already earning. We also provide basic trading education when purchasing the indicator, and we don't leave clients alone with the market. Write to me and improve yourself now.
#SOLUSDT #SolanaStrong $SOL Solana keeps going up, but my trading indicator stays effective. It handles market changes well. While some are still thinking, those with my indicator are already making profits. We offer basic trading education with the indicator purchase and support clients in the market. Message me to enhance your trading skills. #altcoins #Memecoins #BlackRock $BTC
#SOLUSDT #SolanaStrong $SOL
Solana keeps going up, but my trading indicator stays effective. It handles market changes well. While some are still thinking, those with my indicator are already making profits. We offer basic trading education with the indicator purchase and support clients in the market. Message me to enhance your trading skills.
山寨币爆发的季节要到来了 大饼这次下跌和其他山寨币已经脱钩了 物极必反,山寨跌了一个多月已经见底,是时候该反弹一下了 做市商也要吃饭赚钱 𝟓月份个别做市商会选择在情绪稳定后开始拉盘 但山寨不会普涨,板块选择方面,meme肯定是首选 其次就是一些背景比较强的,运营比较好的山寨板块:𝙨𝙤𝙡链的 𝙖𝙞板块的 大家恐慌的时候,就是我们进场的时候,牛市中的任何20%以上的调整都是送钱机会,回头看下4 月14 号山寨位置,没有黑天鹅基本上底部了,只要目前大饼稳住,山寨20-30个点反弹可能性很大 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过财神主页来联系财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #ETH #Meme币你看好哪一个? #SOLUSDT




其次就是一些背景比较强的,运营比较好的山寨板块:𝙨𝙤𝙡链的 𝙖𝙞板块的

大家恐慌的时候,就是我们进场的时候,牛市中的任何20%以上的调整都是送钱机会,回头看下4 月14 号山寨位置,没有黑天鹅基本上底部了,只要目前大饼稳住,山寨20-30个点反弹可能性很大

#ETH #Meme币你看好哪一个? #SOLUSDT
Binance's latest update suggests that $SOL is showing signs of a potential breakout in the next 12 hours, specifically on the 12-hour timeframe. They advise keeping a close watch on #SOLUSDT and #SOL for potential movements. $BTC $$ETH $BNB
Binance's latest update suggests that $SOL is showing signs of a potential breakout in the next 12 hours, specifically on the 12-hour timeframe. They advise keeping a close watch on #SOLUSDT and #SOL for potential movements.
#SOLUSDT #SOLANA $SOL I recently reviewed this coin, and while it's in operation, the indicator catches all fluctuations, every correction wave, and accordingly provides more income. Want such an assistant? Then write to me sooner, especially since the price is now reduced, you pay once and use it all the time!

I recently reviewed this coin, and while it's in operation, the indicator catches all fluctuations, every correction wave, and accordingly provides more income. Want such an assistant? Then write to me sooner, especially since the price is now reduced, you pay once and use it all the time!
Lary Gramm
#solana #SOLUSDT $SOL

Solana has entered the buying range. However, it's necessary to wait for a reversal pattern to enter a long position. Meanwhile, I'm keeping an eye on this asset, and if there are signs of entry into a long position, I'll definitely enter. And for those who are not good at technical analysis or don't have time for it, use my product. Today, the price is $300 for lifetime access. The indicator shows entry points, take profits, and stop losses. Hurry up and buy at a discounted price.
#SOLUSDT #SOL $SOL The indicator effectively handles market movements for a given asset, providing opportunities to earn. If you want the same, write to me in the bio. The indicator works without additional settings and is suitable for both beginners and seasoned traders. It saves time in chart analysis! Write me.
#SOLUSDT #SOL $SOL The indicator effectively handles market movements for a given asset, providing opportunities to earn. If you want the same, write to me in the bio. The indicator works without additional settings and is suitable for both beginners and seasoned traders. It saves time in chart analysis! Write me.
#SOLUSDT #SOL $SOL While the market hasn't been able to decide where to move next, my indicator continues to generate profits. If you want to earn without stress, write to me.

While the market hasn't been able to decide where to move next, my indicator continues to generate profits. If you want to earn without stress, write to me.
Baisse (björn)
Baisse (björn)
#Free #Signal🚥 #BTCUSDT
almost Target 🎯1⃣ done 👍 still holding next target 🎯 soon 🔜 Book your profit 25% and move your SL at 46k avoid Loss print money 🤑💰

LONG #SOLUSDT from $21.08 stop loss $21 $SOL 15m TF. At 15M, a triangle formed and we came to the upper slope and now a protorgovka is being formed, trading volumes are increasing. I am considering an impulse breakdown of the triangle and an upward movement to the nearest liquidity of $21.4, $21.7, $22.
LONG #SOLUSDT from $21.08 stop loss $21 $SOL

15m TF. At 15M, a triangle formed and we came to the upper slope and now a protorgovka is being formed, trading volumes are increasing. I am considering an impulse breakdown of the triangle and an upward movement to the nearest liquidity of $21.4, $21.7, $22.
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