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Saudi Arabia aims to become a Web3 hub, but social restrictions may deter startupsSaudi Arabia is aiming to establish itself as a Web3 hub, following in the footsteps of the UAE. Outlier Ventures has launched a Web3 accelerator program in partnership with the National Technology Development Program, and the country has also seen investment from Animoca Brands and Golden Gate Ventures. Despite its proactive approach to innovation and strategic partnerships, Saudi Arabia's policies on women in the workplace and alcohol may make it less attractive to startups. However, the country's annual tech conference, Leap Summit, attracted over 220,000 attendees this year, and there is growing interest in cryptocurrency among the Saudi population, with Binance in talks with regulators for high-level regulation of digital currencies in the country. #香港加密货币ETF

Saudi Arabia aims to become a Web3 hub, but social restrictions may deter startups

Saudi Arabia is aiming to establish itself as a Web3 hub, following in the footsteps of the UAE. Outlier Ventures has launched a Web3 accelerator program in partnership with the National Technology Development Program, and the country has also seen investment from Animoca Brands and Golden Gate Ventures. Despite its proactive approach to innovation and strategic partnerships, Saudi Arabia's policies on women in the workplace and alcohol may make it less attractive to startups. However, the country's annual tech conference, Leap Summit, attracted over 220,000 attendees this year, and there is growing interest in cryptocurrency among the Saudi population, with Binance in talks with regulators for high-level regulation of digital currencies in the country.
Backed raises $9.5 million in funding round led by Gnosis for tokenization of real-world assetsBacked, a Switzerland-based tokenized asset issuer, has raised $9.5 million in a funding round led by Gnosis. The company aims to speed up its private tokenization offering and onboard asset managers to blockchain rails with the investment. Tokenization of real-world assets is becoming increasingly popular, with the market for RWAs predicted to reach $10 trillion by the end of the decade. Backed has already issued over $50 million worth of tokenized RWAs, including ERC-20 compatible token versions of exchange-traded funds and individual stocks like Coinbase and Tesla. #香港加密货币ETF

Backed raises $9.5 million in funding round led by Gnosis for tokenization of real-world assets

Backed, a Switzerland-based tokenized asset issuer, has raised $9.5 million in a funding round led by Gnosis. The company aims to speed up its private tokenization offering and onboard asset managers to blockchain rails with the investment. Tokenization of real-world assets is becoming increasingly popular, with the market for RWAs predicted to reach $10 trillion by the end of the decade. Backed has already issued over $50 million worth of tokenized RWAs, including ERC-20 compatible token versions of exchange-traded funds and individual stocks like Coinbase and Tesla.
未来有4种情况,皆由以色列和哈马斯议和、下周三CPI数据决定 (1) 议和成功+CPI低于预期 :概率10% BTC暴涨回$70000,牛回速归,喜大普奔 (2)议和失败+CPI低于预期:概率35% 议和失败大跌一波,CPI低于预期反弹一波 利好利空相互抵消,BTC维持在$60000左右波动,但山寨流血受伤 (3)议和成功+CPI高于预期:概率35% 这种情况下议和成功不算利好了,只能说维持不跌 CPI高于预期肯定大跌一波,BTC跌到$55000 (4)议和失败+CPI高于预期:概率20% 两个都是利空,要跌麻 BTC跌到$55000以下,防守$5万 看完这4种情况,可得到结论:凶多吉少。 因此降低预期,这样跌了还可以抄底,哪怕跌1%,你再买回来币都能变更多。 不管是合约还是现货道理都是一样的。 下周一OpenAI开新闻发布会,如果WLD伴随大涨记得先出, 利好出尽是利空,后面跌了再买回来 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #香港加密货币ETF $PEPE $DOGE $TRB
(1) 议和成功+CPI低于预期 :概率10%
#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #香港加密货币ETF $PEPE $DOGE $TRB
Binance Founder CZ Zhao Faces Sentencing for Violating Bank Secrecy ActFormer Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, also known as CZ, is awaiting sentencing on Tuesday after pleading guilty to violating the Bank Secrecy Act. While the charge carries a potential sentence of up to 10 years in prison, his cooperation and guilty plea could result in a sentence of just 18 months. The US Department of Justice has recommended a three-year sentence, while his defense team is asking for no prison time and instead suggesting house arrest and probation. Zhao's plea deal also includes a $50 million fine, but his estimated net worth of $43 billion means he may have the option to appeal if sentenced to more than 18 months in prison. #香港加密货币ETF

Binance Founder CZ Zhao Faces Sentencing for Violating Bank Secrecy Act

Former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, also known as CZ, is awaiting sentencing on Tuesday after pleading guilty to violating the Bank Secrecy Act. While the charge carries a potential sentence of up to 10 years in prison, his cooperation and guilty plea could result in a sentence of just 18 months. The US Department of Justice has recommended a three-year sentence, while his defense team is asking for no prison time and instead suggesting house arrest and probation. Zhao's plea deal also includes a $50 million fine, but his estimated net worth of $43 billion means he may have the option to appeal if sentenced to more than 18 months in prison.
#香港加密货币ETF 在未来的几天,你可以经常看到涨幅超过100%的币种,请不要问我为什么,速进电报:ANTleague 即将关门

在未来的几天,你可以经常看到涨幅超过100%的币种,请不要问我为什么,速进电报:ANTleague 即将关门
#香港加密货币ETF 技术分析知识小课堂 给你们回顾下上次给出的eth多单为什么入场和止盈止损点位会这么准呢?答案就是使用了头肩形态,而$ETH 的走势也正好是走出了这个形态。3109这个位置就是头肩形态的底部支撑位置。当时在左肩部附近企稳以后选择了入场多单。接着顺利走到了预测的头部位置并全部止盈,期间分了三次出局,我的每一个单子都是分多次止盈,并且止盈以后会修改止损位置,这可以起到保护本金的作用,避免打止损白忙活。 $ETH 其实已经有开始向下突破的态势了。下面的支撑点在2800-2900区域。在早些时候3250做空是一个不错的选择,但是目前已经没有很好的入场时机,etf落地其实短期内是一个比较大的利空,但是香港毕竟弹丸之地应该不会有那么大的影响。 学到的朋友可以点个赞关注一下,以后会分享更多好的技术分析图表。有问题也可以在评论区留言。
#香港加密货币ETF 技术分析知识小课堂
给你们回顾下上次给出的eth多单为什么入场和止盈止损点位会这么准呢?答案就是使用了头肩形态,而$ETH 的走势也正好是走出了这个形态。3109这个位置就是头肩形态的底部支撑位置。当时在左肩部附近企稳以后选择了入场多单。接着顺利走到了预测的头部位置并全部止盈,期间分了三次出局,我的每一个单子都是分多次止盈,并且止盈以后会修改止损位置,这可以起到保护本金的作用,避免打止损白忙活。

$ETH 其实已经有开始向下突破的态势了。下面的支撑点在2800-2900区域。在早些时候3250做空是一个不错的选择,但是目前已经没有很好的入场时机,etf落地其实短期内是一个比较大的利空,但是香港毕竟弹丸之地应该不会有那么大的影响。

为何之前打击币圈,现又让香港开通比特币ETF审核? 其实这个答案很简单。 原因无他,因为有贝莱德,很多兄弟对贝莱德这家机构还不了解,贝莱德管理的资产将近10万亿美元,是华尔街三巨头之中的大哥大,真正的富可敌国。2008年的金融危机爆发之后,美国经济处于崩溃的边缘,该公司开发出的阿拉丁风险管理系统帮美国渡过金融危机,从此贝莱德的资产管理能力得到了整个华尔街的认可。 另外美国93%的退休基金计划,也由贝莱德来管理。由于有阿拉丁系统的基础,后来贝莱德不但开发了美联储的后台,还研制了一套能够监控全球10%金融资产的超级风控系统。全球前十的保险公司,日本官方的养老基金,还有苹果、微软和谷歌这些科技巨头都靠这套系统进行理财。 目前贝莱德也是我们社保基金的境外委托机构,说白了就是社保基金通过贝莱德在海外投资管理获得回报。 高盛是美国财政部长的进修班,因为历任美国的财政部长,基本上都在高盛历练过。而贝莱德不但有几十名前员工坐镇美国财政部,还把前半个幕僚长、国务卿助理、美联储高管、中情局的分析师通通变成了自己的雇员为自己所用! 说白了贝莱德是美联储的白手套,这样一家巨型资产管理公司申请比特币的ETF,目的就是看中这块蛋糕,他要么不做,要么就做第一准备自己做庄,而我们国家也不能落后,照猫画虎再加上自己的规则,也要在这个市场占有一席之地拥有发言权和决策权! 香港是世界的窗口先做试点,好了大力推进,不好就取消测试对大家都没有啥损失,第一第二大国都已经通过比特币的ETF审核了,接下来会有更多的国家接踵而至为大家接盘,所以大家不要慌,每一次下跌都是给大家上车的机会,害怕你就输了! 很多事情都是从零到一的过程,大家都在不停的试错,都很迷茫。币圈不例外,国家也不例外。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过煮页来连戏财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #香港加密货币ETF #贝莱德


#香港加密货币ETF #贝莱德
Bitwise Chief Investment Officer: Stablecoin legislation may be more influential than US spot BitcoiAccording to Matt Hougan, the Chief Investment Officer of digital asset management company Bitwise, if the US Congress passes comprehensive stablecoin legislation this year, its impact on promoting the large-scale application of cryptocurrencies may exceed the launch of a US spot bitcoin ETF.This Wednesday, Maxine Waters, a senior Democratic member of the US House Financial Services Committee, stated that she and committee chairman Patrick McHenry will soon introduce a stablecoin bill. Hougan believes that this important signal has been underestimated by the market. He pointed out that the bipartisan consensus of Congress on stablecoin legislation is mainly based on three factors:1. Stablecoins help the US dollar maintain its global reserve currency status;2. Stablecoin projects are the main buyers of US government bonds, with a scale equivalent to the 16th largest sovereign holder in the world;3. Stablecoins contain huge financial opportunities, such as Tether, the largest stablecoin issuer, which generated $6.3 billion in profits with only 125 employees last year. #香港加密货币ETF

Bitwise Chief Investment Officer: Stablecoin legislation may be more influential than US spot Bitcoi

According to Matt Hougan, the Chief Investment Officer of digital asset management company Bitwise, if the US Congress passes comprehensive stablecoin legislation this year, its impact on promoting the large-scale application of cryptocurrencies may exceed the launch of a US spot bitcoin ETF.This Wednesday, Maxine Waters, a senior Democratic member of the US House Financial Services Committee, stated that she and committee chairman Patrick McHenry will soon introduce a stablecoin bill. Hougan believes that this important signal has been underestimated by the market. He pointed out that the bipartisan consensus of Congress on stablecoin legislation is mainly based on three factors:1. Stablecoins help the US dollar maintain its global reserve currency status;2. Stablecoin projects are the main buyers of US government bonds, with a scale equivalent to the 16th largest sovereign holder in the world;3. Stablecoins contain huge financial opportunities, such as Tether, the largest stablecoin issuer, which generated $6.3 billion in profits with only 125 employees last year.
Baisse (björn)
#香港加密货币ETF #ETH🔥🔥🔥 $ETH 现在还不是抄底的时候,早些时候做空的可以出一部分了。等着找机会梭哈,跌到2700我就现货抄底,重仓买进去死了算了。
#香港加密货币ETF #ETH🔥🔥🔥
$ETH 现在还不是抄底的时候,早些时候做空的可以出一部分了。等着找机会梭哈,跌到2700我就现货抄底,重仓买进去死了算了。
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