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Waves founder: Waves 2.0 and Units ecosystem will be launched in early 2024On December 1st, Waves founder Sasha Ivanov announced that Waves 1.5 will be released at the end of December, and Waves 2.0 and the Units ecosystem will be launched in early 2024. #币安合约锦标赛

Waves founder: Waves 2.0 and Units ecosystem will be launched in early 2024

On December 1st, Waves founder Sasha Ivanov announced that Waves 1.5 will be released at the end of December, and Waves 2.0 and the Units ecosystem will be launched in early 2024.
A giant whale address deposited 2 million HOOKs to BinanceAccording to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, as reported by Jinse Finance, at 1 a.m. this morning, another whale/institutional address deposited 2 million HOOK tokens worth $2.15 million into Binance. The funds from this address also came from the HOOK project address. Since yesterday's large token deposit into the exchange, HOOK has dropped by 10% and is currently priced at $BTC #币安合约锦标赛

A giant whale address deposited 2 million HOOKs to Binance

According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, as reported by Jinse Finance, at 1 a.m. this morning, another whale/institutional address deposited 2 million HOOK tokens worth $2.15 million into Binance. The funds from this address also came from the HOOK project address. Since yesterday's large token deposit into the exchange, HOOK has dropped by 10% and is currently priced at $BTC #币安合约锦标赛
Within a week, four addresses bought a total of 7.7 million BIGTIME, with a return rate of over 100%According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, in the past week, a total of four addresses accumulated a purchase of 7.7 million BIGTIME tokens, worth 1.61 million US dollars, with a return rate of over 100%. One of the addresses, 0x8D7..., has already realized a profit of 380,000 US dollars this afternoon, while the other three addresses have not yet sold.On November 27, the Bigtime project's multi-signature address transferred 20 million BIGTIME tokens to market makers to expand the market-making scale. Currently, all three market makers have not transferred or sold these tokens. #币安合约锦标赛

Within a week, four addresses bought a total of 7.7 million BIGTIME, with a return rate of over 100%

According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, in the past week, a total of four addresses accumulated a purchase of 7.7 million BIGTIME tokens, worth 1.61 million US dollars, with a return rate of over 100%. One of the addresses, 0x8D7..., has already realized a profit of 380,000 US dollars this afternoon, while the other three addresses have not yet sold.On November 27, the Bigtime project's multi-signature address transferred 20 million BIGTIME tokens to market makers to expand the market-making scale. Currently, all three market makers have not transferred or sold these tokens.
Louis Vuitton Reveals Exclusive €6K 'Mini Trunk' for NFT Owners OnlyLouis Vuitton has launched a limited-edition virtual and physical mini trunk for its NFT owners, designed by artistic director Nicolas Ghesquière. The "Via Tile Trunk" is available exclusively to the 200 owners of the "Treasure Trunk" NFT who are willing to pay €6,000 on the official LV website. The trunk features LV's famous checkerboard pattern and won't be available for collection until March 2024. This is the first time Ghesquière has played a key role in one of LV's Web3 projects, as the fashion giant continues to integrate technology with designer wear. #币安合约锦标赛

Louis Vuitton Reveals Exclusive €6K 'Mini Trunk' for NFT Owners Only

Louis Vuitton has launched a limited-edition virtual and physical mini trunk for its NFT owners, designed by artistic director Nicolas Ghesquière. The "Via Tile Trunk" is available exclusively to the 200 owners of the "Treasure Trunk" NFT who are willing to pay €6,000 on the official LV website. The trunk features LV's famous checkerboard pattern and won't be available for collection until March 2024. This is the first time Ghesquière has played a key role in one of LV's Web3 projects, as the fashion giant continues to integrate technology with designer wear.
你们知道交易最好的伴侣是什么吗? 币圈还是为国家GDP做了很大贡献的! 当你盈利的时候需要它,亏损的时候也需要它,它就是香烟,比如当你被套的时候,点一根能缓解你爆仓的恐惧,盈利的时候点一根,锦上添花,格外开心,我猜测币圈波动大的时候,烟草销量都要大幅提高,哈哈哈哈。#币安合约锦标赛

其实我们很多时候,我们有了交易方法之后,还没有学会输出,交易的核心能力不是你会看图形和会交易技术,核心应该是驾驭交易能力,就是能够一致性的执行你的交易逻辑,你的交易系统怎么选择你都会觉得有问题,有好有坏,你做不到取舍,交易要有耐心,要取舍,有舍才有得,难的是你无法做到取舍,就算你能做到舍得了成本和损耗,你却舍不得机会,你只想舍得错的,舍不得好的,我的原则是能少做就少做,次数越少越好驾驭,越容易执行,执行成本越低,行情走出的次数是有限的 #币安合约锦标赛
其实我们很多时候,我们有了交易方法之后,还没有学会输出,交易的核心能力不是你会看图形和会交易技术,核心应该是驾驭交易能力,就是能够一致性的执行你的交易逻辑,你的交易系统怎么选择你都会觉得有问题,有好有坏,你做不到取舍,交易要有耐心,要取舍,有舍才有得,难的是你无法做到取舍,就算你能做到舍得了成本和损耗,你却舍不得机会,你只想舍得错的,舍不得好的,我的原则是能少做就少做,次数越少越好驾驭,越容易执行,执行成本越低,行情走出的次数是有限的 #币安合约锦标赛
构建自己的交易系统非常重要人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然,宇宙万物都有必须遵循规律,因为规律宇宙万物才变得美好,交易的规律就是止损永远能由自己控制,你需要构建自己的交易系统,然后一直执行此策略,那么这就是一种属于你的规律。在加密货币交易市场,以比特币为标的来说合约交易量是现货的6到7倍,为什么合约交易如此的受欢迎?首先合约自带杠杆属性,对于普通散户而言,比特币的价格昂贵,需要几十万才能购买一枚,在资金体量不大的情况下,普通散户会选择购买波动比较大的山寨币,但是在合约交易市场加上杠杆500美金就能购买一枚,获得的利润和现货持有一枚是一样的。 其次就是合约交易的资金体量是没有限制的,小到1美金,大到1千万美金,目前在CEX交易所中合约杠杆高达120倍,出现了很多几百美金赚取上千万收益的神话,但是合约市场也是一个零和游戏,是玩家与玩家博弈的博弈,你赚的钱必定是他人亏损的,下面分享一下在合约交易市场的一些经验。怎么玩才能多盈利 ,少亏损 在分享之前首先记住八字箴言:心态第一,交易第二。因为只有拥有了好的心态,自身的交易才不会产生主观以及幻想,这就是为什么在盈利的情况下会持续盈利,一旦开始亏损导致心态不稳,从而导致操作上头而爆仓。构建自己的交易体系一个交易员在乎的不是能学会使用多少指标,也不是你的胜率到底有多高,制定自己能稳定收益的交易体系非常重要,我举一个简单的例子,基本所有的合约交易员他们的胜率都在50%左右(以半年到一年计算),那么为什么你亏损了,而只有极少数的玩家赚了钱?盈利的单子拿不住?亏损的单子死拿?盈利的拿到亏损甚至爆仓?下面分享我自己的交易体系(非策略)①学会止损:这是每一个合约交易者必须要做到的事,如果不能请尽早离去,我这里使用的止损不是根据K线显示关键位置来止损,举个例子:不会根据跌破或者突破来止损,根据资金的百分比止损,账户资金回撤5%—10%止损。 图中:白线 EMA7 黄线 EMA21 紫线EMA60例:日线在EMA60之上,多头趋势,日线回踩EMA60 ,BTC37700多单进场,买入2BTC,当BTC价格达到52900时盈利30400美金,如果你的止损方式是以日线收盘价跌破EMA7来止损,那么当你平仓的时候盈利18246美金,而最低跌到10000美金,如果使用指标来止损是无法预测极端行情带来的亏损甚至爆仓,如果你使用移动止损收益回撤5%到10%来止损,那么止损价(51380—52100)盈利就是29380—27400,这样的好处就是防止利润回撤以及极端行情导致爆仓。②定趋势:首先判断大方向,未来的趋势是向上还是向下,在向上的情况下,会只选择关键点进场做多,在向下的情况下只会选择关键点进场做空,那么如何判断大方向呢?本人 是以日线的EMA60来确定未来大方向的,日K在EMA60之上上涨趋势,日K在EMA60之下下跌趋势。                               图中:白线 EMA7  黄线 EMA21 紫线EMA60  ③选币:在大盘向上的情况下优先选择日K在EMA60之上,且交易比较大的币,一般是交易量排名前15的币种,而在大盘向下的情况下,可选择跌破日K在EMA60下的所有币种,因此上涨和下跌选币是有所不同的,因为在牛市中上涨一般是轮动的,而在熊市中,下跌总是同时进行。 ④进场时机:如果是判断大盘向上的时候,我们会选择上涨中回调进场做多,例如回踩某一趋势线进场,或者回踩4H EMA60或者日线EMA7等。如果是判断大盘向下,那么就会选择反弹关键位置进场做空,例如回踩某一趋势线进场,或者回踩4H EMA60或者日线EMA7等。 ⑤止盈:在做多盈利的情况下,会选择在压力位置平掉百分之50的仓位,如果 出现回调会再次进场做多,而在做空盈利的情况下,在 关键支撑位置会平掉百分50的仓位,当在出现平仓盈利以后,这时将会变成浮动止损,意思就是浮盈100W,变成90W时直接平仓。 ⑥提现及其杠杆比例:每个交易员在赚钱的情况下都要养成提现的好习惯,合约账户以固定资金交易或者比例提现。例如5W美金赚到10W美金,提现3W美金,盈利的百分之70或者一般提现。在杠杆比例中,长线杠杆比例不可超过3倍,短线不可超过10倍。 ⑦固定自己的交易体系,切记不可因为K线的迷惑随意更改的自己的交易体系,即便进场能盈利那也是属于赌博的成分,作息 一定要规律,不要因为亏损而熬夜,精神状态不好也会影响操作,不要赚在自己认知以外的钱。 总结 在合约市场我们首先应该考虑的是风险意识,根据自身的性格以及资金体量,找到符合自己的交易系统才是最重要,对于行情的走势有一个大致的预判,一旦选择进场首先应该考虑是止损,在盈利的情况下要考虑什么时候止盈以及提现,然后就是没有任何一种技术指标是稳定盈利的,所以在没有行情的时候要学会等待,要明白赚钱的逻辑是趋势,毕竟巧妇难为无米之炊。#BTC #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC


人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然,宇宙万物都有必须遵循规律,因为规律宇宙万物才变得美好,交易的规律就是止损永远能由自己控制,你需要构建自己的交易系统,然后一直执行此策略,那么这就是一种属于你的规律。在加密货币交易市场,以比特币为标的来说合约交易量是现货的6到7倍,为什么合约交易如此的受欢迎?首先合约自带杠杆属性,对于普通散户而言,比特币的价格昂贵,需要几十万才能购买一枚,在资金体量不大的情况下,普通散户会选择购买波动比较大的山寨币,但是在合约交易市场加上杠杆500美金就能购买一枚,获得的利润和现货持有一枚是一样的。 其次就是合约交易的资金体量是没有限制的,小到1美金,大到1千万美金,目前在CEX交易所中合约杠杆高达120倍,出现了很多几百美金赚取上千万收益的神话,但是合约市场也是一个零和游戏,是玩家与玩家博弈的博弈,你赚的钱必定是他人亏损的,下面分享一下在合约交易市场的一些经验。怎么玩才能多盈利 ,少亏损 在分享之前首先记住八字箴言:心态第一,交易第二。因为只有拥有了好的心态,自身的交易才不会产生主观以及幻想,这就是为什么在盈利的情况下会持续盈利,一旦开始亏损导致心态不稳,从而导致操作上头而爆仓。构建自己的交易体系一个交易员在乎的不是能学会使用多少指标,也不是你的胜率到底有多高,制定自己能稳定收益的交易体系非常重要,我举一个简单的例子,基本所有的合约交易员他们的胜率都在50%左右(以半年到一年计算),那么为什么你亏损了,而只有极少数的玩家赚了钱?盈利的单子拿不住?亏损的单子死拿?盈利的拿到亏损甚至爆仓?下面分享我自己的交易体系(非策略)①学会止损:这是每一个合约交易者必须要做到的事,如果不能请尽早离去,我这里使用的止损不是根据K线显示关键位置来止损,举个例子:不会根据跌破或者突破来止损,根据资金的百分比止损,账户资金回撤5%—10%止损。 图中:白线 EMA7 黄线 EMA21 紫线EMA60例:日线在EMA60之上,多头趋势,日线回踩EMA60 ,BTC37700多单进场,买入2BTC,当BTC价格达到52900时盈利30400美金,如果你的止损方式是以日线收盘价跌破EMA7来止损,那么当你平仓的时候盈利18246美金,而最低跌到10000美金,如果使用指标来止损是无法预测极端行情带来的亏损甚至爆仓,如果你使用移动止损收益回撤5%到10%来止损,那么止损价(51380—52100)盈利就是29380—27400,这样的好处就是防止利润回撤以及极端行情导致爆仓。②定趋势:首先判断大方向,未来的趋势是向上还是向下,在向上的情况下,会只选择关键点进场做多,在向下的情况下只会选择关键点进场做空,那么如何判断大方向呢?本人 是以日线的EMA60来确定未来大方向的,日K在EMA60之上上涨趋势,日K在EMA60之下下跌趋势。                               图中:白线 EMA7  黄线 EMA21 紫线EMA60  ③选币:在大盘向上的情况下优先选择日K在EMA60之上,且交易比较大的币,一般是交易量排名前15的币种,而在大盘向下的情况下,可选择跌破日K在EMA60下的所有币种,因此上涨和下跌选币是有所不同的,因为在牛市中上涨一般是轮动的,而在熊市中,下跌总是同时进行。 ④进场时机:如果是判断大盘向上的时候,我们会选择上涨中回调进场做多,例如回踩某一趋势线进场,或者回踩4H EMA60或者日线EMA7等。如果是判断大盘向下,那么就会选择反弹关键位置进场做空,例如回踩某一趋势线进场,或者回踩4H EMA60或者日线EMA7等。 ⑤止盈:在做多盈利的情况下,会选择在压力位置平掉百分之50的仓位,如果 出现回调会再次进场做多,而在做空盈利的情况下,在 关键支撑位置会平掉百分50的仓位,当在出现平仓盈利以后,这时将会变成浮动止损,意思就是浮盈100W,变成90W时直接平仓。 ⑥提现及其杠杆比例:每个交易员在赚钱的情况下都要养成提现的好习惯,合约账户以固定资金交易或者比例提现。例如5W美金赚到10W美金,提现3W美金,盈利的百分之70或者一般提现。在杠杆比例中,长线杠杆比例不可超过3倍,短线不可超过10倍。 ⑦固定自己的交易体系,切记不可因为K线的迷惑随意更改的自己的交易体系,即便进场能盈利那也是属于赌博的成分,作息 一定要规律,不要因为亏损而熬夜,精神状态不好也会影响操作,不要赚在自己认知以外的钱。 总结 在合约市场我们首先应该考虑的是风险意识,根据自身的性格以及资金体量,找到符合自己的交易系统才是最重要,对于行情的走势有一个大致的预判,一旦选择进场首先应该考虑是止损,在盈利的情况下要考虑什么时候止盈以及提现,然后就是没有任何一种技术指标是稳定盈利的,所以在没有行情的时候要学会等待,要明白赚钱的逻辑是趋势,毕竟巧妇难为无米之炊。#BTC #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC
交易盈利公式: 胜率×(盈亏比+1)>1 看均线,看趋势线,看指标,这些都是价格和交易量的数据统计,其实就是为了方便用户追踪价格的,最重要的都要回到这个公式,20均线,30均线,50均线照样赚钱,大V有做突破的,做回踩的,做多的,做空的,每个策略都有赚钱的,只要符合这个公式就OK,本质不是技术,最后赚不赚钱就只跟这个公式有关系,单笔交易你可以靠运气,你不怕以后把这次运气当成你的实力,当成你赌博的幻想吗,当你的数据样本足够多的时候就是一个概率游戏了,你的概率必须呈现:胜率×(盈亏比+1)>1,但是我的原则是顺大逆小,随便一个方法都能符合,进场 ,出场,止盈止损。 #BTC #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC


看均线,看趋势线,看指标,这些都是价格和交易量的数据统计,其实就是为了方便用户追踪价格的,最重要的都要回到这个公式,20均线,30均线,50均线照样赚钱,大V有做突破的,做回踩的,做多的,做空的,每个策略都有赚钱的,只要符合这个公式就OK,本质不是技术,最后赚不赚钱就只跟这个公式有关系,单笔交易你可以靠运气,你不怕以后把这次运气当成你的实力,当成你赌博的幻想吗,当你的数据样本足够多的时候就是一个概率游戏了,你的概率必须呈现:胜率×(盈亏比+1)>1,但是我的原则是顺大逆小,随便一个方法都能符合,进场 ,出场,止盈止损。
#BTC #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC
交易的恐惧来自于哪? 技术我觉得没有人学不会,难的是驾驭交易的能力,或者说输出交易的能力,那么为什么不能输出呢,是因为无法处理你交易当中的情绪,也就是心态,很多人做交易亏损之后接受不了,这就是恐惧,我们恐惧一个交易结果,因为它是不确定的,我们恐惧的就是亏损,爆仓,我们很多时候会把一笔亏损的这个成败归结于自己的能力,或者说策略有什么问题,那么你交易顺的时候就会嘚瑟,开心,要上天,亏的时候就自我攻击,骂狗庄,当你把交易结果不和这些联系在一起的时候,错误的交易仅仅是一笔交易,不要去找在外和自己原因,只要你输出你的交易逻辑,反正一部分交易就是赚钱的,一部分就是亏的,这是交易的特征,长期能盈利就行,做对了跟你水平也没关系,只是因为你坚持了你的交易逻辑,盈利的单子会弥补你所有亏损的单,它只是行情要这么走,你是无法控制的,只要你持续输出,一定会有这样的点出现的,这样我们能保持一个平和的心态,做到持续输出你的交易逻辑。 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC #ORDI #ETH 祝所有人发财

技术我觉得没有人学不会,难的是驾驭交易的能力,或者说输出交易的能力,那么为什么不能输出呢,是因为无法处理你交易当中的情绪,也就是心态,很多人做交易亏损之后接受不了,这就是恐惧,我们恐惧一个交易结果,因为它是不确定的,我们恐惧的就是亏损,爆仓,我们很多时候会把一笔亏损的这个成败归结于自己的能力,或者说策略有什么问题,那么你交易顺的时候就会嘚瑟,开心,要上天,亏的时候就自我攻击,骂狗庄,当你把交易结果不和这些联系在一起的时候,错误的交易仅仅是一笔交易,不要去找在外和自己原因,只要你输出你的交易逻辑,反正一部分交易就是赚钱的,一部分就是亏的,这是交易的特征,长期能盈利就行,做对了跟你水平也没关系,只是因为你坚持了你的交易逻辑,盈利的单子会弥补你所有亏损的单,它只是行情要这么走,你是无法控制的,只要你持续输出,一定会有这样的点出现的,这样我们能保持一个平和的心态,做到持续输出你的交易逻辑。 #币安合约锦标赛 #BTC #ORDI #ETH

Ethereum’s modular execution layer Fuel has launched its first quarter grant program, with each projOn November 28th, Fuel, the Ethereum modular execution layer, launched its first quarter funding plan. Each of the 10 projects will be eligible for funding of up to $50,000 to build new Web3 use cases on Ethereum supported by FuelVM. The application period is from November 27th to December 10th. #币安合约锦标赛

Ethereum’s modular execution layer Fuel has launched its first quarter grant program, with each proj

On November 28th, Fuel, the Ethereum modular execution layer, launched its first quarter funding plan. Each of the 10 projects will be eligible for funding of up to $50,000 to build new Web3 use cases on Ethereum supported by FuelVM. The application period is from November 27th to December 10th.
Wormhole Labs CEO Saeed Badreg will join Pyth 2023 developer conference Data Driven 2023 to share thWormhole Labs CEO Saeed Badreg will give a speech titled "Bridging Realms: Navigating Interoperability with Wormhole" at Pyth 2023 Developer Conference - Data Driven 2023, which will be held on December 5-6. Previously, Wormhole announced that it had completed a financing of $225 million with a valuation of $2.5 billion, and established Wormhole Labs, making it the largest encrypted project financing in 2023, with Saeed Badreg as CEO.Pyth 2023 Developer Conference: Data Driven 2023 will be held entirely online on December 5-6, 2023. Heavyweight guests such as Douro Labs co-founder and CEO Mike Cahill, CTO Jayant Krishnamurthy, OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau, Injective co-founder and CEO Eric Chen, and Backpack co-founder Tristan Yver have all confirmed that they will give speeches at the conference. #币安合约锦标赛

Wormhole Labs CEO Saeed Badreg will join Pyth 2023 developer conference Data Driven 2023 to share th

Wormhole Labs CEO Saeed Badreg will give a speech titled "Bridging Realms: Navigating Interoperability with Wormhole" at Pyth 2023 Developer Conference - Data Driven 2023, which will be held on December 5-6. Previously, Wormhole announced that it had completed a financing of $225 million with a valuation of $2.5 billion, and established Wormhole Labs, making it the largest encrypted project financing in 2023, with Saeed Badreg as CEO.Pyth 2023 Developer Conference: Data Driven 2023 will be held entirely online on December 5-6, 2023. Heavyweight guests such as Douro Labs co-founder and CEO Mike Cahill, CTO Jayant Krishnamurthy, OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau, Injective co-founder and CEO Eric Chen, and Backpack co-founder Tristan Yver have all confirmed that they will give speeches at the conference.
Coinbase CEO: No plans to launch token for its layer 2 network BaseCoinbase CEO Brian Armstrong stated that Coinbase has no plans to launch tokens for its Layer 2 network, Base. #币安合约锦标赛

Coinbase CEO: No plans to launch token for its layer 2 network Base

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong stated that Coinbase has no plans to launch tokens for its Layer 2 network, Base.
Starknet Network TVL rebounded to US$170 million, an increase of 11.55% on the 7thOn December 1st, according to L2BEAT data, the TVL of Ethereum Layer2 scaling solution Starknet has rebounded to $170 million, with a 7-day increase of 11.55%. #币安合约锦标赛

Starknet Network TVL rebounded to US$170 million, an increase of 11.55% on the 7th

On December 1st, according to L2BEAT data, the TVL of Ethereum Layer2 scaling solution Starknet has rebounded to $170 million, with a 7-day increase of 11.55%.
Gitcoin Passport: There is suspected malicious activity on the CyberConnect website and its team hasGitcoin Passport has announced on X platform that they have noticed malicious activity reported on the CyberConnect website. If any users have joined their Discord in the past 24 hours, please remain vigilant. The team is currently in contact with the CyberConnect team to address the situation and will temporarily remove the stamp until its safety is ensured. #币安合约锦标赛

Gitcoin Passport: There is suspected malicious activity on the CyberConnect website and its team has

Gitcoin Passport has announced on X platform that they have noticed malicious activity reported on the CyberConnect website. If any users have joined their Discord in the past 24 hours, please remain vigilant. The team is currently in contact with the CyberConnect team to address the situation and will temporarily remove the stamp until its safety is ensured.
Truflation plans to launch first futures commodity index exchange on InjectiveBlockchain-based data aggregation company Truflation announced integration with Injective and providing RWA pricing and index data to DEX.Truflation plans to launch the first futures commodity index exchange on Injective, making it easy for users to trade various indices, futures, and rare commodities.By integrating Truflation's real-time economic data and indices, any exchange or frontend application built on Injective can easily launch RWA indices in a fully decentralized chain environment.Truflation's data has successfully supported the first DEX Helix built on Injective. The two parties will further integrate and promote Truflation's proprietary data throughout the network. #币安合约锦标赛

Truflation plans to launch first futures commodity index exchange on Injective

Blockchain-based data aggregation company Truflation announced integration with Injective and providing RWA pricing and index data to DEX.Truflation plans to launch the first futures commodity index exchange on Injective, making it easy for users to trade various indices, futures, and rare commodities.By integrating Truflation's real-time economic data and indices, any exchange or frontend application built on Injective can easily launch RWA indices in a fully decentralized chain environment.Truflation's data has successfully supported the first DEX Helix built on Injective. The two parties will further integrate and promote Truflation's proprietary data throughout the network.
The protocol fee receiving address transferred 7821 ETH to Coinbase 4 hours ago, equivalAccording to on-chain analyst Yu Jin, on December 3, the fee receiving address (0xdd9) of protocol transferred 7821 ETH (worth $16.94 million) to Coinbase 4 hours ago. As previously reported by BlockBeats, on December 3 at 8am, announced on social media that they had completed an on-chain transaction, transferring ownership of the contract and funds to a new combination of multi-signature and professional custody. This will improve the long-term security of and allow them to fulfill tax obligations. #币安合约锦标赛

The protocol fee receiving address transferred 7821 ETH to Coinbase 4 hours ago, equival

According to on-chain analyst Yu Jin, on December 3, the fee receiving address (0xdd9) of protocol transferred 7821 ETH (worth $16.94 million) to Coinbase 4 hours ago.
As previously reported by BlockBeats, on December 3 at 8am, announced on social media that they had completed an on-chain transaction, transferring ownership of the contract and funds to a new combination of multi-signature and professional custody. This will improve the long-term security of and allow them to fulfill tax obligations.
Three Whales deposited a total of 4.08 million DYDX to CEX in the past 12 hoursSpotonchain monitoring shows that in the past 12 hours, the Three Whales address has deposited 4.08 million DYDX tokens (worth 13.9 million US dollars) into exchanges. 0xb0d (possibly AmberGroup) deposited 2.37 million DYDX tokens (approximately 8.04 million US dollars at a price of 3.39 USDT) into Binance three hours ago. Since the unlock on December 1st, the address has deposited 9.2 million DYDX tokens (worth 29.8 million US dollars at a price of 3.24 USDT) into Binance and currently holds 3.26 million DYDX tokens (worth 11.27 million US dollars); 0x01a deposited 1.2 million DYDX tokens (worth 4.09 million US dollars at a price of 3.41 USDT) into Kraken about 4 hours ago and currently holds 2.81 million DYDX tokens (worth 9.71 million US dollars); CMS Holdings deposited 516,023 DYDX tokens (worth 1.73 million US dollars) into Binance 11 hours ago. #币安合约锦标赛

Three Whales deposited a total of 4.08 million DYDX to CEX in the past 12 hours

Spotonchain monitoring shows that in the past 12 hours, the Three Whales address has deposited 4.08 million DYDX tokens (worth 13.9 million US dollars) into exchanges.
0xb0d (possibly AmberGroup) deposited 2.37 million DYDX tokens (approximately 8.04 million US dollars at a price of 3.39 USDT) into Binance three hours ago. Since the unlock on December 1st, the address has deposited 9.2 million DYDX tokens (worth 29.8 million US dollars at a price of 3.24 USDT) into Binance and currently holds 3.26 million DYDX tokens (worth 11.27 million US dollars);
0x01a deposited 1.2 million DYDX tokens (worth 4.09 million US dollars at a price of 3.41 USDT) into Kraken about 4 hours ago and currently holds 2.81 million DYDX tokens (worth 9.71 million US dollars);
CMS Holdings deposited 516,023 DYDX tokens (worth 1.73 million US dollars) into Binance 11 hours ago.
There is no 33-34k as long MA20 won’t break, please read Sunday report again and well BTC is moving sideway for 4 weeks already between MA20 and 38-38.5k We have been speaking about this sideway movement the entire month Our plans remain the same, if breakout our stops put at entry and we gonna pump our spot bags If breakdown below MA20 33-34k next So far nothing significant happened, no breakout or breakdown, still in sideway move ##币安合约锦标赛
There is no 33-34k as long MA20 won’t break, please read Sunday report again and well
BTC is moving sideway for 4 weeks already between MA20 and 38-38.5k
We have been speaking about this sideway movement the entire month
Our plans remain the same, if breakout our stops put at entry and we gonna pump our spot bags
If breakdown below MA20 33-34k next
So far nothing significant happened, no breakout or breakdown, still in sideway move