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BeyOglu - The Analyst
today a professional trader told me the news that Greatest Real Estate crash ever. 2008 was the GFC. 2023 will make 2008 GFC look like nothing. In 2019 Office Towers in San Francisco were hot. In 2023 same buildings have lost 70% of value. What will WOKE cities do with office buildings? Homes for the homeless. Get G, S, BC. I replied him: The world is decentralizing. People are moving from broken blue states to red and eventually people will seek out more freedom friendly countries with lower costs of living. #bitcoin #BTC     #gold #silver own all three.
today a professional trader told me the news that Greatest Real Estate crash ever. 2008 was the GFC. 2023 will make 2008 GFC look like nothing. In 2019 Office Towers in San Francisco were hot. In 2023 same buildings have lost 70% of value. What will WOKE cities do with office buildings? Homes for the homeless. Get G, S, BC.

I replied him:
The world is decentralizing. People are moving from broken blue states to red and eventually people will seek out more freedom friendly countries with lower costs of living. #bitcoin #BTC     #gold #silver own all three.
⚡️ نقره از #بیتکوین جلو زد‼️ 🔸 در سال ۲۰۲۴، #نقره بازدهی چشمگیری داشت و توانست از نظر ارزش بازار به هشتمین دارایی ارزشمند جهان تبدیل شود 💥ارزش بازار نقره: ۱.۸۳ تریلیون دلار 💥ارزش بازار بیت کوین: ۱.۳۱ تریلیون دلار #altcoins #BTC☀️ #silver
⚡️ نقره از #بیتکوین جلو زد‼️

🔸 در سال ۲۰۲۴، #نقره بازدهی چشمگیری داشت و توانست از نظر ارزش بازار به هشتمین دارایی ارزشمند جهان تبدیل شود

💥ارزش بازار نقره: ۱.۸۳ تریلیون دلار
💥ارزش بازار بیت کوین: ۱.۳۱ تریلیون دلار

#altcoins #BTC☀️ #silver
Recently, while gold shone brightly, Bitcoin took a slight dip but is already showing signs of bouncing back . And that's not all! Silver is gaining traction with mass adoption, once again surpassing Bitcoin in the market! 🥈>🪙 🪙 Bitcoin appreciated over 70% this year 🥈 Silver rose 30% this year 🔶 Gold gained 20% this year #CryptoUpdate #gold #silver #Cryptic #BitcoinTrends"
Recently, while gold shone brightly, Bitcoin took a slight dip but is already showing signs of bouncing back .

And that's not all! Silver is gaining traction with mass adoption, once again surpassing Bitcoin in the market! 🥈>🪙

🪙 Bitcoin appreciated over 70% this year
🥈 Silver rose 30% this year
🔶 Gold gained 20% this year

#CryptoUpdate #gold #silver #Cryptic #BitcoinTrends"
لماذا نجحت الفضة 🥈 في اختراق والصعود لقمة 30 عام؟ وصلت أسعار الفضة إلى أعلى مستوى لها منذ 11 عامًا، متجاوزة 30 دولارًا للأوقية، لتصبح واحدة من أفضل السلع أداءً هذا العام متفوقة على الذهب. من المتوقع أن يواجه سوق الفضة نقصًا في العرض للسنة الرابعة على التوالي، الفضة لها طبيعة مزدوجة كموجود مالي ومكون صناعي، حيث تُعد جزءًا أساسيًا من الألواح الشمسية. أدى ارتفاع أسعار الفضة إلى زيادة اهتمام المستثمرين، في ظل ظروف اقتصادية كلية متفائلة بشكل متزايد. مع ارتفاع أسعار الفضة، يزداد اهتمام المستثمرين، ويزداد التفاؤل بشأن الخلفية الاقتصادية الكلية #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #bitcoin #silver #الفضة #عملة $BTC $BNB
لماذا نجحت الفضة 🥈 في اختراق والصعود لقمة 30 عام؟

وصلت أسعار الفضة إلى أعلى مستوى لها منذ 11 عامًا، متجاوزة 30 دولارًا للأوقية، لتصبح واحدة من أفضل السلع أداءً هذا العام متفوقة على الذهب. من المتوقع أن يواجه سوق الفضة نقصًا في العرض للسنة الرابعة على التوالي، الفضة لها طبيعة مزدوجة كموجود مالي ومكون صناعي، حيث تُعد جزءًا أساسيًا من الألواح الشمسية.
أدى ارتفاع أسعار الفضة إلى زيادة اهتمام المستثمرين، في ظل ظروف اقتصادية كلية متفائلة بشكل متزايد. مع ارتفاع أسعار الفضة، يزداد اهتمام المستثمرين، ويزداد التفاؤل بشأن الخلفية الاقتصادية الكلية

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #bitcoin #silver #الفضة #عملة $BTC $BNB
August 22, 2023, in Johannesburg, South Africa, BRICS nations announce gold backed crypto. US $ will die. Trillions of US $ rush home. Inflation through the roof. Buy Gold, Silver. Bitcoin to $120k next year. #gold #silver #BTC #brics #USD
August 22, 2023, in Johannesburg, South Africa, BRICS nations announce gold backed crypto. US $ will die. Trillions of US $ rush home. Inflation through the roof. Buy Gold, Silver. Bitcoin to $120k next year.

#gold #silver #BTC #brics #USD
الأب الغني: أكبر فقاعة في التاريخ على وشك الانفجار.. وينصح بشراء هذه الأصوليعد روبرت كيوساكي، أحد المدافعين البارزين عن البيتكوين والمعروف بأنه مؤلف الكتاب الكلاسيكي عن إدارة الأموال الشخصية، (الأب الغني والأب الفقير - Rich Dad Poor Dad)، غالبًا ما يتنبأ بالكوارث القادمة في الأسواق المالية. واليوم، حذر من كارثة قادمة، حيث حث متابعيه على البدء في شراء البيتكوين نشر كيوساكي، الذي يعتقد كثيرون أنه خبير في المجال المالي، تغريدة أشار فيها إلى جيل طفرة المواليد، قائلا إن "أكبر فقاعة في التاريخ" سوف تمحو ثرواتهم. حيث يعتقد أن هذا يرجع إلى خطط التقاعد "الواهية" 401k. ولم يقدم كيوساكي أي تفاصيل بشأن كيفية رؤيته لما يحدث في المستقبل، واكتفى بالإشارة إلى أن "سوق الأسهم على وشك الانهيار"، حيث نصح متابعه بشراء البيتكوين والذهب والفضة للنجاة من الفقاعة التي ستنفجر قريبًا. والسبب الآخر الذي ذكره مرارًا وتكرارًا في تغريدات سابقة هو أن الحكومة الأمريكية تستمر في طباعة "دولارات أمريكية مزيفة"، وبالتالي خفض قيمة العملة الورقية الأمريكية. بدأت سياسة الطباعة هذه في عام 2020، عندما ضرب الوباء العالم، مع وضع الاقتصادات تحت عمليات الإغلاق، وبدأت الحكومات، بدءًا من الولايات المتحدة، في طباعة النقود لدعم السكان والشركات الكبيرة. ففي ذلك العام وحده، خرج أكثر من 6 تريليون دولار من مطبعة بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي. في عام 2023، انهارت العديد من البنوك الكبرى، بما في ذلك بنك "سيليكون قال" و"سجنتشر بنك" و"سيلفرجيت بنك"، وقام بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي مرة أخرى بطباعة كميات هائلة من الدولارات لإنقاذها. #HotTrends #news $BTC #gold #silver

الأب الغني: أكبر فقاعة في التاريخ على وشك الانفجار.. وينصح بشراء هذه الأصول

يعد روبرت كيوساكي، أحد المدافعين البارزين عن البيتكوين والمعروف بأنه مؤلف الكتاب الكلاسيكي عن إدارة الأموال الشخصية، (الأب الغني والأب الفقير - Rich Dad Poor Dad)، غالبًا ما يتنبأ بالكوارث القادمة في الأسواق المالية. واليوم، حذر من كارثة قادمة، حيث حث متابعيه على البدء في شراء البيتكوين
نشر كيوساكي، الذي يعتقد كثيرون أنه خبير في المجال المالي، تغريدة أشار فيها إلى جيل طفرة المواليد، قائلا إن "أكبر فقاعة في التاريخ" سوف تمحو ثرواتهم. حيث يعتقد أن هذا يرجع إلى خطط التقاعد "الواهية" 401k.
ولم يقدم كيوساكي أي تفاصيل بشأن كيفية رؤيته لما يحدث في المستقبل، واكتفى بالإشارة إلى أن "سوق الأسهم على وشك الانهيار"، حيث نصح متابعه بشراء البيتكوين والذهب والفضة للنجاة من الفقاعة التي ستنفجر قريبًا. والسبب الآخر الذي ذكره مرارًا وتكرارًا في تغريدات سابقة هو أن الحكومة الأمريكية تستمر في طباعة "دولارات أمريكية مزيفة"، وبالتالي خفض قيمة العملة الورقية الأمريكية.
بدأت سياسة الطباعة هذه في عام 2020، عندما ضرب الوباء العالم، مع وضع الاقتصادات تحت عمليات الإغلاق، وبدأت الحكومات، بدءًا من الولايات المتحدة، في طباعة النقود لدعم السكان والشركات الكبيرة.
ففي ذلك العام وحده، خرج أكثر من 6 تريليون دولار من مطبعة بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي. في عام 2023، انهارت العديد من البنوك الكبرى، بما في ذلك بنك "سيليكون قال" و"سجنتشر بنك" و"سيلفرجيت بنك"، وقام بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي مرة أخرى بطباعة كميات هائلة من الدولارات لإنقاذها.
#HotTrends #news $BTC #gold #silver
I think anybody who is interested in keeping their money safe from the criminal banking system would want gold, silver, and Bitcoin. ~Max Keiser #bitcoin #gold #silver #bank
I think anybody who is interested in keeping their money safe from the criminal banking system would want gold, silver, and Bitcoin.

~Max Keiser

#bitcoin #gold #silver #bank
Рыночная капитализация биткоина превзошла капитализацию серебра Капитализация первой криптовалюты превысила $1,4 трлн после того как в понедельник, 11 марта, курс биткоина установил новый исторический рекорд, преодолев $72 000. С начала года рыночная капитализация BTC выросла в два раза. Рост объясняется одобрением спотовых биткоин-ETF в США и предстоящим в апреле 2024 года халвингом. На фоне роста стоимости биткоина суточный объем ликвидаций по фьючерсам на рынке цифровых активов составил свыше $330 млн. Подавляющее большинство произошло на торговых парах с биткоином ($96.49 млн) и Эфириумом ($54,50 млн). #Bitcoin‬ #silver #NewsBTC #CryptoNews #TrendingTopic $BTC
Рыночная капитализация биткоина превзошла капитализацию серебра

Капитализация первой криптовалюты превысила $1,4 трлн после того как в понедельник, 11 марта, курс биткоина установил новый исторический рекорд, преодолев $72 000.

С начала года рыночная капитализация BTC выросла в два раза. Рост объясняется одобрением спотовых биткоин-ETF в США и предстоящим в апреле 2024 года халвингом.

На фоне роста стоимости биткоина суточный объем ликвидаций по фьючерсам на рынке цифровых активов составил свыше $330 млн. Подавляющее большинство произошло на торговых парах с биткоином ($96.49 млн) и Эфириумом ($54,50 млн).
#Bitcoin‬ #silver #NewsBTC #CryptoNews #TrendingTopic
🚀XRP Ledger ready to adopt tokenized gold, silver in Q3, 2024 ! ✨As became known from the official X announcement, Meld Gold has established a partnership with Ripple, a San Francisco-based fintech company. ✨As part of the partnership, Meld Gold will launch two new stablecoins backed by silver and gold on XRP Ledger. ✨Per the company's Medium post, each token will represent one gram of the precious metal held by leading custody providers MKS Pamp and Imperial Vaults. ✨The tokens are expected to go live on XRP Ledger in Q3, 2024. Meld Gold CEO Michael Cotton underscored the importance of this release, saying "Integrating XRPL as the second blockchain alongside Algorand is another. #XRPGoal #Ripple💰 #silver #GOLD_UPDATE
🚀XRP Ledger ready to adopt tokenized gold, silver in Q3, 2024 !

✨As became known from the official X announcement, Meld Gold has established a partnership with Ripple, a San Francisco-based
fintech company.

✨As part of the partnership, Meld Gold will launch two new stablecoins backed by silver and gold on XRP Ledger.

✨Per the company's Medium post, each token will represent one gram of the precious metal held by leading custody providers MKS Pamp and Imperial Vaults.

✨The tokens are expected to go live on XRP Ledger in Q3, 2024. Meld Gold CEO Michael Cotton underscored the importance of this release, saying "Integrating XRPL as the second blockchain alongside Algorand is another.

#XRPGoal #Ripple💰 #silver #GOLD_UPDATE
Next Wave Bailouts: Bitcoin And Precious Metals Soar Amid Fed Policy Shift SpeculationAround 7:30 a.m. EDT, the cost of a single #bitcoin soared beyond the $27,000 mark to a high of $27,025. #Gold and #silver two examples of precious metals, increased in value against the dollar by 1.98% to 2.12% over the past day. A number of speculators believe the reason why some assets, such as PMs and cryptocurrencies, have recovered is because the U.S. central bank will now ease its monetary tightening policy, despite the fact that many market analysts are puzzled by this. Following Silvergate Bank's Failure, 4 Major Banks Received Bailout Funds; The Federal Reserve's Easing Sparks A Rebound In Cryptocurrencies And PMs Investors in the market saw four large bailouts last week from Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Signature Bank (SBNY), Credit Suisse, and First Republic Bank to save depositors. Once a financial contagion spread throughout the US banking system as a result of the failure of Silvergate Bank, all four financial institutions were saved with billions of dollars. The bailouts have increased the value of precious metals and the cryptocurrency market, along with rumors that the Federal Reserve may cease hiking interest rates and perhaps consider cutting them. On Friday morning, the price of one bitcoin (BTC) surged to $27,025, and the currency is presently trading for $26,517 per coin. #BTC is up 6.9%, and #Ethereum (ETH), the second-most valuable cryptocurrency asset, is up 5% in the last day. On Friday, a troy ounce of.999 fine gold is worth $1,959 per unit, up 1.98%, while a troy ounce of fine silver is worth $22.13 per unit, up 2.12%. Graham Summers, an analyst with Phoenix Capital Research, claims that market participants think the Fed is "back to printing money" once more. The analyst pointed out that the American Federal Reserve has already reversed half of its quantitative tightening (QT) program. Summers stated that the Fed's response to the Covid-19 pandemic in just five days was comparable to more than two months of quantitative easing (QE). Said Summers: "Technically speaking, bank loans accounted for the majority of this ($164 billion to be exact). This is not quite the same as quantitative easing because the banks will have to pay it back (QE). The important thing to remember is that the Fed is now producing money rather than reducing its balance sheet. In fact, $300+ billion in a single week, not just a tiny bit." This week's Onchain Insights newsletter from (ITB) raises the possibility that the current rise in risk assets is related to monetary easing policy. Based to the ITB weekly, markets are increasingly betting on interest rate increases slowing down as liquidity rises. In line with market forecasts, the U.S. central bank will grow more dovish about interest rate increases, and some people believe this month's benchmark rate boost won't happen. Recent steps by the Fed, which only took five days, have fueled rumors that the money printer has been restarted. The ITB newsletter also cites a report claiming that JPMorgan claimed the Fed might infuse $2 trillion in liquidity following the establishment of the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP). ITB experts note what happened in 2020 and 2021 when "markets surged as capital abounded." The newsletter opines that a substantial chunk of 2022's losses resulted from QT and the Fed's monthly rate hikes. The markets are likely gaining momentum in anticipation of the "money printer" being back on the table, the ITB newsletter continues, even though it is unclear whether the liquidity injection from the BTFP would be as high as the $2T projected. In his analysis, Phoenix Capital Research analyst Summers further underlined that "this won't end well" and insisted that "the next cycle of bailouts/easing/reflating the financial system is coming."

Next Wave Bailouts: Bitcoin And Precious Metals Soar Amid Fed Policy Shift Speculation

Around 7:30 a.m. EDT, the cost of a single #bitcoin soared beyond the $27,000 mark to a high of $27,025. #Gold and #silver two examples of precious metals, increased in value against the dollar by 1.98% to 2.12% over the past day. A number of speculators believe the reason why some assets, such as PMs and cryptocurrencies, have recovered is because the U.S. central bank will now ease its monetary tightening policy, despite the fact that many market analysts are puzzled by this.

Following Silvergate Bank's Failure, 4 Major Banks Received Bailout Funds; The Federal Reserve's Easing Sparks A Rebound In Cryptocurrencies And PMs

Investors in the market saw four large bailouts last week from Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Signature Bank (SBNY), Credit Suisse, and First Republic Bank to save depositors. Once a financial contagion spread throughout the US banking system as a result of the failure of Silvergate Bank, all four financial institutions were saved with billions of dollars. The bailouts have increased the value of precious metals and the cryptocurrency market, along with rumors that the Federal Reserve may cease hiking interest rates and perhaps consider cutting them. On Friday morning, the price of one bitcoin (BTC) surged to $27,025, and the currency is presently trading for $26,517 per coin.

#BTC is up 6.9%, and #Ethereum (ETH), the second-most valuable cryptocurrency asset, is up 5% in the last day. On Friday, a troy ounce of.999 fine gold is worth $1,959 per unit, up 1.98%, while a troy ounce of fine silver is worth $22.13 per unit, up 2.12%. Graham Summers, an analyst with Phoenix Capital Research, claims that market participants think the Fed is "back to printing money" once more. The analyst pointed out that the American Federal Reserve has already reversed half of its quantitative tightening (QT) program. Summers stated that the Fed's response to the Covid-19 pandemic in just five days was comparable to more than two months of quantitative easing (QE). Said Summers:

"Technically speaking, bank loans accounted for the majority of this ($164 billion to be exact). This is not quite the same as quantitative easing because the banks will have to pay it back (QE). The important thing to remember is that the Fed is now producing money rather than reducing its balance sheet. In fact, $300+ billion in a single week, not just a tiny bit."

This week's Onchain Insights newsletter from (ITB) raises the possibility that the current rise in risk assets is related to monetary easing policy. Based to the ITB weekly, markets are increasingly betting on interest rate increases slowing down as liquidity rises. In line with market forecasts, the U.S. central bank will grow more dovish about interest rate increases, and some people believe this month's benchmark rate boost won't happen. Recent steps by the Fed, which only took five days, have fueled rumors that the money printer has been restarted. The ITB newsletter also cites a report claiming that JPMorgan claimed the Fed might infuse $2 trillion in liquidity following the establishment of the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP).

ITB experts note what happened in 2020 and 2021 when "markets surged as capital abounded." The newsletter opines that a substantial chunk of 2022's losses resulted from QT and the Fed's monthly rate hikes. The markets are likely gaining momentum in anticipation of the "money printer" being back on the table, the ITB newsletter continues, even though it is unclear whether the liquidity injection from the BTFP would be as high as the $2T projected. In his analysis, Phoenix Capital Research analyst Summers further underlined that "this won't end well" and insisted that "the next cycle of bailouts/easing/reflating the financial system is coming."
Market Analyst Heralds the Collapse of 'Everything,' Calls for Hedging in Gold and Silver Before There Isn't Any Left. He stated that in the face of an economy with no buyers, the only hedge will be tangible assets, including gold and silver. #Binance #Gold #silver #BTC #BNB
Market Analyst Heralds the Collapse of 'Everything,' Calls for Hedging in Gold and Silver Before There Isn't Any Left.
He stated that in the face of an economy with no buyers, the only hedge will be tangible assets, including gold and silver.
#Binance #Gold #silver #BTC #BNB
vFollowing the course of history and economy I concluded that the only currencies that need to be kept are bitcoin, gold and silver #bitcoin #Gold #silver
vFollowing the course of history and economy I concluded that the only currencies that need to be kept are bitcoin, gold and silver

#bitcoin #Gold #silver
#BitcoinETF💰💰💰 now the 2nd largest US commodity ETF asset class, ahead of #silver . Spot Bitcoin ETFs, including #Grayscale's , total $27.9B in AUM, with Grayscale holding ~600,000 BTC. A significant SEC nod to Bitcoin’s growing financial influence. $BTC
#BitcoinETF💰💰💰 now the 2nd largest US commodity ETF asset class, ahead of #silver . Spot Bitcoin ETFs, including #Grayscale's , total $27.9B in AUM, with Grayscale holding ~600,000 BTC. A significant SEC nod to Bitcoin’s growing financial influence. $BTC
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