Binance Square


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#BinaryX I have 46.89 bnx coin at coin dcx exchange and suddenly dated 19-03-25 my coin not showing at my profile when it will be come back at coin dcx app it there any idea I feel it was the scam is it true in crypto market by binance
#BinaryX I have 46.89 bnx coin at coin dcx exchange and suddenly dated 19-03-25 my coin not showing at my profile when it will be come back at coin dcx app it there any idea I feel it was the scam is it true in crypto market by binance
فور (FORM) يسجل أعلى مستوى تاريخي له وسط تقلبات السوق وصل سهم FORM (سابقًا BinaryX) إلى أعلى مستوى له على الإطلاق عند 2.62 دولار أمريكي، مما يُظهر زخمًا صعوديًا قويًا. أُعيدت تسمية BinaryX إلى Four، ثم غيّرت رمزها إلى FORM، مُكملةً بذلك عملية تبادل أسهم BNX مع FORM بنسبة 1:1 في 21 مارس. يشهد سوق العملات المشفرة العالمي مزيجًا من المشاعر الإيجابية والسلبية، مع تذبذب أداء العملات المشفرة الرئيسية مثل بيتكوين (BTC) وإيثريوم (ETH) وXRP. في خضم هذه التقلبات، قفزت عملة فور (FORM)، المعروفة سابقًا باسم بايناري إكس (BNX)، إلى أعلى مستوى لها على الإطلاق عند 2.62 دولار أمريكي. وقت كتابة هذا التقرير، يبلغ سعر فورم 2.49 دولار أمريكي، بقيمة سوقية تبلغ 953.26 مليون دولار أمريكي. وخلال الأسبوع الماضي، سجلت زيادة ملحوظة بنسبة 39.75%، بينما ارتفع حجم تداولها اليومي بأكثر من 48% ليصل إلى 136.07 مليون دولار أمريكي خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية. بدأت رحلة FORM الصاعدة مع إطلاق منصة الإطلاق العادل Four.Meme في 3 يوليو 2024. لاحقًا، غيّرت BinaryX علامتها التجارية إلى Four، لتتماشى بشكل أفضل مع منصة إطلاق التوكنات الخاصة بها. ومع ذلك، نظرًا لانتشار استخدام “FOUR” على نطاق واسع في مجتمع عملات الميم، قرر الفريق تغيير رمزها إلى FORM، مما أدى إلى بدء عملية تبادل بنسبة 1:1 من BNX إلى FORM في 21 مارس. $FORTH #xrp #form #fourmeme #BinaryX #bnx {spot}(FORTHUSDT) $FORM
فور (FORM) يسجل أعلى مستوى تاريخي له وسط تقلبات السوق

وصل سهم FORM (سابقًا BinaryX) إلى أعلى مستوى له على الإطلاق عند 2.62 دولار أمريكي، مما يُظهر زخمًا صعوديًا قويًا.
أُعيدت تسمية BinaryX إلى Four، ثم غيّرت رمزها إلى FORM، مُكملةً بذلك عملية تبادل أسهم BNX مع FORM بنسبة 1:1 في 21 مارس.
يشهد سوق العملات المشفرة العالمي مزيجًا من المشاعر الإيجابية والسلبية، مع تذبذب أداء العملات المشفرة الرئيسية مثل بيتكوين (BTC) وإيثريوم (ETH) وXRP. في خضم هذه التقلبات، قفزت عملة فور (FORM)، المعروفة سابقًا باسم بايناري إكس (BNX)، إلى أعلى مستوى لها على الإطلاق عند 2.62 دولار أمريكي.

وقت كتابة هذا التقرير، يبلغ سعر فورم 2.49 دولار أمريكي، بقيمة سوقية تبلغ 953.26 مليون دولار أمريكي. وخلال الأسبوع الماضي، سجلت زيادة ملحوظة بنسبة 39.75%، بينما ارتفع حجم تداولها اليومي بأكثر من 48% ليصل إلى 136.07 مليون دولار أمريكي خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية.

بدأت رحلة FORM الصاعدة مع إطلاق منصة الإطلاق العادل Four.Meme في 3 يوليو 2024. لاحقًا، غيّرت BinaryX علامتها التجارية إلى Four، لتتماشى بشكل أفضل مع منصة إطلاق التوكنات الخاصة بها. ومع ذلك، نظرًا لانتشار استخدام “FOUR” على نطاق واسع في مجتمع عملات الميم، قرر الفريق تغيير رمزها إلى FORM، مما أدى إلى بدء عملية تبادل بنسبة 1:1 من BNX إلى FORM في 21 مارس.
#form #fourmeme #BinaryX
As of March 21, 2025, here are the latest updates in the cryptocurrency landscape: Binance News Binance Clubhouse Returns to Token2049 Dubai: Binance has announced the return of its Clubhouse event at Token2049 in Dubai, aiming to foster community engagement and discussions on the future of cryptocurrency. BinaryX (BNX) Rebrands to Four (FORM): Binance has completed the token swap and rebranding of BinaryX (BNX) to Four (FORM). Deposits for FORM tokens are now open, with withdrawals and spot trading scheduled to commence on March 19, 2025. Nillion (NIL) Introduced to Binance Launchpool: Starting March 21, 2025, users can stake BNB, FDUSD, and USDC on Binance Launchpool to earn NIL tokens. Nillion is a decentralized network focused on secure data processing without compromising privacy. Market Movements Bitcoin (BTC) Dips Below $85,000: Bitcoin's price has fallen below the $85,000 mark, currently trading at approximately $84,857.5 USDT, reflecting a 1.56% increase over the past 24 hours. Binance Coin (BNB) Eyes $700: BNB is trading at around $626, with analysts anticipating a bullish breakout that could propel the price to $700, driven by positive market sentiment and technical indicators. Regulatory and Institutional Developments President Trump Advocates for U.S. Crypto Dominance: In a recent address, President Donald Trump expressed his commitment to establishing the United States as a leading force in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, emphasizing the need for clear regulations to foster innovation and investment. Ripple CEO Announces SEC's Withdrawal of Legal Case: Ripple's CEO has reported that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will drop its legal case against the company, leading to a surge in XRP token value. Institutional Investors Plan Increased Crypto Allocations: A recent survey indicates that 83% of institutional investors intend to increase their cryptocurrency holdings in 2025, with many exploring decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. #NewsAboutCrypto #Binance #BinaryX #BTC走势分析 $BTC $BNB $SOL
As of March 21, 2025, here are the latest updates in the cryptocurrency landscape:

Binance News

Binance Clubhouse Returns to Token2049 Dubai: Binance has announced the return of its Clubhouse event at Token2049 in Dubai, aiming to foster community engagement and discussions on the future of cryptocurrency.

BinaryX (BNX) Rebrands to Four (FORM): Binance has completed the token swap and rebranding of BinaryX (BNX) to Four (FORM). Deposits for FORM tokens are now open, with withdrawals and spot trading scheduled to commence on March 19, 2025.

Nillion (NIL) Introduced to Binance Launchpool: Starting March 21, 2025, users can stake BNB, FDUSD, and USDC on Binance Launchpool to earn NIL tokens. Nillion is a decentralized network focused on secure data processing without compromising privacy.

Market Movements

Bitcoin (BTC) Dips Below $85,000: Bitcoin's price has fallen below the $85,000 mark, currently trading at approximately $84,857.5 USDT, reflecting a 1.56% increase over the past 24 hours.

Binance Coin (BNB) Eyes $700: BNB is trading at around $626, with analysts anticipating a bullish breakout that could propel the price to $700, driven by positive market sentiment and technical indicators.

Regulatory and Institutional Developments

President Trump Advocates for U.S. Crypto Dominance: In a recent address, President Donald Trump expressed his commitment to establishing the United States as a leading force in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, emphasizing the need for clear regulations to foster innovation and investment.

Ripple CEO Announces SEC's Withdrawal of Legal Case: Ripple's CEO has reported that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will drop its legal case against the company, leading to a surge in XRP token value.

Institutional Investors Plan Increased Crypto Allocations: A recent survey indicates that 83% of institutional investors intend to increase their cryptocurrency holdings in 2025, with many exploring decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.

#NewsAboutCrypto #Binance
#BinaryX #BTC走势分析 $BTC $BNB $SOL
BinaryX 链游,Ai ,Hero近期上线,带你一探究竟(攻略、解析、打金最全教程)Ai Hero 发现没有,发现没有,市场活跃,最吸金的板块,最具有财富效应板块,当属链游板块。往年如此,当下依旧如此。回看21年行情,gala,sand,sand,alice等链游相关板块的币种,那是喷的不要不要的。 只要市场足够活跃,那市场将会大量聚焦链游赛道,牛市可期。 今天所讲解的BNX链游,BinaryX 链游Ai Hero。 链游赛道历经熊市和不可持续经济模型发展至今,更注重可玩性和可持续经济模型,BinaryX一直高度活跃至今。 如今链游赛道激烈竞争背景下推出的Ai Hero有哪些亮点 可玩性强、经济模型可持续,任何时候入场都可玩赚,不存在以旧养新。 最主要的是门槛低、回报快(每局游戏最高可赚100%) 废话不多说,上硬菜!#binaryx #Aihero #BNX 游戏官网: @BinaryX-CN TG社区: 进入之后,右上角链接钱包,网络:BSC 链接钱包后,我们可以看到一个排行版,以及两个游戏模式,常规模式,竞技模式。 游戏规则 & 基础机制游戏人数要求:10人竞技人数要求:6人游戏开始时随机将玩家投放至地图的任意地方地图上每经过一段时间,将会产生毒气,请尽快逃到安全区中,在毒气内将会持续扣除生命值通过探索地图,完成事件,可获得随机的材料收集材料可在合成页面中进行装备铸造,穿戴装备后,将为你带来属性提升击杀其他玩家可随机获得对手的装备或材料最终将根据生存的时长获得排名与积分 是不是有点和平精英/刺激战场 缩毒圈的感觉哈。 了解游戏机制后,上手就容易多了。 新手指南: 新手指南里面,有包括所有新手起号、游戏操作、角色状态、装备信息等。 建议大家可以详细阅读新手指南后再进行操作。 下图为游戏界面。 用40的BNX把最好的英雄铸造起来 常规模式除了可以一边练手,同时可以一边了解游戏的基础操作。 如果你打到游戏的前五名,还可以用40的BNX把最好的英雄铸造起来,用在之后打竞技模式中使用。 说到竞技就要讲到奖励规则了。 以40的BNX铸造的英雄来看,前三名可以赚钱,而后三名则会亏钱。 这里有很大的竞赛成分在。不过不要慌张,目前我们看到的只是经济模型中的一小部分。并不是所有参与竞赛的英雄都会从常规模式里面铸造。 还会有随机的品质英雄来参与竞技。比如说普通的白卡,绿卡,蓝卡英雄。 那么白卡,绿卡等英雄又怎么获得呢,我们在游戏界面可以看到有个持有奖励。 只要你购买BNX,并且把BNX 放入钱包,就能每天获得代金点。 1代金点等同于1BNX的价值,相当于每天可以用折扣来进抽取随机英雄。 足够的代金点甚至可以直接免费抽取英雄来打竞技,也是非常吸引人的。 如果你有剩余的抵扣券,就会在下方图中显示数量。 卡片等级:白卡,绿卡,蓝卡,紫卡,金卡。金卡目前来讲是最强的英雄。 哈,玩过原神的伙伴是不是每次十连都等出金呢? 那这游戏出金会不会歪呀,哈哈,目前没有这一说。 最后我总结下两个玩法,大家根据自己的风格进行参与即可。 头号玩家:可以到常规模式里,花费40BNX 铸造英雄进行竞技模式参与。 挖矿玩家:可以购买BNX存入游戏钱包,靠着折扣跟免费抽英雄来参与竞技。 BinaryX是一个IGO平台,更多新游戏可以期待,可保持关注。相关代币 #BNX 关注驰哥,更多内容分享!✨

BinaryX 链游,Ai ,Hero近期上线,带你一探究竟(攻略、解析、打金最全教程)

Ai Hero

今天所讲解的BNX链游,BinaryX 链游Ai Hero。
如今链游赛道激烈竞争背景下推出的Ai Hero有哪些亮点
废话不多说,上硬菜!#binaryx #Aihero #BNX

游戏官网: @BinaryX 华语

游戏规则 & 基础机制游戏人数要求:10人竞技人数要求:6人游戏开始时随机将玩家投放至地图的任意地方地图上每经过一段时间,将会产生毒气,请尽快逃到安全区中,在毒气内将会持续扣除生命值通过探索地图,完成事件,可获得随机的材料收集材料可在合成页面中进行装备铸造,穿戴装备后,将为你带来属性提升击杀其他玩家可随机获得对手的装备或材料最终将根据生存的时长获得排名与积分
是不是有点和平精英/刺激战场 缩毒圈的感觉哈。






只要你购买BNX,并且把BNX 放入钱包,就能每天获得代金点。

哈,玩过原神的伙伴是不是每次十连都等出金呢? 那这游戏出金会不会歪呀,哈哈,目前没有这一说。

头号玩家:可以到常规模式里,花费40BNX 铸造英雄进行竞技模式参与。
BinaryX是一个IGO平台,更多新游戏可以期待,可保持关注。相关代币 #BNX
#BinaryX HITS $2 in this week ❓$BNX /USDT – Bullish Rally or Temporary PauseKey Levels to Watch. $BNX is currently trading at $1.0154, showing a 40.50% surge, hitting a high of $1.0704 before facing resistance. The price has seen a strong uptrend but is now consolidating, which could lead to the next big move. Key Levels to Watch Resistance: $1.0704 – A breakout could drive BNX toward $1.1200 and $1.1800. Support: $0.9255 – If this level fails, the next downside targets are $0.8438 and $0.7621. {spot}(BNXUSDT) Trade Setup Long Entry: Above $1.0704, aiming for $1.1200 and $1.1800. Short Entry: Below $0.9255, targeting $0.8438 and $0.7621. Stop Loss: $0.9800 for longs, $1.0300 for shorts. Market Insight BNX has seen a massive spike in volume, indicating strong interest from buyers. However, the MACD shows early signs of potential exhaustion, suggesting that a consolidation or retracement could occur before the next breakout. If BNX holds above $1.0000, bullish momentum could continue. #BNX
#BinaryX HITS $2 in this week ❓$BNX /USDT – Bullish Rally or Temporary PauseKey Levels to Watch. $BNX is currently trading at $1.0154, showing a 40.50% surge, hitting a high of $1.0704 before facing resistance. The price has seen a strong uptrend but is now consolidating, which could lead to the next big move.

Key Levels to Watch

Resistance: $1.0704 – A breakout could drive BNX toward $1.1200 and $1.1800.

Support: $0.9255 – If this level fails, the next downside targets are $0.8438 and $0.7621.

Trade Setup

Long Entry: Above $1.0704, aiming for $1.1200 and $1.1800.

Short Entry: Below $0.9255, targeting $0.8438 and $0.7621.

Stop Loss: $0.9800 for longs, $1.0300 for shorts.

Market Insight

BNX has seen a massive spike in volume, indicating strong interest from buyers. However, the MACD shows early signs of potential exhaustion, suggesting that a consolidation or retracement could occur before the next breakout. If BNX holds above $1.0000, bullish momentum could continue.

#BinaryX # 🚀 ¡Descubre BinaryX! La Criptomoneda del Futuro 🌐 ¿Estás listo para sumergirte en el emocionante mundo de las criptomonedas? **BinaryX** es una de las más intrigantes y prometedoras del mercado. Aquí te dejo algunos puntos clave que te harán querer saber más: ## 🔥 ¿Qué es BinaryX? - **Innovación**: BinaryX no es solo otra criptomoneda; es una plataforma que combina **juegos y finanzas**. Ofrece una experiencia única donde los jugadores pueden ganar mientras se divierten. - **Ecosistema**: Forma parte de un ecosistema más amplio que incluye **NFTs** y oportunidades de inversión, lo que la convierte en una opción versátil para los inversores. ## 📈 ¿Por qué invertir en BinaryX? 1. **Crecimiento Rápido**: Ha mostrado un crecimiento impresionante en los últimos meses, atrayendo la atención de inversores y entusiastas. 2. **Comunidad Activa**: Una comunidad vibrante que apoya el desarrollo y la expansión de la criptomoneda. 3. **Transacciones Rápidas y Seguras**: Basada en tecnología blockchain, garantiza transacciones rápidas y seguras. ## 🎮 ¿Cómo Funciona? - **Juegos Play-to-Earn**: Los usuarios pueden participar en juegos y ganar recompensas en forma de tokens BinaryX. ¡Diviértete mientras generas ingresos! - **Staking**: Ofrece opciones de staking para que puedas hacer crecer tus inversiones pasivamente. ## 🌟 Únete a la Revolución de BinaryX No te quedes atrás. Si quieres estar al tanto de las últimas novedades, estrategias y análisis de BinaryX, ¡suscríbete a nuestra cuenta! ¡Comparte esta información y no olvides darle like! Tu apoyo es fundamental para seguir trayendo contenido interesante y útil sobre criptomonedas. 💰✨ $BNX {spot}(BNXUSDT)
#BinaryX # 🚀 ¡Descubre BinaryX! La Criptomoneda del Futuro 🌐

¿Estás listo para sumergirte en el emocionante mundo de las criptomonedas? **BinaryX** es una de las más intrigantes y prometedoras del mercado. Aquí te dejo algunos puntos clave que te harán querer saber más:

## 🔥 ¿Qué es BinaryX?

- **Innovación**: BinaryX no es solo otra criptomoneda; es una plataforma que combina **juegos y finanzas**. Ofrece una experiencia única donde los jugadores pueden ganar mientras se divierten.
- **Ecosistema**: Forma parte de un ecosistema más amplio que incluye **NFTs** y oportunidades de inversión, lo que la convierte en una opción versátil para los inversores.

## 📈 ¿Por qué invertir en BinaryX?

1. **Crecimiento Rápido**: Ha mostrado un crecimiento impresionante en los últimos meses, atrayendo la atención de inversores y entusiastas.
2. **Comunidad Activa**: Una comunidad vibrante que apoya el desarrollo y la expansión de la criptomoneda.
3. **Transacciones Rápidas y Seguras**: Basada en tecnología blockchain, garantiza transacciones rápidas y seguras.

## 🎮 ¿Cómo Funciona?

- **Juegos Play-to-Earn**: Los usuarios pueden participar en juegos y ganar recompensas en forma de tokens BinaryX. ¡Diviértete mientras generas ingresos!
- **Staking**: Ofrece opciones de staking para que puedas hacer crecer tus inversiones pasivamente.

## 🌟 Únete a la Revolución de BinaryX

No te quedes atrás. Si quieres estar al tanto de las últimas novedades, estrategias y análisis de BinaryX, ¡suscríbete a nuestra cuenta!

¡Comparte esta información y no olvides darle like! Tu apoyo es fundamental para seguir trayendo contenido interesante y útil sobre criptomonedas. 💰✨
#BinaryX que opinan sobre esta moneda podrá alcanzar 2 dolares? en pocos tiempo por que estoy pensando en comprar 2000$ y si es buena inversión $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT)
que opinan sobre esta moneda podrá alcanzar 2 dolares? en pocos tiempo por que estoy pensando en comprar 2000$ y si es buena inversión
BinaryX ($BNX ) Market Insights: Is a Bullish Breakout Coming? BinaryX (BNX) has been showing signs of recovery! Let’s break down the latest updates: {spot}(BNXUSDT) 🔹 Current Price: $0.75 📉 🔹 Market Cap: $279.57M 💰 🔹 24H Trading Volume: $357.35M 🔄 🔹 All-Time High: $6.58 (2023) 🚀 🔹 All-Time Low: $0.1471 (February 2025) 📉 $BNX 📊 Key Indicators: ✅ Moving Averages: Strong Buy signal detected! 📈 ✅ RSI: At 56.2, indicating neutral to slightly bullish momentum! 🔥 ✅ Recent Recovery: BNX has surged over 400% from its all-time low! $BNX 🔮 Can BNX push towards $1 or beyond? Share your thoughts below! 💬👇 #BinaryX #BNX #CryptoNews #AltcoinSeason #CryptoTrading
BinaryX ($BNX ) Market Insights: Is a Bullish Breakout Coming?

BinaryX (BNX) has been showing signs of recovery! Let’s break down the latest updates:

🔹 Current Price: $0.75 📉
🔹 Market Cap: $279.57M 💰
🔹 24H Trading Volume: $357.35M 🔄
🔹 All-Time High: $6.58 (2023) 🚀
🔹 All-Time Low: $0.1471 (February 2025) 📉


📊 Key Indicators:
✅ Moving Averages: Strong Buy signal detected! 📈
✅ RSI: At 56.2, indicating neutral to slightly bullish momentum! 🔥
✅ Recent Recovery: BNX has surged over 400% from its all-time low!


🔮 Can BNX push towards $1 or beyond? Share your thoughts below! 💬👇

#BinaryX #BNX #CryptoNews #AltcoinSeason #CryptoTrading
$BNX Price Surge: What’s Fueling the Fire? 🔥📊 BinaryX (BNX) is making waves in the crypto market with a massive pump! $BNX 🔹 Recent Surge: BNX has exploded by 31.9% in just 24 hours, hitting a high of $0.9871 and a trading volume of $539 million. 📈 🔹 Why the Surge? The price increase can be attributed to strong market sentiment, increased investor interest, and potential hype surrounding the token. {spot}(BNXUSDT) 🔹 Market Manipulation? While the surge is exciting, be cautious—price spikes like this could be influenced by pump and dump strategies. 🚨 🔹 What's Next? Investors should watch for volatility and be prepared for any corrections, as crypto markets can change quickly. 🔍 $BNX ⚡ Always do your research and stay informed before making any investment decisions! 💡 #BNX #BinaryX #CryptoPump #DeFi #CryptoMarket
$BNX Price Surge: What’s Fueling the Fire? 🔥📊

BinaryX (BNX) is making waves in the crypto market with a massive pump!
🔹 Recent Surge: BNX has exploded by 31.9% in just 24 hours, hitting a high of $0.9871 and a trading volume of $539 million. 📈
🔹 Why the Surge? The price increase can be attributed to strong market sentiment, increased investor interest, and potential hype surrounding the token.

🔹 Market Manipulation? While the surge is exciting, be cautious—price spikes like this could be influenced by pump and dump strategies. 🚨
🔹 What's Next? Investors should watch for volatility and be prepared for any corrections, as crypto markets can change quickly. 🔍


⚡ Always do your research and stay informed before making any investment decisions! 💡

#BNX #BinaryX #CryptoPump #DeFi #CryptoMarket
🚀 Crypto's on a wild ride into the year-end! Exciting times ahead with innovations like BRC-20 - our devs are buzzing about its potential to revolutionize Web3 Gaming. 👾 Ready to explore the future? Share your thoughts! #gamefi #binaryx $BNX
🚀 Crypto's on a wild ride into the year-end! Exciting times ahead with innovations like BRC-20 - our devs are buzzing about its potential to revolutionize Web3 Gaming.
👾 Ready to explore the future? Share your thoughts! #gamefi #binaryx $BNX
The History of BinaryX: From Gaming Roots to Blockchain Innovation{spot}(BNXUSDT) $BNX BinaryX (BNX) has emerged as a notable name in the world of blockchain technology, particularly within the GameFi (gaming + finance) and cryptocurrency ecosystems. Its journey reflects the broader evolution of decentralized platforms, blending entertainment, finance, and community governance. This article traces the history of BinaryX, exploring its origins, growth, and impact as of February 24, 2025. Early Beginnings: A Vision for Blockchain Gaming BinaryX was initially launched as an online gaming platform with a focus on integrating cryptocurrency and blockchain technology into interactive experiences. Founded by a team of developers and blockchain enthusiasts, the project aimed to capitalize on the growing popularity of play-to-earn (P2E) models, where players could earn rewards in the form of digital assets. While exact founding dates are often fluid in the fast-moving crypto space, BinaryX began gaining traction around 2021, during the height of the NFT and GameFi boom. The platform’s early mission was to create a robust ecosystem for developers and players alike. It offered tools like an NFT trading marketplace, an Initial Game Offering (IGO) platform, and a high-speed sidechain optimized for gaming transactions. At its core was the BNX token, designed to serve multiple purposes: an in-game currency, a governance token for its decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), and a means of incentivizing community participation. The Rise of BNX and GameFi BinaryX’s rise coincided with the broader explosion of interest in blockchain-based gaming. By 2022, the platform had established itself as a key player in the Binance Smart Chain (now BNB Chain) ecosystem, leveraging the chain’s low transaction costs and scalability. Games hosted on BinaryX, such as CyberChess and later CyberDragon, allowed players to earn BNX tokens through gameplay, attracting a global audience of gamers and crypto enthusiasts. The BNX token saw significant price volatility during this period, reflecting the speculative nature of the crypto market. Historical data shows its all-time high was reached on February 28, 2023, when it hit a value equivalent to BTC 0.0002810, according to CoinGecko. This peak underscored BinaryX’s growing popularity, though it later experienced a decline, with prices dropping over 83% from that high by early 2025, a testament to the market’s cyclical nature. Evolution and Token Migration A pivotal moment in BinaryX’s history came with the migration of its token contract. In response to community feedback and the need for improved functionality, BinaryX transitioned from its original token structure to a new one. This migration, announced via official channels, aimed to enhance security, optimize tokenomics, and ensure long-term sustainability. While the move caused some disruption—requiring users to swap old tokens for new ones—it demonstrated BinaryX’s commitment to adapting in a competitive landscape. Post-migration, the platform doubled down on its GameFi offerings, refining its DAO governance model to give token holders more say in development decisions. This shift aligned with a broader trend in Web3, where community-driven projects increasingly sought to balance decentralization with practical utility. Expanding Horizons: Beyond Gaming By 2024, BinaryX began exploring new avenues to diversify its ecosystem. While gaming remained its cornerstone, the platform experimented with integrating additional blockchain use cases. Partnerships with exchanges like Binance, Ourbit, and Hibt boosted BNX’s liquidity, with trading volumes surging—reaching over $283 million in a single day in early 2025, a 315% increase from prior levels, per CoinGecko data. This spike signaled renewed market interest and growing adoption. The team also teased plans to expand into other decentralized applications (dApps), potentially including DeFi (decentralized finance) integrations or NFT utility beyond gaming. Though still primarily a GameFi platform, BinaryX’s adaptability hinted at ambitions to become a broader blockchain service hub. Challenges and Resilience Like many crypto projects, BinaryX faced challenges. The bear market of 2022-2023 tested its resilience, with BNX hitting an all-time low of BTC 0.051566 on February 3, 2025. Regulatory uncertainties in various regions and competition from rival GameFi platforms like Axie Infinity and The Sandbox added pressure. Yet, BinaryX’s focus on community engagement and iterative improvements kept it afloat. A 12.7% price increase in the week leading up to February 24, 2025, outperformed the broader crypto market, suggesting a potential turnaround. The Future of BinaryX As of February 24, 2025, BinaryX stands at a crossroads. With a fully diluted valuation of over BTC 2,857 and a circulating supply still unfolding, its long-term success hinges on execution. The platform’s ability to innovate—whether through new games, enhanced token utility, or cross-chain compatibility—will determine its staying power in an ever-evolving industry. BinaryX’s history is a microcosm of the GameFi revolution: a blend of ambition, adaptation, and community spirit. From its gaming roots to its broader blockchain aspirations, it exemplifies how decentralized platforms can carve out a niche in a crowded digital landscape. Whether it becomes a lasting pillar of Web3 or a footnote in crypto history, BinaryX’s journey underscores the transformative potential of blending play with profit. #BinaryX #Bnx

The History of BinaryX: From Gaming Roots to Blockchain Innovation

$BNX BinaryX (BNX) has emerged as a notable name in the world of blockchain technology, particularly within the GameFi (gaming + finance) and cryptocurrency ecosystems. Its journey reflects the broader evolution of decentralized platforms, blending entertainment, finance, and community governance. This article traces the history of BinaryX, exploring its origins, growth, and impact as of February 24, 2025.
Early Beginnings: A Vision for Blockchain Gaming
BinaryX was initially launched as an online gaming platform with a focus on integrating cryptocurrency and blockchain technology into interactive experiences. Founded by a team of developers and blockchain enthusiasts, the project aimed to capitalize on the growing popularity of play-to-earn (P2E) models, where players could earn rewards in the form of digital assets. While exact founding dates are often fluid in the fast-moving crypto space, BinaryX began gaining traction around 2021, during the height of the NFT and GameFi boom.
The platform’s early mission was to create a robust ecosystem for developers and players alike. It offered tools like an NFT trading marketplace, an Initial Game Offering (IGO) platform, and a high-speed sidechain optimized for gaming transactions. At its core was the BNX token, designed to serve multiple purposes: an in-game currency, a governance token for its decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), and a means of incentivizing community participation.
The Rise of BNX and GameFi
BinaryX’s rise coincided with the broader explosion of interest in blockchain-based gaming. By 2022, the platform had established itself as a key player in the Binance Smart Chain (now BNB Chain) ecosystem, leveraging the chain’s low transaction costs and scalability. Games hosted on BinaryX, such as CyberChess and later CyberDragon, allowed players to earn BNX tokens through gameplay, attracting a global audience of gamers and crypto enthusiasts.
The BNX token saw significant price volatility during this period, reflecting the speculative nature of the crypto market. Historical data shows its all-time high was reached on February 28, 2023, when it hit a value equivalent to BTC 0.0002810, according to CoinGecko. This peak underscored BinaryX’s growing popularity, though it later experienced a decline, with prices dropping over 83% from that high by early 2025, a testament to the market’s cyclical nature.
Evolution and Token Migration
A pivotal moment in BinaryX’s history came with the migration of its token contract. In response to community feedback and the need for improved functionality, BinaryX transitioned from its original token structure to a new one. This migration, announced via official channels, aimed to enhance security, optimize tokenomics, and ensure long-term sustainability. While the move caused some disruption—requiring users to swap old tokens for new ones—it demonstrated BinaryX’s commitment to adapting in a competitive landscape.
Post-migration, the platform doubled down on its GameFi offerings, refining its DAO governance model to give token holders more say in development decisions. This shift aligned with a broader trend in Web3, where community-driven projects increasingly sought to balance decentralization with practical utility.
Expanding Horizons: Beyond Gaming
By 2024, BinaryX began exploring new avenues to diversify its ecosystem. While gaming remained its cornerstone, the platform experimented with integrating additional blockchain use cases. Partnerships with exchanges like Binance, Ourbit, and Hibt boosted BNX’s liquidity, with trading volumes surging—reaching over $283 million in a single day in early 2025, a 315% increase from prior levels, per CoinGecko data. This spike signaled renewed market interest and growing adoption.
The team also teased plans to expand into other decentralized applications (dApps), potentially including DeFi (decentralized finance) integrations or NFT utility beyond gaming. Though still primarily a GameFi platform, BinaryX’s adaptability hinted at ambitions to become a broader blockchain service hub.
Challenges and Resilience
Like many crypto projects, BinaryX faced challenges. The bear market of 2022-2023 tested its resilience, with BNX hitting an all-time low of BTC 0.051566 on February 3, 2025. Regulatory uncertainties in various regions and competition from rival GameFi platforms like Axie Infinity and The Sandbox added pressure. Yet, BinaryX’s focus on community engagement and iterative improvements kept it afloat. A 12.7% price increase in the week leading up to February 24, 2025, outperformed the broader crypto market, suggesting a potential turnaround.
The Future of BinaryX
As of February 24, 2025, BinaryX stands at a crossroads. With a fully diluted valuation of over BTC 2,857 and a circulating supply still unfolding, its long-term success hinges on execution. The platform’s ability to innovate—whether through new games, enhanced token utility, or cross-chain compatibility—will determine its staying power in an ever-evolving industry.
BinaryX’s history is a microcosm of the GameFi revolution: a blend of ambition, adaptation, and community spirit. From its gaming roots to its broader blockchain aspirations, it exemplifies how decentralized platforms can carve out a niche in a crowded digital landscape. Whether it becomes a lasting pillar of Web3 or a footnote in crypto history, BinaryX’s journey underscores the transformative potential of blending play with profit.
#BinaryX #Bnx
$BNX $BNX #BinaryX #web3gaming 🆙 🔜 🚀 It’s good to accumulate now for next leg 🆙 rally soon. Buy 🎯:- 0.7$ NOW Look of 0.6$ as lowest 🎯 too. IT RETRACED BACK TO OUR LAST RALLY STARTING POINT (0.6$) Rest 🎯remain same as shown in 📈. Volume picking 🆙 Close this week above 0.8$ to start an 🆙trend rally. RSI breakout 👆 lower trend line #CRIPTOHINDUSTAN #bnxUstd #bnx #BNX/USDT #BinaryX

$BNX #BinaryX #web3gaming 🆙 🔜 🚀

It’s good to accumulate now for next leg 🆙 rally soon.

Buy 🎯:- 0.7$ NOW
Look of 0.6$ as lowest 🎯 too.


Rest 🎯remain same as shown in 📈.

Volume picking 🆙

Close this week above 0.8$ to start an 🆙trend rally.
RSI breakout 👆 lower trend line

$BNX 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸

2.5X Done ✔️ ✅ for the recent calls
0.6$ to 1.5$

Sensed going it down ⬇️ 🩸 Hard , so Sold all of the holdings at 1.45$ (ALMOST 🔝 )


🆕Buy 🎯:- 0.75$—0.95$

Profit and maximum 🎯 for upcoming rally will update Later.

BinaryX announces rebranding to Four #BinaryX rebrands to #Four $FOUR after a successful community vote. This transition to Four strengthened its alignment with #Fourmeme , the meme fair launch platform BinaryX incubated and launched on July 3rd, 2024. All $BNX holders can swap their tokens for $FOUR at a 1:1 ratio, with details on the exchange process that will follow. The $FOUR token retains the original $BNX supply and distribution model while replacing $BNX as the project’s governance token, expanding its use within and future Four businesses. 👉
BinaryX announces rebranding to Four

#BinaryX rebrands to #Four $FOUR after a successful community vote. This transition to Four strengthened its alignment with #Fourmeme , the meme fair launch platform BinaryX incubated and launched on July 3rd, 2024. All $BNX holders can swap their tokens for $FOUR at a 1:1 ratio, with details on the exchange process that will follow. The $FOUR token retains the original $BNX supply and distribution model while replacing $BNX as the project’s governance token, expanding its use within and future Four businesses.

$BNX 🚀 BNX Price Surge: Is the Momentum Just Beginning? 🔥 BinaryX (BNX) has been gaining significant traction in recent weeks, with its price surging over 220% in the past three months. As of today, BNX is trading at $0.8978, with a 24-hour trading volume exceeding $113 million. This bullish momentum is fueling speculation that the token could be on the verge of an even bigger breakout. What’s Driving BNX’s Growth? 🔹 Token Burn Proposal: The BinaryX team recently proposed burning 74% of the total BNX supply, a move that could drastically reduce circulating supply and potentially increase scarcity-driven demand. This proposal was put to a community vote, and investors reacted positively. 🔹 Strong Market Sentiment: Crypto investors are showing renewed interest in altcoins with strong utility and tokenomics. BNX’s play-to-earn gaming ecosystem and strategic developments have helped sustain buying pressure. 🔹 Previous Volatility: While $BNX has seen massive gains, it has also experienced high volatility in the past. In 2023, the token lost over 50% of its value in a single day due to concerns about treasury token sales. However, the recent surge suggests that confidence in the project is returning. What’s Next for BNX? With momentum building and fundamental developments in play, will BNX continue its rally, or is a correction coming? 🚀 Let us know your thoughts! Are you bullish on BNX? 📊👇 $BNX {spot}(BNXUSDT) #BNX #BinaryX #CryptoMomentum #AltcoinSeason #BlockchainGaming

🚀 BNX Price Surge: Is the Momentum Just Beginning? 🔥

BinaryX (BNX) has been gaining significant traction in recent weeks, with its price surging over 220% in the past three months. As of today, BNX is trading at $0.8978, with a 24-hour trading volume exceeding $113 million. This bullish momentum is fueling speculation that the token could be on the verge of an even bigger breakout.

What’s Driving BNX’s Growth?

🔹 Token Burn Proposal: The BinaryX team recently proposed burning 74% of the total BNX supply, a move that could drastically reduce circulating supply and potentially increase scarcity-driven demand. This proposal was put to a community vote, and investors reacted positively.

🔹 Strong Market Sentiment: Crypto investors are showing renewed interest in altcoins with strong utility and tokenomics. BNX’s play-to-earn gaming ecosystem and strategic developments have helped sustain buying pressure.

🔹 Previous Volatility: While $BNX has seen massive gains, it has also experienced high volatility in the past. In 2023, the token lost over 50% of its value in a single day due to concerns about treasury token sales. However, the recent surge suggests that confidence in the project is returning.

What’s Next for BNX?

With momentum building and fundamental developments in play, will BNX continue its rally, or is a correction coming? 🚀

Let us know your thoughts! Are you bullish on BNX? 📊👇

#BNX #BinaryX #CryptoMomentum #AltcoinSeason #BlockchainGaming
In February $BNX EYES $1 or even above – Will This Be the Breakout Week❓#BinaryX is gaining traction, with buyers stepping in as momentum builds. If the trend continues, a surge past $1 could be on the horizon this week, making it a key level to watch.... With increasing volume and market confidence, #BNX might be setting up for a strong breakout. Will it finally reclaim $1, or will resistance slow it down❓$BNX /USDT Skyrocketing – Is the Rally Just Beginning❓$BNX /USDT is on fire, currently trading at 0.8738, up 29.88% in the past 24 hours. The price surged to a new high of 0.8860, breaking key resistance levels and indicating strong buying momentum. Key Levels to Watch: Resistance: 0.89 – A breakout could push BNX toward 0.95 and 1.00. Support: 0.80 – Holding above this level is crucial for further upside; failing could lead to a pullback toward 0.75. Trade Setup: Long Entry: Above 0.89, targeting 0.95 and 1.00. Short Entry: Below 0.80, aiming for 0.75 and 0.70. Stop-Loss: 0.83 for longs, 0.78 for shorts. Market Insight: BNX is seeing a sharp spike in trading volume, signaling strong bullish momentum. If buyers maintain control, a breakout past 0.89 could fuel a rapid climb. Keep an eye on volume confirmation for trend continuation. {spot}(BNXUSDT)
In February $BNX EYES $1 or even above – Will This Be the Breakout Week❓#BinaryX is gaining traction, with buyers stepping in as momentum builds. If the trend continues, a surge past $1 could be on the horizon this week, making it a key level to watch.... With increasing volume and market confidence, #BNX might be setting up for a strong breakout. Will it finally reclaim $1, or will resistance slow it down❓$BNX /USDT Skyrocketing – Is the Rally Just Beginning❓$BNX /USDT is on fire, currently trading at 0.8738, up 29.88% in the past 24 hours. The price surged to a new high of 0.8860, breaking key resistance levels and indicating strong buying momentum.

Key Levels to Watch:

Resistance: 0.89 – A breakout could push BNX toward 0.95 and 1.00.

Support: 0.80 – Holding above this level is crucial for further upside; failing could lead to a pullback toward 0.75.

Trade Setup:

Long Entry: Above 0.89, targeting 0.95 and 1.00.

Short Entry: Below 0.80, aiming for 0.75 and 0.70.

Stop-Loss: 0.83 for longs, 0.78 for shorts.

Market Insight:

BNX is seeing a sharp spike in trading volume, signaling strong bullish momentum. If buyers maintain control, a breakout past 0.89 could fuel a rapid climb. Keep an eye on volume confirmation for trend continuation.
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