Binance Square
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Baisse (björn)
A little warning for those pumping their life savings in #PEPE‏ Soon, very soon what you call whales "market makers" will run away with your money, leaving you stuck in a MEME dumb coin for the next 3 years. I've warned you, be smart, get out now. #Warning #TrendingTopic #PEPE‏ #N4G
A little warning for those pumping their life savings in #PEPE‏

Soon, very soon what you call whales "market makers" will run away with your money, leaving you stuck in a MEME dumb coin for the next 3 years.

I've warned you, be smart, get out now.

#Warning #copytrading #nefhez #SCAMMER #Binanceshouldprotectusers ""Warning"' ""Nefhez"" !!! 'Nefhez' faced his 14th liquidation and once again opened a new copy trading account. This behavior is deemed a societal menace and indicative of mental instability. His self-introduction reveals potential psychological issues as he states, 'Ruleless. sometimes I feel like investor, sometimes like a gambler.' Clear signs of mental disturbance are evident. Relying solely on long positions, he achieved significant profits through sheer luck about three times. He gained a false reputation by betting his entire life on long positions, showcasing no real skill and resembling a dopamine-addicted monkey. Binance should block such societal menaces and prevent the repetitive opening of copy trading accounts by addicts. Everyone, beware. !!!
#Warning #copytrading #nefhez #SCAMMER #Binanceshouldprotectusers

""Warning"' ""Nefhez""
!!! 'Nefhez' faced his 14th liquidation and once again opened a new copy trading account. This behavior is deemed a societal menace and indicative of mental instability. His self-introduction reveals potential psychological issues as he states, 'Ruleless. sometimes I feel like investor, sometimes like a gambler.' Clear signs of mental disturbance are evident. Relying solely on long positions, he achieved significant profits through sheer luck about three times. He gained a false reputation by betting his entire life on long positions, showcasing no real skill and resembling a dopamine-addicted monkey. Binance should block such societal menaces and prevent the repetitive opening of copy trading accounts by addicts. Everyone, beware. !!!
may that help you / vielleicht hilft euch dasYou win some, you lose some.But!Volatility regulates!The volatility takes care of it!It's a high risk, but with foresight and a little luck it's not a problem!My #luckybot is happy about price jumps!It doesn't matter how much the coin costs, we want to take advantage of every price jump. The initial price does not matter at the latest once the entire range has been matched.An example: I start with x,y€ and the price drops. At the start the profit is of course negative. Since my bot is over 111! matches a day, my #pennybot is in profit after a short time. Because “Floating Profit = Total Profit - Grid Profit”Grid Profit is what we want, the more matches the faster you are in the black!If you have any questions, write to me!As a #conservativetrader, you can gradually take small profits. I always charge the same amount for the bots and skim off the profit. So you can start with one bot and a good hand and soon start a second bot. The more bots make a profit, the faster bot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etc. will come... sounds simple. It is!But CAUTION, this is of course no guarantee of always winning.As a tip: It is best to observe the money flow in the trading view. I watch for 15 minutes and 30 minutes and decide whether to start the bot or not.Of course you can also plan a long-term bot. But that's not an option for me because I take coins that fluctuate very strongly and for which the Binance warning comes. I want a lot of matches per day.Or in German:Die Volatilität regelt es!Ist zwar hohes Risiko, aber mit Weitsicht und etwas Glück kein Problem!Mein #luckybot freut sich über Kurssprünge!Dabei ist es relativ egal wieviel der Coin kostet, wir wollen jeden Kurssprung mitnehmen. Der Initialpreis ist spätestens dann egal wenn einmal die komplette Range gematcht wurde.Ein Beispiel: Ich starte mit x,y€ und der Preis droppt. Beim Start ist der Profit dann natürlich negativ. Da mein Bot über 111! matches am Tag hat ist mein #pennybot nach kurzer Zeit im Profit. Denn „Floating Profit = Total Profit - Grid Profit“Grid Profit ist das was wir wollen, je mehr Matches desto schneller ist man im Plus!Wenn ihr Fragen habt, schreibt mir!Als #conservativtrader kann man so nach und nach kleine Profite mitnehmen. Ich nehme für die Bots immer den gleichen Betrag und schöpfe den Profit ab. So kann man zu Anfang mit einem Bot und eine gutes Händchen bald einen zweiten Bot starten, je mehr Bots Gewinn abwerfen desto schneller kommt Bot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etc… klingt simpel. Ist es auch!Aber VORSICHT das ist natürlich keine Garantie immer zu gewinnen.Als Tipp: Am besten man beobachtet im trading view den Money Flow. Ich schau 15 min 30 min an und entscheide ob ich den bot starte oder nicht.Natürlich kann man auch einen Langzeit Bot planen. Aber das ist für mich keine Option da ich Coins nehme die sehr stark schwanken und bei den die Binance Warnung kommt. Ich möchte nämlich sehr viele Matches pro Tag.#Warning #HighRisk #Volatility #Write2Earn

may that help you / vielleicht hilft euch das

You win some, you lose some.But!Volatility regulates!The volatility takes care of it!It's a high risk, but with foresight and a little luck it's not a problem!My #luckybot is happy about price jumps!It doesn't matter how much the coin costs, we want to take advantage of every price jump. The initial price does not matter at the latest once the entire range has been matched.An example: I start with x,y€ and the price drops. At the start the profit is of course negative. Since my bot is over 111! matches a day, my #pennybot is in profit after a short time. Because “Floating Profit = Total Profit - Grid Profit”Grid Profit is what we want, the more matches the faster you are in the black!If you have any questions, write to me!As a #conservativetrader, you can gradually take small profits. I always charge the same amount for the bots and skim off the profit. So you can start with one bot and a good hand and soon start a second bot. The more bots make a profit, the faster bot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etc. will come... sounds simple. It is!But CAUTION, this is of course no guarantee of always winning.As a tip: It is best to observe the money flow in the trading view. I watch for 15 minutes and 30 minutes and decide whether to start the bot or not.Of course you can also plan a long-term bot. But that's not an option for me because I take coins that fluctuate very strongly and for which the Binance warning comes. I want a lot of matches per day.Or in German:Die Volatilität regelt es!Ist zwar hohes Risiko, aber mit Weitsicht und etwas Glück kein Problem!Mein #luckybot freut sich über Kurssprünge!Dabei ist es relativ egal wieviel der Coin kostet, wir wollen jeden Kurssprung mitnehmen. Der Initialpreis ist spätestens dann egal wenn einmal die komplette Range gematcht wurde.Ein Beispiel: Ich starte mit x,y€ und der Preis droppt. Beim Start ist der Profit dann natürlich negativ. Da mein Bot über 111! matches am Tag hat ist mein #pennybot nach kurzer Zeit im Profit. Denn „Floating Profit = Total Profit - Grid Profit“Grid Profit ist das was wir wollen, je mehr Matches desto schneller ist man im Plus!Wenn ihr Fragen habt, schreibt mir!Als #conservativtrader kann man so nach und nach kleine Profite mitnehmen. Ich nehme für die Bots immer den gleichen Betrag und schöpfe den Profit ab. So kann man zu Anfang mit einem Bot und eine gutes Händchen bald einen zweiten Bot starten, je mehr Bots Gewinn abwerfen desto schneller kommt Bot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etc… klingt simpel. Ist es auch!Aber VORSICHT das ist natürlich keine Garantie immer zu gewinnen.Als Tipp: Am besten man beobachtet im trading view den Money Flow. Ich schau 15 min 30 min an und entscheide ob ich den bot starte oder nicht.Natürlich kann man auch einen Langzeit Bot planen. Aber das ist für mich keine Option da ich Coins nehme die sehr stark schwanken und bei den die Binance Warnung kommt. Ich möchte nämlich sehr viele Matches pro Tag.#Warning #HighRisk #Volatility #Write2Earn
**🚨 Just In: Warning from Slow Mist Founder Cos (余弦) 📢** In a cautionary statement, Cos (余弦), the founder of Slow Mist, has expressed concerns about FriendTech's centralized operations, highlighting the significant risk of users' personal information being compromised. He cautioned that these vulnerabilities could potentially attract attackers, posing a threat of future hacking attempts. #SlowMist #Cos #CyberSecurity #DataPrivacy #Warning #PersonalInformation #Centralization #CyberThreats #HackingRisk
**🚨 Just In: Warning from Slow Mist Founder Cos (余弦) 📢**
In a cautionary statement, Cos (余弦), the founder of Slow Mist, has expressed concerns about FriendTech's centralized operations, highlighting the significant risk of users' personal information being compromised. He cautioned that these vulnerabilities could potentially attract attackers, posing a threat of future hacking attempts.
#SlowMist #Cos #CyberSecurity #DataPrivacy #Warning #PersonalInformation #Centralization #CyberThreats #HackingRisk
Attention, Binance Users! 🚫 Beware of QR Codes in Public Places! 🚫 Hackers are exploiting QR codes to steal sensitive information, including your cryptocurrency. Here’s what you need to know: QR Codes and Popularity: QR codes regained popularity during the pandemic. They’re convenient for businesses and consumers. But cybercriminals have taken advantage. The Dark Side: Some QR codes contain malicious links. When you scan them, hackers can access your data, including credit card info. Stay Safe: Think Before You Scan: Be cautious when scanning QR codes. Avoid These Tasks from a QR Code: Signing into accounts Exchanging contact info Making money transfers Providing contactless payment options Spread the word and protect your crypto assets and personal data! 🔒 #BinanceSqaure #CryptoGuidance #Warning #holders #traders $BTC $ETH $BNB
Attention, Binance Users!

🚫 Beware of QR Codes in Public Places! 🚫

Hackers are exploiting QR codes to steal sensitive information, including your cryptocurrency. Here’s what you need to know:

QR Codes and Popularity: QR codes regained popularity during the pandemic. They’re convenient for businesses and consumers. But cybercriminals have taken advantage.

The Dark Side: Some QR codes contain malicious links. When you scan them, hackers can access your data, including credit card info.

Stay Safe:

Think Before You Scan: Be cautious when scanning QR codes.
Avoid These Tasks from a QR Code:
Signing into accounts
Exchanging contact info
Making money transfers
Providing contactless payment options
Spread the word and protect your crypto assets and personal data! 🔒
#Investment_Scam #Warning Investment scams are fraudulent schemes that promise high returns on investments, but in reality, they are designed to cheat investors out of their money. These scams can take many forms, including Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, and advance fee frauds.
#Investment_Scam #Warning
Investment scams are fraudulent schemes that promise high returns on investments, but in reality, they are designed to cheat investors out of their money. These scams can take many forms, including Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, and advance fee frauds.
🚨 Warning 5,788 BTC equal to about 281,201,198 USDhas been transferred from an unknown wallet to Coinbase Institutional. Stay alert for potential market impact! don't risk your crypto . some unofficial sources claims that pakistan Army chief Asim munir and Politician Nawaz sharif+many more politicians are concealing money laundring via btc. #Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #BTC #Warning
🚨 Warning 5,788 BTC equal to about 281,201,198 USDhas been transferred from an unknown wallet to Coinbase Institutional. Stay alert for potential market impact!
don't risk your crypto
some unofficial sources claims that pakistan Army chief Asim munir and Politician Nawaz sharif+many more politicians are concealing money laundring via btc. #Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #BTC #Warning
Dear friends wait for the BOME listing don't buy in the hype. Don't panic #Warning #BOME
Dear friends wait for the BOME listing don't buy in the hype.
Don't panic
#Warning #BOME
Do Not Buy a cloud mining contract on Binance!! its useless and stupid ! you should rather just buy Bitcoin instead . I'll post detailed workings on why Binance Cloud Mining contracts are like a scam!! #Cloudmining #cloudminer $BTC #Warning
Do Not Buy a cloud mining contract on Binance!! its useless and stupid !

you should rather just buy Bitcoin instead .

I'll post detailed workings on why Binance Cloud Mining contracts are like a scam!!

#Cloudmining #cloudminer $BTC #Warning
The primary scam method used is called Rainbow Drainer, where a #FakeAirdrops is organized to trick victims into verifying transactions and inadvertently granting control of their wallets to the attackers. Leveraging technology to prevent wallets from reflecting the changed balances, hackers managed to steal 2.14 million $USD from 2,189 wallets using this method. $SOL price on look .... #Warning
The primary scam method used is called Rainbow Drainer, where a #FakeAirdrops is organized to trick victims into verifying transactions and inadvertently granting control of their wallets to the attackers. Leveraging technology to prevent wallets from reflecting the changed balances, hackers managed to steal 2.14 million $USD from 2,189 wallets using this method.
$SOL price on look .... #Warning
Hello there, #Warning Do not be carried away by fake success proofs and write-ups people make on this platform or elsewhere on social media. There's no success without risks or steady commitments. Most people would want to make you feel like you're not smart or unserious about being successful. Do not accept every strategy or advice given out here. How can someone use $7 to make $2m on this same spot we're all trading on? Please don't fall to tension. You are doing great with the 10% or more profit you make on your trades. we all know the market has been on a bearish slope lately. I appreciate your efforts to keep going. Good luck to y'all, see you at the top. #Write2Earrn #BinanceERN
Hello there,
Do not be carried away by fake success proofs and write-ups people make on this platform or elsewhere on social media.
There's no success without risks or steady commitments.
Most people would want to make you feel like you're not smart or unserious about being successful.
Do not accept every strategy or advice given out here.
How can someone use $7 to make $2m on this same spot we're all trading on?
Please don't fall to tension. You are doing great with the 10% or more profit you make on your trades.
we all know the market has been on a bearish slope lately. I appreciate your efforts to keep going.
Good luck to y'all, see you at the top.
Baisse (björn)
#Risk #LiquidityMap #Warning Crypto market shows behaviour as shown in Feb and March of 2021 Market will fall to the lowest prices btc will be traded at lower than 20k $BTC . there are multiple factors for fall but one major factor is that billions of people got liquidated and they are taking long break or leaving crypto market permanently#TrendingTopic as shown in big news in 2021 same now. withdraw your money and wait to buy btc under 20k #bulliest market #DUMPED!!!
#Risk #LiquidityMap #Warning
Crypto market shows behaviour as shown in Feb and March of 2021
Market will fall to the lowest prices btc will be traded at lower than 20k $BTC
there are multiple factors for fall but one major factor is that billions of people got liquidated and they are taking long break or leaving crypto market permanently#TrendingTopic as shown in big news in 2021 same now.
withdraw your money and wait to buy btc under 20k
#bulliest market
#Warning Don't sale Out your $Bonk for some Dollars 💰 You can be next millionaire if you have holding power
#Warning Don't sale Out your $Bonk for some Dollars 💰 You can be next millionaire if you have holding power
Dogecoin Dev Warns Against Scammers Targeting Newcomers Protect Your Doge: Beware of Telegram Scams Prominent Dogecoin (DOGE) developer Mishaboar has issued a crucial warning to the DOGE community, particularly new members, urging them to exercise caution and vigilance against scammers. Mishaboar's message highlights the prevalence of scams targeting newcomers to the cryptocurrency space, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding personal information and financial assets. Scammers Lurk on Telegram Mishaboar specifically cautions against engaging with individuals on social media platforms, particularly Telegram, who promise access to exclusive channels or groups in exchange for personal information or cryptocurrency transfers. These scammers often employ fake accounts or impersonate prominent figures in the Dogecoin community to gain trust and exploit unsuspecting individuals. Heed the Warning, Stay Safe Mishaboar's warning serves as a timely reminder of the ever-present threat of scams in the cryptocurrency realm. Newcomers are particularly vulnerable to these schemes due to their unfamiliarity with the landscape and potential lack of awareness of common scams. Protect Yourself: Essential Tips To safeguard your Dogecoin holdings and personal information, follow these essential tips: Never share private keys or seed phrases with anyone, regardless of their claims or promises. Exercise caution when interacting with individuals on social media, especially those requesting financial contributions or personal information. Conduct thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency project. Utilize reputable and secure cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets. By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively protect yourself from scams and ensure the safety of your Dogecoin investments. Remember, vigilance and caution are paramount in the ever-evolving cryptocurrency world. #Doge🦊 #Warning #binannce
Dogecoin Dev Warns Against Scammers Targeting Newcomers

Protect Your Doge: Beware of Telegram Scams

Prominent Dogecoin (DOGE) developer Mishaboar has issued a crucial warning to the DOGE community, particularly new members, urging them to exercise caution and vigilance against scammers. Mishaboar's message highlights the prevalence of scams targeting newcomers to the cryptocurrency space, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding personal information and financial assets.

Scammers Lurk on Telegram

Mishaboar specifically cautions against engaging with individuals on social media platforms, particularly Telegram, who promise access to exclusive channels or groups in exchange for personal information or cryptocurrency transfers. These scammers often employ fake accounts or impersonate prominent figures in the Dogecoin community to gain trust and exploit unsuspecting individuals.

Heed the Warning, Stay Safe

Mishaboar's warning serves as a timely reminder of the ever-present threat of scams in the cryptocurrency realm. Newcomers are particularly vulnerable to these schemes due to their unfamiliarity with the landscape and potential lack of awareness of common scams.

Protect Yourself: Essential Tips

To safeguard your Dogecoin holdings and personal information, follow these essential tips:

Never share private keys or seed phrases with anyone, regardless of their claims or promises.

Exercise caution when interacting with individuals on social media, especially those requesting financial contributions or personal information.

Conduct thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency project.

Utilize reputable and secure cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively protect yourself from scams and ensure the safety of your Dogecoin investments. Remember, vigilance and caution are paramount in the ever-evolving cryptocurrency world.

#Warning #NEFHEZ #BINANCE #COPYTRADING #Scammer ""NEFHEZ"" ""Fullishly scammer"" Why do you foolishly follow an incompetent individual like nefhez, who only takes long positions? Even after repeatedly warning, why don't you listen? This fool continues to exhibit the same behavior, and I cautioned you because I know this scammer's pattern. Why follow such a kindergarten trader who luckily profits during market upswings but loses not only profits but also capital when the market declines? I have nothing more to say to you. Binance, genuinely prioritize investor protection and block the creation of accounts for individuals like nefhez who repeat bankruptcies.

""NEFHEZ"" ""Fullishly scammer""

Why do you foolishly follow an incompetent individual like nefhez, who only takes long positions? Even after repeatedly warning, why don't you listen? This fool continues to exhibit the same behavior, and I cautioned you because I know this scammer's pattern. Why follow such a kindergarten trader who luckily profits during market upswings but loses not only profits but also capital when the market declines? I have nothing more to say to you. Binance, genuinely prioritize investor protection and block the creation of accounts for individuals like nefhez who repeat bankruptcies.
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