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FTX Discloses Significant Asset Shortfall in Company's PresentationAfter extensive efforts, the leader of FTX and FTX US has reported the discovery of billions of dollars in debt on both exchanges. FTX US, a leading digital asset platform, has announced a total of $374 million in assets, with the majority of the sum held in associated accounts. This marks a significant increase in the platform's financial stability since its establishment. Additionally, FTX has reported positive results for its less liquid "Category B Assets", including its own FTX Token (FTT). However, FTX wallets have a net borrowing of $9.3 billion from its sister trading firm, Alameda Research, with FTX US owing Alameda $107 million. This suggests an increasing financial connection between the two firms and may have important implications for the cryptocurrency industry. Meanwhile, FTX Japan users have welcomed the news of the platform's ability to withdraw funds as an "escape" from the platform. In terms of corporate leadership, John J. Ray III, the chief restructuring officer and CEO of FTX, has emphasized the company's commitment to transparency and public disclosure. It has taken a huge effort to get this far. The exchanges' assets were highly commingled, and their books and records are incomplete and , in many Cases, totally absent. In contrast, Nishad Singh, a former engineering director at FTX, has pleaded guilty to multiple counts of fraud in a US district court and now faces potential prison time and fines. Finally, the US Justice Department is facing increased pressure as billionaire trader Sam Singh has filed a plea to halt the investigation into the cryptocurrency industry led by rival billionaire Mike Bankman-Fried, following news of several close associates agreeing to cooperate with prosecutors. Note: This article was written by an independent author and does not represent the publisher's views. If you find my content useful, please consider liking and sharing it. Additionally, I encourage you to follow me for future real-time updates on the cryptocurrency market. Thank you for your support. #crypto #Altcoins #Cryptonews #Bitcoin #Scams

FTX Discloses Significant Asset Shortfall in Company's Presentation

After extensive efforts, the leader of FTX and FTX US has reported the discovery of billions of dollars in debt on both exchanges.

FTX US, a leading digital asset platform, has announced a total of $374 million in assets, with the majority of the sum held in associated accounts. This marks a significant increase in the platform's financial stability since its establishment. Additionally, FTX has reported positive results for its less liquid "Category B Assets", including its own FTX Token (FTT).

However, FTX wallets have a net borrowing of $9.3 billion from its sister trading firm, Alameda Research, with FTX US owing Alameda $107 million. This suggests an increasing financial connection between the two firms and may have important implications for the cryptocurrency industry.

Meanwhile, FTX Japan users have welcomed the news of the platform's ability to withdraw funds as an "escape" from the platform.

In terms of corporate leadership, John J. Ray III, the chief restructuring officer and CEO of FTX, has emphasized the company's commitment to transparency and public disclosure.

It has taken a huge effort to get this far. The exchanges' assets were highly commingled, and their books and records are incomplete and , in many Cases, totally absent.

In contrast, Nishad Singh, a former engineering director at FTX, has pleaded guilty to multiple counts of fraud in a US district court and now faces potential prison time and fines.

Finally, the US Justice Department is facing increased pressure as billionaire trader Sam Singh has filed a plea to halt the investigation into the cryptocurrency industry led by rival billionaire Mike Bankman-Fried, following news of several close associates agreeing to cooperate with prosecutors.

Note: This article was written by an independent author and does not represent the publisher's views.

If you find my content useful, please consider liking and sharing it.

Additionally, I encourage you to follow me for future real-time updates on the cryptocurrency market.

Thank you for your support.

#crypto #Altcoins #Cryptonews #Bitcoin #Scams

Investment Fraud Involving Cryptocurrencies Cost US Investors $2.57B In 2022Internet #fraud cost US citizens more over $10 billion in 2022, with $2.57 billion of that loss coming from #cryptocurrency investment schemes. In 2021, fraudulent cryptocurrency investment losses will amount $907 million. The victims are mostly between the ages of 30 and 49. Getting consumers to connect their wallets to fraudulent liquidity mining software in order to steal their money or take over their social media accounts is the most common technique of fraud. While more people are being convinced to part with their hard-earned money in these fraudulent scams, this unpleasant trend is on the rise. In order to avoid falling victim to such scams, it is essential to do sufficient research before making an investment. To further safeguard the security of your money, it is essential to only work with reputable and reliable brokers and exchangers. Scams using bitcoin are becoming more and more of a concern for everyone, not just Americans. #Scams can take many different shapes, such as fake ICOs, Ponzi plans, and phishing. A recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) survey found that men between the ages of 20 and 49 were the most affected demographic. It is crucial to remember that fraudsters find cryptocurrencies and #blockchain technology to be enticing targets due to their nature. Because transactions are decentralized and participants are anonymous, it is challenging to track down and recover stolen assets. This underlines how crucial it is to use cautious while working with bitcoin. The crypto sector is still in its infancy and has a dismal track record for its companies. Yet, this is a promising area that is anticipated to grow quickly in the future. In order to make the rules more restrictive for both enterprises and investors, government agencies are working on legal concerns. It's crucial to use caution and awareness when investing in cryptocurrency. Do your research, work with reputable brokers, and always verify the legitimacy of investment opportunities before you deposit your money. You can prevent falling for #bitcoin investment scams by taking these precautions.

Investment Fraud Involving Cryptocurrencies Cost US Investors $2.57B In 2022

Internet #fraud cost US citizens more over $10 billion in 2022, with $2.57 billion of that loss coming from #cryptocurrency investment schemes.

In 2021, fraudulent cryptocurrency investment losses will amount $907 million. The victims are mostly between the ages of 30 and 49. Getting consumers to connect their wallets to fraudulent liquidity mining software in order to steal their money or take over their social media accounts is the most common technique of fraud.

While more people are being convinced to part with their hard-earned money in these fraudulent scams, this unpleasant trend is on the rise. In order to avoid falling victim to such scams, it is essential to do sufficient research before making an investment. To further safeguard the security of your money, it is essential to only work with reputable and reliable brokers and exchangers.

Scams using bitcoin are becoming more and more of a concern for everyone, not just Americans. #Scams can take many different shapes, such as fake ICOs, Ponzi plans, and phishing. A recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) survey found that men between the ages of 20 and 49 were the most affected demographic.

It is crucial to remember that fraudsters find cryptocurrencies and #blockchain technology to be enticing targets due to their nature. Because transactions are decentralized and participants are anonymous, it is challenging to track down and recover stolen assets. This underlines how crucial it is to use cautious while working with bitcoin.

The crypto sector is still in its infancy and has a dismal track record for its companies. Yet, this is a promising area that is anticipated to grow quickly in the future. In order to make the rules more restrictive for both enterprises and investors, government agencies are working on legal concerns.

It's crucial to use caution and awareness when investing in cryptocurrency. Do your research, work with reputable brokers, and always verify the legitimacy of investment opportunities before you deposit your money. You can prevent falling for #bitcoin investment scams by taking these precautions.
Please be very careful when you contact the people leaving comments about trading mentors & high ROI on posts on #BinanceFeed & on other crypto related content on the net. Many of them do not have your best interests at all! Better still DON'T contact them 🚫 #Scams
Please be very careful when you contact the people leaving comments about trading mentors & high ROI on posts on #BinanceFeed & on other crypto related content on the net.

Many of them do not have your best interests at all!

Better still DON'T contact them 🚫 #Scams

Senior citizens in Hong Kong lose over $1.3M to cryptocurrency and investment scams, as fraudsters prey on vulnerable individuals with promises of high returns. #Scams #crypto2023
Senior citizens in Hong Kong lose over $1.3M to cryptocurrency and investment scams, as fraudsters prey on vulnerable individuals with promises of high returns.

#Scams #crypto2023
Safeguarding Your Crypto Assets: Differentiating Hack, Scam, Attack, and Exploit in the Crypto SpaceThe world of cryptocurrencies offers immense opportunities for financial growth and innovation. However, it also presents risks that crypto enthusiasts must be aware of and actively protect themselves against. Understanding the distinctions between hacks, scams, attacks, and exploits is crucial for safeguarding your crypto assets and personal information. Hacks Hacks refer to unauthorized access or breach of #security in crypto exchanges, wallets, or other platforms, resulting in the theft of funds or sensitive user information. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in systems, such as weak passwords, phishing attacks, or exploiting bugs in smart contracts, to gain unauthorized access. To protect yourself against hacks: Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible. Regularly update and secure your devices and software. Be cautious of phishing attempts and only interact with trusted sources. Store the majority of your funds in offline wallets (cold storage) rather than online wallets (hot storage) connected to the internet. Scams #Scams involve fraudulent activities that deceive individuals into parting with their crypto assets or personal information. Scammers may create fake websites, ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), or investment schemes that promise high returns or exclusive opportunities. They often employ social engineering tactics to manipulate victims into transferring funds or sharing sensitive information. To avoid falling victim to scams: Conduct thorough research before investing in any project or participating in an ICO. Be skeptical of offers that seem too good to be true and exercise caution when sharing personal information. #Verify the authenticity of websites, projects, and individuals through trusted sources. Educate yourself about common scam techniques to recognize warning signs. Attacks In the crypto space, attacks typically refer to network-based assaults targeting blockchain protocols or consensus mechanisms. Examples include 51% attacks, where a malicious entity gains majority control over a blockchain's mining power, or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks that overload network resources. While individuals are not directly responsible for preventing attacks on blockchains, they can mitigate risks by: Diversifying their crypto holdings across different blockchain networks. Staying informed about potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in specific blockchains. Following best security practices to protect their personal wallets and accounts. Exploits Exploits are instances where individuals or hackers identify vulnerabilities in smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), or other crypto platforms to exploit them for their advantage. These vulnerabilities could lead to unintended consequences, such as funds being drained or unauthorized access to user data. To minimize exposure to exploits: Only interact with audited and reputable smart contracts and dApps. Stay updated with security announcements and patches from project developers. Be cautious when approving transactions or providing permissions to smart contracts. Participate in bug bounty programs and responsible disclosure initiatives to contribute to a safer crypto ecosystem. Conclusion As the crypto space continues to evolve, it is crucial to be aware of the risks associated with hacks, scams, attacks, and exploits. By understanding the differences between these terms and implementing best security practices, you can better protect your crypto assets and personal information. Stay vigilant, exercise caution, and prioritize security to navigate the crypto landscape safely and confidently.

Safeguarding Your Crypto Assets: Differentiating Hack, Scam, Attack, and Exploit in the Crypto Space

The world of cryptocurrencies offers immense opportunities for financial growth and innovation. However, it also presents risks that crypto enthusiasts must be aware of and actively protect themselves against. Understanding the distinctions between hacks, scams, attacks, and exploits is crucial for safeguarding your crypto assets and personal information.


Hacks refer to unauthorized access or breach of #security in crypto exchanges, wallets, or other platforms, resulting in the theft of funds or sensitive user information. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in systems, such as weak passwords, phishing attacks, or exploiting bugs in smart contracts, to gain unauthorized access.

To protect yourself against hacks:

Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible.

Regularly update and secure your devices and software.

Be cautious of phishing attempts and only interact with trusted sources.

Store the majority of your funds in offline wallets (cold storage) rather than online wallets (hot storage) connected to the internet.


#Scams involve fraudulent activities that deceive individuals into parting with their crypto assets or personal information. Scammers may create fake websites, ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), or investment schemes that promise high returns or exclusive opportunities. They often employ social engineering tactics to manipulate victims into transferring funds or sharing sensitive information.

To avoid falling victim to scams:

Conduct thorough research before investing in any project or participating in an ICO.

Be skeptical of offers that seem too good to be true and exercise caution when sharing personal information.

#Verify the authenticity of websites, projects, and individuals through trusted sources.

Educate yourself about common scam techniques to recognize warning signs.


In the crypto space, attacks typically refer to network-based assaults targeting blockchain protocols or consensus mechanisms. Examples include 51% attacks, where a malicious entity gains majority control over a blockchain's mining power, or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks that overload network resources.

While individuals are not directly responsible for preventing attacks on blockchains, they can mitigate risks by:

Diversifying their crypto holdings across different blockchain networks.

Staying informed about potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in specific blockchains.

Following best security practices to protect their personal wallets and accounts.


Exploits are instances where individuals or hackers identify vulnerabilities in smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), or other crypto platforms to exploit them for their advantage. These vulnerabilities could lead to unintended consequences, such as funds being drained or unauthorized access to user data.

To minimize exposure to exploits:

Only interact with audited and reputable smart contracts and dApps.

Stay updated with security announcements and patches from project developers.

Be cautious when approving transactions or providing permissions to smart contracts.

Participate in bug bounty programs and responsible disclosure initiatives to contribute to a safer crypto ecosystem.


As the crypto space continues to evolve, it is crucial to be aware of the risks associated with hacks, scams, attacks, and exploits. By understanding the differences between these terms and implementing best security practices, you can better protect your crypto assets and personal information. Stay vigilant, exercise caution, and prioritize security to navigate the crypto landscape safely and confidently.
A Ponzi scheme is a type of pyramid scheme in which investors benefit from contributions from new investors rather than profits generated by a real business. The scheme is named after Charles Ponzi, an Italian immigrant who defrauded thousands of people in the United States in the early 20th century. In a Ponzi scheme, the scammer promises investors high rates of return with little or no risk. To attract new investors, the scammer pays previous investors with the new investors' money. This creates the illusion that the business is successful and that investors are making money. The Ponzi scheme is unsustainable in the long term because it relies on a constant flow of new investors. When the flow of new investors stops, the scheme collapses and investors lose their money. Ponzi schemes are illegal in most countries. In the United States, Ponzi schemes are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Here are some warning signs that may indicate a Ponzi scheme: 🔸Promises of high returns with little or no risk. 🔸Pressure to invest quickly. 🔸Lack of transparency about how money is invested. 🔸Lack of regulation. If you are thinking about investing in a business, it is important to research it thoroughly before investing. It is important to be wary of any investment that seems too good to be true. Some examples of recent Ponzi schemes include: 🔸Bernard Madoff: Madoff defrauded thousands of investors with a Ponzi scheme that raised more than $65 billion. 🔸Allen Stanford: Stanford defrauded thousands of investors with a Ponzi scheme that raised more than $7 billion. 🔸Bernie Madoff: Madoff defrauded thousands of investors with a Ponzi scheme that raised more than $65 billion. These Ponzi schemes caused significant financial losses to investors. #Scams #Scam #Scammers
A Ponzi scheme is a type of pyramid scheme in which investors benefit from contributions from new investors rather than profits generated by a real business. The scheme is named after Charles Ponzi, an Italian immigrant who defrauded thousands of people in the United States in the early 20th century.

In a Ponzi scheme, the scammer promises investors high rates of return with little or no risk. To attract new investors, the scammer pays previous investors with the new investors' money. This creates the illusion that the business is successful and that investors are making money.

The Ponzi scheme is unsustainable in the long term because it relies on a constant flow of new investors. When the flow of new investors stops, the scheme collapses and investors lose their money.

Ponzi schemes are illegal in most countries. In the United States, Ponzi schemes are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Here are some warning signs that may indicate a Ponzi scheme:

🔸Promises of high returns with little or no risk.

🔸Pressure to invest quickly.

🔸Lack of transparency about how money is invested.

🔸Lack of regulation.

If you are thinking about investing in a business, it is important to research it thoroughly before investing. It is important to be wary of any investment that seems too good to be true.

Some examples of recent Ponzi schemes include:

🔸Bernard Madoff: Madoff defrauded thousands of investors with a Ponzi scheme that raised more than $65 billion.

🔸Allen Stanford: Stanford defrauded thousands of investors with a Ponzi scheme that raised more than $7 billion.

🔸Bernie Madoff: Madoff defrauded thousands of investors with a Ponzi scheme that raised more than $65 billion.

These Ponzi schemes caused significant financial losses to investors.

#Scams #Scam #Scammers
CZ Binance: $20 Million Saved From an Unsuccessful Crypto SCAM Attempt Binance CEO, popularly known as CZ Binance, shared in his recent tweet how they saved $20 million from a scam attempt yesterday. In his tweet, he said, "Scammers are so good now that they generate addresses with the same starting and ending letters, which is what most people check for when doing a crypto transfer. In fact, many wallets hide the middle part of the address with "..." to make the UI look better." Yesterday, an experienced crypto trader was trying to send $20 million but unfortunately sent it to a scammer's wallet. He noticed this error immediately after the transaction, which prompted him to report the transaction immediately. Lucky enough, the fund was frozen. Make sure you confirm wallet address before every transaction. #crypto #Scams
CZ Binance: $20 Million Saved From an Unsuccessful Crypto SCAM Attempt

Binance CEO, popularly known as CZ Binance, shared in his recent tweet how they saved $20 million from a scam attempt yesterday.

In his tweet, he said, "Scammers are so good now that they generate addresses with the same starting and ending letters, which is what most people check for when doing a crypto transfer. In fact, many wallets hide the middle part of the address with "..." to make the UI look better."

Yesterday, an experienced crypto trader was trying to send $20 million but unfortunately sent it to a scammer's wallet. He noticed this error immediately after the transaction, which prompted him to report the transaction immediately. Lucky enough, the fund was frozen.

Make sure you confirm wallet address before every transaction.

#crypto #Scams
Tens of millions of dollars worth of tokens were withdrawn from the Multichain protocol on the Fantom network. The alleged hacker’s account contains $126.3 million worth of cryptocurrency. However, the attacker still hasn’t moved the money from their wallet—i.e., they haven’t sold the assets or moved them to a crypto mixer. People online are using this exploit to poke fun at the way digital assets are stored—check out this meme that went viral in the community #CEX #crypto #Wallet #Scams like and follow🙏
Tens of millions of dollars worth of tokens were withdrawn from the Multichain protocol on the Fantom network.

The alleged hacker’s account contains $126.3 million worth of cryptocurrency. However, the attacker still hasn’t moved the money from their wallet—i.e., they haven’t sold the assets or moved them to a crypto mixer.

People online are using this exploit to poke fun at the way digital assets are stored—check out this meme that went viral in the community

#CEX #crypto #Wallet #Scams

like and follow🙏
Don't Fall for the Trap: How to Spot and Avoid Crypto Giveaway Scams🚨 BEWARE OF CRYPTO GIVEAWAY SCAMS 🚨 Cryptocurrency giveaway scams have been on the rise lately, and it's important to know how to protect yourself from falling victim to these schemes. In this post, we'll provide some tips to help you avoid these scams and keep your crypto safe. ❌❌ Red Flags to Look Out For: 1️⃣ Unsolicited Messages: If you receive a message from someone claiming to be from a cryptocurrency company, offering free coins or tokens, be very suspicious. Legitimate companies will not randomly message you with these kinds of offers. 2️⃣ Requests for Personal Information: If someone asks for your wallet address, private keys, or other personal information, do not provide it. This is a common tactic used by scammers to gain access to your crypto. 3️⃣ Urgency or Pressure: If the person is pressuring you to act quickly or making urgent demands, it's likely a scam. Legitimate companies will not rush you into making a decision. 4️⃣ Too Good to be True: If the offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don't fall for promises of huge returns or guaranteed profits. ✅ How to Protect Yourself: 1️⃣ Do Your Research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency or participating in any giveaway, research the company and the offer thoroughly. Look for reviews and feedback from other users. 2️⃣ Verify the Source: Check the official website or social media pages of the cryptocurrency company to verify that the giveaway is legitimate. 3️⃣ Use Common Sense: Trust your instincts and don't give in to pressure or urgency. Take your time to make an informed decision. 4️⃣ Secure Your Crypto: Keep your crypto in a secure wallet and never share your private keys or seed phrases with anyone. Stay safe and always be cautious when it comes to your crypto. Don't let scammers take advantage of you. 💪 Hey, it's CryptoPatel here! I'm passionate about providing you with the latest insights and analysis on the world of cryptocurrencies. If you enjoy my content and want to show your support, please like, share, and follow me for more high-quality updates. Thank you for your support, and let's continue to stay connected for more exciting content! LIKE ❤️ Share ⏩ Follow 🤝 #BRC20 #eucryptotaxplans #Giveaway #Scams #feedfeverchallenge

Don't Fall for the Trap: How to Spot and Avoid Crypto Giveaway Scams


Cryptocurrency giveaway scams have been on the rise lately, and it's important to know how to protect yourself from falling victim to these schemes. In this post, we'll provide some tips to help you avoid these scams and keep your crypto safe.

❌❌ Red Flags to Look Out For:

1️⃣ Unsolicited Messages: If you receive a message from someone claiming to be from a cryptocurrency company, offering free coins or tokens, be very suspicious. Legitimate companies will not randomly message you with these kinds of offers.

2️⃣ Requests for Personal Information: If someone asks for your wallet address, private keys, or other personal information, do not provide it. This is a common tactic used by scammers to gain access to your crypto.

3️⃣ Urgency or Pressure: If the person is pressuring you to act quickly or making urgent demands, it's likely a scam. Legitimate companies will not rush you into making a decision.

4️⃣ Too Good to be True: If the offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don't fall for promises of huge returns or guaranteed profits.

✅ How to Protect Yourself:

1️⃣ Do Your Research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency or participating in any giveaway, research the company and the offer thoroughly. Look for reviews and feedback from other users.

2️⃣ Verify the Source: Check the official website or social media pages of the cryptocurrency company to verify that the giveaway is legitimate.

3️⃣ Use Common Sense: Trust your instincts and don't give in to pressure or urgency. Take your time to make an informed decision.

4️⃣ Secure Your Crypto: Keep your crypto in a secure wallet and never share your private keys or seed phrases with anyone.

Stay safe and always be cautious when it comes to your crypto. Don't let scammers take advantage of you. 💪

Hey, it's CryptoPatel here!

I'm passionate about providing you with the latest insights and analysis on the world of cryptocurrencies.

If you enjoy my content and want to show your support, please like, share, and follow me for more high-quality updates.

Thank you for your support, and let's continue to stay connected for more exciting content!


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#BRC20 #eucryptotaxplans #Giveaway #Scams #feedfeverchallenge
Baisse (björn)
🚨🚨7.8 Billion $ Lost In crypto scams in 2022 🚨 According To a report by blockchain Intelligence Firm TRM Labs 7.8 Billion were lost in ponzi and pyramid schemes in crypto in 2022 alone. Also 1.5 Billion usd were sent t darknet For illict activities and 3.7$ billion were Gone in hacks or other things. In total 9.04 billion was Wasted in all Fraud schemes in 2022 accroding to TRM labs . This amount is significant because 2022 was market by svere bear run and These things happening In this year Make it more shocking how do you suggest scams in crypto can be stopped ? #Scams #news
🚨🚨7.8 Billion $ Lost In crypto scams in 2022 🚨

According To a report by blockchain Intelligence Firm TRM Labs 7.8 Billion were lost in ponzi and pyramid schemes in crypto in 2022 alone. Also 1.5 Billion usd were sent t darknet For illict activities and 3.7$ billion were Gone in hacks or other things.

In total 9.04 billion was Wasted in all Fraud schemes in 2022 accroding to TRM labs . This amount is significant because 2022 was market by svere bear run and These things happening In this year Make it more shocking

how do you suggest scams in crypto can be stopped ?

#Scams #news
Nowadays, a new scam is rising in the Crypto market.   ➜ Basically, the hardcore believers of any token will represent some data to make you believe that their favourite token, 'XYZ', is getting listed on big exchanges like Binance.   ➜ They will show you the Binance hot wallet, where you will see the 'XYZ' token, and after that, you will ape into that token, thinking that the token will get listed on Binance.   ➜ But keep in mind that a lot of people mistakenly send their tokens to some exchanges.   ➜ Also, sometimes the team itself or any big token holder sends their tokens to Binance hot wallets to make them believe that their token listing is about to happen.   ➜ In most cases, this will turn out to be false, and you will be left holding the bag.   So, always verify things before making any investment decision. #Scams #Write2Earn #Binance
Nowadays, a new scam is rising in the Crypto market.
➜ Basically, the hardcore believers of any token will represent some data to make you believe that their favourite token, 'XYZ', is getting listed on big exchanges like Binance.
➜ They will show you the Binance hot wallet, where you will see the 'XYZ' token, and after that, you will ape into that token, thinking that the token will get listed on Binance.
➜ But keep in mind that a lot of people mistakenly send their tokens to some exchanges.
➜ Also, sometimes the team itself or any big token holder sends their tokens to Binance hot wallets to make them believe that their token listing is about to happen.
➜ In most cases, this will turn out to be false, and you will be left holding the bag.
So, always verify things before making any investment decision.

#Scams #Write2Earn #Binance
WSBcoin Scandal: ZJZ.eth Dumps $635k of Team Supply, Raises Ethics Concerns in Crypto MarketA recent incident involving ZJZ.eth from @wsbcoinofficial has raised concerns about the transparency and security of the cryptocurrency market. The individual reportedly dumped a large portion of the WSB team supply for $635k (334 ETH), leading to suspicions of a "rug pull" scam. In November 2022, ZJZ.eth allegedly messaged an individual, stating "I guess we should have been greedy amoral bastards instead 😔". This message only added to the growing suspicion of unethical behavior in the cryptocurrency space. To add to the confusion, there is a lack of clarity about the other multisig signer for the 6.86B WSB transaction. @wsbmod has claimed that it belongs to the mod OIP, indicating that ZJZ created the transaction and OIP executed it. As investors become increasingly wary of cryptocurrency scams, it is important for individuals and organizations to prioritize transparency and ethical behavior. The lack of regulation in the crypto market can lead to instances of fraud and manipulation, causing damage to the market as a whole. As the crypto market continues to evolve, it is essential that industry participants work to build a reputation of trust and integrity. By holding themselves to high ethical standards, they can help to establish a market that is fair, transparent, and secure for all investors. Hey, it's CryptoPatel here! I'm passionate about providing you with the latest insights and analysis on the world of cryptocurrencies. If you enjoy my content and want to show your support, please like, share, and follow me for more high-quality updates. Thank you for your support, and let's continue to stay connected for more exciting content! LIKE ❤️ Share ⏩ Follow 🤝 #wsb #Scams #eth2.0 #sui #CryptoPatel

WSBcoin Scandal: ZJZ.eth Dumps $635k of Team Supply, Raises Ethics Concerns in Crypto Market

A recent incident involving ZJZ.eth from @wsbcoinofficial has raised concerns about the transparency and security of the cryptocurrency market. The individual reportedly dumped a large portion of the WSB team supply for $635k (334 ETH), leading to suspicions of a "rug pull" scam.

In November 2022, ZJZ.eth allegedly messaged an individual, stating "I guess we should have been greedy amoral bastards instead 😔". This message only added to the growing suspicion of unethical behavior in the cryptocurrency space.

To add to the confusion, there is a lack of clarity about the other multisig signer for the 6.86B WSB transaction. @wsbmod has claimed that it belongs to the mod OIP, indicating that ZJZ created the transaction and OIP executed it.

As investors become increasingly wary of cryptocurrency scams, it is important for individuals and organizations to prioritize transparency and ethical behavior. The lack of regulation in the crypto market can lead to instances of fraud and manipulation, causing damage to the market as a whole.

As the crypto market continues to evolve, it is essential that industry participants work to build a reputation of trust and integrity. By holding themselves to high ethical standards, they can help to establish a market that is fair, transparent, and secure for all investors.

Hey, it's CryptoPatel here!

I'm passionate about providing you with the latest insights and analysis on the world of cryptocurrencies.

If you enjoy my content and want to show your support, please like, share, and follow me for more high-quality updates.

Thank you for your support, and let's continue to stay connected for more exciting content!


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#wsb #Scams #eth2.0 #sui #CryptoPatel
Navigating the world of cryptocurrencies requires vigilance, as the digital landscape is not only filled with opportunities but also with pitfalls. One such pitfall is the presence of counterfeit applications, such as a fake #Ledger Live app that might appear on platforms like the #Microsoft Store. 🐍💻 Wisdom in this domain comes down to a blend of caution and education. When dealing with crypto assets, the importance of verifying the legitimacy of every tool and service you use cannot be overstressed. Here's a sage piece of advice: "Trust, but verify." Even the most trustworthy-looking applications need to be double-checked, especially when they are stewards of your digital wealth. 🔍✅ The existence of a fake app is a reminder to always do your due diligence. Before downloading any application related to cryptocurrency management, such as wallets or trading platforms, ensure that you're visiting the official website of the service provider to get the correct link. Look for signs of authenticity like developer information, reviews, and website links. A genuine service provider will always have a means to verify their software and will often warn users about potential scams through their official communication channels. 🌐🛡️ Furthermore, make it a practice to keep an eye on the #community feedback. The crypto community is often the first line of defense against #Scams with users quickly raising flags about suspicious activity. 🚩👥 Remember, in the world of digital assets, your first line of defense is your own informed caution. When in doubt, reach out directly to the service provider for confirmation. As the saying goes, "Better safe than sorry." In the digital age, this couldn't be more accurate—especially when the safety of your investments is at stake. 💬🔐 So, take this incident not just as a warning, but as a valuable lesson: In the digital wild west of crypto, always saddle up with skepticism and ride with the reins of research in hand. 🤠📖 #BTC
Navigating the world of cryptocurrencies requires vigilance, as the digital landscape is not only filled with opportunities but also with pitfalls. One such pitfall is the presence of counterfeit applications, such as a fake #Ledger Live app that might appear on platforms like the #Microsoft Store. 🐍💻
Wisdom in this domain comes down to a blend of caution and education. When dealing with crypto assets, the importance of verifying the legitimacy of every tool and service you use cannot be overstressed. Here's a sage piece of advice: "Trust, but verify." Even the most trustworthy-looking applications need to be double-checked, especially when they are stewards of your digital wealth. 🔍✅
The existence of a fake app is a reminder to always do your due diligence. Before downloading any application related to cryptocurrency management, such as wallets or trading platforms, ensure that you're visiting the official website of the service provider to get the correct link. Look for signs of authenticity like developer information, reviews, and website links. A genuine service provider will always have a means to verify their software and will often warn users about potential scams through their official communication channels. 🌐🛡️
Furthermore, make it a practice to keep an eye on the #community feedback. The crypto community is often the first line of defense against #Scams with users quickly raising flags about suspicious activity. 🚩👥
Remember, in the world of digital assets, your first line of defense is your own informed caution. When in doubt, reach out directly to the service provider for confirmation. As the saying goes, "Better safe than sorry." In the digital age, this couldn't be more accurate—especially when the safety of your investments is at stake. 💬🔐
So, take this incident not just as a warning, but as a valuable lesson: In the digital wild west of crypto, always saddle up with skepticism and ride with the reins of research in hand. 🤠📖
Has Crypto Vanished? Fear Not, Warriors! Reclaim Your Coins! ️ Feeling the icy grip of fear after a crypto hack? Don't panic, fellow investor! While stolen coins can feel like a digital ghost town, recovery is possible. Here's the truth: No guarantees exist, but armed with knowledge, you can fight back! ⚔️ 🌓 First Steps: ▪︎Act FAST! Time is precious. Report the theft immediately to the exchange/wallet and authorities. ▪︎Secure the rest: Move remaining assets to a safe haven (a different wallet with robust security). ️‍♀️ Recovery Paths: ▪︎Exchange Support: Reputable platforms prioritize security and may offer recovery assistance. Contact them directly! ▪︎Blockchain Forensics: Specialized firms trace stolen funds and potentially freeze them. Consider their expertise, but be mindful of fees. ▪︎Law Enforcement: File a police report. While complex, their resources can be invaluable in major cases. ⚠️ Remember: ▪︎Prevention is key! Strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and vigilant awareness are your best defense. ▪︎Beware scams! Fake "recovery" services prey on desperation. Do your research and choose reputable firms. ▪︎Stay informed: The crypto landscape evolves rapidly. Keep up-to-date on security best practices and emerging threats. You are not alone! The crypto community stands with you. Share your story (anonymously, if needed) to raise awareness and connect with others facing similar challenges. Remember, even in the darkest depths of the digital world, hope remains. Fight for your coins, and never give up! P.S. Share this post to empower others and spread the knowledge! #CryptoSecurity #stolencrypto #CryptoSafety #Write2Earn #Scams
Has Crypto Vanished? Fear Not, Warriors! Reclaim Your Coins! ️

Feeling the icy grip of fear after a crypto hack? Don't panic, fellow investor! While stolen coins can feel like a digital ghost town, recovery is possible.

Here's the truth: No guarantees exist, but armed with knowledge, you can fight back! ⚔️

🌓 First Steps:

▪︎Act FAST! Time is precious. Report the theft immediately to the exchange/wallet and authorities.

▪︎Secure the rest: Move remaining assets to a safe haven (a different wallet with robust security).

️‍♀️ Recovery Paths:

▪︎Exchange Support: Reputable platforms prioritize security and may offer recovery assistance. Contact them directly!

▪︎Blockchain Forensics: Specialized firms trace stolen funds and potentially freeze them. Consider their expertise, but be mindful of fees.

▪︎Law Enforcement: File a police report. While complex, their resources can be invaluable in major cases.

⚠️ Remember:

▪︎Prevention is key! Strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and vigilant awareness are your best defense.

▪︎Beware scams! Fake "recovery" services prey on desperation. Do your research and choose reputable firms.

▪︎Stay informed: The crypto landscape evolves rapidly. Keep up-to-date on security best practices and emerging threats.

You are not alone! The crypto community stands with you. Share your story (anonymously, if needed) to raise awareness and connect with others facing similar challenges.

Remember, even in the darkest depths of the digital world, hope remains. Fight for your coins, and never give up!

P.S. Share this post to empower others and spread the knowledge!
#CryptoSecurity #stolencrypto #CryptoSafety #Write2Earn #Scams
Beware of Crypto Giveaway Scam: $5M Stolen from Thousands of VictimsBeware of Crypto Giveaway Scam: $5M Stolen from Thousands of Victims A recently uncovered crypto giveaway scam, orchestrated by the Russian-speaking group Impulse Team, has defrauded unsuspecting victims of more than $5 million since 2021. This elaborate operation involves a network of over 1,000 fraudulent websites and has successfully scammed individuals worldwide through social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok, and Mastodon. Trend Micro, a leading IT security expert, published research shedding light on this widespread scam, which has left thousands of people deceived. Headings: The Scam Unveiled: How Impulse Team Operates The Illusion of Winning: Luring Victims on Social Media Activation and Identity Verification: A Costly Requirement Impulse Team's Profits: Exaggerated Claims and Affiliate Networks Expanding Their Reach: Promoting the Scam on Cybercrime Forums Russian Detective Bribed: Revealing Illegal Assets Authorities Close In: Unearthing the Detective's Involvement The Scam Unveiled: How Impulse Team Operates: The crypto giveaway scam operated by Impulse Team spans several years, with some associated websites dating back to 2016. Trend Micro's recent research has shed light on the extent of the scam, indicating that thousands of people worldwide have fallen victim to this fraudulent scheme. The scammers employ a network of over 1,000 deceptive websites to carry out their operations, targeting unsuspecting individuals seeking to participate in crypto giveaways. The Illusion of Winning: Luring Victims on Social Media: Impulse Team preys on social media users, leveraging platforms such as Twitter, TikTok, and Mastodon to create an illusion of winning a valuable crypto giveaway. By presenting themselves as legitimate entities, the scammers entice victims into visiting their fraudulent websites, offering them a chance to claim a substantial prize of 0.78632 bitcoin (over $20,000). Activation and Identity Verification: A Costly Requirement: To validate their accounts and claim the promised prize, victims are instructed to make an initial deposit of 0.01 bitcoin (approximately $260) for identity verification purposes. Although this amount appears relatively small compared to the promised rewards, victims soon discover that they never receive any return on their investment. The scammers exploit victims' trust, capitalizing on their desire for quick profits. Impulse Team's Profits: Exaggerated Claims and Affiliate Networks: Trend Micro's research estimates that Impulse Team's scam websites received $5 million worth of USDT between December 2022 and March 2023. However, researchers suspect that the amounts showcased in Impulse's Telegram channels are intentionally inflated to attract other scammers to join their affiliate program. This elaborate network allows the scammers to promote their scams on Russian cybercrime forums, with a paid subscription service offering tools for successful victim exploitation. Expanding Their Reach: Promoting the Scam on Cybercrime Forums: Impulse Team employs various tactics to expand the reach of their scam, including actively promoting it on Russian cybercrime forums. By doing so, they aim to recruit more affiliates and amplify their fraudulent activities. The scammers capitalize on the widespread interest in cryptocurrencies and the allure of quick profits, preying on individuals seeking financial gains. Russian Detective Bribed: Revealing Illegal Assets: In a separate incident, hackers allegedly bribed a Russian detective with $28 million worth of bitcoin to shield their illicit assets from scrutiny. This detective, who held prominent positions in several investigative departments, was also leading the investigation into the group of hackers involved in the bribe. Authorities discovered evidence of the bribe, leading to the detective being asked to step down Hello, it's CryptoPatel here! Passionate about providing you with the latest insights and analysis on cryptocurrencies. Join me for high-quality updates on the ever-evolving crypto world. If you enjoy my content, please show your support by liking, sharing, and following. Let's stay connected for exciting updates! #crypto2023 #Scams #Giveaway #SEC #Sberbank

Beware of Crypto Giveaway Scam: $5M Stolen from Thousands of Victims

Beware of Crypto Giveaway Scam: $5M Stolen from Thousands of Victims

A recently uncovered crypto giveaway scam, orchestrated by the Russian-speaking group Impulse Team, has defrauded unsuspecting victims of more than $5 million since 2021. This elaborate operation involves a network of over 1,000 fraudulent websites and has successfully scammed individuals worldwide through social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok, and Mastodon. Trend Micro, a leading IT security expert, published research shedding light on this widespread scam, which has left thousands of people deceived.


The Scam Unveiled: How Impulse Team Operates

The Illusion of Winning: Luring Victims on Social Media

Activation and Identity Verification: A Costly Requirement

Impulse Team's Profits: Exaggerated Claims and Affiliate Networks

Expanding Their Reach: Promoting the Scam on Cybercrime Forums

Russian Detective Bribed: Revealing Illegal Assets

Authorities Close In: Unearthing the Detective's Involvement

The Scam Unveiled: How Impulse Team Operates: The crypto giveaway scam operated by Impulse Team spans several years, with some associated websites dating back to 2016. Trend Micro's recent research has shed light on the extent of the scam, indicating that thousands of people worldwide have fallen victim to this fraudulent scheme. The scammers employ a network of over 1,000 deceptive websites to carry out their operations, targeting unsuspecting individuals seeking to participate in crypto giveaways.

The Illusion of Winning: Luring Victims on Social Media: Impulse Team preys on social media users, leveraging platforms such as Twitter, TikTok, and Mastodon to create an illusion of winning a valuable crypto giveaway. By presenting themselves as legitimate entities, the scammers entice victims into visiting their fraudulent websites, offering them a chance to claim a substantial prize of 0.78632 bitcoin (over $20,000).

Activation and Identity Verification: A Costly Requirement: To validate their accounts and claim the promised prize, victims are instructed to make an initial deposit of 0.01 bitcoin (approximately $260) for identity verification purposes. Although this amount appears relatively small compared to the promised rewards, victims soon discover that they never receive any return on their investment. The scammers exploit victims' trust, capitalizing on their desire for quick profits.

Impulse Team's Profits: Exaggerated Claims and Affiliate Networks: Trend Micro's research estimates that Impulse Team's scam websites received $5 million worth of USDT between December 2022 and March 2023. However, researchers suspect that the amounts showcased in Impulse's Telegram channels are intentionally inflated to attract other scammers to join their affiliate program. This elaborate network allows the scammers to promote their scams on Russian cybercrime forums, with a paid subscription service offering tools for successful victim exploitation.

Expanding Their Reach: Promoting the Scam on Cybercrime Forums: Impulse Team employs various tactics to expand the reach of their scam, including actively promoting it on Russian cybercrime forums. By doing so, they aim to recruit more affiliates and amplify their fraudulent activities. The scammers capitalize on the widespread interest in cryptocurrencies and the allure of quick profits, preying on individuals seeking financial gains.

Russian Detective Bribed: Revealing Illegal Assets: In a separate incident, hackers allegedly bribed a Russian detective with $28 million worth of bitcoin to shield their illicit assets from scrutiny. This detective, who held prominent positions in several investigative departments, was also leading the investigation into the group of hackers involved in the bribe. Authorities discovered evidence of the bribe, leading to the detective being asked to step down

Hello, it's CryptoPatel here!

Passionate about providing you with the latest insights and analysis on cryptocurrencies. Join me for high-quality updates on the ever-evolving crypto world.

If you enjoy my content, please show your support by liking, sharing, and following. Let's stay connected for exciting updates!

#crypto2023 #Scams

#Giveaway #SEC

💔😢Scam Alert: Kevin McVie's $340,000 Heartbreak 😭💸 Meet Kevin McVie, a 74-year-old entrepreneur who, like many, believed his cryptocurrency investments were flourishing. Every login brought the illusion of windfall profits on his chosen trading platform. Little did he know, he was falling victim to the rising tide of cryptocurrency scams. 🌐 A Pandemic Pivot: McVie, whose business supplying restaurants in Los Angeles took a hit during lockdowns, turned to cryptocurrency investments to navigate the upheaval. However, the pandemic-induced turmoil also impacted his retirement savings as stock markets gyrated. A vulnerable moment that scammers seized upon. 🚀 The Allure of BitBit: Enter BitBit, an "international financial broker" based in London, promising to guide individuals through cryptocurrency investments. McVie, scrolling through Instagram, took the bait. Initially investing $500, he was lured in by Pavel, a company representative fluent in McVie's native Russian. They formed a seemingly genuine connection, discussing everything from vacations to family. 💸 The Betrayal Unfolds: What started as a promising venture turned sinister. The enticing platform displayed fake charts, creating the illusion that McVie's investment was doubling. Encouraged by Pavel, McVie invested his entire life savings – a staggering $340,000 – into BitBit. The moment of truth struck when he attempted a withdrawal. 🚨 Caught in the Web: BitBit demanded a "security measure" payment of 2%, supported by a forged document claiming to be from Barclays. The realization hit hard – McVie was ensnared in a web of deceit. By the time his family discovered the scam, it was too late. The $340,000 was gone. 🤔 Share Your Thoughts: Scams like these highlight the dark side of the crypto world. What precautions do you take to safeguard your investments? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 🔄 Raise Awareness, Stay Vigilant: Like, share, and follow @TokenMaestro to spread awareness and stay updated on crypto security tips. 🔒 #CryptoSafety #ScamAwareness #Scams #scam #Safety
💔😢Scam Alert: Kevin McVie's $340,000 Heartbreak 😭💸

Meet Kevin McVie, a 74-year-old entrepreneur who, like many, believed his cryptocurrency investments were flourishing. Every login brought the illusion of windfall profits on his chosen trading platform. Little did he know, he was falling victim to the rising tide of cryptocurrency scams.

🌐 A Pandemic Pivot: McVie, whose business supplying restaurants in Los Angeles took a hit during lockdowns, turned to cryptocurrency investments to navigate the upheaval. However, the pandemic-induced turmoil also impacted his retirement savings as stock markets gyrated. A vulnerable moment that scammers seized upon.

🚀 The Allure of BitBit: Enter BitBit, an "international financial broker" based in London, promising to guide individuals through cryptocurrency investments. McVie, scrolling through Instagram, took the bait. Initially investing $500, he was lured in by Pavel, a company representative fluent in McVie's native Russian. They formed a seemingly genuine connection, discussing everything from vacations to family.

💸 The Betrayal Unfolds: What started as a promising venture turned sinister. The enticing platform displayed fake charts, creating the illusion that McVie's investment was doubling. Encouraged by Pavel, McVie invested his entire life savings – a staggering $340,000 – into BitBit. The moment of truth struck when he attempted a withdrawal.

🚨 Caught in the Web: BitBit demanded a "security measure" payment of 2%, supported by a forged document claiming to be from Barclays. The realization hit hard – McVie was ensnared in a web of deceit. By the time his family discovered the scam, it was too late. The $340,000 was gone.

🤔 Share Your Thoughts: Scams like these highlight the dark side of the crypto world. What precautions do you take to safeguard your investments? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

🔄 Raise Awareness, Stay Vigilant: Like, share, and follow @MeMeLauncher to spread awareness and stay updated on crypto security tips.
🔒 #CryptoSafety #ScamAwareness #Scams #scam #Safety
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