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Web3 安全入门避坑指南:钱包被恶意多签风险


在上一期 Web3 安全入门避坑指南中,我们主要讲解下载 / 购买钱包时的风险,找到真官网和验证钱包真伪的方法,以及私钥 / 助记词的泄露风险。我们常说「Not your keys, not your coins」,但也存在即使你有私钥 / 助记词,也无法控制自己资产的情况,即钱包被恶意多签了。结合我们收集到的 MistTrack 被盗表单,一些用户的钱包被恶意多签后,不明白为什么自己钱包账户里还有余额,却无法把资金转出。因此,本期我们将以 TRON 钱包为例,讲解多签钓鱼的相关知识,包括多签机制、黑客的常规操作及如何避免钱包被恶意多签等内容。


我们先简单解释下什么是多签,多签机制的本意是为了使得钱包更安全,允许多个用户共同管理和控制同一个数字资产钱包的访问和使用权限。尽管部分管理者丢失或泄露了私钥 / 助记词,钱包里的资产也不一定会受损。

TRON 的多重签名权限系统设计了三种不同的权限:Owner、Witness 和 Active,每种权限都有特定的功能和用途。

Owner 权限:




Witness 权限:

这个权限主要与超级代表 (Super Representatives) 相关,拥有该权限的账户能够参与超级代表的选举和投票,管理与超级代表相关的操作。

Active 权限:

用于日常操作,例如转账和调用智能合约。这个权限可以由 Owner 权限设定和修改,常用于分配给需要执行特定任务的账户,它是若干授权操作(比如 TRX 转账、质押资产)的一个集合。

上文中提到,新建账户时,该账户的地址会默认拥有 Owner 权限(最高权限),可以调整账户的权限结构,选择将该账户的权限授权给哪些地址,规定这些地址所占权重的大小,以及设置阈值。阈值是指需要签名方权重到达多少才能执行特定操作。在下图中,阈值设置为 2,3 个被授权地址的权重都为 1,那么在执行特定操作时,只要有 2 个签名方的确认,这个操作就可以生效。



黑客获取用户私钥 / 助记词后,如果用户没有使用多签机制(即该钱包账户仅由用户一人控制),黑客便可以将 Owner/Active 权限也授权给自己的地址或者将用户的 Owner/Active 权限转移给自己,黑客的这两种操作通常都被大家称为恶意多签,但其实这是一个广义的说法,实际上,可以根据用户是否还拥有 Owner/Active 权限来区分:


下图中,用户的 Owner/Active 权限未被移除,黑客给自己的地址授权了 Owner/Active 权限,此时账户由用户和黑客共同控制(阈值为 2),用户地址和黑客地址的权重都为 1。用户虽然持有私钥 / 助记词,也有 Owner/Active 权限,但无法转移自己的资产,因为用户发起转出资产请求时,需要用户和黑客的地址都签名,这个操作才能正常执行。


利用 TRON 的权限管理设计机制

还有一种情况是黑客利用 TRON 的权限管理设计机制,直接将用户的 Owner/Active 权限转移给黑客地址(阈值仍为 1),使得用户失去 Owner/Active 权限,连「投票权」都没有了。需注意,此处黑客并不是利用多签机制使得用户无法转移资产,但大家习惯上称这种情况也为钱包被恶意多签。

以上两种情况造成的结果是一样的,无论用户是否还拥有 Owner/Active 权限,都失去了对该账户的实际控制权,黑客地址获得了账户的最高权限,可实现更改账户权限、转移资产等操作。


结合 MistTrack 收集到的被盗表单,我们总结出了几种钱包被恶意多签的常见原因,希望用户遇到以下几种情况时,提高警惕:

1. 在下载钱包时,未能找到正确的途径,点击了电报、推特、网友发送的假官网链接,下载到假钱包,结果私钥 / 助记词泄露,钱包被恶意多签。

2. 用户在一些出售加油卡、礼品卡、VPN 服务的钓鱼充值网站输入了私钥 / 助记词,结果失去自己钱包账户的控制权。

3. OTC 交易时,被有心之人拍到私钥 / 助记词或以某手段获取账户的授权,随后钱包被恶意多签,资产受损。

4. 一些骗子把私钥 / 助记词提供给你,称他无法提取钱包账户里的资产,如果你能帮忙的话可以给你酬劳。虽然这个私钥 / 助记词对应的钱包地址确实存在资金,但无论你给多少手续费、手速多快都提不走,因为提币权限被骗子配置给了另一个地址。

5. 还有一种较为少见的情况是用户在 TRON 上点击了钓鱼链接,签名了恶意的数据,随后钱包被恶意多签。


在本期指南中,我们主要以 TRON 钱包为例,讲解了多签机制、黑客实施恶意多签的过程和套路,希望帮助大家加深对多签机制的理解和提高防范钱包被恶意多签的能力。当然,除了被恶意多签的情形之外,还存在一些比较特别的案例,有的新手用户可能因操作不慎或缺乏了解,误将钱包设置成了多签,导致需要多个签名才能进行转账。此时,用户仅需满足多签要求或在权限管理处将 Owner/Active 权限只授权给一个地址,恢复单签即可。

最后,慢雾安全团队建议广大用户定期检查账户权限,查看是否有异常;从官方途径下载钱包,我们在 Web3 安全入门避坑指南|假钱包与私钥助记词泄露风险里讲过如何找到正确的官网和验证钱包的真伪;不点击不明链接,更不轻易输入私钥 / 助记词;安装杀毒软件(如卡巴斯基、AVG 等)和钓鱼风险阻断插件(如 Scam Sniffer),提高设备安全性。
🔥 Top Altcoins to Buy Before the August 2024 Crypto Market Explosion

The crypto market is bracing for a potential altcoin season, with the top 125 altcoins’ market cap recently surpassing $1 trillion. Analysts expect altcoins like Ripple (XRP), Toncoin (TON), and Cardano (ADA) to outperform Bitcoin (BTC) as momentum builds. Bitcoin (BTC) may struggle to maintain dominance, with altcoins showing resilience and potential for growth.

🔸 Ripple (#XRP ): Positioned for a Breakthrough

Ripple (XRP) has surged over 30% in a week, drawing significant attention. The cryptocurrency is in “qualification mode,” signaling a potential major uptick. 

CEO Brad Garlinghouse’s $1.4 billion share repurchase plan highlights Ripple’s strong financial health despite ongoing legal challenges. Technically, Ripple (XRP) shows strong breakout potential, with targets set at $1.88, $5.86, and possibly $18.23.

Expert predictions even suggest a possible surge to $36, bolstered by a bullish pennant pattern and upcoming regulatory clarity.

🔸 Toncoin (#TON ): Bridging to New Heights

Toncoin (TON) is making headlines with its new Bitcoin bridge and upcoming perpetual futures contracts on Coinbase. These developments are expected to enhance its transaction capabilities and market appeal, attracting more crypto enthusiasts and boosting liquidity. 

The market is responding positively, with predictions suggesting a potential price surge toward $10. The strategic innovations and strong market positioning of Toncoin (TON) indicate promising growth opportunities ahead.

🔸 Cardano (#ADA ): Rising Amidst Growing DeFi Adoption

Cardano (ADA) is seeing a surge in its DeFi ecosystem, with transaction volumes surpassing $22 million. Despite resistance at $0.44, Cardano (ADA) has risen 40% in two weeks, reflecting strong market interest.

The growing DeFi activity and favorable technical indicators suggest continued bullish potential. Breaking $0.45 could lead to new highs, with potential targets around $0.50 and speculation about a spot ETF approval boosting optimism.
#BTC #etf #READ #tia Bitcon's Weekly surge could be driven by liquidity shortage Analysts suggest that bitcoin's recent surge could be driven by an ongoing liquidity shortage and declining stable coin market cap. The ongoing shortage in the cryptocurrency market has been significantly impacting Bitcoin's price, which has experienced dramatic fluctuations of over 10 percent in recent week. According to research by falconX, the average volume of bitcoin trades within a 1 percent price range from its current value has been at its lowest for the year. This comes despite a renewed surge in trading activities, partially ignited by market speculation surrounding the potential approval of a bitcoin ETF (EXCHANGE TRADED FUND).
#BTC #etf #READ #tia Bitcon's Weekly surge could be driven by liquidity shortage
Analysts suggest that bitcoin's recent surge could be driven by an ongoing liquidity shortage and declining stable coin market cap.
The ongoing shortage in the cryptocurrency market has been significantly impacting Bitcoin's price, which has experienced dramatic fluctuations of over 10 percent in recent week.
According to research by falconX, the average volume of bitcoin trades within a 1 percent price range from its current value has been at its lowest for the year. This comes despite a renewed surge in trading activities, partially ignited by market speculation surrounding the potential approval of a bitcoin ETF (EXCHANGE TRADED FUND).
#CO2 #SEC #BTC #CRBN #READ Financial Advisors Pivot: From 1% to 5% Bitcoin Allocation? The cryptocurrency landscape is ever evolving, with Bitcoin at its forefront, constantly reshaping traditional financial mindsets. A recent revelation by Ryan Rasmussen, after his interaction with several financial advisors, brings to light a significant shift in the perspective. Only a short while ago, the narrative was about financial advisors contemplating a cautious 1% allocation to Bitcoin in their portfolios. it was seen as a tentative step towards understanding and embracing the digital asset realm. However, Rasmussen's recent discussions hint at a more profound change in this outlook.
#CO2 #SEC #BTC #CRBN #READ Financial Advisors Pivot: From 1% to 5% Bitcoin Allocation?
The cryptocurrency landscape is ever evolving, with Bitcoin at its forefront, constantly reshaping traditional financial mindsets. A recent revelation by Ryan Rasmussen, after his interaction with several financial advisors, brings to light a significant shift in the perspective.
Only a short while ago, the narrative was about financial advisors contemplating a cautious 1% allocation to Bitcoin in their portfolios. it was seen as a tentative step towards understanding and embracing the digital asset realm. However, Rasmussen's recent discussions hint at a more profound change in this outlook.
Shiba Inu: Shibarium's Future Unveiled by SHIB Marketing Lead #Shiba #ENT #FTR #READ #SHIB Shiba Inu’s official marketing expert, who prefers to call herself Lucie on social media platforms, has published a post on the Binance Square network to address the SHIB community and unfold what awaits the Layer-2 Shibarium network this year soon. While talking about that, Lucie also emphasized the great importance of the role that the Shiba Inu army has to play as Shibarium continues to expand and get stronger. “Journey into future of Shibarium,” here’s what’s coming As she talked about the future of the Shibarium blockchain, Lucie elaborated that it will go far beyond ShibaSwap and the Shiba Eternity play-to-earn game, which was launched in the autumn of 2022. Lucie named only two upcoming releases from the Shiba Inu team: the “super app” called Shibahub and the long-awaited Shib Metaverse. Lucie also mentioned that new projects are “eagerly joining the Shibarium ecosystem.” Aside from these projects that have “grand plans,” “whispers in the crypto realm suggest more exciting launches are imminent,” per Lucie’s blog post. Lucie stressed that while the realm of Shibarium is surrounded by the Shiba Eternity game, SHIB the Metaverse and the ShibaSwap DEX, still “the true excitement lies in the mysteries yet to be unraveled.” A perfect future for Shibarium, per Lucie, lies with a perfect and robust community that inspires thousands of new projects to build on Shibarium. It will be them, Lucie stressed, that will “elevate Shibarium to unprecedented highs.” It will also surprise the team and the community and capture their imagination.
Shiba Inu: Shibarium's Future Unveiled by SHIB Marketing Lead

Shiba Inu’s official marketing expert, who prefers to call herself Lucie on social media platforms, has published a post on the Binance Square network to address the SHIB community and unfold what awaits the Layer-2 Shibarium network this year soon.
While talking about that, Lucie also emphasized the great importance of the role that the Shiba Inu army has to play as Shibarium continues to expand and get stronger.

“Journey into future of Shibarium,” here’s what’s coming
As she talked about the future of the Shibarium blockchain, Lucie elaborated that it will go far beyond ShibaSwap and the Shiba Eternity play-to-earn game, which was launched in the autumn of 2022.

Lucie named only two upcoming releases from the Shiba Inu team: the “super app” called Shibahub and the long-awaited Shib Metaverse. Lucie also mentioned that new projects are “eagerly joining the Shibarium ecosystem.” Aside from these projects that have “grand plans,” “whispers in the crypto realm suggest more exciting launches are imminent,” per Lucie’s blog post.

Lucie stressed that while the realm of Shibarium is surrounded by the Shiba Eternity game, SHIB the Metaverse and the ShibaSwap DEX, still “the true excitement lies in the mysteries yet to be unraveled.” A perfect future for Shibarium, per Lucie, lies with a perfect and robust community that inspires thousands of new projects to build on Shibarium. It will be them, Lucie stressed, that will “elevate Shibarium to unprecedented highs.” It will also surprise the team and the community and capture their imagination.
#CCY #AI #XWP #READ Cryptocurrency Scams in the Age of AI: How to Outsmart AI-Infused Scammers? Cryptocurrency and blockchain, the next-generation technology, teeming with innovation and opportunities, are simultaneously a playground for malicious actors. The latest evolution in the world of crypto scams brings together the sophistication of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the allure of the cryptocurrency hype. AI-driven scams are now at the forefront of malicious activity, and it’s imperative for investors and enthusiasts to comprehend this looming threat. As the use of AI continues to rise, so does the ingenuity of hackers. They exploit AI-powered tools, such as ChatGPT, to create a facade of legitimacy and lure victims into their schemes. Recent warnings from Meta (formerly Facebook) highlight the prevalence of fraudulent links masked as ChatGPT extensions, underscoring the urgency of this issue. In this article, we’ll explore the strategies to protect your cryptocurrency investments.
#CCY #AI #XWP #READ Cryptocurrency Scams in the Age of AI: How to Outsmart AI-Infused Scammers?
Cryptocurrency and blockchain, the next-generation technology, teeming with innovation and opportunities, are simultaneously a playground for malicious actors.
The latest evolution in the world of crypto scams brings together the sophistication of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the allure of the cryptocurrency hype. AI-driven scams are now at the forefront of malicious activity, and it’s imperative for investors and enthusiasts to comprehend this looming threat.
As the use of AI continues to rise, so does the ingenuity of hackers. They exploit AI-powered tools, such as ChatGPT, to create a facade of legitimacy and lure victims into their schemes. Recent warnings from Meta (formerly Facebook) highlight the prevalence of fraudulent links masked as ChatGPT extensions, underscoring the urgency of this issue.
In this article, we’ll explore the strategies to protect your cryptocurrency investments.
#SHIB #GREED #RLY #READ Shib Inu Resurges with 8% Price Jump: Is a Bull Run on the Horizon? Shiba Inu (SHIB) enthusiasts have reason to celebrate as the meme coin experiences a notable resurgence in its market performance. Over the past 24 hours, SHIB has made a remarkable 8% gain, climbing to a price of $0.000008078. This surge has Ignited optimism within the SHIB community and raised speculation about the possibility of an imminent bullish run. The most striking aspect of SHIB's recent revival is the significant increase in trading volume.
#SHIB #GREED #RLY #READ Shib Inu Resurges with 8% Price Jump: Is a Bull Run on the Horizon?
Shiba Inu (SHIB) enthusiasts have reason to celebrate as the meme coin experiences a notable resurgence in its market performance. Over the past 24 hours, SHIB has made a remarkable 8% gain, climbing to a price of $0.000008078.
This surge has Ignited optimism within the SHIB community and raised speculation about the possibility of an imminent bullish run. The most striking aspect of SHIB's recent revival is the significant increase in trading volume.
#BTC #MM #READ The Dawn of the Real Bull Market: Navigating Through the Noise Bitcoin's volatility is both its allure and its bane. For many investors, the digital currency's price movements can be a roller coaster of emotions. Yet, for those who have been observing closely, the narrative seems clear the real bull market is still on the horizon. There's increasing chatter in the crypto community about the emergence of a pre-bull phase for the uninitiated, this is essentially a period of relatively sideways movement, acting as a precursor to a potentially explosive bull run. if this analysis holds true, the crypto market is currently in this pre bull state
#BTC #MM #READ The Dawn of the Real Bull Market: Navigating Through the Noise
Bitcoin's volatility is both its allure and its bane. For many investors, the digital currency's price movements can be a roller coaster of emotions. Yet, for those who have been observing closely, the narrative seems clear the real bull market is still on the horizon.
There's increasing chatter in the crypto community about the emergence of a pre-bull phase for the uninitiated, this is essentially a period of relatively sideways movement, acting as a precursor to a potentially explosive bull run. if this analysis holds true, the crypto market is currently in this pre bull state
#KINDLY #READ #THE #STATEMENT ($Only Spot Trades) Hello Viewers and dear followers. I have been in crypto since December 2020. I too didn't know anything like most of you guys regarding price action, Crypto cycle, psychology etc. I have been learning since then and will keep learning and updating my knowledge to be here in this great space. I just want you all to support me with likes, comments and suggestions. I just try to update you guys with what i see on the charts, sometimes it works and sometimes doesn't. I can't be right 100% or right all the time being a human. So kindly always trade with SL, your Own research and at your risk. All gains are yours so losses too. Some Tips: 1. Don't go all in , in any trade. 2. Buy in parts. 3.Always have some target. 4. Place your SL and target in advance (use oco order) after coins move up good form your buying. 5. Can keep trade open in an already bullish coin when you are watching it live. 6. No fomo, No greed, No fear. The market is always full of opportunities. #Patience is needed.

Hello Viewers and dear followers.

I have been in crypto since December 2020. I too didn't know anything like most of you guys regarding price action, Crypto cycle, psychology etc.

I have been learning since then and will keep learning and updating my knowledge to be here in this great space.

I just want you all to support me with likes, comments and suggestions.

I just try to update you guys with what i see on the charts, sometimes it works and sometimes doesn't. I can't be right 100% or right all the time being a human.

So kindly always trade with SL, your Own research and at your risk. All gains are yours so losses too.

Some Tips:

1. Don't go all in , in any trade.

2. Buy in parts.

3.Always have some target.

4. Place your SL and target in advance (use oco order) after coins move up good form your buying.

5. Can keep trade open in an already bullish coin when you are watching it live.

6. No fomo, No greed, No fear. The market is always full of opportunities. #Patience is needed.
#READ This Before Jumping on $FARM again🔥 Being accumulating $FARM since $22, sold off on sell limit at $84 based on previous support turning to resistance. Lucky enough #Farm got enough liquidity to break through to 128$ Here's my honest opinion at this level of indecisions , I will recommend sitting on hands to at least 75$ if re-entry is going to be holding. But honestly won't jump in anymore any moment from now. Will do so only with proper technical analysis and fundamental analysis to realize the factor behind the pump 🔥 follow me for more #Memecoins #write2toearn
#READ This Before Jumping on $FARM again🔥

Being accumulating $FARM since $22, sold off on sell limit at $84 based on previous support turning to resistance. Lucky enough #Farm got enough liquidity to break through to 128$

Here's my honest opinion at this level of indecisions , I will recommend sitting on hands to at least 75$ if re-entry is going to be holding. But honestly won't jump in anymore any moment from now. Will do so only with proper technical analysis and fundamental analysis to realize the factor behind the pump 🔥
follow me for more
#Memecoins #write2toearn
#ETH #FTR #READ #XRP #BAL Top Crypto Adviser Predicts Unbounded Future for XRP Leading crypto expert and former Ethereuem advisor Steven Nerayoff has made waves in the digital currency community with his optimistic outlook on the future of XRP, in a recent exchange with XRP enthusiasts, he shared insights into the cryptocurrency's potential, challenging conventional price limits and global financial standards.
#ETH #FTR #READ #XRP #BAL Top Crypto Adviser Predicts Unbounded Future for XRP
Leading crypto expert and former Ethereuem advisor Steven Nerayoff has made waves in the digital currency community with his optimistic outlook on the future of XRP, in a recent exchange with XRP enthusiasts, he shared insights into the cryptocurrency's potential, challenging conventional price limits and global financial standards.
#ETH #UNI #AMB #READ #SECURITY European Regulators Assess DeFi Risks; Uniswap Launches Android Wallet European regulators went ahead and announced the risks that the DeFi ecosystem poses to the financial industry in a report announced on October 13. They reported the risk that DeFi is surfacing in the European financial sector; they highlighted this so they have to control DeFi, whose price has been stagnant the whole week. Moreover, this week there was a launch of the Uniswap Android wallet in the Google Play Store. The app attracted both iOS users and desktop users. Additionally, DeFi platform Star Arena recovered over 90% of the stolen Avalance (AVAX) tokens; this was after publishing a bounty of $250,000. We will be discussing this information. Read on to understand the kind of risks that European regulators are stating that DeFi is posing to their finances and how the Uniswap wallet will aid cryptocurrency storage on Android.
#ETH #UNI #AMB #READ #SECURITY European Regulators Assess DeFi Risks; Uniswap Launches Android Wallet

European regulators went ahead and announced the risks that the DeFi ecosystem poses to the financial industry in a report announced on October 13. They reported the risk that DeFi is surfacing in the European financial sector; they highlighted this so they have to control DeFi, whose price has been stagnant the whole week.

Moreover, this week there was a launch of the Uniswap Android wallet in the Google Play Store. The app attracted both iOS users and desktop users. Additionally, DeFi platform Star Arena recovered over 90% of the stolen Avalance (AVAX) tokens; this was after publishing a bounty of $250,000.

We will be discussing this information. Read on to understand the kind of risks that European regulators are stating that DeFi is posing to their finances and how the Uniswap wallet will aid cryptocurrency storage on Android.
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