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The Metaverse and Cryptocurrency: The Future of Virtual Worlds The idea of the metaverse is exciting the tech world. The metaverse is a combination of virtual, augmented, and physical realities. It will change how we work, play, and interact. Cryptocurrency is a key part of the metaverse. Cryptocurrencies are digital money. They have a decentralized nature and secure transactions. Cryptocurrencies are becoming the main way to buy and sell things in the metaverse. One big advantage of using cryptocurrency in the metaverse is creating and trading unique digital items. These are called non-fungible tokens (NFTs) (For more details on NFTs, please refer to the previous post that discusses them.). NFTs can represent virtual land, buildings, art, collectibles, and even in-game items. Users can truly own and sell their digital possessions. Cryptocurrency also allows new financial activities in the metaverse. Users can lend, borrow, and stake money using decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols (For more details on DeFi, please refer to the previous post that discusses them). Users can also create and manage virtual communities and economies through decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). However, using cryptocurrency in the metaverse also has challenges. There are issues with regulation, scalability, and how different metaverse platforms work together. Despite the challenges, cryptocurrency is crucial for the metaverse. As companies, startups, and crypto fans shape the metaverse, cryptocurrency will become more important. The metaverse and cryptocurrency will redefine how we think about ownership, value, and our digital lives. #Metaversee #MetaverseWorlds #MetaverseLearning

The Metaverse and Cryptocurrency: The Future of Virtual Worlds

The idea of the metaverse is exciting the tech world. The metaverse is a combination of virtual, augmented, and physical realities. It will change how we work, play, and interact.
Cryptocurrency is a key part of the metaverse. Cryptocurrencies are digital money. They have a decentralized nature and secure transactions. Cryptocurrencies are becoming the main way to buy and sell things in the metaverse.
One big advantage of using cryptocurrency in the metaverse is creating and trading unique digital items. These are called non-fungible tokens (NFTs) (For more details on NFTs, please refer to the previous post that discusses them.). NFTs can represent virtual land, buildings, art, collectibles, and even in-game items. Users can truly own and sell their digital possessions.
Cryptocurrency also allows new financial activities in the metaverse. Users can lend, borrow, and stake money using decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols (For more details on DeFi, please refer to the previous post that discusses them). Users can also create and manage virtual communities and economies through decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
However, using cryptocurrency in the metaverse also has challenges. There are issues with regulation, scalability, and how different metaverse platforms work together.
Despite the challenges, cryptocurrency is crucial for the metaverse. As companies, startups, and crypto fans shape the metaverse, cryptocurrency will become more important. The metaverse and cryptocurrency will redefine how we think about ownership, value, and our digital lives.

#Metaversee #MetaverseWorlds #MetaverseLearning
What is Metaverse? Everything You Need to Know About This Future TechnologyThe term "metaverse" is one that has garnered a lot of interest and curiosity from many people. So, what is metaverse? What makes this technology stand out? Let's explore through the article below with AZC.News. Published: 08/04/2024 After Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would transition from being a “Social Networking Company” to a “Metaverse Company,” along with Epic Games (the developer of the famous game Fortnite) raising $1 billion with the goal of turning the game into a Metaverse, the concept of the Metaverse has become a hot keyword and attracted the attention of many people. In this article, let’s explore what Metaverse is and learn about investment opportunities in the Metaverse in the Crypto market! What is Metaverse? The Metaverse is a virtual world created from the Internet and augmented reality tools (such as VR, AR, or other technologies), aiming to provide the most realistic experiences for users. In the Metaverse, it’s a world that exists parallel to the real world. There, barriers to creativity are almost eliminated through tools and features provided by developers. If you’re still unclear about this abstract concept, the movie “Ready Player One” is a typical example of the Metaverse. Origin of Metaverse After understanding the basics of what Metaverse is, let’s explore the origin of this concept. Is the Metaverse a newly emerged term in the era of developing information technology like today? The truth is not so. The term “Metaverse” was first mentioned in the science fiction novel “Snow Crash” by author Neal Stephenson in 1992. In this work, the Metaverse is described as a place where people can interact with each other through a deeply cyberpunk space. Thus, the concept of the Metaverse has been formed for quite some time, even before the Internet age. The word “Metaverse” itself is composed of two words: Meta: Meaning “beyond” or “beyond.”Verse: In the word “Universe” means “universe.” Therefore, the concept of the Metaverse implies a world “beyond the existing universe,” or in other words, a world parallel to reality. The origin of the Metaverse can be traced back over 30 years ago, before the Internet developed as it is today. It’s not a new concept but has been shaped in the imagination of science fiction writers for a long time. What are the characteristics of the Metaverse? Some key characteristics of the Metaverse include: Sustainability: The ability to sustain continuous operation and constant improvement.Immersion: The level of realism of the experience in the Metaverse, reflecting the ratio between virtual experience and reality.Openness: Allowing participants to connect or disconnect at any time. It is also an open space, not restricted in creativity.Economic System: There is an economic system parallel to reality, allowing easy asset transfer between the virtual world and the real world. Users can accumulate assets through creations in the Metaverse. These characteristics show that the Metaverse brings a multidimensional, vivid, and highly interactive experience, as well as a separate economic system parallel to the real world. Layers in the Metaverse ecosystem The Metaverse is built on 4 main constituent layers: Foundation Layer: This is the platform layer for connectivity, which is the Internet network.Infrastructure Layer: In terms of infrastructure for the Metaverse, including hardware components that provide a realistic experience for users. In addition, key technologies such as Blockchain, AI, Big Data are also in this layer.Content Layer: This is the layer containing games, applications that allow users to immerse themselves in different virtual worlds, creating the most vivid experiences.True Metaverse Layer: This is the final layer, when the underlying layers have developed enough, will create a complete and true Metaverse. The development process of the Metaverse goes as follows: The Internet platform layer is being upgraded, becoming faster and more convenient.The infrastructure layer is also being continuously invested and improved by technology giants.The content layer is gradually forming with games in the style of the Metaverse, waiting for perfection from the infrastructure layer. When these platform layers develop fully, the true Metaverse will soon become a reality. Some prominent Metaverse Games Although current technology still cannot provide a perfect Metaverse experience as in “Ready Player One,” there are already many products and applications built based on the concept of the Metaverse. Some typical examples: Minecraft: An open-world game that allows players to mine resources, build structures, and create their own worlds, while interacting with other players.GTA V: In multiplayer mode, players can interact, trade, and communicate with each other in an open world.Roblox: Allows players to create content, with VR support and an economic incentive system. In the cryptocurrency market, there are also many games in the Metaverse style such as Decentraland, The Sandbox. These games allow players to create their own worlds, own assets in the form of NFTs, and exchange them in the marketplace. However, current Metaverse applications still have many limitations: The experience is not truly authentic due to the limitations of augmented reality technology. The interaction between products is still very limited, especially with games not based on blockchain. User creativity space is still limited. Therefore, the true Metaverse has not yet been realized as in the work “Ready Player One.” But current applications have shown significant progress and enormous potential for Metaverse development in the future. Why is the Metaverse becoming popular? Throughout history, humans have always nurtured desires for exploration and overcoming: Crossing vast oceans, conquering towering mountains, exploring the mysteries of the universe,… However, with many barriers in terms of technology, finance, or limited resources, we cannot meet all these needs quickly. Currently, with the explosive development of the Internet and technology, it seems that we have found a new solution to these challenges, which is to use the Metaverse. For a true Metaverse, we can fully enjoy unlimited experiences and exploration while waiting for technology to develop for real experiences. A clear example is the human desire to explore the universe: Traveling around the world today has become much easier and more common. However, gradually, exploring the Earth is no longer as attractive as before, our next goal is the universe. However, developing rockets and infrastructure for space exploration is currently costly and time-consuming. Resource barriers cannot keep up with demand. Therefore, we can use the Metaverse to experience space exploration based on experiments. Augmented reality technology will provide the most intimate and realistic feeling for humans. As a result, with the Metaverse, we can experience exploring the universe closest to reality, at a much lower cost while waiting to overcome barriers. In addition, with unlimited creative abilities in the Metaverse, humans will gain more inspiration for inventions beyond reality. In the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic, as countries implement social distancing policies, the Metaverse becomes an ideal place for us to interact with each other in the most authentic way. Potential of the Metaverse How vast is the scale of the Metaverse? With an immensely ambitious vision of constructing a parallel world alongside our reality, one can imagine the scale to which this market will grow. Currently, statistical data indicates that the total global asset volume by the end of 2020 had reached $418.3 trillion. Therefore, it can be said that this is an immensely large market with plenty of opportunities for future development. However, this is just a distant view of the future, so what is the recent situation like? According to research from LD Capital (a leading Blockchain technology investment fund in China), the Metaverse industry will consist of two main components: Hardware infrastructure: This includes industries involved in producing hardware such as chips, electronic components, augmented reality devices, etc., which are crucial infrastructure to enhance the experience within the Metaverse. According to research from The Business Research Company, in 2020, the value of this industry globally reached around $862 billion with an annual growth rate of 9.4%.Metaverse content: This encompasses all platforms (mostly games) that enable users to participate and immerse themselves in the Metaverse. This category also includes social networks or sharing platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, etc., but with the true Metaverse, these platforms will be directly integrated with games. Currently, the value of this industry is estimated to be around $170 billion. So, although the Metaverse has not truly developed as intended in the end, what exists today already holds a value of trillions of dollars. This is not to mention that as augmented reality products become more widely adopted, they will serve as a foundation for even stronger growth in the Metaverse Gaming market. Moreover, with the “Beyond the Universe” vision of the Metaverse, it is possible that in the future, all non-physical assets will be brought into the Metaverse to create a truly parallel world (even potentially surpassing the real world). From there, this industry could potentially reach hundreds of trillions of dollars. Applications of the Metaverse The Metaverse not only provides entertainment experiences but also opens up many applications in other fields such as healthcare, education, manufacturing, military, and many others. For example, in the healthcare field, the Metaverse can create a virtual environment to help doctors research and develop new treatment methods without requiring too many resources and without posing risks to patients. In the education field, an interactive virtual world can help students learn from top teachers. Learning combined with practical examples makes understanding easier and more vivid. What do the tech giants think about the virtual universe Metaverse? Mark Zuckerberg, Founder & CEO of Facebook It’s no coincidence that the Metaverse has attracted significant attention from large companies with strong resources. The goal of the Metaverse is not only to meet daily needs but also to be a major step forward in creating a digital world parallel to the real world. One of the first people interested in the Metaverse is Mark Zuckerberg, Founder & CEO of Facebook. He shared about the Metaverse as follows: “Mobile internet can now meet many people’s needs from waking up to going to bed. Therefore, I don’t think the main purpose of the Metaverse is to get people to engage more on the Internet, but to allow people to participate in the Internet more naturally.” In line with this statement, Facebook has invested in VR devices through the acquisition of Oculus and even renamed the company to Meta to focus on developing hardware infrastructure for the Metaverse. In addition to Facebook, other major tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, Sony have also entered the Metaverse through the establishment of the XR Association – a union with the goal of developing “Experiential Reality.” Tim Sweeney – CEO of Epic Games, the company behind the game Fortnite, has also shared his views on the Metaverse. He believes this is a very potential market and explains why Epic Games wants to develop Fortnite into a part of the Metaverse. Furthermore, Tim Sweeney emphasizes that the Metaverse will not only be a world created by one company but will include many applications and interaction possibilities between different worlds. In the Crypto market, Decentraland – a Metaverse application, has been represented by Dave Carr. He highlights the decentralized nature of the Metaverse and believes that Decentralization is necessary for users to have ownership and creative freedom in the Metaverse. Why is Blockchain the ideal place to develop the Metaverse? In fact, the Metaverse can be established on the basis of many different types of technologies. However, in a world that values unlimited creativity, interaction, and decentralized freedom like the Metaverse, it seems that Blockchain will be one of the key technologies of this world. I will explain why right below! Blockchain – The essential platform for the development of the Metaverse When researching the theory of the Metaverse, we can see that blockchain technology will play a key role in building a true Metaverse. As seen in Jon Radoff’s Infographic, the Metaverse industry is attracting the participation of many leading technology companies, including hardware, software, blockchain, gaming, etc. Among them, the Content layer – the content and experience – is seen as closest to the concept of the Metaverse. However, current platforms like Google, Facebook, Fortnite, Roblox still have some limitations: Limited interaction between platforms: Users cannot move or exchange digital assets between different virtual worlds.Digital assets do not truly belong to users: Virtual items in games can be lost due to policy changes or regulations.Lack of personalization and ownership: Users do not have real ownership rights to their digital assets. Here, blockchain technology with prominent features such as: Scalability: Modern blockchains like Avalanche, Polkadot, Cosmos have addressed the issues of speed and scalability.Interoperability: Assets on different blockchains can be exchanged through Cross-chain technology.Ownership & Privacy: Digital assets in the form of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) help users hold ownership and control over their assets.Security: Blockchain technology provides high security for users’ digital assets. Moreover, the strong development of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) also serves as a simple, flexible digital economy system to support economic activities in the Metaverse, such as trading goods, transferring assets, borrowing, payments, etc. With the superior advantages of scalability, interaction, ownership, and security, along with the development of the DeFi ecosystem, blockchain technology can indeed become the key platform for building a true Metaverse – a more creative, interactive, and personalized virtual world. Key Factors Driving the Development of Metaverse in Crypto To build a truly comprehensive Metaverse within the Crypto space, there needs to be a combination of three main components: Optimized Blockchain Platforms: These serve as the foundational layer. There is a need for blockchains with good scalability, such as Polkadot, Avalanche, Cosmos, Solana, NEAR, Mina, etc. These blockchains will meet the requirements for performance and storage for the Metaverse.Dapps Serving the Metaverse: On top of blockchain platforms, decentralized applications (Dapps) serving various purposes of the Metaverse are necessary:Pure Metaverse Gaming platforms like Decentraland, The Sandbox.DeFi applications to develop the Metaverse economy, such as exchanges, lending services, payments, etc.NFT applications to build a digital asset system within the Metaverse.Cross-chain Bridges: This is an important factor for creating connectivity and interaction between virtual worlds and the Metaverse economy. Cross-chain technologies will enable the exchange and conversion of digital assets across different blockchains. Currently, despite significant progress, the above factors are still not fully developed: New blockchain platforms only partially solve the speed and scalability issues.Dapps serving the Metaverse have not yet created experiences as compelling as traditional games.Cross-chain technology still has many loopholes, leading to related hacking incidents. Therefore, for the Metaverse in the Crypto space to develop, companies and developers need to continue improving and perfecting these core elements. When these three components are effectively combined, the Metaverse will be able to break through and grow significantly. Metaverse Development Trends Metaverse – Still an Idea for the Future Although information technology is advancing rapidly, the Metaverse is still only a concept for the future and not yet the time to explode. There are several reasons for this assessment: VR technology is still limited: Currently, VR devices on the market are still relatively expensive and not widespread. VR-related experiences are also not truly compelling, making developers hesitant to invest in this field.The VR market is still small: According to estimates by Grand View Research, the Virtual Reality market reached only about $22 billion in 2021 – a modest figure compared to the potential for future development. However, the growth rate of this industry is expected to reach about 18% per year, with an estimated scale of $70 billion by 2028.Preparing for the Metaverse: Although VR hardware is a key factor for the Metaverse, content development will also occur simultaneously, rather than waiting for VR to be perfected. Tech giants like Facebook, Epic Games, Roblox, etc., have begun investing in and preparing for the future of the Metaverse. In summary, the Metaverse is still only a theoretical concept for the future, not yet the time to explode. However, with the participation of many major technology companies, along with the advancement of VR technology, the Metaverse is expected to become a highly potential industry in the future. Investment Opportunities in the Metaverse Ecosystem With the development of blockchain technology, the Metaverse is expected to become a large and diverse virtual space in the future. So where are the investment opportunities in the Metaverse? Blockchain Infrastructure Platforms: The blockchain platforms for the Metaverse need to have the following characteristics:High scalability to meet widespread usage needs.Low transaction fees, fast speeds, and high security.Large storage capacity and unlimited creativity. Examples include Solana, Mina, Avalanche, Polygon, Cosmos, NEAR, Flow, Theta, etc.Dapps Serving the Metaverse Platforms like Decentraland, The Sandbox for Metaverse Gaming.Open-world gaming platforms that allow unlimited creativity.NFT marketplaces.DeFi platforms, especially those facilitating asset transfers between the real world and Crypto.Cross-chain and Interoperability Applications: These are important platforms for connecting Metaverse ecosystems, such as:Liquidity Cross-chain applications.Conversion and exchange of NFTs across blockchains. However, it’s important to note that the Metaverse is still a concept for the future, not yet the time for a strong explosion. Current Metaverse platforms like Sandbox, Decentraland are still not attractive enough. Therefore, instead of investing directly in Metaverse projects, investors can seek opportunities from the “small waves” when major tech giants provide information about the Metaverse. And when the infrastructure and content of the Metaverse become more complete, the true explosion of the “Blockchain Metaverse” will occur. Conclusion Through this article, I have provided you with basic information about the Metaverse, as well as the potential development of this industry up to trillions of dollars. The development of technology along with the impact of the pandemic has turned the Metaverse – a concept that has existed for nearly 30 years – into a hot topic recently. With the participation of major technology giants, we have every reason to believe in the enormous potential of the Metaverse. Notably, blockchain technology is expected to play a key role in the development process of the Metaverse. However, the Metaverse is still a relatively new concept, requiring more time and infrastructure to truly explode in the future. This article is compiled based on my personal perspectives, along with some analysis from research sources such as The New York Times and Coindesk. You can refer to these additional sources of information. #Metaversee #MetaverseInvesting #MetaverseGems $ETH

What is Metaverse? Everything You Need to Know About This Future Technology

The term "metaverse" is one that has garnered a lot of interest and curiosity from many people. So, what is metaverse? What makes this technology stand out? Let's explore through the article below with AZC.News.
Published: 08/04/2024

After Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would transition from being a “Social Networking Company” to a “Metaverse Company,” along with Epic Games (the developer of the famous game Fortnite) raising $1 billion with the goal of turning the game into a Metaverse, the concept of the Metaverse has become a hot keyword and attracted the attention of many people.
In this article, let’s explore what Metaverse is and learn about investment opportunities in the Metaverse in the Crypto market!
What is Metaverse?
The Metaverse is a virtual world created from the Internet and augmented reality tools (such as VR, AR, or other technologies), aiming to provide the most realistic experiences for users.
In the Metaverse, it’s a world that exists parallel to the real world. There, barriers to creativity are almost eliminated through tools and features provided by developers.

If you’re still unclear about this abstract concept, the movie “Ready Player One” is a typical example of the Metaverse.
Origin of Metaverse
After understanding the basics of what Metaverse is, let’s explore the origin of this concept.

Is the Metaverse a newly emerged term in the era of developing information technology like today?
The truth is not so. The term “Metaverse” was first mentioned in the science fiction novel “Snow Crash” by author Neal Stephenson in 1992. In this work, the Metaverse is described as a place where people can interact with each other through a deeply cyberpunk space.
Thus, the concept of the Metaverse has been formed for quite some time, even before the Internet age. The word “Metaverse” itself is composed of two words:
Meta: Meaning “beyond” or “beyond.”Verse: In the word “Universe” means “universe.”
Therefore, the concept of the Metaverse implies a world “beyond the existing universe,” or in other words, a world parallel to reality.
The origin of the Metaverse can be traced back over 30 years ago, before the Internet developed as it is today. It’s not a new concept but has been shaped in the imagination of science fiction writers for a long time.
What are the characteristics of the Metaverse?

Some key characteristics of the Metaverse include:
Sustainability: The ability to sustain continuous operation and constant improvement.Immersion: The level of realism of the experience in the Metaverse, reflecting the ratio between virtual experience and reality.Openness: Allowing participants to connect or disconnect at any time. It is also an open space, not restricted in creativity.Economic System: There is an economic system parallel to reality, allowing easy asset transfer between the virtual world and the real world. Users can accumulate assets through creations in the Metaverse.
These characteristics show that the Metaverse brings a multidimensional, vivid, and highly interactive experience, as well as a separate economic system parallel to the real world.
Layers in the Metaverse ecosystem

The Metaverse is built on 4 main constituent layers:
Foundation Layer: This is the platform layer for connectivity, which is the Internet network.Infrastructure Layer: In terms of infrastructure for the Metaverse, including hardware components that provide a realistic experience for users. In addition, key technologies such as Blockchain, AI, Big Data are also in this layer.Content Layer: This is the layer containing games, applications that allow users to immerse themselves in different virtual worlds, creating the most vivid experiences.True Metaverse Layer: This is the final layer, when the underlying layers have developed enough, will create a complete and true Metaverse.
The development process of the Metaverse goes as follows:
The Internet platform layer is being upgraded, becoming faster and more convenient.The infrastructure layer is also being continuously invested and improved by technology giants.The content layer is gradually forming with games in the style of the Metaverse, waiting for perfection from the infrastructure layer.
When these platform layers develop fully, the true Metaverse will soon become a reality.
Some prominent Metaverse Games
Although current technology still cannot provide a perfect Metaverse experience as in “Ready Player One,” there are already many products and applications built based on the concept of the Metaverse.
Some typical examples:
Minecraft: An open-world game that allows players to mine resources, build structures, and create their own worlds, while interacting with other players.GTA V: In multiplayer mode, players can interact, trade, and communicate with each other in an open world.Roblox: Allows players to create content, with VR support and an economic incentive system.

In the cryptocurrency market, there are also many games in the Metaverse style such as Decentraland, The Sandbox. These games allow players to create their own worlds, own assets in the form of NFTs, and exchange them in the marketplace.
However, current Metaverse applications still have many limitations:
The experience is not truly authentic due to the limitations of augmented reality technology.
The interaction between products is still very limited, especially with games not based on blockchain.
User creativity space is still limited.
Therefore, the true Metaverse has not yet been realized as in the work “Ready Player One.” But current applications have shown significant progress and enormous potential for Metaverse development in the future.
Why is the Metaverse becoming popular?

Throughout history, humans have always nurtured desires for exploration and overcoming: Crossing vast oceans, conquering towering mountains, exploring the mysteries of the universe,… However, with many barriers in terms of technology, finance, or limited resources, we cannot meet all these needs quickly.
Currently, with the explosive development of the Internet and technology, it seems that we have found a new solution to these challenges, which is to use the Metaverse.
For a true Metaverse, we can fully enjoy unlimited experiences and exploration while waiting for technology to develop for real experiences.
A clear example is the human desire to explore the universe: Traveling around the world today has become much easier and more common. However, gradually, exploring the Earth is no longer as attractive as before, our next goal is the universe.
However, developing rockets and infrastructure for space exploration is currently costly and time-consuming. Resource barriers cannot keep up with demand.
Therefore, we can use the Metaverse to experience space exploration based on experiments. Augmented reality technology will provide the most intimate and realistic feeling for humans.
As a result, with the Metaverse, we can experience exploring the universe closest to reality, at a much lower cost while waiting to overcome barriers.
In addition, with unlimited creative abilities in the Metaverse, humans will gain more inspiration for inventions beyond reality.
In the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic, as countries implement social distancing policies, the Metaverse becomes an ideal place for us to interact with each other in the most authentic way.
Potential of the Metaverse
How vast is the scale of the Metaverse?

With an immensely ambitious vision of constructing a parallel world alongside our reality, one can imagine the scale to which this market will grow.
Currently, statistical data indicates that the total global asset volume by the end of 2020 had reached $418.3 trillion. Therefore, it can be said that this is an immensely large market with plenty of opportunities for future development.
However, this is just a distant view of the future, so what is the recent situation like? According to research from LD Capital (a leading Blockchain technology investment fund in China), the Metaverse industry will consist of two main components:
Hardware infrastructure: This includes industries involved in producing hardware such as chips, electronic components, augmented reality devices, etc., which are crucial infrastructure to enhance the experience within the Metaverse. According to research from The Business Research Company, in 2020, the value of this industry globally reached around $862 billion with an annual growth rate of 9.4%.Metaverse content: This encompasses all platforms (mostly games) that enable users to participate and immerse themselves in the Metaverse. This category also includes social networks or sharing platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, etc., but with the true Metaverse, these platforms will be directly integrated with games. Currently, the value of this industry is estimated to be around $170 billion.
So, although the Metaverse has not truly developed as intended in the end, what exists today already holds a value of trillions of dollars. This is not to mention that as augmented reality products become more widely adopted, they will serve as a foundation for even stronger growth in the Metaverse Gaming market.
Moreover, with the “Beyond the Universe” vision of the Metaverse, it is possible that in the future, all non-physical assets will be brought into the Metaverse to create a truly parallel world (even potentially surpassing the real world). From there, this industry could potentially reach hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Applications of the Metaverse
The Metaverse not only provides entertainment experiences but also opens up many applications in other fields such as healthcare, education, manufacturing, military, and many others.
For example, in the healthcare field, the Metaverse can create a virtual environment to help doctors research and develop new treatment methods without requiring too many resources and without posing risks to patients.
In the education field, an interactive virtual world can help students learn from top teachers. Learning combined with practical examples makes understanding easier and more vivid.
What do the tech giants think about the virtual universe Metaverse?

Mark Zuckerberg, Founder & CEO of Facebook
It’s no coincidence that the Metaverse has attracted significant attention from large companies with strong resources. The goal of the Metaverse is not only to meet daily needs but also to be a major step forward in creating a digital world parallel to the real world.
One of the first people interested in the Metaverse is Mark Zuckerberg, Founder & CEO of Facebook.
He shared about the Metaverse as follows: “Mobile internet can now meet many people’s needs from waking up to going to bed. Therefore, I don’t think the main purpose of the Metaverse is to get people to engage more on the Internet, but to allow people to participate in the Internet more naturally.”
In line with this statement, Facebook has invested in VR devices through the acquisition of Oculus and even renamed the company to Meta to focus on developing hardware infrastructure for the Metaverse.
In addition to Facebook, other major tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, Sony have also entered the Metaverse through the establishment of the XR Association – a union with the goal of developing “Experiential Reality.”
Tim Sweeney – CEO of Epic Games, the company behind the game Fortnite, has also shared his views on the Metaverse. He believes this is a very potential market and explains why Epic Games wants to develop Fortnite into a part of the Metaverse.
Furthermore, Tim Sweeney emphasizes that the Metaverse will not only be a world created by one company but will include many applications and interaction possibilities between different worlds.
In the Crypto market, Decentraland – a Metaverse application, has been represented by Dave Carr. He highlights the decentralized nature of the Metaverse and believes that Decentralization is necessary for users to have ownership and creative freedom in the Metaverse.
Why is Blockchain the ideal place to develop the Metaverse?
In fact, the Metaverse can be established on the basis of many different types of technologies. However, in a world that values unlimited creativity, interaction, and decentralized freedom like the Metaverse, it seems that Blockchain will be one of the key technologies of this world.
I will explain why right below!
Blockchain – The essential platform for the development of the Metaverse

When researching the theory of the Metaverse, we can see that blockchain technology will play a key role in building a true Metaverse.
As seen in Jon Radoff’s Infographic, the Metaverse industry is attracting the participation of many leading technology companies, including hardware, software, blockchain, gaming, etc. Among them, the Content layer – the content and experience – is seen as closest to the concept of the Metaverse. However, current platforms like Google, Facebook, Fortnite, Roblox still have some limitations:
Limited interaction between platforms: Users cannot move or exchange digital assets between different virtual worlds.Digital assets do not truly belong to users: Virtual items in games can be lost due to policy changes or regulations.Lack of personalization and ownership: Users do not have real ownership rights to their digital assets.
Here, blockchain technology with prominent features such as:
Scalability: Modern blockchains like Avalanche, Polkadot, Cosmos have addressed the issues of speed and scalability.Interoperability: Assets on different blockchains can be exchanged through Cross-chain technology.Ownership & Privacy: Digital assets in the form of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) help users hold ownership and control over their assets.Security: Blockchain technology provides high security for users’ digital assets.
Moreover, the strong development of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) also serves as a simple, flexible digital economy system to support economic activities in the Metaverse, such as trading goods, transferring assets, borrowing, payments, etc.
With the superior advantages of scalability, interaction, ownership, and security, along with the development of the DeFi ecosystem, blockchain technology can indeed become the key platform for building a true Metaverse – a more creative, interactive, and personalized virtual world.
Key Factors Driving the Development of Metaverse in Crypto
To build a truly comprehensive Metaverse within the Crypto space, there needs to be a combination of three main components:
Optimized Blockchain Platforms: These serve as the foundational layer. There is a need for blockchains with good scalability, such as Polkadot, Avalanche, Cosmos, Solana, NEAR, Mina, etc. These blockchains will meet the requirements for performance and storage for the Metaverse.Dapps Serving the Metaverse: On top of blockchain platforms, decentralized applications (Dapps) serving various purposes of the Metaverse are necessary:Pure Metaverse Gaming platforms like Decentraland, The Sandbox.DeFi applications to develop the Metaverse economy, such as exchanges, lending services, payments, etc.NFT applications to build a digital asset system within the Metaverse.Cross-chain Bridges: This is an important factor for creating connectivity and interaction between virtual worlds and the Metaverse economy. Cross-chain technologies will enable the exchange and conversion of digital assets across different blockchains.
Currently, despite significant progress, the above factors are still not fully developed:
New blockchain platforms only partially solve the speed and scalability issues.Dapps serving the Metaverse have not yet created experiences as compelling as traditional games.Cross-chain technology still has many loopholes, leading to related hacking incidents.
Therefore, for the Metaverse in the Crypto space to develop, companies and developers need to continue improving and perfecting these core elements. When these three components are effectively combined, the Metaverse will be able to break through and grow significantly.
Metaverse Development Trends

Metaverse – Still an Idea for the Future
Although information technology is advancing rapidly, the Metaverse is still only a concept for the future and not yet the time to explode.
There are several reasons for this assessment:
VR technology is still limited: Currently, VR devices on the market are still relatively expensive and not widespread. VR-related experiences are also not truly compelling, making developers hesitant to invest in this field.The VR market is still small: According to estimates by Grand View Research, the Virtual Reality market reached only about $22 billion in 2021 – a modest figure compared to the potential for future development. However, the growth rate of this industry is expected to reach about 18% per year, with an estimated scale of $70 billion by 2028.Preparing for the Metaverse: Although VR hardware is a key factor for the Metaverse, content development will also occur simultaneously, rather than waiting for VR to be perfected. Tech giants like Facebook, Epic Games, Roblox, etc., have begun investing in and preparing for the future of the Metaverse.
In summary, the Metaverse is still only a theoretical concept for the future, not yet the time to explode. However, with the participation of many major technology companies, along with the advancement of VR technology, the Metaverse is expected to become a highly potential industry in the future.
Investment Opportunities in the Metaverse Ecosystem
With the development of blockchain technology, the Metaverse is expected to become a large and diverse virtual space in the future. So where are the investment opportunities in the Metaverse?
Blockchain Infrastructure Platforms: The blockchain platforms for the Metaverse need to have the following characteristics:High scalability to meet widespread usage needs.Low transaction fees, fast speeds, and high security.Large storage capacity and unlimited creativity. Examples include Solana, Mina, Avalanche, Polygon, Cosmos, NEAR, Flow, Theta, etc.Dapps Serving the Metaverse

Platforms like Decentraland, The Sandbox for Metaverse Gaming.Open-world gaming platforms that allow unlimited creativity.NFT marketplaces.DeFi platforms, especially those facilitating asset transfers between the real world and Crypto.Cross-chain and Interoperability Applications: These are important platforms for connecting Metaverse ecosystems, such as:Liquidity Cross-chain applications.Conversion and exchange of NFTs across blockchains.
However, it’s important to note that the Metaverse is still a concept for the future, not yet the time for a strong explosion. Current Metaverse platforms like Sandbox, Decentraland are still not attractive enough.
Therefore, instead of investing directly in Metaverse projects, investors can seek opportunities from the “small waves” when major tech giants provide information about the Metaverse. And when the infrastructure and content of the Metaverse become more complete, the true explosion of the “Blockchain Metaverse” will occur.
Through this article, I have provided you with basic information about the Metaverse, as well as the potential development of this industry up to trillions of dollars.
The development of technology along with the impact of the pandemic has turned the Metaverse – a concept that has existed for nearly 30 years – into a hot topic recently. With the participation of major technology giants, we have every reason to believe in the enormous potential of the Metaverse.
Notably, blockchain technology is expected to play a key role in the development process of the Metaverse. However, the Metaverse is still a relatively new concept, requiring more time and infrastructure to truly explode in the future.
This article is compiled based on my personal perspectives, along with some analysis from research sources such as The New York Times and Coindesk. You can refer to these additional sources of information.
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Metaverse Hype Coming Back? VR buat partnership dengan Apple, harga VR terus pump. Adakah coin metaverse yang berkaitan dengan VR AR XR MR(Virtual, Augmented, Extended, Mix - Reality) akan kembali hype lepas ini?🤔 Antara coin berkaitan AR VR XR MR yang masih low cap adalah seperti SPH OVR CEEK HERO dll. High cap metaverse coin pula adalah seperti MANA SAND. Untuk peminat high risk high return dan low cap shitcoin, dan ada hodl coin berkaitan metaverse, boleh cuba share di ruang komen😁Sama-sama kita DYOR🚀Kot-kot ada projek yang sangkut kena naratif dan meletup di next bull run😁 NFA.DYOR. Credit YOUR MONEY=YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. #Metaversee #Write2Earn #PIXEL
Metaverse Hype Coming Back?

VR buat partnership dengan Apple, harga VR terus pump. Adakah coin metaverse yang berkaitan dengan VR AR XR MR(Virtual, Augmented, Extended, Mix - Reality) akan kembali hype lepas ini?🤔

Antara coin berkaitan AR VR XR MR yang masih low cap adalah seperti SPH OVR CEEK HERO dll. High cap metaverse coin pula adalah seperti MANA SAND.

Untuk peminat high risk high return dan low cap shitcoin, dan ada hodl coin berkaitan metaverse, boleh cuba share di ruang komen😁Sama-sama kita DYOR🚀Kot-kot ada projek yang sangkut kena naratif dan meletup di next bull run😁



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Discover serenity within the digital realm with MetaZooMee's meditation apps🧘‍♂️ Whether you're an entrepreneur, gamer, educator, or artist, #MetaZooMee provides diverse experiences for everyone, fostering mental well-being in an immersive virtual space. #InnerPeace #Metaversee #MZM #mzm_official #MetaZooMeeMaze
Discover serenity within the digital realm with MetaZooMee's meditation apps🧘‍♂️

Whether you're an entrepreneur, gamer, educator, or artist, #MetaZooMee provides diverse experiences for everyone, fostering mental well-being in an immersive virtual space.

#InnerPeace #Metaversee #MZM #mzm_official #MetaZooMeeMaze
🖼 Moonbirds Co-founder Kevin Rose Dumps $1.3M NFT Amid Fresh Acquisition Kevin Rose, the co-founder of the nonfungible token (NFT) collection Moonbirds, has initiated a significant sell-off of his prized NFT collection. [First Get Your Complimentary FDUSD Here]( Prominent Chinese reporter Colin Wu brought attention to Rose’s massive liquidation moves in a recent post on X. Colin Wu, citing data from NFTScan, disclosed that over the past 16 days, Rose has successfully unloaded 328.92 ETH worth of digital assets. Considering the prevailing market price of Ethereum at $3,960, Rose’s sale amounts to a staggering monetary value exceeding $1.3 million. #Metaversee #KevinRose #TrendingTopic
🖼 Moonbirds Co-founder Kevin Rose Dumps $1.3M NFT Amid Fresh Acquisition

Kevin Rose, the co-founder of the nonfungible token (NFT) collection Moonbirds, has initiated a significant sell-off of his prized NFT collection.

First Get Your Complimentary FDUSD Here

Prominent Chinese reporter Colin Wu brought attention to Rose’s massive liquidation moves in a recent post on X. Colin Wu, citing data from NFTScan, disclosed that over the past 16 days, Rose has successfully unloaded 328.92 ETH worth of digital assets. Considering the prevailing market price of Ethereum at $3,960, Rose’s sale amounts to a staggering monetary value exceeding $1.3 million.
#Metaversee #KevinRose #TrendingTopic
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CLAIM 50 DRAGON YEAR BLESSINGS TRUMPETS AT SOULLAND Amidst the crackling of firecrackers, a year bids farewell, and the trumpet heralds the arrival of the Year of the Dragon!🐉 During the New Year festivities, open SoulLand and claim your share of 50 trumpets per person. Spread your New Year blessings through the SoulLand world channel! Let the entire crypto community see your good wishes. 📳Download and register to Claim - Global First Gamified Social Feeds-themed Metaverse: 🕔Event Period: February 9th, 2AM - February 12th, 2AM (UTC) Note: Each person has one chance to claim. Unclaimed rewards will expire after the event.🎉 #LunarNewYear #YearOfTheDragon #SoulLand #Metaversee #Trumpet $SLT

Amidst the crackling of firecrackers, a year bids farewell, and the trumpet heralds the arrival of the Year of the Dragon!🐉

During the New Year festivities, open SoulLand and claim your share of 50 trumpets per person. Spread your New Year blessings through the SoulLand world channel! Let the entire crypto community see your good wishes.

📳Download and register to Claim - Global First Gamified Social Feeds-themed Metaverse:
🕔Event Period: February 9th, 2AM - February 12th, 2AM (UTC)

Note: Each person has one chance to claim. Unclaimed rewards will expire after the event.🎉
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Our engineers keep coming back because they love working for Mercor's clients.

Opportunities. One application to Mercor gets instantly considered by hundreds of companies so you don't have to submit 100 applications.
Compensation Mercor companies are predominantly located in Silicon Valley, offering many of the most exciting tech jobs in the world.
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What is Mercor?
Mercor is an AI-powered platform focused on simplifying the hiring process. We specialize in finding, vetting, and paying skilled professionals globally.

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Salaries on our platform vary widely, reflecting the diverse talent and experiences. Entry-level individuals might start at $2,000 monthly, while seasoned professionals can earn up to $15,000 monthly. We cater to all levels in between.

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Everyone hired through Mercor is classified as a contractor. We handle all payment processes and navigate the legal complexities of setting up legal entities, making the process hassle-free for you.

Does Mercor offer both part-time and full-time hiring options?
Yes, Mercor provides the flexibility to hire both part-time and full-time contractors, depending on your project needs and requirements.

What types of roles can I hire for through Mercor?
We offer a range of roles, including but not limited to full-stack engineers, designers, data scientists, and business analysts.

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🌐✨Dive into the Future with MetaZooMee! 🚀🔐 Discover the power of MetaZooMee's groundbreaking solution - a leading metaverse platform reshaping the digital landscape.🌍 💻Here's why MetaZooMee stands out Let's dive in🧵👇 #MZM #MetaZooMee #Metaversee
🌐✨Dive into the Future with MetaZooMee! 🚀🔐
Discover the power of MetaZooMee's groundbreaking solution - a leading metaverse platform reshaping the digital landscape.🌍
💻Here's why MetaZooMee stands out
Let's dive in🧵👇
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We are thrilled to share the exciting news that MetaZooMee is set to make a significant presence at #ETHDenver2024! The dynamic team of #MetaZooMee, is eager to immerse themselves in the discussions surrounding the vibrant metaverse, where the boundaries of imagination dissolve, and virtual interaction propels to unprecedented heights. Join us at #ETHDenver for insightful conversations and explorations into the ever-evolving landscape of the metaverse. We look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals who share our passion for innovation and the limitless possibilities that the virtual realm holds. To our fellow event attendees, let's make the most of this opportunity to connect and dive deep into all things #MetaZooMee. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just curious about the metaverse, we welcome you to be a part of our journey. As an added bonus, spot a MetaZooMee team member proudly donning our iconic MetaZooMee t-shirt at #ETHDenver, tag them, and claim an instant reward of 1000 $MZM! It's a celebration of community, connection, and the spice that fuels our collective excitement. Let's make #ETHDenver2024 an unforgettable experience together! @EthereumDenver #ETHDenver2024 #ETHDenver #MZM #Metaversee #MetaZooMeeAdventure #InnovationUnleashed #VRX
We are thrilled to share the exciting news that MetaZooMee is set to make a significant presence at #ETHDenver2024! The dynamic team of #MetaZooMee, is eager to immerse themselves in the discussions surrounding the vibrant metaverse, where the boundaries of imagination dissolve, and virtual interaction propels to unprecedented heights.

Join us at #ETHDenver for insightful conversations and explorations into the ever-evolving landscape of the metaverse. We look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals who share our passion for innovation and the limitless possibilities that the virtual realm holds.

To our fellow event attendees, let's make the most of this opportunity to connect and dive deep into all things #MetaZooMee. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just curious about the metaverse, we welcome you to be a part of our journey.

As an added bonus, spot a MetaZooMee team member proudly donning our iconic MetaZooMee t-shirt at #ETHDenver, tag them, and claim an instant reward of 1000 $MZM! It's a celebration of community, connection, and the spice that fuels our collective excitement. Let's make #ETHDenver2024 an unforgettable experience together!

@EthereumDenver #ETHDenver2024 #ETHDenver

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I am So Happy Guys. Time is Yours Ceekers. $Ceek has been selected for the Binance Futures NEXT program! 🎉 Pick #CEEK now and help it list on Don't miss this chance to be part of the next big thing. #Metaversee #Crypto #BNB @Binance :
I am So Happy Guys. Time is Yours Ceekers.
$Ceek has been selected for the Binance Futures NEXT program! 🎉
Pick #CEEK now and help it list on
Don't miss this chance to be part of the next big thing.
#Metaversee #Crypto #BNB
#Metaversee biggest coins such as $SAND and $MANA are now looking very good for macro buying on spot. Start DCAing if you want to buy them. Most bullish signal, after almost two years for the first time 100 day ema has crossed the 200 days ema. Now i have no reason to be cautious on any of these. #Write2Earn #sand #MANA
#Metaversee biggest coins such as $SAND and $MANA are now looking very good for macro buying on spot. Start DCAing if you want to buy them.
Most bullish signal, after almost two years for the first time 100 day ema has crossed the 200 days ema. Now i have no reason to be cautious on any of these.

#Write2Earn #sand #MANA
Introducing the Top 8 Metaverse Coins in 2024 In this section, we present a list of the top 8 Metaverse platforms and their native tokens in 2024. The following list is the result of in-depth analysis and research to assist you in choosing the best platform for buying virtual land in the Metaverse or investing in Metaverse digital currencies in 2024. Decentraland – Mana (MANA) Decentraland, known as the Metaverse, was launched in 2015. Sandbox – Sand (SAND) Sandbox is a user-friendly platform in the Metaverse designed for blockchain-based gaming. Here, you can buy, trade, or hold non-fungible digital assets like virtual land for long-term investment. Sandbox features an exclusive NFT marketplace and user-generated content (UGC) gaming technology. The SAND token, is available for trading on Binance. Axie Infinity – (AXS) Axie Infinity, a blockchain-based game, made waves in 2021. Gala Games – Gala (GALA) Gala Games is one of the most popular blockchain gaming platforms. Metahero – Hero (HERO) Metahero is a fully new 3D scanning and sculpting service. Somnium Space – Cube (CUBE) Somnium Space is a virtual reality world designed on the Ethereum blockchain. Engine Coin – ENJ (ENJ) Engine Coin, an ERC-20 token on Ethereum, acts as an in-game currency and adds value to virtual assets. Star Atlas – (ATLAS) Star Atlas is a Metaverse project centered around ... Conclusion The Metaverse is one of the hottest terms in crypto right now, with many tokens promising the moon. Choose wisely and invest in the top Metaverse projects, and you could see good returns in the next cryptocurrency market cycle. Metaverse crypto is an emerging segment of digital assets where cryptocurrencies serve both as exchange currencies and governance mechanisms in the virtual world. These tokens provide users with a stake in the digital landscape, participation in governance, and shaping its evolution. Beyond digital real estate, these tokens are the backbone of entire economies, aiding everything from gaming and socializing to virtual commerce and art.#Metaversee #BTC‬
Introducing the Top 8 Metaverse Coins in 2024
In this section, we present a list of the top 8 Metaverse platforms and their native tokens in 2024. The following list is the result of in-depth analysis and research to assist you in choosing the best platform for buying virtual land in the Metaverse or investing in Metaverse digital currencies in 2024.

Decentraland – Mana (MANA)
Decentraland, known as the Metaverse, was launched in 2015.

Sandbox – Sand (SAND)
Sandbox is a user-friendly platform in the Metaverse designed for blockchain-based gaming. Here, you can buy, trade, or hold non-fungible digital assets like virtual land for long-term investment. Sandbox features an exclusive NFT marketplace and user-generated content (UGC) gaming technology. The SAND token, is available for trading on Binance.

Axie Infinity – (AXS)
Axie Infinity, a blockchain-based game, made waves in 2021.

Gala Games – Gala (GALA)
Gala Games is one of the most popular blockchain gaming platforms.

Metahero – Hero (HERO)
Metahero is a fully new 3D scanning and sculpting service.

Somnium Space – Cube (CUBE)
Somnium Space is a virtual reality world designed on the Ethereum blockchain.

Engine Coin – ENJ (ENJ)
Engine Coin, an ERC-20 token on Ethereum, acts as an in-game currency and adds value to virtual assets.

Star Atlas – (ATLAS)
Star Atlas is a Metaverse project centered around ...

The Metaverse is one of the hottest terms in crypto right now, with many tokens promising the moon. Choose wisely and invest in the top Metaverse projects, and you could see good returns in the next cryptocurrency market cycle. Metaverse crypto is an emerging segment of digital assets where cryptocurrencies serve both as exchange currencies and governance mechanisms in the virtual world. These tokens provide users with a stake in the digital landscape, participation in governance, and shaping its evolution. Beyond digital real estate, these tokens are the backbone of entire economies, aiding everything from gaming and socializing to virtual commerce and art.#Metaversee #BTC‬
📰 Circle partners with Krafton and Naver Z’s joint venture to build ‘Roblox-style’ metaverse called: OverDare. 💡 The advantage is that Circle has a huge user base with whome any project could build and run test to find market fit easier. I like the idea, but remember... it's easier said than done. Don't get me wrong, I believe #CryptoGaming is going to be one of the top narratives in this upcoming #bullrun, but based on the amount of daily users on Decentraland and Sandbox, I'm pretty metaverse agnostic until proven traction of Daily Active Users (DAU). #Metaversee #Circle $USDC $SAND $MANA
📰 Circle partners with Krafton and Naver Z’s joint venture to build ‘Roblox-style’ metaverse called: OverDare.

💡 The advantage is that Circle has a huge user base with whome any project could build and run test to find market fit easier.

I like the idea, but remember... it's easier said than done. Don't get me wrong, I believe #CryptoGaming is going to be one of the top narratives in this upcoming #bullrun, but based on the amount of daily users on Decentraland and Sandbox, I'm pretty metaverse agnostic until proven traction of Daily Active Users (DAU).

#Metaversee #Circle $USDC $SAND $MANA
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