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The Day Blockchain Stole My HeartYou never forget your first love. For you, it was the day blockchain stole your heart. You had heard whispers of this new technology on the fringes of the internet, a digital ledger that could change everything. But it seemed complicated, abstract. One random Thursday, your friend begged you to join their crypto trading group. You reluctantly agreed, expecting obscure memes and incomprehensible jargon. Instead, that first meeting opened your mind. As the concepts of decentralization, transparency, and digital scarcity were explained, your mental models of the world started shifting. You saw how blockchain could empower individuals and disrupt entire industries. A new world of possibility emerged before your eyes. By the end of that conversation, you were smitten. The blockchain had captured your imagination, and you knew this was the start of something big. Your life's work was calling you into the future, and you were ready to dive in headfirst. Looking back now, you realize that was the day blockchain stole your heart. The day that changed everything. Discovering Decentralization: My First Encounter With Blockchain Do you remember the first time you heard about blockchain? For me, it was a revelation. I had been interested in technology and finance for years, but decentralization was a totally new concept. A friend told me about Bitcoin and how it allowed people to send money directly without a bank. I was intrigued. He explained blockchain was the technology behind Bitcoin that made it secure and transparent. My mind was blown. I dove in headfirst, reading everything I could about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance. The possibilities seemed endless. No more huge corporations controlling my data and money! An open financial system where everyone had access. When I bought my first Bitcoin, it felt momentous. I was participating in something that could change the world. The blockchain space was small back then, but the community was passionate and dedicated. Over time, I discovered other blockchains like Ethereum and the decentralized apps being built on them. My first NFT felt like owning a piece of history. Collecting crypto art and gaming items that I truly owned was thrilling. Blockchain has come a long way since then, but those early days of discovery and possibility will always stay with me. The technology has evolved, but the core vision of an open, transparent, and user-controlled world is still why I'm here. My heart belongs to decentralization, and it all started with that first step down the blockchain rabbit hole. A Revolution Realized: The Moment I Knew Blockchain Was the Future The Moment of Revelation One night, as I sat reading about blockchain technology, something just clicked. This wasn’t just a new fad or buzzword—blockchain was revolutionary. It could fundamentally change industries and empower individuals in ways never before possible. I realized that blockchain’s potential was far greater than cryptocurrency or banking. Its possibilities spanned healthcare, education, music, art, and beyond. Blockchain could give people ownership and control over their own data. It could bring transparency and fairness to governments and businesses. This epiphany ignited my passion for blockchain’s possibilities. I started to envision how it might shape the future, and I knew I wanted to be part of building that future. Since that moment of revelation, I’ve been hooked on blockchain. I dove into learning everything I could about it—the technology behind it, different types of blockchains, consensus algorithms, decentralization, and more. I witnessed the rise and fall of once-promising projects, and saw the resilience of blockchain communities. I participated in the excitement around new platforms, protocols, and ecosystems. I followed thought leaders, developers, and visionaries who were pushing blockchain in new directions. Most importantly, I started to understand the profound implications blockchain could have for society. This revolutionary technology has the potential to transform industries, redefine ownership and privacy, democratize opportunity, and empower individuals like never before. My heart was stolen by the possibilities of this technology to drive positive change. I knew then that I wanted to dedicate my efforts to help build and shape the future of blockchain. That fateful night ignited my passion for blockchain’s potential to revolutionize the world as we know it. Since then, blockchain has shaped my journey, and I’m grateful to play even a small role in its story. The future is unwritten, but I believe blockchain will be an integral part of it. And just like that, blockchain stole your heart. What started as curiosity about this buzzword turned into a passion for the possibilities. The twists and turns of your journey brought you to this moment where you now eagerly follow each new development. You've found your tribe of like-minded believers and together you're helping build something that could change everything. While the mainstream still may not quite get it, you're in on a secret that the future is being built block by block. No matter what comes next, you know that day you first discovered blockchain will always hold a special place as the day your world got a whole lot bigger. The day blockchain stole your heart. #GoatMoments #GoatMoments #GOATMoments

The Day Blockchain Stole My Heart

You never forget your first love. For you, it was the day blockchain stole your heart. You had heard whispers of this new technology on the fringes of the internet, a digital ledger that could change everything. But it seemed complicated, abstract.

One random Thursday, your friend begged you to join their crypto trading group. You reluctantly agreed, expecting obscure memes and incomprehensible jargon.

Instead, that first meeting opened your mind. As the concepts of decentralization, transparency, and digital scarcity were explained, your mental models of the world started shifting. You saw how blockchain could empower individuals and disrupt entire industries. A new world of possibility emerged before your eyes.

By the end of that conversation, you were smitten. The blockchain had captured your imagination, and you knew this was the start of something big. Your life's work was calling you into the future, and you were ready to dive in headfirst. Looking back now, you realize that was the day blockchain stole your heart. The day that changed everything.

Discovering Decentralization: My First Encounter With Blockchain

Do you remember the first time you heard about blockchain? For me, it was a revelation. I had been interested in technology and finance for years, but decentralization was a totally new concept.

A friend told me about Bitcoin and how it allowed people to send money directly without a bank. I was intrigued. He explained blockchain was the technology behind Bitcoin that made it secure and transparent. My mind was blown.

I dove in headfirst, reading everything I could about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance. The possibilities seemed endless. No more huge corporations controlling my data and money! An open financial system where everyone had access.

When I bought my first Bitcoin, it felt momentous. I was participating in something that could change the world. The blockchain space was small back then, but the community was passionate and dedicated.

Over time, I discovered other blockchains like Ethereum and the decentralized apps being built on them. My first NFT felt like owning a piece of history. Collecting crypto art and gaming items that I truly owned was thrilling.

Blockchain has come a long way since then, but those early days of discovery and possibility will always stay with me. The technology has evolved, but the core vision of an open, transparent, and user-controlled world is still why I'm here. My heart belongs to decentralization, and it all started with that first step down the blockchain rabbit hole.

A Revolution Realized: The Moment I Knew Blockchain Was the Future

The Moment of Revelation

One night, as I sat reading about blockchain technology, something just clicked. This wasn’t just a new fad or buzzword—blockchain was revolutionary. It could fundamentally change industries and empower individuals in ways never before possible.

I realized that blockchain’s potential was far greater than cryptocurrency or banking. Its possibilities spanned healthcare, education, music, art, and beyond. Blockchain could give people ownership and control over their own data. It could bring transparency and fairness to governments and businesses.

This epiphany ignited my passion for blockchain’s possibilities. I started to envision how it might shape the future, and I knew I wanted to be part of building that future. Since that moment of revelation, I’ve been hooked on blockchain. I dove into learning everything I could about it—the technology behind it, different types of blockchains, consensus algorithms, decentralization, and more.

I witnessed the rise and fall of once-promising projects, and saw the resilience of blockchain communities.

I participated in the excitement around new platforms, protocols, and ecosystems.

I followed thought leaders, developers, and visionaries who were pushing blockchain in new directions.

Most importantly, I started to understand the profound implications blockchain could have for society. This revolutionary technology has the potential to transform industries, redefine ownership and privacy, democratize opportunity, and empower individuals like never before. My heart was stolen by the possibilities of this technology to drive positive change. I knew then that I wanted to dedicate my efforts to help build and shape the future of blockchain.

That fateful night ignited my passion for blockchain’s potential to revolutionize the world as we know it. Since then, blockchain has shaped my journey, and I’m grateful to play even a small role in its story. The future is unwritten, but I believe blockchain will be an integral part of it.

And just like that, blockchain stole your heart. What started as curiosity about this buzzword turned into a passion for the possibilities. The twists and turns of your journey brought you to this moment where you now eagerly follow each new development. You've found your tribe of like-minded believers and together you're helping build something that could change everything. While the mainstream still may not quite get it, you're in on a secret that the future is being built block by block. No matter what comes next, you know that day you first discovered blockchain will always hold a special place as the day your world got a whole lot bigger. The day blockchain stole your heart.

#GoatMoments #GoatMoments #GOATMoments
Earn With Crypto😱 Big Gains Or Big Losses⁉️I went into crypto because of the possible big profits and stayed because of the fundamentals I come honest and say that I only was interested in crypto because I wanted to make a lot of money fast (spoiler alert: I only made losses so far). How did I heard of crypto⁉️ From media and friend's of friends who were gamblers. I didnt understand anything about crypto at all, distinguishing between coins and tokens? Nope. Layer 0/ 1 / 2 exists, nope I dunno. Self custody on one's own wallet, I didn't even know that! All I've heard is that crypto is shady and some kind of ponzi scheme. I am young and I need this money, so why not "gamble" my few money I can afford to lose in this so-called "Crypto"? Ofc I did all mistakes one can do in crypto (too greedy, didnt take profits, day-traded, bought the dip then it dipped and bought it too). But the most important thing is to learn from one's mistakes: • I do research on the projects that I invest in instead of blindly yoloing into it • I learned what crypto stood for (decentralization and more) • I learned even more about non-crypto! How our financial system works and how flawed it is (banks, your money on their accounts not really your money, inflation) Now I stay in the crypto world with more knowledge and noble cause instead of the get rich quick mentality. P.s : Doesn't matter if you're here for the tech or the money when the tech is money. Want to throw some weight behind the so called peaceful revolution⁉️ Just toss some btc into cold storage and don't lose the keys. You don't have to go all in on that just a little scratch. Feel free to continue as you like with the rest of your portfolio. #GOATMoments

Earn With Crypto😱 Big Gains Or Big Losses⁉️

I went into crypto because of the possible big profits and stayed because of the fundamentals

I come honest and say that I only was interested in crypto because I wanted to make a lot of money fast (spoiler alert: I only made losses so far).

How did I heard of crypto⁉️ From media and friend's of friends who were gamblers.

I didnt understand anything about crypto at all, distinguishing between coins and tokens? Nope. Layer 0/ 1 / 2 exists, nope I dunno. Self custody on one's own wallet, I didn't even know that!

All I've heard is that crypto is shady and some kind of ponzi scheme.

I am young and I need this money, so why not "gamble" my few money I can afford to lose in this so-called "Crypto"?

Ofc I did all mistakes one can do in crypto (too greedy, didnt take profits, day-traded, bought the dip then it dipped and bought it too).

But the most important thing is to learn from one's mistakes:

• I do research on the projects that I invest in instead of blindly yoloing into it

• I learned what crypto stood for (decentralization and more)

• I learned even more about non-crypto! How our financial system works and how flawed it is (banks, your money on their accounts not really your money, inflation)

Now I stay in the crypto world with more knowledge and noble cause instead of the get rich quick mentality.

P.s : Doesn't matter if you're here for the tech or the money when the tech is money.

Want to throw some weight behind the so called peaceful revolution⁉️ Just toss some btc into cold storage and don't lose the keys. You don't have to go all in on that just a little scratch. Feel free to continue as you like with the rest of your portfolio.

CZ on Twitter Spaces: “The Year after Bitcoin Halving is Usually the Bull Year.”The conversation about the crypto market’s future took an exciting turn when Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, the CEO of Binance, recently shared his thoughts during a Twitter Q&A session on July 5. He tackled several issues, including Binance’s reaction to ongoing regulatory scrutiny, the rise of institutional interest in cryptocurrencies, and BlackRock’s recent move into the crypto industry. However, the highlight of the session was CZ’s prediction about Bitcoin‘s next bull market. Predicting market trends is never an exact science, as CZ acknowledged. Nonetheless, he presented his analysis based on Bitcoin’s historical performance, characterized by four-year cycles of bullish activity. Highlighting the Bitcoin halving event anticipated in 2024, CZ suggested that this pattern often sparks a bull market the following year. Consequently, he pointed towards 2025 as the likely timeframe for the next major Bitcoin bull run. Interestingly, during the discussion, CZ also addressed BlackRock’s entry into the Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) market. Instead of expressing concern, he welcomed the move, asserting its considerable advantages for the entire crypto industry. Despite concerns about traditional finance firms’ intentions clashing with Bitcoin’s decentralized nature, CZ showed little worry. He further quelled fears about BlackRock potentially overshadowing Binance‘s market share. CZ dismissed such worries, emphasizing that their respective customer bases barely overlap. He expressed a positive outlook, asserting that newcomers like BlackRock could attract more people to the crypto world. While he admitted to potential competition for existing users, he underscored the distinct customer base of Binance. BlackRock’s Entry into Crypto A year ago, BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm handling $9 trillion in assets,  joined hands with Coinbase, a major crypto exchange platform, amplifying its Bitcoin-related services since then. They are following a path already taken by many Wall Street giants: offering crypto services for substantial fees in exchange for secure access to the unpredictable, but potentially very profitable, crypto market. Last month, BlackRock surprised the crypto world by applying for a U.S. spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). Other financial powerhouses closely watched this move, believing BlackRock could successfully pave the way through the regulatory landscape. Despite the initial application being rejected by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for its lack of “clarity and comprehensiveness,” Nasdaq refiled for BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust recently, hinting at the firm’s determination to find a pathway to the market. Larry Fink, at the helm of BlackRock, has made an unexpected turnaround and once a critic of Bitcoin, dismissing it as an “index of money laundering,” he now believes that cryptocurrencies have the potential to “revolutionize finance”. Fink and BlackRock have come to view Bitcoin not as a means for transactions, but rather as a modern equivalent to gold. According to Fink, Bitcoin is digitizing the concept of gold. He believes it serves as a global asset, providing an alternative investment avenue not tied to any single currency. This, he said, resonates with BlackRock’s foundational belief in a brighter future, embodied in the act of investing for retirement. CZ’s Strategy for Investing into Crypto CZ identified two key factors driving Binance‘s strategy for the next eighteen months: the impending Bitcoin halving event and rising institutional interest in cryptocurrencies. These factors lead Binance to brace for higher trading volumes. The regulatory actions Binance is currently facing also came up during the session. CZ confirmed the situation but did not delve into specifics. He mentioned that Binance’s goal is to find the most prompt, reasonable, and mutually agreeable resolution to the situation. *Disclaimer: This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader. $BTC $BNB #GOATMoments

CZ on Twitter Spaces: “The Year after Bitcoin Halving is Usually the Bull Year.”

The conversation about the crypto market’s future took an exciting turn when Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, the CEO of Binance, recently shared his thoughts during a Twitter Q&A session on July 5. He tackled several issues, including Binance’s reaction to ongoing regulatory scrutiny, the rise of institutional interest in cryptocurrencies, and BlackRock’s recent move into the crypto industry. However, the highlight of the session was CZ’s prediction about Bitcoin‘s next bull market.

Predicting market trends is never an exact science, as CZ acknowledged. Nonetheless, he presented his analysis based on Bitcoin’s historical performance, characterized by four-year cycles of bullish activity. Highlighting the Bitcoin halving event anticipated in 2024, CZ suggested that this pattern often sparks a bull market the following year. Consequently, he pointed towards 2025 as the likely timeframe for the next major Bitcoin bull run.

Interestingly, during the discussion, CZ also addressed BlackRock’s entry into the Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) market. Instead of expressing concern, he welcomed the move, asserting its considerable advantages for the entire crypto industry. Despite concerns about traditional finance firms’ intentions clashing with Bitcoin’s decentralized nature, CZ showed little worry.

He further quelled fears about BlackRock potentially overshadowing Binance‘s market share. CZ dismissed such worries, emphasizing that their respective customer bases barely overlap. He expressed a positive outlook, asserting that newcomers like BlackRock could attract more people to the crypto world. While he admitted to potential competition for existing users, he underscored the distinct customer base of Binance.

BlackRock’s Entry into Crypto

A year ago, BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm handling $9 trillion in assets,  joined hands with Coinbase, a major crypto exchange platform, amplifying its Bitcoin-related services since then. They are following a path already taken by many Wall Street giants: offering crypto services for substantial fees in exchange for secure access to the unpredictable, but potentially very profitable, crypto market.

Last month, BlackRock surprised the crypto world by applying for a U.S. spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). Other financial powerhouses closely watched this move, believing BlackRock could successfully pave the way through the regulatory landscape. Despite the initial application being rejected by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for its lack of “clarity and comprehensiveness,” Nasdaq refiled for BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust recently, hinting at the firm’s determination to find a pathway to the market.

Larry Fink, at the helm of BlackRock, has made an unexpected turnaround and once a critic of Bitcoin, dismissing it as an “index of money laundering,” he now believes that cryptocurrencies have the potential to “revolutionize finance”.

Fink and BlackRock have come to view Bitcoin not as a means for transactions, but rather as a modern equivalent to gold. According to Fink, Bitcoin is digitizing the concept of gold. He believes it serves as a global asset, providing an alternative investment avenue not tied to any single currency. This, he said, resonates with BlackRock’s foundational belief in a brighter future, embodied in the act of investing for retirement.

CZ’s Strategy for Investing into Crypto

CZ identified two key factors driving Binance‘s strategy for the next eighteen months: the impending Bitcoin halving event and rising institutional interest in cryptocurrencies. These factors lead Binance to brace for higher trading volumes.

The regulatory actions Binance is currently facing also came up during the session. CZ confirmed the situation but did not delve into specifics. He mentioned that Binance’s goal is to find the most prompt, reasonable, and mutually agreeable resolution to the situation.


This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.

$BTC $BNB #GOATMoments
🎯Jack Dorsey: "Buy #bitcoin     from an exchange and move it to a hardware key you control." 👏 🔥Important of Hardware Wallets - #GOATMoments
🎯Jack Dorsey: "Buy #bitcoin     from an exchange and move it to a hardware key you control." 👏

🔥Important of Hardware Wallets -

MY CRYPTO STARTUP It took me some time to think and decide to start my journey in cryptocurrency, my faith and confidence increased when I made my first transaction through binance p2p. I bought and sold my coins in a short time clearly and I received a confirmation message. Now I am confident to teach others about cryptocurrencies. #GOATMoments #bitcoin $BTC $BNB $ETH

It took me some time to think and decide to start my journey in cryptocurrency, my faith and confidence increased when I made my first transaction through binance p2p.

I bought and sold my coins in a short time clearly and I received a confirmation message. Now I am confident to teach others about cryptocurrencies.
#GOATMoments #bitcoin $BTC $BNB $ETH
💰$10,000 Giveaway💰 @pendle_fi $PENDLE is live on #Binance Launchpool! To enter: 🔸Retweet 🔸Follow @binance & @pendle_fi 🔸Stake #BNB or $TUSD in the $PENDLE Launchpool 🔸Complete the quiz below. ➡️ #GOATMoments #6YR_ANNIVERSARY #pendle
💰$10,000 Giveaway💰

@pendle_fi $PENDLE is live on #Binance Launchpool!

To enter:
🔸Follow @binance & @pendle_fi
🔸Stake #BNB or $TUSD in the $PENDLE Launchpool
🔸Complete the quiz below.

#GOATMoments #6YR_ANNIVERSARY #pendle
BITCOIN PRICE ANALYSIS: When Will the Sideways Trend End?#bitcoin has been stuck in a sideways trading range for almost a month, with the horizontal boundaries set at $31,500 and $29,500. Notably, the price has experienced three rebounds from each of these levels, underscoring the significant influence this range is exerting on market participants. The Daily Chart: Bitcoin's daily chart displayed significant price fluctuations, briefly surpassing $30,000 before a sharp decline. A bearish double-top pattern formed near the crucial $30K resistance level, facing strong dynamic resistance from the middle-trendline of the ascending channel. On July 13, BTC reached a new yearly high of $31,800, but quickly experienced a decline, marked by a bearish engulfing candlestick the next day. Since then, selling pressure has been evident. Interestingly, yesterday, BTC found support from the channel and formed a Red Long Wick Doji candle, suggesting market indecision and a potential shift in momentum. The 4-Hour Chart: Bitcoin's 4-hour chart indicates that the price has entered an extended consolidation phase after reaching the significant price zone of $30K. This critical range coincides with Bitcoin's previous significant swing high on April 14th, which has acted as strong resistance due to increased supply. Currently trading at $30,050, Bitcoin has experienced a 0.70% loss and is steadily approaching the support level of $29,500. If buyers successfully hold this support, the consolidation phase is likely to persist for a more extended period. According to Coingabbar Price Analysis, the market capitalization of #BTC stands at $584,200,033,832. The 24-hour trading volume is approximately $13,144,307,059. KEY LEVELS : RESISTANCE LEVEL : $30,400-$30,900 SUPPORT LEVEL : $29,600-$29,100 Disclaimer: Crypto is not regulated and can offer considerable risks. There may be no regulatory remedies available in the event of any losses resulting from price analysis. As a result, before engaging in any transactions involving crypto products, each investor must perform in-depth examination or seek independent advice. #GOATMoments #Binanceturns6 #coingabbar $BTC $WBTC

BITCOIN PRICE ANALYSIS: When Will the Sideways Trend End?

#bitcoin has been stuck in a sideways trading range for almost a month, with the horizontal boundaries set at $31,500 and $29,500. Notably, the price has experienced three rebounds from each of these levels, underscoring the significant influence this range is exerting on market participants.

The Daily Chart:

Bitcoin's daily chart displayed significant price fluctuations, briefly surpassing $30,000 before a sharp decline. A bearish double-top pattern formed near the crucial $30K resistance level, facing strong dynamic resistance from the middle-trendline of the ascending channel. On July 13, BTC reached a new yearly high of $31,800, but quickly experienced a decline, marked by a bearish engulfing candlestick the next day. Since then, selling pressure has been evident. Interestingly, yesterday, BTC found support from the channel and formed a Red Long Wick Doji candle, suggesting market indecision and a potential shift in momentum.

The 4-Hour Chart:

Bitcoin's 4-hour chart indicates that the price has entered an extended consolidation phase after reaching the significant price zone of $30K. This critical range coincides with Bitcoin's previous significant swing high on April 14th, which has acted as strong resistance due to increased supply.

Currently trading at $30,050, Bitcoin has experienced a 0.70% loss and is steadily approaching the support level of $29,500. If buyers successfully hold this support, the consolidation phase is likely to persist for a more extended period.

According to Coingabbar Price Analysis, the market capitalization of #BTC stands at $584,200,033,832. The 24-hour trading volume is approximately $13,144,307,059.


RESISTANCE LEVEL : $30,400-$30,900

SUPPORT LEVEL : $29,600-$29,100

Disclaimer: Crypto is not regulated and can offer considerable risks. There may be no regulatory remedies available in the event of any losses resulting from price analysis. As a result, before engaging in any transactions involving crypto products, each investor must perform in-depth examination or seek independent advice.

#GOATMoments #Binanceturns6 #coingabbar $BTC $WBTC
ETHEREUM PRICE ANALYSIS: Is something brewing big in ETH?#Ethereum's chart displays strong upward momentum since June, with higher highs and higher lows. After a six-day decline, #ETH formed a green candle today, finding support at the bottom of the rising channel. Traders are now watching for a potential move towards the upper channel. On The Daily Chart: In the daily chart, Ethereum has recently reached the 2029 high following a breakout above the trendline. However, a subsequent pullback has occurred as the cryptocurrency faces resistance in its upward momentum. Currently, Ethereum price is trading above the critical $1,875 support against the US Dollar. For a potential uptrend, ETH needs to surpass the $1,920 resistance level. The price has been relatively stable above $1,875, with active buying interest from bulls, akin to the situation observed in Bitcoin. On The 4-Hour Chart: Ethereum has been trading in a rising channel pattern on the 4-hour chart for the past month, experiencing fluctuations along the way. Both the RSI and MACD indicators are moving within a flat range. Notably, the price has rebounded, finding support at the 200 4-hour EMA. A crucial point to watch is if ETH surpasses the 50 4-hour EMA at $1,920, which could trigger buying pressure and potentially drive the price towards $2,000 once again. Based on Coingabbar Price Analysis, Ethereum's market capitalization currently stands at approximately $229,863,558,072. The anticipated 24-hour trading volume is estimated to be around $8,960,503,710. KEY LEVELS : RESISTANCE LEVEL : $1,950-$1,980 SUPPORT LEVEL : $1,880-$1,840 Disclaimer: Crypto is not regulated and can offer considerable risks. There may be no regulatory remedies available in the event of any losses resulting from price analysis. As a result, before engaging in any transactions involving crypto products, each investor must perform in-depth examination or seek independent advice. #GOATMoments #Binanceturns6 #coingabbar $ETH

ETHEREUM PRICE ANALYSIS: Is something brewing big in ETH?

#Ethereum's chart displays strong upward momentum since June, with higher highs and higher lows. After a six-day decline, #ETH formed a green candle today, finding support at the bottom of the rising channel. Traders are now watching for a potential move towards the upper channel.

On The Daily Chart:

In the daily chart, Ethereum has recently reached the 2029 high following a breakout above the trendline. However, a subsequent pullback has occurred as the cryptocurrency faces resistance in its upward momentum. Currently, Ethereum price is trading above the critical $1,875 support against the US Dollar. For a potential uptrend, ETH needs to surpass the $1,920 resistance level. The price has been relatively stable above $1,875, with active buying interest from bulls, akin to the situation observed in Bitcoin.

On The 4-Hour Chart:

Ethereum has been trading in a rising channel pattern on the 4-hour chart for the past month, experiencing fluctuations along the way. Both the RSI and MACD indicators are moving within a flat range. Notably, the price has rebounded, finding support at the 200 4-hour EMA. A crucial point to watch is if ETH surpasses the 50 4-hour EMA at $1,920, which could trigger buying pressure and potentially drive the price towards $2,000 once again.

Based on Coingabbar Price Analysis, Ethereum's market capitalization currently stands at approximately $229,863,558,072. The anticipated 24-hour trading volume is estimated to be around $8,960,503,710.


RESISTANCE LEVEL : $1,950-$1,980

SUPPORT LEVEL : $1,880-$1,840

Disclaimer: Crypto is not regulated and can offer considerable risks. There may be no regulatory remedies available in the event of any losses resulting from price analysis. As a result, before engaging in any transactions involving crypto products, each investor must perform in-depth examination or seek independent advice.

#GOATMoments #Binanceturns6 #coingabbar $ETH
Pro-XRP Lawyer Says Favorable Ripple Ruling Less Likely To Be Overturned on Appeal – Here’s WhyPro-XRP attorney Jeremy Hogan says that the historic ruling in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) lawsuit against Ripple will likely withstand an appeal. In a new YouTube interview with Darren Moore Jr., Hogan says that Judge Analisa Torres ruled in favor of Ripple based on the Howey Test while couching her decision on the facts of the matter. He says an appellate court would not likely overrule the factual determinations made by Judge Torres, giving her decision a good chance of surviving any legal challenge. “What Judge Torres did I think was very smart. She made her opinion based on the Howey Test. What she said was, ‘Well, in these programmatic sales, the purchasers did not know who they were buying from, and neither did Ripple know who was buying XRP and therefore there was no expectation of profits. And so she couched her opinion in terms of the facts and that’s more likely to stick. That’s less likely to be overturned on appeal, because, you’re right, appellate judges don’t like to dig into the facts of the case and say that the trier of fact, which in this case is the judge, was incorrect.” The Howey Test determines whether certain transactions qualify as investment contracts and are subject to securities laws. The SEC sued Ripple in late 2020 for allegedly selling XRP as an unregistered security. Last week, Torres ruled Ripple’s automated, open-market sales of XRP are not securities transactions. However, the judge did rule in the SEC’s favor when deciding Ripple’s direct sales of XRP to institutional participants represented a securities offering. Hogan also says he believes that the judge’s ruling legally protects retail traders of XRP, but not other digital assets. “[Torres] explicitly says XRP is not a security of the secondary market. And so she gives us what we really want without making it a part of her official order because it really wasn’t in front of her and I agree with her on that… So, it protects XRP holders from any argument in the context of XRP that XRP is not a security. Now, it’s just a trial-level order. So non-XRP digital assets are not covered by this order. So this order only applies to XRP. It doesn’t apply to anything else. Now, it’s persuasive authority in those other cases, but it’s not binding on anyone.” *Disclaimer: This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader. #GOATMoments #XRP

Pro-XRP Lawyer Says Favorable Ripple Ruling Less Likely To Be Overturned on Appeal – Here’s Why

Pro-XRP attorney Jeremy Hogan says that the historic ruling in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) lawsuit against Ripple will likely withstand an appeal.

In a new YouTube interview with Darren Moore Jr., Hogan says that Judge Analisa Torres ruled in favor of Ripple based on the Howey Test while couching her decision on the facts of the matter.

He says an appellate court would not likely overrule the factual determinations made by Judge Torres, giving her decision a good chance of surviving any legal challenge.

“What Judge Torres did I think was very smart. She made her opinion based on the Howey Test. What she said was, ‘Well, in these programmatic sales, the purchasers did not know who they were buying from, and neither did Ripple know who was buying XRP and therefore there was no expectation of profits. And so she couched her opinion in terms of the facts and that’s more likely to stick.

That’s less likely to be overturned on appeal, because, you’re right, appellate judges don’t like to dig into the facts of the case and say that the trier of fact, which in this case is the judge, was incorrect.”

The Howey Test determines whether certain transactions qualify as investment contracts and are subject to securities laws.

The SEC sued Ripple in late 2020 for allegedly selling XRP as an unregistered security.

Last week, Torres ruled Ripple’s automated, open-market sales of XRP are not securities transactions. However, the judge did rule in the SEC’s favor when deciding Ripple’s direct sales of XRP to institutional participants represented a securities offering.

Hogan also says he believes that the judge’s ruling legally protects retail traders of XRP, but not other digital assets.

“[Torres] explicitly says XRP is not a security of the secondary market. And so she gives us what we really want without making it a part of her official order because it really wasn’t in front of her and I agree with her on that…

So, it protects XRP holders from any argument in the context of XRP that XRP is not a security. Now, it’s just a trial-level order. So non-XRP digital assets are not covered by this order. So this order only applies to XRP. It doesn’t apply to anything else. Now, it’s persuasive authority in those other cases, but it’s not binding on anyone.”


This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.

#GOATMoments #XRP
🚨 🚨 🚨 70,000,000 #USDT (70,344,400 USD) transferred from Tether Treasury to #Bitfinex… $BTC $FDUSD $BNB #GOATMoments #FDUSD
🚨 🚨 🚨 70,000,000 #USDT (70,344,400 USD) transferred from Tether Treasury to #Bitfinex…


Whale Activity Spikes as Shiba Inu Preps For Shibarium Launch #FDUSD Shiba Inu, a cryptocurrency that originated as a meme but has now solidified its market presence, is making waves with the ‘Shibarium’ launch on the horizon. Data from IntoTheBlock reveals that the crypto’s whales – entities holding large quantities – have shifted billions of SHIB tokens in the past 24 hours. This vast movement of funds coincides with an increase in Shiba Inu’s large transaction volume, reaching roughly 1.13 trillion SHIB. It appears that large-scale investors are making their moves in anticipation of the cryptocurrency’s next big announcement, which is likely to be the Shibarium launch. Whales And Burn Rates – Shiba Inu Active Market The metric of large transaction volumes serves as a key indicator, offering a snapshot of the activities carried out by prominent players, often called ‘whales,’ within the crypto ecosystem during a specific timeframe. This measure mainly provides valuable insights into the magnitude of transactions made by these influential participants on any given day, reflecting their potential impact on the market dynamics. IntoTheBlock defines large transactions as transfers exceeding $100,000. And as it stands, the recent activity shows increasing movements on the #Shiba Inu market, with whales adjusting their holdings. Simultaneously, there has been a significant uptick in the burning of SHIB tokens, doubling in the past 24 hours. According to data from Shibburn, a platform solely for tracking Shiba Inu burn activities, over 62 million SHIB tokens have been eliminated from circulation in the past day, increasing the total SHIB burn rate by 220% over the same period. Notably, this deliberate reduction of available tokens is a strategy often used in the crypto sphere to create scarcity and potentially drive up the value of the remaining tokens in the long, in this case, the price of SHIB. The Shibarium Anticipation The recent activity among SHIB’s largest holders may be connected to the upcoming #Shibarium launch. Bitcoin advocate Davinci Jeremie has recently expressed his bullish sentiment on X (formerly known as Twitter), stating, “Big things are happening for Shib looking forward to [seeing] what happens.” Further fuelling the anticipation, the official SHIB account on X also hinted at the community with a post featuring a cheerful expression of a Shiba Inu dog. However, the specifics of what these “big things” could be remain uncertain, further stoking the fires of curiosity and excitement among the Shiba Inu investors. GM #SHIBARMY — Shib (@Shibtoken) August 2, 2023 However, as the curtain rises on the next chapter for Shiba Inu, the recent flurry of whale activity and the increased burn rate underline a market bracing for impact. Whether the coming changes propel SHIB to new heights or steer it down another path is a story that remains to be written. Meanwhile, #ShibaInu token SHIB has seen quite a retrace in the past 24 hours following a more than 5% increase over the past 7 days. At the time of writing, $SHIB trades for $0.00000817 down by 1.1% in the past 24 hours. Featured image from Unsplash, Chart from TradingView#GOATMoments

Whale Activity Spikes as Shiba Inu Preps For Shibarium Launch

#FDUSD Shiba Inu, a cryptocurrency that originated as a meme but has now solidified its market presence, is making waves with the ‘Shibarium’ launch on the horizon. Data from IntoTheBlock reveals that the crypto’s whales – entities holding large quantities – have shifted billions of SHIB tokens in the past 24 hours.

This vast movement of funds coincides with an increase in Shiba Inu’s large transaction volume, reaching roughly 1.13 trillion SHIB. It appears that large-scale investors are making their moves in anticipation of the cryptocurrency’s next big announcement, which is likely to be the Shibarium launch.

Whales And Burn Rates – Shiba Inu Active Market

The metric of large transaction volumes serves as a key indicator, offering a snapshot of the activities carried out by prominent players, often called ‘whales,’ within the crypto ecosystem during a specific timeframe.

This measure mainly provides valuable insights into the magnitude of transactions made by these influential participants on any given day, reflecting their potential impact on the market dynamics.

IntoTheBlock defines large transactions as transfers exceeding $100,000. And as it stands, the recent activity shows increasing movements on the #Shiba Inu market, with whales adjusting their holdings. Simultaneously, there has been a significant uptick in the burning of SHIB tokens, doubling in the past 24 hours.

According to data from Shibburn, a platform solely for tracking Shiba Inu burn activities, over 62 million SHIB tokens have been eliminated from circulation in the past day, increasing the total SHIB burn rate by 220% over the same period.

Notably, this deliberate reduction of available tokens is a strategy often used in the crypto sphere to create scarcity and potentially drive up the value of the remaining tokens in the long, in this case, the price of SHIB.

The Shibarium Anticipation

The recent activity among SHIB’s largest holders may be connected to the upcoming #Shibarium launch. Bitcoin advocate Davinci Jeremie has recently expressed his bullish sentiment on X (formerly known as Twitter), stating, “Big things are happening for Shib looking forward to [seeing] what happens.”

Further fuelling the anticipation, the official SHIB account on X also hinted at the community with a post featuring a cheerful expression of a Shiba Inu dog. However, the specifics of what these “big things” could be remain uncertain, further stoking the fires of curiosity and excitement among the Shiba Inu investors.


— Shib (@Shibtoken) August 2, 2023

However, as the curtain rises on the next chapter for Shiba Inu, the recent flurry of whale activity and the increased burn rate underline a market bracing for impact. Whether the coming changes propel SHIB to new heights or steer it down another path is a story that remains to be written.

Meanwhile, #ShibaInu token SHIB has seen quite a retrace in the past 24 hours following a more than 5% increase over the past 7 days. At the time of writing, $SHIB trades for $0.00000817 down by 1.1% in the past 24 hours.

Featured image from Unsplash, Chart from TradingView#GOATMoments
CZ Announces The Number Of Users Reached By Binance! In Which Countries Is It Most Popular? #FDUSD Binance, the world's largest #cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, announced that it has reached 150 million registered users, an increase of 25% compared to a year ago. The milestone was announced on #Twitter by the exchange's CEO, Changpeng Zhao, who also shared some of the exchange's achievements over the past week. These include being the first exchange in the world to obtain an Operational MVP License in Dubai, the official launch of Binance Japan, and the addition of two new Binance Launchpools (CYBER and SEI). In July 2022, Binance announced that the number of registered users had exceeded 120 million. This means that the number of users of the exchange increased by 30 million last year. According to SimilarWeb Data, the Most Traffic to Binance Global is from Turkey According to Similarweb results, Binance's top five traffic sources in the last three months were Turkey (6.13%), Vietnam (5.44%), Russia (5.16%), Argentina (4.63%) and India (4.61%). This data only includes information about the global platform, not the local platforms of the stock market. Traffic from Turkey to #Binance Global has increased by 0.82% in the last three months compared to the previous three months. However, when all countries are examined in general, it was noted that the platform saw a decrease in traffic data in most of the countries in the three-month time frame. *Not investment advice.#GOATMoments

CZ Announces The Number Of Users Reached By Binance! In Which Countries Is It Most Popular?

#FDUSD Binance, the world's largest #cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, announced that it has reached 150 million registered users, an increase of 25% compared to a year ago.

The milestone was announced on #Twitter by the exchange's CEO, Changpeng Zhao, who also shared some of the exchange's achievements over the past week.

These include being the first exchange in the world to obtain an Operational MVP License in Dubai, the official launch of Binance Japan, and the addition of two new Binance Launchpools (CYBER and SEI).

In July 2022, Binance announced that the number of registered users had exceeded 120 million. This means that the number of users of the exchange increased by 30 million last year.

According to SimilarWeb Data, the Most Traffic to Binance Global is from Turkey

According to Similarweb results, Binance's top five traffic sources in the last three months were Turkey (6.13%), Vietnam (5.44%), Russia (5.16%), Argentina (4.63%) and India (4.61%). This data only includes information about the global platform, not the local platforms of the stock market.

Traffic from Turkey to #Binance Global has increased by 0.82% in the last three months compared to the previous three months. However, when all countries are examined in general, it was noted that the platform saw a decrease in traffic data in most of the countries in the three-month time frame.

*Not investment advice.#GOATMoments
SOLANA PRICE ANALYSIS: Pushing Forward or Stepping Back?After a favorable court verdict for Ripple news, #SOL has successfully broken above a long-standing resistance trendline, coinciding with Bitcoin's surge past the significant psychological threshold of $31,500. This breakout indicates a promising bullish momentum for SOL and underscores a positive trend for this cryptocurrency. On The Daily Chart: The SOL/USD trading pair has successfully surpassed the crucial resistance level at $23, hinting at a potential upward trend in the price of #SOLANA . To further validate this bullish momentum, a breakout above the $32 resistance level would be significant. Notably, SOL's price recently discovered support around the $20 region, acting as a foundation for an upward price movement. This pattern bears resemblance to the price patterns observed in Bitcoin and Ethereum. On The 4-Hour Chart: During the 4-hour chart analysis, a remarkable price rally was observed in SOL subsequent to its breakout from the trendline. This surge propelled the cryptocurrency to exceed its nine-month high. Nevertheless, as SOL approached the psychological level of $33, it encountered resistance, resulting in the formation of an Evening Star pattern. As a result, some profit booking took place, causing XRP's price to trade below $28. According to Coingabbar Price Analysis, Market capitalization of SOL is around $11,217,561,931. Additionally, the trading volume over the past 24 hours has been approximately $2,951,215,793. KEY LEVELS : RESISTANCE LEVEL : $28.25-$29.00 SUPPORT LEVEL : $27.00-$26.00 Disclaimer: Crypto is not regulated and can offer considerable risks. There may be no regulatory remedies available in the event of any losses resulting from price analysis. As a result, before engaging in any transactions involving crypto products, each investor must perform in-depth examination or seek independent advice. #GOATMoments #Binanceturns6 #coingabbar $SOL

SOLANA PRICE ANALYSIS: Pushing Forward or Stepping Back?

After a favorable court verdict for Ripple news, #SOL has successfully broken above a long-standing resistance trendline, coinciding with Bitcoin's surge past the significant psychological threshold of $31,500. This breakout indicates a promising bullish momentum for SOL and underscores a positive trend for this cryptocurrency.

On The Daily Chart:

The SOL/USD trading pair has successfully surpassed the crucial resistance level at $23, hinting at a potential upward trend in the price of #SOLANA . To further validate this bullish momentum, a breakout above the $32 resistance level would be significant. Notably, SOL's price recently discovered support around the $20 region, acting as a foundation for an upward price movement. This pattern bears resemblance to the price patterns observed in Bitcoin and Ethereum.

On The 4-Hour Chart:

During the 4-hour chart analysis, a remarkable price rally was observed in SOL subsequent to its breakout from the trendline. This surge propelled the cryptocurrency to exceed its nine-month high. Nevertheless, as SOL approached the psychological level of $33, it encountered resistance, resulting in the formation of an Evening Star pattern. As a result, some profit booking took place, causing XRP's price to trade below $28.

According to Coingabbar Price Analysis, Market capitalization of SOL is around $11,217,561,931. Additionally, the trading volume over the past 24 hours has been approximately $2,951,215,793.


RESISTANCE LEVEL : $28.25-$29.00

SUPPORT LEVEL : $27.00-$26.00

Disclaimer: Crypto is not regulated and can offer considerable risks. There may be no regulatory remedies available in the event of any losses resulting from price analysis. As a result, before engaging in any transactions involving crypto products, each investor must perform in-depth examination or seek independent advice.

#GOATMoments #Binanceturns6 #coingabbar $SOL
187 röster • Omröstningen avslutad
there are 9 major institution who apply for bitcoin etf, 6-7 might get reject or 2-3 might get approved, and these 2-3 can lead price again to 50k$BTC , and they will open gates for rest of the institution to get approved. -Beyoglu #BTC #GOATMoments
there are 9 major institution who apply for bitcoin etf,

6-7 might get reject or 2-3 might get approved,

and these 2-3 can lead price again to 50k$BTC ,

and they will open gates for rest of the institution to get approved.


#BTC #GOATMoments
Can Ripple (XRP) Rise to $1? XRP Analysis on July 21stThe XRP price is facing a significant resistance zone between 0.73 and 0.70 dollars. With strong buying pressure, XRP has the potential to continue its rise to levels of 0.96 dollars. However, hourly candle closures below the 0.70 dollar level could extend the downward movement towards 0.64 dollars. When analyzing the Ripple (XRP) price, it is observed that with the impact of today’s news, XRP has started its upward movement by breaking through a critical resistance level. In our article, we evaluate the short-term technical chart of XRP in detail and analyze important levels. Medium-Term XRP Analysis Binance Spot Ripple (XRP) experienced a 100% increase today due to the news announced by the lawsuit. After the judge of the XRP case stated that “XRP sales are not an investment contract offer,” XRP made a sharp upward movement in price. After Coinotag’s Twitter page announced the news, XRP saw a 100% increase in price. When examining Ripple’s current technical chart, it is observed that with the impact of the news, XRP broke through the critical resistance level of $0.566 and started its upward movement. XRP is currently trading around $0.80 and has risen to $0.928 in the last 24 hours. XRP’s price is moving close to the significant resistance zone mentioned in the visual of the technical analysis above. In order for XRP’s price to continue its upward trend, it needs to maintain daily and weekly candle closures above the $0.70 level. If XRP achieves weekly candle closures above the $0.70 level, it can continue its rise to the $1 levels mentioned in the analysis and then to the $1.08 levels. However, if XRP makes daily candle closures below the $0.70 level, it may want to extend the downward movement towards the $0.56 levels again. Spot XRP investors should carefully monitor the levels mentioned in the technical analysis visual above. Short-Term XRP Price Analysis Binance Spot When examining Ripple’s short-term technical chart, it is observed that there is a significant resistance zone between $0.73 and $0.70. If XRP encounters strong buying pressure from the mentioned gray support zone, it can resume its rise and reach levels of $0.96. However, if XRP makes hourly candle closures below the $0.70 level, it can extend the downward movement towards the $0.64 level. It is important for XRP to encounter strong buying pressure from the $0.64 – $0.62 range. If XRP makes hourly candle closures below $0.62, it may indicate that XRP wants to experience a decline towards the $0.56 support level. However, with today’s news, strong investors have entered the market. It is of great importance for XRP to receive buying reactions from the gray zone and continue its upward trend. *Disclaimer: This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader. $XRP #XRP #Ripple #GOATMoments

Can Ripple (XRP) Rise to $1? XRP Analysis on July 21st

The XRP price is facing a significant resistance zone between 0.73 and 0.70 dollars.

With strong buying pressure, XRP has the potential to continue its rise to levels of 0.96 dollars.

However, hourly candle closures below the 0.70 dollar level could extend the downward movement towards 0.64 dollars.

When analyzing the Ripple (XRP) price, it is observed that with the impact of today’s news, XRP has started its upward movement by breaking through a critical resistance level. In our article, we evaluate the short-term technical chart of XRP in detail and analyze important levels.

Medium-Term XRP Analysis

Binance Spot

Ripple (XRP) experienced a 100% increase today due to the news announced by the lawsuit. After the judge of the XRP case stated that “XRP sales are not an investment contract offer,” XRP made a sharp upward movement in price.

After Coinotag’s Twitter page announced the news, XRP saw a 100% increase in price.

When examining Ripple’s current technical chart, it is observed that with the impact of the news, XRP broke through the critical resistance level of $0.566 and started its upward movement. XRP is currently trading around $0.80 and has risen to $0.928 in the last 24 hours.

XRP’s price is moving close to the significant resistance zone mentioned in the visual of the technical analysis above. In order for XRP’s price to continue its upward trend, it needs to maintain daily and weekly candle closures above the $0.70 level.

If XRP achieves weekly candle closures above the $0.70 level, it can continue its rise to the $1 levels mentioned in the analysis and then to the $1.08 levels.

However, if XRP makes daily candle closures below the $0.70 level, it may want to extend the downward movement towards the $0.56 levels again. Spot XRP investors should carefully monitor the levels mentioned in the technical analysis visual above.

Short-Term XRP Price Analysis

Binance Spot

When examining Ripple’s short-term technical chart, it is observed that there is a significant resistance zone between $0.73 and $0.70. If XRP encounters strong buying pressure from the mentioned gray support zone, it can resume its rise and reach levels of $0.96.

However, if XRP makes hourly candle closures below the $0.70 level, it can extend the downward movement towards the $0.64 level. It is important for XRP to encounter strong buying pressure from the $0.64 – $0.62 range.

If XRP makes hourly candle closures below $0.62, it may indicate that XRP wants to experience a decline towards the $0.56 support level. However, with today’s news, strong investors have entered the market. It is of great importance for XRP to receive buying reactions from the gray zone and continue its upward trend.


This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.

$XRP #XRP #Ripple #GOATMoments
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