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🔥MASSIVE BULL SIGNAL🔥 China is buying a massive amount of gold, at the same time selling a lot of USD.💸💸 $BTC has a tendency of following golds price... Bullish times ahead! 💯 #China #BTC #altcoins

China is buying a massive amount of gold, at the same time selling a lot of USD.💸💸
$BTC has a tendency of following golds price...
Bullish times ahead! 💯
#China #BTC #altcoins
#China starts buying gold on massive ATH levels. At the same time China sells record amounts of USD treasuries and accumulating more and more gold! I called Gold at $1700 in end of 2022 and gave a target of $3800 at least per ounce. We are already up +44% from my entry and there is much more to go. Also, whenever gold rises, it’s an indicator that BTC follows strongly after.. Good times ahead for $BTC + Gold holder
#China starts buying gold on massive ATH levels. At the same time China sells record amounts of USD treasuries and accumulating more and more gold!

I called Gold at $1700 in end of 2022 and gave a target of $3800 at least per ounce. We are already up +44% from my entry and there is much more to go.

Also, whenever gold rises, it’s an indicator that BTC follows strongly after..

Good times ahead for $BTC + Gold holder
Are Governments Suppressing Global Crypto Innovation?- High taxes in India and the US have deterred new investments and interest in crypto, stifling innovation in these markets. - Russia's crypto ban is pushing developers towards black markets, potentially strangling legitimate crypto development. - China's 2017 crypto ban has led to a tepid ETF market, reflecting the long-term impact on innovation and investment in the sector. The United States boasts the largest cryptocurrency market in the world, with its ETF market cap surpassing $72 billion as of May 14, 2024, driven by strong demand. Nevertheless, the US government has taken extensive measures to stifle the growth of the domestic crypto economy. One significant move was New York's two-year ban on crypto mining, enacted despite the fact that much of the energy for crypto mining in the US is sourced from renewable resources. The New York Department of Financial Services implemented this ban, reflecting some of the toughest anti-crypto policies in the nation. For those unfamiliar, crypto mining, particularly through proof of work, is a critical method for securing blockchain networks against hacks and exploits. This technology has ensured Bitcoin's resilience and security over the years. In addition to the mining ban, there is a proposal to increase taxes on the electricity supplied to crypto miners by 30%, a move that would render Bitcoin mining economically unsustainable. This tax, introduced by the Biden administration, is referred to as the Digital Asset Mining Energy Tax (DAME). Looking internationally, India imposed a 30% income tax on crypto earnings starting in April 2022, one of the highest such taxes globally. This law does not allow for offsetting profits with losses, meaning a $100 profit and a $100 loss in crypto transactions still incurs a $30 tax. This has severely impacted the crypto ecosystem in India, particularly harming NFT developers and entrepreneurs, leading to the decline of advanced NFT token standards like ERC 1155 and ERC 6551. In Russia, the government has almost completely banned cryptocurrency to support the ruble, as reported by Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the Committee on Financial Affairs. While crypto mining is still permitted due to its potential to generate foreign exchange, the broader ban has adversely affected developers reliant on cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Solana. This has also led to the rise of black markets and financial crimes, as many are forced to turn to these illicit avenues to redeem their earnings. China's crypto ban from 2017 continues to have long-term repercussions. On April 30, 2024, Hong Kong launched its first spot Bitcoin ETF. However, investor confidence was low, influenced by the lingering fear of the 2017 crackdown. The ETFs attracted only $112 million on their first day, starkly contrasting with the $4.6 billion inflow seen by US spot Bitcoin ETFs on January 11, 2024. Disclaimer: Voice of Crypto aims to provide accurate and current information but is not responsible for any missing facts or inaccuracies. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile financial assets, so please conduct thorough research and make informed financial decisions. #Russia #China #India #US #Crypto2024

Are Governments Suppressing Global Crypto Innovation?

- High taxes in India and the US have deterred new investments and interest in crypto, stifling innovation in these markets.
- Russia's crypto ban is pushing developers towards black markets, potentially strangling legitimate crypto development.
- China's 2017 crypto ban has led to a tepid ETF market, reflecting the long-term impact on innovation and investment in the sector.

The United States boasts the largest cryptocurrency market in the world, with its ETF market cap surpassing $72 billion as of May 14, 2024, driven by strong demand. Nevertheless, the US government has taken extensive measures to stifle the growth of the domestic crypto economy.
One significant move was New York's two-year ban on crypto mining, enacted despite the fact that much of the energy for crypto mining in the US is sourced from renewable resources. The New York Department of Financial Services implemented this ban, reflecting some of the toughest anti-crypto policies in the nation.
For those unfamiliar, crypto mining, particularly through proof of work, is a critical method for securing blockchain networks against hacks and exploits. This technology has ensured Bitcoin's resilience and security over the years.
In addition to the mining ban, there is a proposal to increase taxes on the electricity supplied to crypto miners by 30%, a move that would render Bitcoin mining economically unsustainable. This tax, introduced by the Biden administration, is referred to as the Digital Asset Mining Energy Tax (DAME).
Looking internationally, India imposed a 30% income tax on crypto earnings starting in April 2022, one of the highest such taxes globally. This law does not allow for offsetting profits with losses, meaning a $100 profit and a $100 loss in crypto transactions still incurs a $30 tax. This has severely impacted the crypto ecosystem in India, particularly harming NFT developers and entrepreneurs, leading to the decline of advanced NFT token standards like ERC 1155 and ERC 6551.
In Russia, the government has almost completely banned cryptocurrency to support the ruble, as reported by Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the Committee on Financial Affairs. While crypto mining is still permitted due to its potential to generate foreign exchange, the broader ban has adversely affected developers reliant on cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Solana. This has also led to the rise of black markets and financial crimes, as many are forced to turn to these illicit avenues to redeem their earnings.
China's crypto ban from 2017 continues to have long-term repercussions. On April 30, 2024, Hong Kong launched its first spot Bitcoin ETF. However, investor confidence was low, influenced by the lingering fear of the 2017 crackdown. The ETFs attracted only $112 million on their first day, starkly contrasting with the $4.6 billion inflow seen by US spot Bitcoin ETFs on January 11, 2024.
Disclaimer: Voice of Crypto aims to provide accurate and current information but is not responsible for any missing facts or inaccuracies. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile financial assets, so please conduct thorough research and make informed financial decisions.

#Russia #China #India #US #Crypto2024
China Dismantles Massive $2 Billion USDT Money Laundering Operation. 🇨🇳💲 In a significant crackdown on financial crime, Chinese authorities have dismantled a money laundering operation involving nearly $2 billion worth of tether (USDT). This extensive operation resulted in the arrest of 193 suspects across 26 provinces, highlighting the scale and reach of the criminal network. The gang was deeply involved in evading China's stringent foreign exchange regulations, facilitating illegal fund transfers overseas. Notably, two major hubs in Fujian and Hunan were destroyed last year, marking a critical blow to the syndicate's operations. Authorities managed to freeze assets worth 149 million yuan ($20.6 million), disrupting their financial channels. The network's activities were diverse and severe, ranging from financial fraud and job-related crimes to smuggling and drug management obstruction. They were also implicated in complex schemes involving credit card fraud and export tax refund fraud. One of their operations included paying gold smugglers to transport gold from Nepal to Tibet, smuggling cash, musk, and yarsagumba back into China. This case underscores the growing use of cryptocurrencies like USDT in organized crime, particularly in Southeast Asia. Reports from the UN have highlighted USDT's significant role in money laundering activities, often facilitated through online gambling platforms, many of which operate illegally. The use of the TRON blockchain for these transactions has become increasingly common, reflecting a broader trend in digital financial crime. #China #USDT #TRON
China Dismantles Massive $2 Billion USDT Money Laundering Operation. 🇨🇳💲

In a significant crackdown on financial crime, Chinese authorities have dismantled a money laundering operation involving nearly $2 billion worth of tether (USDT). This extensive operation resulted in the arrest of 193 suspects across 26 provinces, highlighting the scale and reach of the criminal network.

The gang was deeply involved in evading China's stringent foreign exchange regulations, facilitating illegal fund transfers overseas. Notably, two major hubs in Fujian and Hunan were destroyed last year, marking a critical blow to the syndicate's operations. Authorities managed to freeze assets worth 149 million yuan ($20.6 million), disrupting their financial channels.

The network's activities were diverse and severe, ranging from financial fraud and job-related crimes to smuggling and drug management obstruction. They were also implicated in complex schemes involving credit card fraud and export tax refund fraud. One of their operations included paying gold smugglers to transport gold from Nepal to Tibet, smuggling cash, musk, and yarsagumba back into China.

This case underscores the growing use of cryptocurrencies like USDT in organized crime, particularly in Southeast Asia. Reports from the UN have highlighted USDT's significant role in money laundering activities, often facilitated through online gambling platforms, many of which operate illegally. The use of the TRON blockchain for these transactions has become increasingly common, reflecting a broader trend in digital financial crime.

#China #USDT #TRON
China Arrests Six in $300 Million Crypto Exchange Fraud CrackdownIn a decisive move against cryptocurrency-related crime, Chinese authorities have arrested six individuals involved in a $300 million crypto exchange fraud, signaling a stringent approach to regulatory enforcement. The operation, conducted by the Public Security Bureau of Panshi City in Jilin Province, targeted a sophisticated scheme exploiting the anonymity of digital currencies for illegal financial exchanges. The Operation: Uncovering the Illicit Exchange Network The fraud operation focused on illegal transactions between the Chinese renminbi (RMB) and the Korean won, leveraging underground banks and the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. These activities were primarily aimed at facilitating unregulated exchanges across South Korea and China, highlighting the challenges posed by the borderless nature of cryptocurrencies. The masterminds behind this extensive network, identified as Jin Moudong and Shen Mou, utilized the decentralized platforms to obscure their activities and evade law enforcement. The authorities' investigation revealed a complex web of transactions and banking activities that pointed directly to the perpetrators, leading to their eventual capture. Detailed Investigation Leads to Arrests Through meticulous analysis of transaction records and surveillance of suspicious activities, the Chinese authorities were able to dismantle the illegal operation. This network was not only involved in currency exchange but also in over-the-counter (OTC) trading of virtual currencies, which facilitated a broad range of illicit activities including transactions for Korean purchasing agents and various cross-border trading companies. Implications of the Crackdown This crackdown is part of China's broader effort to control the potential risks associated with digital currencies and maintain financial stability. The operation underscores the Chinese government's resolve to combat financial fraud, particularly in the burgeoning field of cryptocurrencies. It also serves as a stern warning to others involved in similar illicit activities, emphasizing the need for compliance with crypto regulations. Moving Forward: Regulatory and Market Impact As China continues to tighten its grip on the cryptocurrency market, this successful enforcement action highlights the importance of vigilance and legal compliance within the crypto community. Market participants are urged to adhere strictly to regulatory requirements to avoid the severe consequences of involvement in fraudulent schemes. The Chinese authorities' proactive stance serves as a model for regulatory enforcement in the digital age, aiming to safeguard market integrity and protect investors from sophisticated crypto-related frauds. As the landscape of digital finance evolves, such measures are crucial in fostering a secure and stable financial environment. #crypto #fraud #China Notice: ,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“

China Arrests Six in $300 Million Crypto Exchange Fraud Crackdown

In a decisive move against cryptocurrency-related crime, Chinese authorities have arrested six individuals involved in a $300 million crypto exchange fraud, signaling a stringent approach to regulatory enforcement. The operation, conducted by the Public Security Bureau of Panshi City in Jilin Province, targeted a sophisticated scheme exploiting the anonymity of digital currencies for illegal financial exchanges.
The Operation: Uncovering the Illicit Exchange Network
The fraud operation focused on illegal transactions between the Chinese renminbi (RMB) and the Korean won, leveraging underground banks and the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. These activities were primarily aimed at facilitating unregulated exchanges across South Korea and China, highlighting the challenges posed by the borderless nature of cryptocurrencies.
The masterminds behind this extensive network, identified as Jin Moudong and Shen Mou, utilized the decentralized platforms to obscure their activities and evade law enforcement. The authorities' investigation revealed a complex web of transactions and banking activities that pointed directly to the perpetrators, leading to their eventual capture.
Detailed Investigation Leads to Arrests
Through meticulous analysis of transaction records and surveillance of suspicious activities, the Chinese authorities were able to dismantle the illegal operation. This network was not only involved in currency exchange but also in over-the-counter (OTC) trading of virtual currencies, which facilitated a broad range of illicit activities including transactions for Korean purchasing agents and various cross-border trading companies.
Implications of the Crackdown
This crackdown is part of China's broader effort to control the potential risks associated with digital currencies and maintain financial stability. The operation underscores the Chinese government's resolve to combat financial fraud, particularly in the burgeoning field of cryptocurrencies. It also serves as a stern warning to others involved in similar illicit activities, emphasizing the need for compliance with crypto regulations.
Moving Forward: Regulatory and Market Impact
As China continues to tighten its grip on the cryptocurrency market, this successful enforcement action highlights the importance of vigilance and legal compliance within the crypto community. Market participants are urged to adhere strictly to regulatory requirements to avoid the severe consequences of involvement in fraudulent schemes.
The Chinese authorities' proactive stance serves as a model for regulatory enforcement in the digital age, aiming to safeguard market integrity and protect investors from sophisticated crypto-related frauds. As the landscape of digital finance evolves, such measures are crucial in fostering a secure and stable financial environment.
#crypto #fraud #China

,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“
🇨🇳 China Giant Tencent recently abandoned plans to develop its own metaverse-related extended-reality technology. Its 300-person team had reportedly been advised to find other work as the metaverse plans no longer fit the firm’s long-term vision.  #Web3 #Metaverse #China
🇨🇳 China Giant Tencent recently abandoned plans to develop its own metaverse-related extended-reality technology.

Its 300-person team had reportedly been advised to find other work as the metaverse plans no longer fit the firm’s long-term vision. 

#Web3 #Metaverse #China
Central Bank of China to release the fourth quarter monetary policy report At the announcement, the bank pointed to the recovery of China's CPI in 2023 as a general, but controllable trend. #Ufin #China #LucidHoang #CPI
Central Bank of China to release the fourth quarter monetary policy report

At the announcement, the bank pointed to the recovery of China's CPI in 2023 as a general, but controllable trend.

#Ufin #China #LucidHoang #CPI
🇨🇳 #China digital yuan adoption drive is now focusing on transport networks. And drivers have been green-lighted to use the token to pay tolls on some of the nation’s busiest highways.
🇨🇳 #China digital yuan adoption drive is now focusing on transport networks. And drivers have been green-lighted to use the token to pay tolls on some of the nation’s busiest highways.
China to launch national blockchain research center Despite its ongoing crackdown on crypto, #China continues to embrace #blockchain technology — up to the point of launching the National Blockchain Technology Innovation Center in the capital city of Beijing.  #cryptonews
China to launch national blockchain research center

Despite its ongoing crackdown on crypto, #China continues to embrace #blockchain technology — up to the point of launching the National Blockchain Technology Innovation Center in the capital city of Beijing. 
#China would have a plan to regain prominence in the #cryptocurrency industry. China would be supporting Hong Kong to establish itself as a financial center for cryptocurrencies, with measures that capture the attention of the industry. #crypto2023 #dyor
#China would have a plan to regain prominence in the #cryptocurrency industry.

China would be supporting Hong Kong to establish itself as a financial center for cryptocurrencies, with measures that capture the attention of the industry.

#crypto2023 #dyor
#BTC price movement is now correlating with #China stock exchange. which is entering the bull market.
#BTC price movement is now correlating with #China stock exchange. which is entering the bull market.
According to a recent report prepared by #Globaldata , a consulting firm, #China is positioning itself to surpass the West when it comes to #Metaverse tech.
According to a recent report prepared by #Globaldata , a consulting firm, #China is positioning itself to surpass the West when it comes to #Metaverse tech.
OPINION: #China seems to approve of Hong Kong’s recent crypto-friendly moves. From a geopolitical and regulatory perspective, everything is about to get interesting, says @NoelleInMadid.
OPINION: #China seems to approve of Hong Kong’s recent crypto-friendly moves. From a geopolitical and regulatory perspective, everything is about to get interesting, says @NoelleInMadid.
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