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#SamsonMow suggests #Bukele to wait for "better conditions" to issue #Bitcoin bonds. The businessman admitted that the markets are going through a difficult time and believes that "it would be good" for the government of #ElSalvador to wait. #BTC
#SamsonMow suggests #Bukele to wait for "better conditions" to issue #Bitcoin bonds.

The businessman admitted that the markets are going through a difficult time and believes that "it would be good" for the government of #ElSalvador to wait.

Czego możemy spodziewać się po Bukele w drugiej kadencji?W sobotę prezydent Salwadoru, Nayib Bukele, formalnie rozpoczął swoją drugą kadencję. Nowy okres prezydentury budzi wiele kontrowersji, zarówno na arenie krajowej, jak i międzynarodowej. Jednocześnie jest to czas na konsolidację projektu $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) Bitcoin, który zrewolucjonizował gospodarkę kraju. Przyjrzyjmy się zatem wyzwaniom, przed którymi stoi Bukele, oraz zweryfikujmy nadzieje związane z projektem #Bitcoin . Bitcoin jako narodowa waluta #Salwador to pierwsze państwo na świecie, które przyjęło Bitcoin jako legalny środek płatniczy. Decyzja ta przyciągnęła uwagę milionów ludzi na całym świecie, zwłaszcza zwolenników kryptowalut. Prezydent Bukele wprowadził Bitcoin jako środek płatniczy w 2021 roku, licząc na poprawę sytuacji gospodarczej kraju. Rząd Salwadoru nie poprzestał jednak na wprowadzeniu Bitcoina jako środka płatniczego. Wdrażane są liczne polityki wspierające użycie kryptowalut w różnych sektorach gospodarki, takich jak przemysł i handel. Dzięki tym działaniom Salwador staje się przykładem dla innych krajów zainteresowanych technologią blockchain. Władze kraju podjęły decyzję o zakupie Bitcoina na dużą skalę, co ma na celu zwiększenie rezerw walutowych i stabilizację finansów państwa. Wyboista droga Prezydent Bukele uważa, że program oparty na Bitcoinie to jedna z najlepszych decyzji finansowych jego rządu. Kraj zgromadził już znaczne rezerwy Bitcoina i planuje dalsze zakupy tej kryptowaluty. Salwador kupuje teraz jednego Bitcoina dziennie, co ma na celu zwiększenie stabilności ekonomicznej kraju i długoterminowe zyski. Pomimo futurystycznych planów, Salwador zmaga się z poważnymi problemami gospodarczymi. Dług publiczny kraju przekracza 84% PKB, co stanowi około 30 mld USD dolarów. Przewiduje się, że wzrost gospodarczy w 2024 roku spadnie do 3% z 3,5% w 2023 roku. Krytycy obwiniają prezydenta za te problemy, twierdząc, że wprowadzenie Bitcoina zakłóciło wewnętrzną dynamikę gospodarczą. Według nich, niepewność związana z kryptowalutami przyczyniła się do zwiększenia ryzyka finansowego w kraju. Druga kadencja jest przedmiotem wielu komentarzy i rozważań ze strony wielu różnych, znanych postaci. W swoim poście na platformie społecznościowej X, na temat przyszłości Salwadoru pod rządami Nayiba Bukele, Max Keiser podzielił się śmiałymi przewidywaniami. Jego wizja zakłada znaczące zmiany w ekonomii kraju, oparte na wykorzystaniu technologii Bitcoin. “Bogactwo kraju będzie kontrolowane przez Salwadorczyków, którzy będą uruchamiać własne węzły Bitcoina. Prezydent będzie przedstawiał im pomysły, a oni będą finansować te, które im się spodobają. Kontrakt społeczny zostanie na nowo wymyślony przez Bukele. Salwador będzie funkcjonował na standardzie cyrkulacyjnym Bitcoina. Kraj nie będzie miał długu. Salwador będzie kontrolować 10% globalnego hash rate Bitcoina, wykorzystując energię geotermalną i wulkaniczną (moja wizja „Volcano Energy”). Żaden bank centralny nie będzie miał władzy. MFW odejdzie w zapomnienie.” Kontrowersje i wyzwania polityczne #Bukele zmaga się również z oskarżeniami o naruszenia praw człowieka i łamanie konstytucji. Jego przeciwnicy nazywają go „dyktatorem”, a jego polityka bezpieczeństwa budzi wiele kontrowersji. Nowa kadencja to nie tylko szansa na konsolidację ekonomiczną, ale także wielkie wyzwanie polityczne. Przeciwnicy Bukele twierdzą, że jego metody zarządzania są autorytarne i sprzeczne z demokratycznymi wartościami. Salwador stał się miejscem licznych protestów, a obywatele wyrażają swoje niezadowolenie z powodu trudnej sytuacji ekonomicznej i politycznej. Organizacje międzynarodowe również krytykują rząd Bukele za brak przejrzystości i naruszenia praw człowieka. Pomimo tych wyzwań, prezydent Bukele cieszy się znaczącym poparciem wśród części społeczeństwa, które widzi w nim nadzieję na poprawę sytuacji w kraju. W obliczu tych trudności, drugi mandat Bukele staje się jednym z największych wyzwań w historii Salwadoru. Pomimo krytyki, wielu entuzjastów kryptowalut śledzi ten eksperyment z nadzieją na sukces. Jeśli projekt Bitcoin okaże się skuteczny, może to zmienić przyszłość gospodarki nie tylko Salwadoru, ale i innych krajów.

Czego możemy spodziewać się po Bukele w drugiej kadencji?

W sobotę prezydent Salwadoru, Nayib Bukele, formalnie rozpoczął swoją drugą kadencję. Nowy okres prezydentury budzi wiele kontrowersji, zarówno na arenie krajowej, jak i międzynarodowej.
Jednocześnie jest to czas na konsolidację projektu $BTC
Bitcoin, który zrewolucjonizował gospodarkę kraju. Przyjrzyjmy się zatem wyzwaniom, przed którymi stoi Bukele, oraz zweryfikujmy nadzieje związane z projektem #Bitcoin .
Bitcoin jako narodowa waluta
#Salwador to pierwsze państwo na świecie, które przyjęło Bitcoin jako legalny środek płatniczy. Decyzja ta przyciągnęła uwagę milionów ludzi na całym świecie, zwłaszcza zwolenników kryptowalut. Prezydent Bukele wprowadził Bitcoin jako środek płatniczy w 2021 roku, licząc na poprawę sytuacji gospodarczej kraju.
Rząd Salwadoru nie poprzestał jednak na wprowadzeniu Bitcoina jako środka płatniczego. Wdrażane są liczne polityki wspierające użycie kryptowalut w różnych sektorach gospodarki, takich jak przemysł i handel. Dzięki tym działaniom Salwador staje się przykładem dla innych krajów zainteresowanych technologią blockchain. Władze kraju podjęły decyzję o zakupie Bitcoina na dużą skalę, co ma na celu zwiększenie rezerw walutowych i stabilizację finansów państwa.
Wyboista droga
Prezydent Bukele uważa, że program oparty na Bitcoinie to jedna z najlepszych decyzji finansowych jego rządu. Kraj zgromadził już znaczne rezerwy Bitcoina i planuje dalsze zakupy tej kryptowaluty. Salwador kupuje teraz jednego Bitcoina dziennie, co ma na celu zwiększenie stabilności ekonomicznej kraju i długoterminowe zyski.
Pomimo futurystycznych planów, Salwador zmaga się z poważnymi problemami gospodarczymi. Dług publiczny kraju przekracza 84% PKB, co stanowi około 30 mld USD dolarów. Przewiduje się, że wzrost gospodarczy w 2024 roku spadnie do 3% z 3,5% w 2023 roku. Krytycy obwiniają prezydenta za te problemy, twierdząc, że wprowadzenie Bitcoina zakłóciło wewnętrzną dynamikę gospodarczą. Według nich, niepewność związana z kryptowalutami przyczyniła się do zwiększenia ryzyka finansowego w kraju.
Druga kadencja jest przedmiotem wielu komentarzy i rozważań ze strony wielu różnych, znanych postaci. W swoim poście na platformie społecznościowej X, na temat przyszłości Salwadoru pod rządami Nayiba Bukele, Max Keiser podzielił się śmiałymi przewidywaniami. Jego wizja zakłada znaczące zmiany w ekonomii kraju, oparte na wykorzystaniu technologii Bitcoin.
“Bogactwo kraju będzie kontrolowane przez Salwadorczyków, którzy będą uruchamiać własne węzły Bitcoina. Prezydent będzie przedstawiał im pomysły, a oni będą finansować te, które im się spodobają. Kontrakt społeczny zostanie na nowo wymyślony przez Bukele. Salwador będzie funkcjonował na standardzie cyrkulacyjnym Bitcoina. Kraj nie będzie miał długu. Salwador będzie kontrolować 10% globalnego hash rate Bitcoina, wykorzystując energię geotermalną i wulkaniczną (moja wizja „Volcano Energy”). Żaden bank centralny nie będzie miał władzy. MFW odejdzie w zapomnienie.”
Kontrowersje i wyzwania polityczne
#Bukele zmaga się również z oskarżeniami o naruszenia praw człowieka i łamanie konstytucji. Jego przeciwnicy nazywają go „dyktatorem”, a jego polityka bezpieczeństwa budzi wiele kontrowersji. Nowa kadencja to nie tylko szansa na konsolidację ekonomiczną, ale także wielkie wyzwanie polityczne. Przeciwnicy Bukele twierdzą, że jego metody zarządzania są autorytarne i sprzeczne z demokratycznymi wartościami.
Salwador stał się miejscem licznych protestów, a obywatele wyrażają swoje niezadowolenie z powodu trudnej sytuacji ekonomicznej i politycznej. Organizacje międzynarodowe również krytykują rząd Bukele za brak przejrzystości i naruszenia praw człowieka. Pomimo tych wyzwań, prezydent Bukele cieszy się znaczącym poparciem wśród części społeczeństwa, które widzi w nim nadzieję na poprawę sytuacji w kraju.
W obliczu tych trudności, drugi mandat Bukele staje się jednym z największych wyzwań w historii Salwadoru. Pomimo krytyki, wielu entuzjastów kryptowalut śledzi ten eksperyment z nadzieją na sukces. Jeśli projekt Bitcoin okaże się skuteczny, może to zmienić przyszłość gospodarki nie tylko Salwadoru, ale i innych krajów.
- **El Salvador's Bond Market Rebound**: El #Salvador's bond market has experienced a significant rebound, with its dollar bond return rate soaring to 70%, making it the top-performing bond in emerging markets. - **Interest from #Financial Institutions**: Major financial institutions like JPMorgan Chase & Co., Eaton Vance, and PGIM Fixed Income have shown interest in El Salvador's bonds, either through hints or direct purchases. This signals their confidence in the bonds' ongoing positive trajectory. - **Bitcoin's #Introduction and Impact**: President Nayib Bukele declared Bitcoin as the official currency of El Salvador in 2021 and introduced Bitcoin Volcano Bonds. These bonds have faced limited adoption, and this move led to some major companies downgrading El Salvador's bond market due to perceived vulnerabilities. - **Mitigation of Concerns**: President Bukele addressed bond market concerns by implementing two debt buybacks, enlisting a former International Monetary Fund (IMF) advisor, and successfully repaying $800 million in bonds. These actions helped restore confidence in the bond market. - **Bond #Market Transformation**: Despite initial hesitations and downgrades, El Salvador's bond market has undergone a transformation, marked by the successful measures taken by President #Bukele to address concerns and enhance the market's stability. This has resulted in a substantial rebound and increased investor interest. $BTC $ETH $BNB
- **El Salvador's Bond Market Rebound**: El #Salvador's bond market has experienced a significant rebound, with its dollar bond return rate soaring to 70%, making it the top-performing bond in emerging markets.

- **Interest from #Financial Institutions**: Major financial institutions like JPMorgan Chase & Co., Eaton Vance, and PGIM Fixed Income have shown interest in El Salvador's bonds, either through hints or direct purchases. This signals their confidence in the bonds' ongoing positive trajectory.

- **Bitcoin's #Introduction and Impact**: President Nayib Bukele declared Bitcoin as the official currency of El Salvador in 2021 and introduced Bitcoin Volcano Bonds. These bonds have faced limited adoption, and this move led to some major companies downgrading El Salvador's bond market due to perceived vulnerabilities.

- **Mitigation of Concerns**: President Bukele addressed bond market concerns by implementing two debt buybacks, enlisting a former International Monetary Fund (IMF) advisor, and successfully repaying $800 million in bonds. These actions helped restore confidence in the bond market.

- **Bond #Market Transformation**: Despite initial hesitations and downgrades, El Salvador's bond market has undergone a transformation, marked by the successful measures taken by President #Bukele to address concerns and enhance the market's stability. This has resulted in a substantial rebound and increased investor interest.

Nayib Bukele laughed at criticism about Bitcoin. 😂🇸🇻 In the rhythmic world of cryptocurrency, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele has orchestrated a captivating performance, blending humor, controversy, and ambitious crypto endeavors. El Salvador, the first to adopt Bitcoin in 2021, faces profit and scrutiny. Bukele humorously responds to Senator Menendez's criticism amid Menendez's own legal troubles in the US. Bukele highlighted legal woes for Bitcoin critic Menendez in a post, featuring a laughing emoji. Menendez and wife face 18-count indictment, accused of conspiracy, obstructing justice, and disguising bribes as loans linked to house mortgage and Mercedes-Benz payment. In 2022, El Salvador faced challenges with Bitcoin during a bear market. Bukele blamed mainstream media for negativity, claiming Bitcoin adoption could have offset losses. Despite hurdles, the country reported a 53% profit increase in Bitcoin holdings during a surge to a new all-time high. Bukele, despite global attention and skepticism, stands firm on his pro-Bitcoin stance. Plans for his second term involve integrating Bitcoin into the financial market, launching "Volcano bonds" for mining, and establishing a tax-free zone called "Bitcoin City." IMF concerns over El Salvador's Bitcoin policy persist, but Bukele advances with the Volcano Bond gaining regulatory approval, a key move in integrating Bitcoin into capital markets. President Nayib Bukele's humor amidst adversity and strong support for Bitcoin shape El Salvador's economic landscape, drawing global attention and sparking both praise and concern. The ongoing cryptocurrency drama in the country is a bold experiment, leaving a lasting impact on the world's financial innovation stage. #NayibBukele #ElSalvador #BTC #Nayib #Bukele
Nayib Bukele laughed at criticism about Bitcoin. 😂🇸🇻

In the rhythmic world of cryptocurrency, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele has orchestrated a captivating performance, blending humor, controversy, and ambitious crypto endeavors.

El Salvador, the first to adopt Bitcoin in 2021, faces profit and scrutiny. Bukele humorously responds to Senator Menendez's criticism amid Menendez's own legal troubles in the US.

Bukele highlighted legal woes for Bitcoin critic Menendez in a post, featuring a laughing emoji. Menendez and wife face 18-count indictment, accused of conspiracy, obstructing justice, and disguising bribes as loans linked to house mortgage and Mercedes-Benz payment.

In 2022, El Salvador faced challenges with Bitcoin during a bear market. Bukele blamed mainstream media for negativity, claiming Bitcoin adoption could have offset losses. Despite hurdles, the country reported a 53% profit increase in Bitcoin holdings during a surge to a new all-time high.

Bukele, despite global attention and skepticism, stands firm on his pro-Bitcoin stance. Plans for his second term involve integrating Bitcoin into the financial market, launching "Volcano bonds" for mining, and establishing a tax-free zone called "Bitcoin City."

IMF concerns over El Salvador's Bitcoin policy persist, but Bukele advances with the Volcano Bond gaining regulatory approval, a key move in integrating Bitcoin into capital markets.

President Nayib Bukele's humor amidst adversity and strong support for Bitcoin shape El Salvador's economic landscape, drawing global attention and sparking both praise and concern. The ongoing cryptocurrency drama in the country is a bold experiment, leaving a lasting impact on the world's financial innovation stage.

#NayibBukele #ElSalvador #BTC #Nayib #Bukele
El Salvador’s #Bitcoin‬ treasury is now $85M in profit amid $BTC rally El Salvador's Bitcoin reserve has surged past the $200 million mark, signaling significant returns on President Nayib Bukele's strategic investment approach. With recent rallies in Bitcoin's value, the nation's crypto treasury has reaped substantial profits, boasting a remarkable 70% gain on its dollar-cost average purchase price. According to data from the Nayib Tracker website, El Salvador's crypto treasury is now in the green with an impressive $85 million profit. This financial milestone coincided with Bitcoin's new all-time high, surpassing $72,000 on March 11. El Salvador embarked on its Bitcoin acquisition journey in September 2021 when it adopted the #cryptocurrency as legal tender. Initially purchasing 200 coins at a price of $51,769 each, the nation's investment strategy faced scrutiny amidst Bitcoin's subsequent price fluctuations. Following a market downturn that saw Bitcoin plummet to as low as $16,000, concerns arose regarding the viability of Bukele's approach. However, the tide turned as Bitcoin prices rebounded, surpassing the dollar-cost average threshold of $42,600 in February & propelling El Salvador's portfolio into profitable territory. Presently holding 2,861 BTC, the entire portfolio boasts a valuation of $207.3 million. President #Bukele highlighted additional sources of Bitcoin revenue, including proceeds from the country's passport program, conversion of BTC to USD for local businesses, income from BTC #Mining , & revenue generated from government services. El Salvador offers expedited citizenship to Bitcoin donors, aiming to boost adoption. It launched a Bitcoin mining pool with Volcano Energy & Luxor Technology, reinforcing its crypto integration. Speculation suggests it could use Bitcoin gains to repay IMF loans, hinted by venture capitalist Tim Draper. President Bukele's re-election victory in February highlights public support, though he's criticized negative media coverage during Bitcoin market downturns. Source - #BinanceSquareBTC
El Salvador’s #Bitcoin‬ treasury is now $85M in profit amid $BTC rally

El Salvador's Bitcoin reserve has surged past the $200 million mark, signaling significant returns on President Nayib Bukele's strategic investment approach. With recent rallies in Bitcoin's value, the nation's crypto treasury has reaped substantial profits, boasting a remarkable 70% gain on its dollar-cost average purchase price.

According to data from the Nayib Tracker website, El Salvador's crypto treasury is now in the green with an impressive $85 million profit. This financial milestone coincided with Bitcoin's new all-time high, surpassing $72,000 on March 11.

El Salvador embarked on its Bitcoin acquisition journey in September 2021 when it adopted the #cryptocurrency as legal tender. Initially purchasing 200 coins at a price of $51,769 each, the nation's investment strategy faced scrutiny amidst Bitcoin's subsequent price fluctuations. Following a market downturn that saw Bitcoin plummet to as low as $16,000, concerns arose regarding the viability of Bukele's approach.

However, the tide turned as Bitcoin prices rebounded, surpassing the dollar-cost average threshold of $42,600 in February & propelling El Salvador's portfolio into profitable territory. Presently holding 2,861 BTC, the entire portfolio boasts a valuation of $207.3 million.

President #Bukele highlighted additional sources of Bitcoin revenue, including proceeds from the country's passport program, conversion of BTC to USD for local businesses, income from BTC #Mining , & revenue generated from government services.

El Salvador offers expedited citizenship to Bitcoin donors, aiming to boost adoption. It launched a Bitcoin mining pool with Volcano Energy & Luxor Technology, reinforcing its crypto integration. Speculation suggests it could use Bitcoin gains to repay IMF loans, hinted by venture capitalist Tim Draper. President Bukele's re-election victory in February highlights public support, though he's criticized negative media coverage during Bitcoin market downturns.

Source -

Nayib Bukele's re-election as President of El Salvador signals a continued commitment to addressing economic challenges, pivoting from his successful efforts in combating gang violence. Despite controversies, Bukele's landslide victory underscores public support for his leadership. With gang violence under control, his focus shifts to economic revitalization, though hurdles remain. The Bitcoin City project faces investment difficulties, and public debt stands high. #ElSalvador #Bukele #ElSalvadorBitcoin #cryptoniteuae
Nayib Bukele's re-election as President of El Salvador signals a continued commitment to addressing economic challenges, pivoting from his successful efforts in combating gang violence. Despite controversies, Bukele's landslide victory underscores public support for his leadership. With gang violence under control, his focus shifts to economic revitalization, though hurdles remain. The Bitcoin City project faces investment difficulties, and public debt stands high.

#ElSalvador #Bukele #ElSalvadorBitcoin #cryptoniteuae
El Salvador President Proposes Bill To Eliminate Taxes On Technology InnovationsEl Salvador’s President, Najib Bukele, has announced his intention to introduce a bill to the country’s Congress that aims to eliminate all taxes on software and hardware innovations. In a tweet on Wednesday, Bukele said that the bill would exempt technology innovations such as software programming, coding, apps, AI development, computing, and communication hardware manufacturing from all taxes, including income tax, property tax, capital gains tax, and import tariffs. @azcoinnews The announcement comes as part of Bukele’s efforts to promote technological innovation in El Salvador, which has already taken significant steps in this direction. In June 2021, El Salvador became the first country in the world to make Bitcoin legal tender, with Bukele stating that it would help to promote financial inclusion and provide opportunities for the country’s unbanked population. Since then, El Salvador has shown various policies to utilize Bitcoin, including plans to build a “Bitcoin City” powered by geothermal energy and the launch of a government-backed Bitcoin wallet called Chivo. Bukele’s new tax exemption bill for technological innovation is another step towards positioning El Salvador as a hub for innovation and technology in the region. The details of the bill, including whether crypto assets such as Bitcoin will be included, have not yet been revealed. However, the announcement is likely to be welcomed by tech entrepreneurs and investors, who will now have more incentive to invest in El Salvador and contribute to the country’s economic growth. The move could also attract the attention of other countries looking to promote technological innovation and create a more favorable environment for businesses in the tech industry. Bukele’s government has shown a willingness to experiment with new and innovative policies, and the tax exemption bill for technological innovation is another example of this approach. In conclusion, President Bukele’s announcement of a tax exemption bill for technological innovation is a positive development for El Salvador’s tech industry. If passed, the bill would help to attract more investment and promote the country’s position as a hub for innovation and technology in the region. With El Salvador already leading the way in making Bitcoin legal tender, this latest move shows the country’s commitment to embracing new and innovative ideas. #Elsalvador #Bukele #Bitcoin #BTC #azcoinnews This article was republished from

El Salvador President Proposes Bill To Eliminate Taxes On Technology Innovations

El Salvador’s President, Najib Bukele, has announced his intention to introduce a bill to the country’s Congress that aims to eliminate all taxes on software and hardware innovations.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Bukele said that the bill would exempt technology innovations such as software programming, coding, apps, AI development, computing, and communication hardware manufacturing from all taxes, including income tax, property tax, capital gains tax, and import tariffs.


The announcement comes as part of Bukele’s efforts to promote technological innovation in El Salvador, which has already taken significant steps in this direction. In June 2021, El Salvador became the first country in the world to make Bitcoin legal tender, with Bukele stating that it would help to promote financial inclusion and provide opportunities for the country’s unbanked population.

Since then, El Salvador has shown various policies to utilize Bitcoin, including plans to build a “Bitcoin City” powered by geothermal energy and the launch of a government-backed Bitcoin wallet called Chivo. Bukele’s new tax exemption bill for technological innovation is another step towards positioning El Salvador as a hub for innovation and technology in the region.

The details of the bill, including whether crypto assets such as Bitcoin will be included, have not yet been revealed. However, the announcement is likely to be welcomed by tech entrepreneurs and investors, who will now have more incentive to invest in El Salvador and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

The move could also attract the attention of other countries looking to promote technological innovation and create a more favorable environment for businesses in the tech industry. Bukele’s government has shown a willingness to experiment with new and innovative policies, and the tax exemption bill for technological innovation is another example of this approach.

In conclusion, President Bukele’s announcement of a tax exemption bill for technological innovation is a positive development for El Salvador’s tech industry. If passed, the bill would help to attract more investment and promote the country’s position as a hub for innovation and technology in the region. With El Salvador already leading the way in making Bitcoin legal tender, this latest move shows the country’s commitment to embracing new and innovative ideas.

#Elsalvador #Bukele #Bitcoin #BTC #azcoinnews

This article was republished from

Nayib Bukele laughed at criticism about Bitcoin. 😂🇸🇻 In the rhythmic world of cryptocurrency, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele has orchestrated a captivating performance, blending humor, controversy, and ambitious crypto endeavors. [Click here and Claim Reward 🙂]( 💸 El Salvador, the first to adopt Bitcoin in 2021, faces profit and scrutiny. Bukele humorously responds to Senator Menendez's criticism amid Menendez's own legal troubles in the US. Bukele highlighted legal woes for Bitcoin critic Menendez in a post, featuring a laughing emoji. Menendez and wife face 18-count indictment, accused of conspiracy, obstructing justice, and disguising bribes as loans linked to house mortgage and Mercedes-Benz payment. In 2022, El Salvador faced challenges with Bitcoin during a bear market. Bukele blamed mainstream media for negativity, claiming Bitcoin adoption could have offset losses. Despite hurdles, the country reported a 53% profit increase in Bitcoin holdings during a surge to a new all-time high. Bukele, despite global attention and skepticism, stands firm on his pro-Bitcoin stance. Plans for his second term involve integrating Bitcoin into the financial market, launching "Volcano bonds" for mining, and establishing a tax-free zone called "Bitcoin City." IMF concerns over El Salvador's Bitcoin policy persist, but Bukele advances with the Volcano Bond gaining regulatory approval, a key move in integrating Bitcoin into capital markets. President Nayib Bukele's humor amidst adversity and strong support for Bitcoin shape El Salvador's economic landscape, drawing global attention and sparking both praise and concern. The ongoing cryptocurrency drama in the country is a bold experiment, leaving a lasting impact on the world's financial innovation stage. #NayibBukele #ElSalvador #BTC #Nayib #Bukele
Nayib Bukele laughed at criticism about Bitcoin. 😂🇸🇻

In the rhythmic world of cryptocurrency, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele has orchestrated a captivating performance, blending humor, controversy, and ambitious crypto endeavors.
Click here and Claim Reward 🙂 💸

El Salvador, the first to adopt Bitcoin in 2021, faces profit and scrutiny. Bukele humorously responds to Senator Menendez's criticism amid Menendez's own legal troubles in the US.

Bukele highlighted legal woes for Bitcoin critic Menendez in a post, featuring a laughing emoji. Menendez and wife face 18-count indictment, accused of conspiracy, obstructing justice, and disguising bribes as loans linked to house mortgage and Mercedes-Benz payment.

In 2022, El Salvador faced challenges with Bitcoin during a bear market. Bukele blamed mainstream media for negativity, claiming Bitcoin adoption could have offset losses. Despite hurdles, the country reported a 53% profit increase in Bitcoin holdings during a surge to a new all-time high.

Bukele, despite global attention and skepticism, stands firm on his pro-Bitcoin stance. Plans for his second term involve integrating Bitcoin into the financial market, launching "Volcano bonds" for mining, and establishing a tax-free zone called "Bitcoin City."

IMF concerns over El Salvador's Bitcoin policy persist, but Bukele advances with the Volcano Bond gaining regulatory approval, a key move in integrating Bitcoin into capital markets.

President Nayib Bukele's humor amidst adversity and strong support for Bitcoin shape El Salvador's economic landscape, drawing global attention and sparking both praise and concern. The ongoing cryptocurrency drama in the country is a bold experiment, leaving a lasting impact on the world's financial innovation stage.
#NayibBukele #ElSalvador #BTC #Nayib #Bukele
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#Bitcoin Michael Saylor Says He Will Never Stop Buying #BTC‬ 💡Saylor and #Bukele have shown the world that buying bitcoin and holding it is a great strategy. If you've done your research and you have a time horizon for your investment you will go through the motions of the ups and downs. $BTC

Michael Saylor Says He Will Never Stop Buying #BTC‬

💡Saylor and #Bukele have shown the world that buying bitcoin and holding it is a great strategy. If you've done your research and you have a time horizon for your investment you will go through the motions of the ups and downs.

#Bukele is asked to undo investments in #bitcoin and send funds to poorer Salvadorans. Economist Rafael Lemus said that due to the increase in gasoline and the consequent inflation, Bukele should redirect the funds invested in bitcoin. #Binance #crypto2023 #BTC
#Bukele is asked to undo investments in #bitcoin and send funds to poorer Salvadorans.

Economist Rafael Lemus said that due to the increase in gasoline and the consequent inflation, Bukele should redirect the funds invested in bitcoin.

#Binance #crypto2023 #BTC
Breaking: The Government of El Salvador has taken a significant step by including education about Bitcoin in the curriculum of public schools. Starting next year, over 5,000 educational centers in the country's public network will welcome #Bitcoin education. The initiative aims to provide students with a basic understanding of $BTC , economics, and new technologies. #Bitcoin #Education #ElSalvador #Bukele
Breaking: The Government of El Salvador has taken a significant step by including education about Bitcoin in the curriculum of public schools. Starting next year, over 5,000 educational centers in the country's public network will welcome #Bitcoin education. The initiative aims to provide students with a basic understanding of $BTC , economics, and new technologies. #Bitcoin #Education #ElSalvador #Bukele
#MarketSentimentToday It is suggested by President #Bukele that a bank be established for Bitcoin investors As a significant step toward their plans on the economic front, Milena Mayorga, they are seriously considering the establishment of a bank for private investment (BPI), which will make it possible to introduce multiple opportunities with regard to financing, targeting prospective investors dealing in Bitcoin. This will be a significant step toward their plans. Max Keiser, who serves as the Senior Bitcoin Advisor to President Bukele, is of the view that the Bitcoin bank idea is President Bukele's method of communicating to the rest of the world the path that he plans to lead the nation in. Just fourteen days after Bukele was elected President for yet another five-year term, the recommendation was made. Bukele will serve for another five years. Bukele's preference for Bitcoin, on the other hand, has been subjected to a number of turbulent periods ever since El Salvador launched the initiative to use Bitcoin as a form of authorized money in the year 2021. As a result of his efforts to suppress criminal organizations like Mara Salvatrucha and Barrio, Bukele was able to garner an enormous amount of support. There is a growing sense of optimism over Bitcoin now that he is back in the driver's seat. #BTC #bitcoin $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)

It is suggested by President #Bukele that a bank be established for Bitcoin investors

As a significant step toward their plans on the economic front, Milena Mayorga, they are seriously considering the establishment of a bank for private investment (BPI), which will make it possible to introduce multiple opportunities with regard to financing, targeting prospective investors dealing in Bitcoin. This will be a significant step toward their plans.

Max Keiser, who serves as the Senior Bitcoin Advisor to President Bukele, is of the view that the Bitcoin bank idea is President Bukele's method of communicating to the rest of the world the path that he plans to lead the nation in.

Just fourteen days after Bukele was elected President for yet another five-year term, the recommendation was made. Bukele will serve for another five years.

Bukele's preference for Bitcoin, on the other hand, has been subjected to a number of turbulent periods ever since El Salvador launched the initiative to use Bitcoin as a form of authorized money in the year 2021.

As a result of his efforts to suppress criminal organizations like Mara Salvatrucha and Barrio, Bukele was able to garner an enormous amount of support. There is a growing sense of optimism over Bitcoin now that he is back in the driver's seat.

#BTC #bitcoin $BTC
**🇸🇻 Bitcoin Bull Nayib Bukele Re-elected as President of El Salvador!** #ElSalvador President Nayib Bukele has been sworn in for a second term, determined to tackle the country's economic challenges with the same vigor that marked his campaign against gang violence in his first term. **Key Points:** - **Re-election:** Bukele was re-elected with over 80% of the vote after a controversial court ruling. - **Security Success:** Bukele claims gang-related violence is now largely under control, marking a significant achievement. - **Economic Focus:** With security addressed, Bukele vows to cure the country's economic "illnesses." - **Bitcoin Holdings:** El Salvador owns 5,769 #Bitcoins, valued at approximately $389 million, with Bukele announcing the purchase of 1 BTC daily. - **Challenges:** The ambitious #Bitcoin City project struggles to attract investment, and public debt has risen to over $30 billion, nearly 84% of GDP. **Bukele's Vision:** “Now that we have ensured the most urgent issue, security, we will focus on important problems, starting with the economy,” Bukele declared from the National Palace. Stay tuned for more updates on El Salvador's journey under Bukele's leadership! #Bitcoin❗ #Bukele #ElSalvador
**🇸🇻 Bitcoin Bull Nayib Bukele Re-elected as President of El Salvador!**

#ElSalvador President Nayib Bukele has been sworn in for a second term, determined to tackle the country's economic challenges with the same vigor that marked his campaign against gang violence in his first term.

**Key Points:**

- **Re-election:** Bukele was re-elected with over 80% of the vote after a controversial court ruling.
- **Security Success:** Bukele claims gang-related violence is now largely under control, marking a significant achievement.
- **Economic Focus:** With security addressed, Bukele vows to cure the country's economic "illnesses."
- **Bitcoin Holdings:** El Salvador owns 5,769 #Bitcoins, valued at approximately $389 million, with Bukele announcing the purchase of 1 BTC daily.
- **Challenges:** The ambitious #Bitcoin City project struggles to attract investment, and public debt has risen to over $30 billion, nearly 84% of GDP.

**Bukele's Vision:**
“Now that we have ensured the most urgent issue, security, we will focus on important problems, starting with the economy,” Bukele declared from the National Palace.

Stay tuned for more updates on El Salvador's journey under Bukele's leadership! #Bitcoin❗ #Bukele #ElSalvador
Bitcoin Bull Nayib Bukele is President of El Salvador Again: Here is the Amount of BTC His Country Owns. #ElSalvador President Nayib Bukele was sworn in for a second term on Saturday, vowing to address the country's economic problems with the same determination that marked his campaign against gang violence in his first term. #Bukele , who was re-elected in February with more than 80% of the vote after a controversial court decision, has declared his intention to cure the country's economic "illnesses". Speaking from the balcony of the National Palace in San Salvador, 42-year-old Bukele assured the public that the gang-related violence plaguing the country was largely under control. “#Salvadorian society is still sick, but it is no longer cancerous,” he said, referring to the criminal gangs that once made El Salvador one of the most dangerous countries in the world. With security largely restored, Bukele now faces the difficult task of reviving the stagnant economy. “Now that we have ensured the most urgent issue, security, we will focus on important problems, starting with the economy,” he said. Despite Bukele's popularity for improving security in the country of 6.3 million, his economic policies have faced obstacles. The ambitious #Bitcoin City project, designed as a tax-free, cryptocurrency-supported center, has had difficulty attracting investment. Additionally, El Salvador's public debt has risen to over $30 billion, reaching nearly 84% of its gross domestic product. There are currently 5,769 #Bitcoins worth approximately $389 million in the country's treasury. Bukele reported that his country purchased 1 BTC every day. $BTC
Bitcoin Bull Nayib Bukele is President of El Salvador Again: Here is the Amount of BTC His Country Owns.

#ElSalvador President Nayib Bukele was sworn in for a second term on Saturday, vowing to address the country's economic problems with the same determination that marked his campaign against gang violence in his first term.

#Bukele , who was re-elected in February with more than 80% of the vote after a controversial court decision, has declared his intention to cure the country's economic "illnesses".

Speaking from the balcony of the National Palace in San Salvador, 42-year-old Bukele assured the public that the gang-related violence plaguing the country was largely under control. “#Salvadorian society is still sick, but it is no longer cancerous,” he said, referring to the criminal gangs that once made El Salvador one of the most dangerous countries in the world.

With security largely restored, Bukele now faces the difficult task of reviving the stagnant economy. “Now that we have ensured the most urgent issue, security, we will focus on important problems, starting with the economy,” he said.

Despite Bukele's popularity for improving security in the country of 6.3 million, his economic policies have faced obstacles. The ambitious #Bitcoin City project, designed as a tax-free, cryptocurrency-supported center, has had difficulty attracting investment. Additionally, El Salvador's public debt has risen to over $30 billion, reaching nearly 84% of its gross domestic product.

There are currently 5,769 #Bitcoins worth approximately $389 million in the country's treasury. Bukele reported that his country purchased 1 BTC every day.
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