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📊 Топ-10 предстоящих разблокировок токенов в июле 2024 года 📅 #altlayer (ALT) Разблокировка: $122.79M (42% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: ALT 683.96M (25 июля) #Aptos (APT) Разблокировка: $79.28M (2.50% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: APT 11.33M (12 июля) #Uniswap (UNI) Разблокировка: $77.88M (1.39% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: UNI 8.33M (16 июля) #Ronin (RON) Разблокировка: $76.32M (10.7% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: RON 35.71M (27 июля) #Arbitrum (ARB) Разблокировка: $75.37M (2.87% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: ARB 92.63M (16 июля) #Sui (SUI) Разблокировка: $70.16M (3.54% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: SUI 86.07M (3 июля) #Immutable (IMX) Разблокировка: $50.13M (2.15% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: IMX 32.47M (12 июля) #Sei (SEI) Разблокировка: $44.42M (4.09% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: SEI 125.01M (15 июля) #StarkNet (STRK) Разблокировка: $44.16M (4.92% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: STRK 63.99M (15 июля) Если есть еще вопросы📊💡 ➡️🌀@INVESTIDEA #ETH Name Service (ENS) Разблокировка: $39.46M (4.62% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: ENS 1.46M (8 июля) Эти токены будут разблокированы в июле 2024 года, что может существенно повлиять на их цены и рынок в целом. Следите за новостями и готовьтесь к возможным изменениям! 🚀
📊 Топ-10 предстоящих разблокировок токенов в июле 2024 года 📅
#altlayer (ALT)
Разблокировка: $122.79M (42% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: ALT 683.96M (25 июля)
#Aptos (APT)
Разблокировка: $79.28M (2.50% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: APT 11.33M (12 июля)
#Uniswap (UNI)
Разблокировка: $77.88M (1.39% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: UNI 8.33M (16 июля)
#Ronin (RON)
Разблокировка: $76.32M (10.7% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: RON 35.71M (27 июля)
#Arbitrum (ARB)
Разблокировка: $75.37M (2.87% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: ARB 92.63M (16 июля)
#Sui (SUI)
Разблокировка: $70.16M (3.54% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: SUI 86.07M (3 июля)
#Immutable (IMX)
Разблокировка: $50.13M (2.15% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: IMX 32.47M (12 июля)
#Sei (SEI)
Разблокировка: $44.42M (4.09% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: SEI 125.01M (15 июля)
#StarkNet (STRK)
Разблокировка: $44.16M (4.92% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: STRK 63.99M (15 июля)
Если есть еще вопросы📊💡 ➡️🌀@INVESTIDEAUA
#ETH Name Service (ENS)
Разблокировка: $39.46M (4.62% от рыночной капитализации)Количество: ENS 1.46M (8 июля)
Эти токены будут разблокированы в июле 2024 года, что может существенно повлиять на их цены и рынок в целом. Следите за новостями и готовьтесь к возможным изменениям! 🚀
Baisse (björn)
如何参与AltLayer再质押 获得14.1% APY和LaunchPools收益#ALT再质押生态 #altlayer #Restake 年初Altlayer空投上线,早期交互用户持有OG Badge 和Oh Ottie! NFT,获得几十万ALT空投,收益丰厚。 初晓链由于质押TIA也获得低保空投,有资格领取240个ALT,但由于疏忽,没注意领取截止时间,白白损失了80美元。 最近Altlayer上线reALT,开启质押计划第二阶段,一起了解下如何参与Altlayer再质押玩法。 Altlayer是什么? AltLayer (ALT) 是一个去中心化、弹性的Rollup-as-a-Service(RaaS)协议,致力于为区块链应用提供高度可扩展的Layer 2解决方案。 ALT在2021年底成立,已经帮助了40多个项目基于rollup技术定制发布专属应用链,并协助了Xterio、SWELL等项目使用再质押模式发布Restaked Rollup;也是EigenLayer最早一批主网上线的AVS(主动验证服务)。 ALT近期推出重新质押“reALT” 代币,开启质押计划第二阶段。 ALT用户可以通过在主奖励池质押ALT代币获取基础奖励,并通过再质押的方式把ALT委派到不同的Launchpool池,赢取Xterio、SWELL、DODO等项目的未来奖励。 如何参与ALT再质押? ALT 再质押允许 ALT 持有者质押 ALT 以获得较高APR收益和其他项目空投奖励。 在币安购买ALT提到以太坊链上,或者在uniswap兑换ALT后,在官网 进行质押,质押ATL后自动获得stALT。 当前ALT质押池子TVL是188,585,890 ALT,累计超过6000万美元,质押APR收益是13.3%,奖励每秒发放一次。 ALT可以随时解锁,但解除绑定需要21天。 reALT的优势和创新 reALT是重新质押 ALT 代币,是一种自动复利的 ERC20 代币,发行给在主质押池中质押 ALT 的用户,可捕获持有者的 ALT 质押贡献并累积所获得的复利奖励。 stALT 是一种 ERC1155 代币,代表持有者在主质押池中的质押贡献。 stALT 代币可以通过手动转换为 reALT 代币。 reALT 创新性设计,让reALT可同时委托给多个质押池,并获得多个LaunchPools的收益。 比如ALT当前的LaunchPools中,Xterio和DODOchain同时进行中,用户可以质押手上的reALT,获得三重收益,14.1%的APY收益,以及2个发射池子的收益。 再质押是2024年的热门玩法之一,持有并质押某个代币,生成对应流动性代币,可以再质押在其他关联项目中,同时获得多个项目收益。 虽然不少人对再质押玩法存在质疑,但不影响各种项目持续上线各种形式的再质押玩法。 不能改变市场热门,不如跟随参与看看。 另外当前链上GAS较低,交互成本较低,gas费不心疼。 而且最近市场波动小,不知道市场未来走向,不如持币官网,有可能归零,也有机会翻倍。 以上只是个人看法,无投资建议。我是初晓链,我在关注加密市场和web3。

如何参与AltLayer再质押 获得14.1% APY和LaunchPools收益

#ALT再质押生态 #altlayer #Restake
年初Altlayer空投上线,早期交互用户持有OG Badge 和Oh Ottie! NFT,获得几十万ALT空投,收益丰厚。

AltLayer (ALT) 是一个去中心化、弹性的Rollup-as-a-Service(RaaS)协议,致力于为区块链应用提供高度可扩展的Layer 2解决方案。
ALT在2021年底成立,已经帮助了40多个项目基于rollup技术定制发布专属应用链,并协助了Xterio、SWELL等项目使用再质押模式发布Restaked Rollup;也是EigenLayer最早一批主网上线的AVS(主动验证服务)。
ALT近期推出重新质押“reALT” 代币,开启质押计划第二阶段。

ALT 再质押允许 ALT 持有者质押 ALT 以获得较高APR收益和其他项目空投奖励。
在币安购买ALT提到以太坊链上,或者在uniswap兑换ALT后,在官网 进行质押,质押ATL后自动获得stALT。
当前ALT质押池子TVL是188,585,890 ALT,累计超过6000万美元,质押APR收益是13.3%,奖励每秒发放一次。

reALT是重新质押 ALT 代币,是一种自动复利的 ERC20 代币,发行给在主质押池中质押 ALT 的用户,可捕获持有者的 ALT 质押贡献并累积所获得的复利奖励。
stALT 是一种 ERC1155 代币,代表持有者在主质押池中的质押贡献。
stALT 代币可以通过手动转换为 reALT 代币。
reALT 创新性设计,让reALT可同时委托给多个质押池,并获得多个LaunchPools的收益。

Binance Launchpool'un yeni ismi #AltLayer ile tanışalım AltLayer, blok zincirlerini herkes için daha güvenli, daha hızlı ve daha kolay hale getiren, insanların kendi blok zincirlerini hızlı ve verimli bir şekilde oluşturmalarına olanak tanıyan bir proje. 1. AltLayer nedir? - AltLayer, mevcut blockchain ağlarının (Ethereum gibi) daha iyi çalışmasını sağlayan bir sistemin adıdır. İşlemleri daha güvenli, daha hızlı ve farklı ihtiyaçlara uyarlanabilir hale getirmeye odaklanmaktadır. 2. Restaked Rollups: - AltLayer, işlemleri organize etmenin özel bir yolu gibi olan "Restaked Rollups" adı verilen bir kavramı tanıtıyor. Güvenli olmalarını, merkeziyetsiz olmalarını ve farklı blockchain teknolojileriyle sorunsuz bir şekilde çalışmalarını sağlamayı amaçlıyor. 3. AVSes : Actively Validated Services : - AltLayer'ın işleri güvenli ve hızlı hale getirmek için birlikte çalışan üç önemli hizmeti vardır: VITAL, işlemlerin doğru olup olmadığını kontrol eder, MACH işlerin hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleşmesini sağlar ve SQUAD, işlemleri merkezi olmayan bir şekilde düzenler. 4. RaaS (Rollups as a service): - AltLayer aynı zamanda insanlara, hatta kodlama hakkında fazla bilgisi olmayanlara bile, kendi özelleştirilmiş blok zincirlerini oluşturmaları için süper kolay bir yol sunar. Sadece birkaç dakika içinde kendi blockchain'inizi oluşturabileceğiniz bir web sitesi altyapısı sağlamaktadır. 5. Ephemeral (Geçici) Rollupslar: - Geliştiricilerin süper verimli ve artık ihtiyaç duyulmadığında kolayca elden çıkarılabilecek geçici blok zincirler oluşturmasına olanak tanır. Belirli görevler için hızlı kullanılabilen, tek kullanımlık ve etkili bir araca sahip olmak gibidir. 6. Neden AltLayer? - AltLayer, farklı amaçlara yönelik birçok farklı blok zincirinin olduğu bir sistemin sorunsuzca çalışmasını amaçlıyor. Tüm bu blok zincirlerinin güvende kalmak, hızlı çalışmak ve birbirleriyle etkileşimi için kullanabileceği evrensel bir sistem sağlama hedefleri var. #AltLayer #ALT #launchpool #Binancelaunchpool
Binance Launchpool'un yeni ismi #AltLayer ile tanışalım

AltLayer, blok zincirlerini herkes için daha güvenli, daha hızlı ve daha kolay hale getiren, insanların kendi blok zincirlerini hızlı ve verimli bir şekilde oluşturmalarına olanak tanıyan bir proje.

1. AltLayer nedir?
- AltLayer, mevcut blockchain ağlarının (Ethereum gibi) daha iyi çalışmasını sağlayan bir sistemin adıdır. İşlemleri daha güvenli, daha hızlı ve farklı ihtiyaçlara uyarlanabilir hale getirmeye odaklanmaktadır.

2. Restaked Rollups:
- AltLayer, işlemleri organize etmenin özel bir yolu gibi olan "Restaked Rollups" adı verilen bir kavramı tanıtıyor. Güvenli olmalarını, merkeziyetsiz olmalarını ve farklı blockchain teknolojileriyle sorunsuz bir şekilde çalışmalarını sağlamayı amaçlıyor.

3. AVSes : Actively Validated Services :
- AltLayer'ın işleri güvenli ve hızlı hale getirmek için birlikte çalışan üç önemli hizmeti vardır: VITAL, işlemlerin doğru olup olmadığını kontrol eder, MACH işlerin hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleşmesini sağlar ve SQUAD, işlemleri merkezi olmayan bir şekilde düzenler.

4. RaaS (Rollups as a service):
- AltLayer aynı zamanda insanlara, hatta kodlama hakkında fazla bilgisi olmayanlara bile, kendi özelleştirilmiş blok zincirlerini oluşturmaları için süper kolay bir yol sunar. Sadece birkaç dakika içinde kendi blockchain'inizi oluşturabileceğiniz bir web sitesi altyapısı sağlamaktadır.

5. Ephemeral (Geçici) Rollupslar:

- Geliştiricilerin süper verimli ve artık ihtiyaç duyulmadığında kolayca elden çıkarılabilecek geçici blok zincirler oluşturmasına olanak tanır. Belirli görevler için hızlı kullanılabilen, tek kullanımlık ve etkili bir araca sahip olmak gibidir.

6. Neden AltLayer?
- AltLayer, farklı amaçlara yönelik birçok farklı blok zincirinin olduğu bir sistemin sorunsuzca çalışmasını amaçlıyor. Tüm bu blok zincirlerinin güvende kalmak, hızlı çalışmak ve birbirleriyle etkileşimi için kullanabileceği evrensel bir sistem sağlama hedefleri var.
#AltLayer #ALT #launchpool #Binancelaunchpool
Manta yyds 单独看撸manta活动的,绝对算得上神毛。空投大号4100+币,nft我直接高价卖掉了差不多接近1万u,然后质押了1个eth,初始碎片给了363,开出来nft我卖在了最低价也有1eth的收入。总计投入80u的gas和1eth的流动性,这个两个月就可以取出来了。 再说说小号,参加zealy活动可信认证基本单号就有100多个manta,然后免费撸了他的zksbt又多几十个。这些任务都是免费的,你直接可以领200个左右。另外你可以领7-11个箱子,如果开出好三叉戟当时就能卖1e一个。我开出来不少不过我没卖,最后兑换了480多个manta。 对于主要的奥德赛我小号没参加,所以这部分最大的空投我是错过了,就算这样单号的收益也不菲。 对于那些键盘侠来说所有的项目都是垃圾项目,因为他赚不到钱。对于我来说能赚钱的就是好项目 感谢MANTA,预告下一个空投项目altlayer,也是纯0撸。我没抢到付费的nft,等福报 #Manta #空投 #Launchpool #altlayer
Manta yyds
#Manta #空投 #Launchpool #altlayer
Baisse (björn)
🔥🔥🔥 UPDATE #ALT 🐻🐻 🐻 🆘 Quite similar to $MANTA , the $ALT has fallen out of the rising wedge and bounce back to retest the trend and continue to go down. ✴️I expect #ALT can return to the previous 0.35-0.36 area. 🩸If the selling force is strong, it can return to the 0.28-0.3 area! 👉If I return to this area, I can buy 30% for the medium term . 👉If I return to 0.23-0.28$ zone, I can buy 30% more for the longterm . 🔥LET’S WAIT AND SEE🔥 🛑Remind: This only my POV , not financial advice , always DYOR 🚀 🚫DO NOT LONG SHORT WITH MY SIGNAL #altlayer #Write2Earn #TradeNTell
🔥🔥🔥 UPDATE #ALT 🐻🐻 🐻
🆘 Quite similar to $MANTA , the $ALT has fallen out of the rising wedge and bounce back to retest the trend and continue to go down.
✴️I expect #ALT can return to the previous 0.35-0.36 area.
🩸If the selling force is strong, it can return to the 0.28-0.3 area!
👉If I return to this area, I can buy 30% for the medium term .
👉If I return to 0.23-0.28$ zone, I can buy 30% more for the longterm .
🛑Remind: This only my POV , not financial advice , always DYOR 🚀
#altlayer #Write2Earn #TradeNTell
Alt Coin will be released in just some minutes later You can redeem coins ... Form your farming and from there sides if you can join ✅ Follow me thans #altlayer #alt #
Alt Coin will be released in just some minutes later
You can redeem coins ...

Form your farming and from there sides if you can join ✅
Follow me thans

#altlayer #alt #
🚀 Congratulations to #AltLayer Profit Seekers! 📈

Big cheers to all followers who trusted my AltLayer insights! 🎉 Before Binance listing, I shared AltLayer potential, and skeptics missed out. Today, AltLayer's climb validates our choices.

Building Trust and Confidence:
In crypto's volatile world, trust matters. Grateful many believed in my analysis. AltLayer's success proves wise decisions and community support.

Pre-listing Profits:
Anticipation around Binance listing led to smart moves pre-listing. AltLayer's sustained positive momentum rewards those who acted early.

Current Performance:
AltLayer's current status shows continued strength. 📈 Bullish trends hint at a significant run, validating our investment decisions.

Encouragement for Future Decisions:
Make informed choices in crypto. While some wait for dips, AltLayer's resilience suggests a different story. Research and choose wisely.

Congrats again to followers profiting from AltLayer! 🚀 Trust, research, and smart decisions fuel success in the dynamic crypto world. May the bullish run bring prosperity to all! 🌟

❤️ If you find this information helpful, consider supporting me through the Binance Tipping feature. Your generosity helps me provide quality content. 🙏🏿

Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment

#AmanSaiCommUNITY $ALT
Bull Season Price Targets Series: Requests from Followers - $ALT - #AltLayerLast Update: 2024-12-13 UTC $ALT #AltLayer ⭐Tokenomics Market Cap (MC): $393.66M Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV): $1.72B Total Supply: 10B ALT Max Supply: 10B ALT Supply in Circulation: 2.28B ALT - 22.86% of Max Supply 👉Token Unlocks Although there is no immediate large amount of unlocking, there is a regular opening of ~2% of the max supply every month. The amount that will be in circulation by the end of 2025 will be twice the amount in circulation now, and this has a long-term price suppression effect. While there are cases where similar tokens in the same category approach or exceed the March 2024 peak price, we see that although $ALT has increased by almost 2x from the lowest level it fell, it remains slightly behind the best performers. 👀Inflation (T0) 2024-03-29 MC: ~$737M Price: ~0.68 USDT (T1) 2024-12-13 MC: ~$394M Price: ~0.17 USDT (T1)-(T0) MC Change: ~ -42% Price Change: ~ -75% What Should the Price Be If There Was No Token Inflation During This Period (That is, if there was no increase in supply)? ~0.36 USDT 👀Since there is no time/time series analysis in target price studies, try to reflect the inflation difference in the period in which you are looking at the relevant prices. ⭐Correlation with $BTC / Category Major(s) Does the coin/token correlate with BTC during BTC uptrends and downtrends? It is generally correlated, although it has shown much deeper declines in the past. 💰BTC Pair Below, a nice Wyckoff Accumulation Pattern is forming. The overall increases in volume are positive. A nice rise can be experienced with the breakout of the red box below. Above the red box at the top shows where FOMO increases can be expected. ⭐Price Analysis 👉Recent Period After breaking the long-term downtrend and retesting it several times, it started an uptrend. If daily closings are made below the 0.1006 level, the short-term trend turns negative again and dip accumulation continues. In order for the rise to continue, it must maintain its trend and break the red box and stay above it. 💵Price Targets 👉Breaking of 0.15990 made a Market Structure Break (MSB) and External Structure (Main Trend) turned bullish. 👉Green curve is MA20 and price holding above it is positive, break of this could be used as a bearish signal until MA50 & MA100 will be created. 👉Breaking 0.081 weekly is a danger level, which means a Bearish Market Structure Breakout (MSB), creating a Lower Low (LL) and causing deeper levels to occur. However, these levels need to be updated as the chart changes (as new Higher High (HH) and new Higher Low (HL) are formed). 👉The 0.28 - 0.38 range is the area where I expect the first significant resistance to be encountered (in a very general sense; bullish above, bearish below). 👉When this level is persistent, the main movements that can lead to the higher targets I marked above can be expected. 👉While some of the equivalent regions of similar coins easily passed this resistance, the majority could not pass it at once and made corrections. For this reason, each significant level I marked above can be used as partial profit-taking levels and in possible corrections, the quantity can be increased by buying from the lower support levels below. 👉Frankly, there are technically higher-level targets, but as I have written before, there is no guarantee that each target can be seen in a single cycle. When we consider the market cap value and inflation that will be reached at those values, I see no point in sharing them at this stage. 💥CautionsNevertheless, remember that during the hottest times of the bull season, very great levels can be reached with #FOMO, but these levels cannot be maintained for long and very sharp corrections are experienced (try to understand by looking at old bull peaks). Manage your risk with these in mind and wait for healthy corrections without increasing your purchases in expensive areas.My posts are only technical and fundamental comments of mine and express my conclusions based on my own experience. Since there is no time/time series analysis in target price studies, there is no answer to the questions "When?" or "What will the price be on this date?"Sharing/analyzing a coin/token does not mean that I like or dislike it, think it will be successful or unsuccessful, support it or not, invest/trade or stay away from it. I analyze it in line with requests and share my individual opinions.None of my posts or comments are within the scope of investment/financial consultancy and should definitely not be understood in this sense.You should manage your risk by considering your own financial situation for your investments and trades, do your own research and then take action (DYOR). If necessary, you can even request professional support from authorized persons and institutions to provide consultancy. 👋Hey!Unlike my social media posts, in addition to majors, here I'm planning to analyze your #altcoins with medium and low market caps too! I'll provide mid-to-long term price targets for the bull season. 🔥If you are interested, don't forget to follow and share the #altcoins that interest you in the comments! 👊[Bull Season Price Targets Series: Requests from Followers - INDEX](

Bull Season Price Targets Series: Requests from Followers - $ALT - #AltLayer

Last Update: 2024-12-13 UTC


Market Cap (MC): $393.66M
Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV): $1.72B
Total Supply: 10B ALT
Max Supply: 10B ALT
Supply in Circulation: 2.28B ALT - 22.86% of Max Supply

👉Token Unlocks

Although there is no immediate large amount of unlocking, there is a regular opening of ~2% of the max supply every month. The amount that will be in circulation by the end of 2025 will be twice the amount in circulation now, and this has a long-term price suppression effect.
While there are cases where similar tokens in the same category approach or exceed the March 2024 peak price, we see that although $ALT has increased by almost 2x from the lowest level it fell, it remains slightly behind the best performers.


(T0) 2024-03-29
MC: ~$737M
Price: ~0.68 USDT

(T1) 2024-12-13
MC: ~$394M
Price: ~0.17 USDT

MC Change: ~ -42%
Price Change: ~ -75%

What Should the Price Be If There Was No Token Inflation During This Period (That is, if there was no increase in supply)?

~0.36 USDT

👀Since there is no time/time series analysis in target price studies, try to reflect the inflation difference in the period in which you are looking at the relevant prices.

⭐Correlation with $BTC / Category Major(s)

Does the coin/token correlate with BTC during BTC uptrends and downtrends?
It is generally correlated, although it has shown much deeper declines in the past.

💰BTC Pair

Below, a nice Wyckoff Accumulation Pattern is forming. The overall increases in volume are positive. A nice rise can be experienced with the breakout of the red box below. Above the red box at the top shows where FOMO increases can be expected.

⭐Price Analysis

👉Recent Period

After breaking the long-term downtrend and retesting it several times, it started an uptrend. If daily closings are made below the 0.1006 level, the short-term trend turns negative again and dip accumulation continues. In order for the rise to continue, it must maintain its trend and break the red box and stay above it.

💵Price Targets

👉Breaking of 0.15990 made a Market Structure Break (MSB) and External Structure (Main Trend) turned bullish.
👉Green curve is MA20 and price holding above it is positive, break of this could be used as a bearish signal until MA50 & MA100 will be created.
👉Breaking 0.081 weekly is a danger level, which means a Bearish Market Structure Breakout (MSB), creating a Lower Low (LL) and causing deeper levels to occur. However, these levels need to be updated as the chart changes (as new Higher High (HH) and new Higher Low (HL) are formed).

👉The 0.28 - 0.38 range is the area where I expect the first significant resistance to be encountered (in a very general sense; bullish above, bearish below).

👉When this level is persistent, the main movements that can lead to the higher targets I marked above can be expected.

👉While some of the equivalent regions of similar coins easily passed this resistance, the majority could not pass it at once and made corrections. For this reason, each significant level I marked above can be used as partial profit-taking levels and in possible corrections, the quantity can be increased by buying from the lower support levels below.

👉Frankly, there are technically higher-level targets, but as I have written before, there is no guarantee that each target can be seen in a single cycle. When we consider the market cap value and inflation that will be reached at those values, I see no point in sharing them at this stage.

💥CautionsNevertheless, remember that during the hottest times of the bull season, very great levels can be reached with #FOMO, but these levels cannot be maintained for long and very sharp corrections are experienced (try to understand by looking at old bull peaks). Manage your risk with these in mind and wait for healthy corrections without increasing your purchases in expensive areas.My posts are only technical and fundamental comments of mine and express my conclusions based on my own experience.
Since there is no time/time series analysis in target price studies, there is no answer to the questions "When?" or "What will the price be on this date?"Sharing/analyzing a coin/token does not mean that I like or dislike it, think it will be successful or unsuccessful, support it or not, invest/trade or stay away from it. I analyze it in line with requests and share my individual opinions.None of my posts or comments are within the scope of investment/financial consultancy and should definitely not be understood in this sense.You should manage your risk by considering your own financial situation for your investments and trades, do your own research and then take action (DYOR). If necessary, you can even request professional support from authorized persons and institutions to provide consultancy.

👋Hey!Unlike my social media posts, in addition to majors, here I'm planning to analyze your #altcoins with medium and low market caps too! I'll provide mid-to-long term price targets for the bull season. 🔥If you are interested, don't forget to follow and share the #altcoins that interest you in the comments! 👊Bull Season Price Targets Series: Requests from Followers - INDEX
Baisse (björn)
Boomm , $ALT altlayer GO To trash coin and goes to earth !!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 $ALT altlayer i was mention this morning at our binance square. so PLEASE TAKE SHORT POSITION at this coin. ( you can check at our binance square history). an now $ALT altlayer go to trash coin and WE MAKE BIG MONEY !!! congrats for our follower who followed our signals stay at ksatria crypto binance square . we Will share powerfull signals !!! note : if you think our research help you please make TIP for our operational cost . click TIP button on below !!! #ALT/USDT⚡️⚡️ #altlayer #Write2Earn‏ #write2earn🌐💹 #signals
Boomm , $ALT altlayer GO To trash coin and goes to earth !!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

$ALT altlayer i was mention this morning at our binance square. so PLEASE TAKE SHORT POSITION at this coin. ( you can check at our binance square history).

an now $ALT altlayer go to trash coin and WE MAKE BIG MONEY !!!
congrats for our follower who followed our signals

stay at ksatria crypto binance square . we Will share powerfull signals !!!

note : if you think our research help you please make TIP for our operational cost .
click TIP button on below !!!

#ALT/USDT⚡️⚡️ #altlayer #Write2Earn‏ #write2earn🌐💹 #signals
#altlayer #Pyth menurut kalian apakah altlayer sama pyth network bagus untuk jangka panjang?
#altlayer #Pyth menurut kalian apakah altlayer sama pyth network bagus untuk jangka panjang?
$ALT LOOKING FORWARD FOR MASSIVE BULLS 2 Simple reasons: 1. The unlocking date has been postponed for another 6 months, which means that there IS NO SELLING pressure from VCs at the moment 2. ALT layer has been experiencing grreat correction, currently trading is Historical All-time low. Expect huge pullbacks from this. Miss this and regret ! #altsesaon #altlayer #Moonrise #Write2Earn! #bullishcandlestick @altlayer

2 Simple reasons:

1. The unlocking date has been postponed for another 6 months, which means that there IS NO SELLING pressure from VCs at the moment
2. ALT layer has been experiencing grreat correction, currently trading is Historical All-time low. Expect huge pullbacks from this.

Miss this and regret !

#altsesaon #altlayer #Moonrise #Write2Earn! #bullishcandlestick

📺 Названы крупнейшие получатели аирдропа от AltLayer 🕋 В стартовавшем 25 января в 9:00 UTC (11:00 Киев/12:00 МСК) аирдропе от платформы AltLayer приняли участие более 29 000 кошельков. На адрес одного из пользователей поступило 1,29 млн ALT на сумму $408 000, обратил внимание Arkham Intelligence. Второй по величине клейм составил 1,19 млн ALT ($367 000). Ранее этот пользователь потратил всего 5,5 ETH на покупку NFT-значков AltLayer OG. Оба адреса проявляли схожую активность в сети — покупали NFT проекта в августе 2022 года и оставались бездействующими до момента раздачи. После получения токенов они стали переводить их на новые адреса. Третье по объему поступление — 898 800 ALT ($262 900). Монеты отправились на пять новых адресов. Пользователь, получивший четвертый по размеру клейм — около 650 000 ALT ($194 800), — купил NFT проекта в середине 2023 года. Ранее он участвовал в NFT-аирдропе Oh Ottie! Совокупный размер аирдропа — 300 млн токенов ALT ($93 млн) или 3% от общей эмиссии. #killer_rap2 #killer #killer_binance #altlayer #AirdropMadness $BTC $ALT $BNB
📺 Названы крупнейшие получатели аирдропа от AltLayer 🕋

В стартовавшем 25 января в 9:00 UTC (11:00 Киев/12:00 МСК) аирдропе от платформы AltLayer приняли участие более 29 000 кошельков. На адрес одного из пользователей поступило 1,29 млн ALT на сумму $408 000, обратил внимание Arkham Intelligence.

Второй по величине клейм составил 1,19 млн ALT ($367 000). Ранее этот пользователь потратил всего 5,5 ETH на покупку NFT-значков AltLayer OG.

Оба адреса проявляли схожую активность в сети — покупали NFT проекта в августе 2022 года и оставались бездействующими до момента раздачи. После получения токенов они стали переводить их на новые адреса.

Третье по объему поступление — 898 800 ALT ($262 900). Монеты отправились на пять новых адресов.

Пользователь, получивший четвертый по размеру клейм — около 650 000 ALT ($194 800), — купил NFT проекта в середине 2023 года. Ранее он участвовал в NFT-аирдропе Oh Ottie!

Совокупный размер аирдропа — 300 млн токенов ALT ($93 млн) или 3% от общей эмиссии.

#killer_rap2 #killer #killer_binance #altlayer #AirdropMadness

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