Liquity USD Pris (LUSD)
Liquity USD price

Liquity USD Pris (LUSD)

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LUSD till USD:
1 Liquity USD är lika med $1.003695 USD+0.35%1 dag
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Sidan senast uppdaterad: 2025-03-28 23:32 (UTC+0)
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Pris för LUSD idag

Live-priset på Liquity USD är $1.003695 per (LUSD / USD) med ett nuvarande börsvärde på $48.13M USD. 24-timmars handelsvolym är  $28,442.54 USD. Priset LUSD till USD  uppdateras i realtid. Liquity USD är +0.35% under de senaste 24 timmarna med en cirkulerande tillgång på 47.95M.
LUSD Prishistorik USD
DatumjämförelseBeloppsändring% förändring
30 dagar
60 dagar
90 dagar

LUSD Prisinformation

24 timmar låg och hög
Låg: $0.988229
Hög: $1.004302
Det högsta och lägsta priset som betalats för denna tillgång på 24 timmar.
Det högsta priset som betalats för denna tillgång sedan den lanserades eller noterades.
Prisändring (1 timme)
Den procentuella förändringen av priset för denna tillgång jämfört med för 1 timme sedan.
Prisändring (24 timmar)
Den procentuella förändringen av priset för denna tillgång jämfört med för 24 timmar sedan.
Prisändring (7 dagar)
Den procentuella förändringen av priset för denna tillgång jämfört med för 7 dagar sedan.

LUSD Marknadsinformation

Populariteten baseras på det relativa marknadsvärdet för tillgångar.
Marknadsvärdet beräknas genom att multiplicera tillgångens cirkulerande utbud med dess nuvarande pris.
Volym (24 timmar)
Det totala dollarvärdet av alla transaktioner för denna tillgång under de senaste 24 timmarna.
Cirkulerande tillgångar
Antal coin som cirkulerar på marknaden och är tillgängliga för allmänheten för handel, likt börsnoterade aktier på aktiemarknaden.
Total maximal tillgång
Det totala antalet coin som någonsin skapas för kryptovalutan, likt helt utspädda aktier på aktiemarknaden. Om dessa data inte tillhandahålls eller verifieras av CoinMarketCap visas den maximala tillgången som ”-”.
Fullt utspätt börsvärde
Det totala antalet coin som någonsin skapas för kryptovalutan, likt helt utspädda aktier på aktiemarknaden. Om dessa data inte tillhandahålls eller verifieras av CoinMarketCap visas den maximala tillgången som ”-”.

About Liquity USD (LUSD)

Liquity USD (LUSD) is an ERC-20 token launched and designed to power the underlying Liquity decentralized borrowing protocol. Liquity USD is designed to provide loans in liquidity agreements through its stablecoin backing. 

The platform is purposed to redeem a user's token against the underlying collateral at par. However, to access the loans offered by the platform, users need to have a Trove with a minimum deposit of ETH before accessing the LUSD network, thus opening up a 110% collateral rate to users. 

According to Liquity, the protocol is a decentralized lending system allowing users to obtain loans at 0% interest rates while collateralizing ETH. As a result of its deployment on the Ethereum Mainnet, Liquity USD is validated using a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism - due to the Ethereum Merge. The current price of LUSD is live-tracked on Binance. 

Users can deposit LUSD tokens into a stable pool to receive rewards from ETH and LQTY, the protocol's secondary token. Over time, the balance of LUSD in the stabilization pool decreases as settlement transactions are executed on the network. In exchange, the protocol rewards users with a percentage of settled ETH and LQTY. While it provides several key use cases for its users, LQTY token holders can also pledge their tokens for a portion of the loan and redemption fees charged by the platform. These fees are primarily allocated to the pledge contract and accrue to ETH and LUSD.

As a token, LUSD is pegged to the US dollar, which means that its value is very close to the normal value of the dollar. Because of this value, token holders can exchange their LUSD tokens directly into fiat currency or other token pairs, such as USDT.

Regarding governance, Liquity forgoes the traditional governance framework relying on humans voting on the protocol's development. In Liquity, all parameters traditionally up for vote are either algorithmically controlled by the protocol or preset. Taking such a laissez-faire approach to governance reportedly allows users to have a predictable experience borrowing against their ETH.

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People Also Ask: Other Questions About Liquity USD

  1. What is LUSD Used For?

    Liquity USD is a dollar-pegged stablecoin meant to hold the value of its fiat counterpart, USD. Because of its peg, token holders can reportedly trade and minimize the volatility of holdings.

  2. Who is the Founder of Liquity USD?

    Rick Pardoe and Robert Lauko co-founded Liquity USD. The project's CEO, Lauko, initially worked for the DFINITY Foundation as a blockchain researcher before launching Liquity USD. Co-founder Pardoe is the project's core developer, having worked at before Liquity USD.

  3. What is the Maximum Token Supply of LUSD?

    Liquity USD has a total supply of 261 million LUSD, and an equal amount of LUSD in circulation with a market capitalization of $264 million.

  4. What Makes Liquity USD Different From Others?

    Liquity USD aims to differentiate itself from other lending platforms by offering low-interest rates and a unique stability mechanism that keeps the value of its stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. Liquity achieves this by using a collateralization ratio that adjusts according to market conditions, ensuring that its users can borrow and lend confidently even during market volatility. 

    Liquity's governance model also allows users to participate in decision-making and earn rewards by staking the protocol's native token. In addition to the rewards and array of incentives the Liquity platform offers its users, token holders enjoy platform perks like collateral-based, interest-free liquidity ETH. 

  5. How To Buy Liquity USD (LUSD)?

    Liquity USD (LUSD) is not available for purchase or trade on Binance. Live Liquity USD price is updated in real-time on Binance. Additionally, LUSD price and purchase information is available for users to read on our How To Buy Liquity USD (LUSD) guide.

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