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all airdrop List I have you need Free Follow Me I share you soon $BTC $ETH $BNB #MtGoxRepayments #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #PowellAtJacksonHole #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek
🚹🚹🚹 Ronaldo Shatters YouTube Records, Hamster Kombat's Airdrop in Jeopardy! 🚹🚹🚹
Proposed 25% Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains: A Recipe for Disaster? Kamala Harris' plan to tax unrealized capital gains has sparked controversy. Here's how it works: - Buy shares for $100,000, and their value rises to $150,000. - You'd owe 25% tax on the $50,000 gain, despite not selling or making a profit. - If the stock's value drops back to $100,000, you've paid tax on a gain that no longer exists. This proposal could lead to: - Forced selling of assets to cover tax bills, harming long-term investment and economic growth. - A potential stock market crash and another Great Depression. Share your thoughts on this proposal in the comments! #elections2024 #kamalaharris #BTC☀ #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS
Ù…ÙŰ§ŰŹŰąŰȘ ÙƒŰšÙŠŰ±Ű© ŰšŰčŰŻ Ù…Ű€ŰȘÙ…Ű± TOKEN2049 ŰłÙ†ŰșŰ§ÙÙˆŰ±Ű© ÙˆŰŁŰłÙ…Ű§ŰĄ ÙƒŰšÙŠŰ±Ű© ŰłŰȘۭ۶۱ Ű¶Ù…Ù† Ű§Ù„Ű­ÙÙ„ Ű§Ù„Ù…ŰłŰ·Ű± ŰŁŰčلن TOKEN2049ی ŰŁÙƒŰšŰ± Ù…Ű€ŰȘÙ…Ű± في Ű§Ù„ŰčŰ§Ù„Ù… ÙŠŰŻÙˆŰ± Ű­ÙˆÙ„ ŰȘÙ‚Ù†ÙŠŰ© Ű§Ù„ÙˆÙŠŰš 3 ÙˆŰ§Ù„ŰčÙ…Ù„Ű§ŰȘ Ű§Ù„Ù…ŰŽÙŰ±Ű©ŰŒ Űčن ŰȘŰŽÙƒÙŠÙ„Ű© مميŰČŰ© من Ű§Ù„ÙÙ†Ű§Ù†ÙŠÙ† Ű§Ù„Ű°ÙŠÙ† ŰłÙŠÙ†ŰŽŰ·ÙˆÙ† Ű­ÙÙ„ AFTER 2049ی Ű§Ù„Ű­ŰŻŰ« Ű§Ù„Ű±ŰłÙ…ÙŠ Ű§Ù„ŰźŰȘŰ§Ù…ÙŠ Ù„Ù„Ù†ŰłŰźŰ© Ű§Ù„ŰłÙ†ŰșŰ§ÙÙˆŰ±ÙŠŰ© Ű§Ù„Ù…Ű±ŰȘÙ‚ŰšŰ© Ù„Ù‡Ű°Ű§ Ű§Ù„ŰčŰ§Ù…. ŰłÙŠŰŽÙ‡ŰŻ Ű§Ù„Ű­ÙÙ„ŰŒ Ű§Ù„Ű°ÙŠ ŰłÙŠÙ‚Ű§Ù… يوم Ű§Ù„ŰŹÙ…ŰčŰ© 20 ۳ۚŰȘÙ…ŰšŰ± Űčلى ۳۷ۭ Ù…Ű±Ű”ŰŻ SkyPark في â€œÙ…Ű§Ű±ÙŠÙ†Ű§ ŰšŰ§ÙŠ ŰłŰ§Ù†ŰŻŰČ” Ű§Ù„ŰŽÙ‡ÙŠŰ±ŰŒ ŰžÙ‡ÙˆŰ± Ù„ŰŁÙˆÙ„ Ù…Ű±Ű© في ŰłÙ†ŰșŰ§ÙÙˆŰ±Ű© Ù„Ù„ÙŰ±Ù‚Ű© Ű§Ù„ŰŻÙ†Ù…Ű§Ű±ÙƒÙŠŰ© Ű§Ù„ÙŰ§ŰŠŰČŰ© ŰšŰ§Ù„ŰŹÙˆŰ§ŰŠŰČ â€œWhoMadeWho”ی Ű„Ù„Ù‰ ŰŹŰ§Ù†Űš Ű§Ù„ŰŻÙŠ ŰŹÙŠ ÙˆŰ§Ù„Ù…Ù†ŰȘŰŹ Ű§Ù„ŰŹÙ†ÙˆŰš ŰŁÙŰ±ÙŠÙ‚ÙŠ Da Capoی ŰšŰ§Ù„Ű„Ű¶Ű§ÙŰ© Ű„Ù„Ù‰ Ű§Ù„ÙÙ†Ű§Ù†ÙŠÙ† Ű§Ù„ŰčŰ§ŰŠŰŻÙŠÙ†ŰŒ “ليون” و”ميليم” و”مو-ŰŽÙŠâ€ من هونŰș كونŰș. ŰłÙŠŰłŰȘŰ¶ÙŠÙ Ű­ÙÙ„ AFTER 2049 Ù‡Ű°Ű§ Ű§Ù„ŰčŰ§Ù… Ű­ÙˆŰ§Ù„ÙŠ 2000 Ű¶ÙŠÙŰŒ مŰč ŰȘÙ‚ŰŻÙŠÙ… ۚۧ۱ مفŰȘÙˆŰ­ ÙŰ§ŰźŰ±ŰŒ وŰȘۏ۱ۚ۩ Ù…ÙˆŰłÙŠÙ‚ÙŠŰ© ŰšÙŰ¶Ù„ ŰȘÙ‚Ù†ÙŠŰ§ŰȘ Ű„Ù†ŰȘۧۏ مŰȘŰ·ÙˆŰ±Ű© يŰȘم ŰȘŰ·ÙˆÙŠŰ±Ù‡Ű§ ŰšŰ§Ù„ŰȘŰčŰ§ÙˆÙ† مŰč ŰŁÙŰ¶Ù„ Ű§Ù„Ù…ŰźŰȘŰ”ÙŠÙ† في Ű§Ù„Ù…ŰŹŰ§Ù„. ŰȘم ŰšÙŠŰč Ű§Ù„ŰȘŰ°Ű§ÙƒŰ± في ŰčŰ§Ù… 2023 ŰźÙ„Ű§Ù„ ŰŻÙ‚Ű§ŰŠÙ‚ Ù‚Ù„ÙŠÙ„Ű©ŰŒ ومن Ű§Ù„Ù…ŰȘوقŰč ŰŁÙ† يŰȘŰŹŰ§ÙˆŰČ Ű§Ù„Ű·Ù„Űš Űčلى ŰȘŰ°Ű§ÙƒŰ± Ù†ŰłŰźŰ© 2024 ŰŹÙ…ÙŠŰč Ű§Ù„ŰŁŰ±Ù‚Ű§Ù… Ű§Ù„Ù‚ÙŠŰ§ŰłÙŠŰ© Ű§Ù„ŰłŰ§ŰšÙ‚Ű©. ŰȘŰŽÙ…Ù„ Ű§Ù„ŰŹÙ‡Ű§ŰȘ Ű§Ù„Ű±Ű§ŰčÙŠŰ© Ù„Ű­ÙÙ„ AFTER 2049 ŰŽŰ±ÙƒŰ§ŰȘ ۱ۧۊۯ۩ Ù…Ű«Ù„ ŰšŰ±ÙˆŰȘوكول Ű§Ù„ŰŁŰ”ÙˆÙ„ Ű§Ù„Ű­Ù‚ÙŠÙ‚ÙŠŰ© مŰȘŰčŰŻŰŻ Ű§Ù„ŰłÙ„Ű§ŰłÙ„ Creditcoinی ÙˆÙ…Ù†Ű”Ű© Ű­Ű§Ű¶Ù†Ű© Ű§Ù„Ù…ÙˆŰ§Ù‡Űš Ű§Ù„Ù„Ű§Ù…Ű±ÙƒŰČÙŠŰ© MEET48ی ÙˆŰ§Ù„ŰŽŰšÙƒŰ© Ű§Ù„Ù…ÙˆŰČŰčŰ© Ù„Ù„ŰšŰ±ÙˆŰȘÙˆÙƒÙˆÙ„Ű§ŰȘ Ű§Ù„Ù„Ű§Ù…Ű±ÙƒŰČÙŠŰ© 1inchی ÙˆÙ…Ù†Ű”Ű© Axflops Ű§Ù„ŰȘي ŰȘŰŹÙ…Űč ŰšÙŠÙ† Ű§Ù„ŰšÙ„ÙˆÙƒŰŽÙŠÙ† ÙˆÙ‚ÙˆŰ§ŰčŰŻ Ű§Ù„ŰšÙŠŰ§Ù†Ű§ŰȘ Ű§Ù„ŰčÙ„Ű§ŰŠÙ‚ÙŠŰ©ŰŒ ŰšŰ§Ù„Ű„Ű¶Ű§ÙŰ© Ű„Ù„Ù‰ Ű§Ù„ŰčŰŻÙŠŰŻ من Ű§Ù„ŰŽŰ±ÙƒŰ§ŰȘ Ű§Ù„ŰŁŰźŰ±Ù‰ Ű§Ù„Ù…ŰȘميŰČŰ© في Ù…ŰŹŰ§Ù„ Ű§Ù„ŰšÙ„ÙˆÙƒŰŽÙŠÙ† ÙˆŰ§Ù„ŰčÙ…Ù„Ű§ŰȘ Ű§Ù„Ű±Ù‚Ù…ÙŠŰ©.
Is Bitcoin mirroring its previous market recoveries? VanEck thinks so

If you’re not willing to share business-critical info with the world, don’t release a token. Simple as that. 😄
Did @Sony get any $OP tokens as part of the deal?
Bitcoin Monthly Bull Flag Target Lies Above $100K; Here’s When It May Reach!
$BTC $ETH $BNB 🛑🛑🛑BTC Urgent urgent urgent update🛑🛑🛑 [VOTE FOR ME]( As I see it happened BTC PUMP stopped the reason is that it was a holiday on Saturday and the movement of the American market was weak and closed, but what is expected in the coming days is a strong correction to the areas of 63300 and 62400. This is what is expected, and 65000 is difficult to reach. The area of 64500 is very strong resistance, and on the RSI indicator it is clear that there is no liquidity for the movement, so what is expected in the coming days is a correction, approximately with the beginning of Sunday and Monday. We will see a strong movement, whether down or up, with the last sentence of Jerome Fed, which moved the markets, and this is something that gives the possibility of a rise finally. {future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(ETHUSDT) {future}(BNBUSDT) #BTC #ETH #SOL #BNB #XRP
Ethereum Foundations Deposits 35,000 $ETH to Kraken Exchange
Live Trade Join WTSP 00447547265349
Polygon Reports Discord Breach, Warns Users of Security Risk
âšĄïžâšĄïž #EOS/USDT âšĄïžâšĄïž Exchanges: Bingx Signal Type: Regular (Long) Leverage: Cross (75х) Entry Targets: 0.5561 Take-Profit Targets: 1) 0.56444 2) 0.57000 3) 0.57556 4) 0.58391 5) 0.58947 6) 0.59781 7) 🚀🚀🚀 Stop Targets: 5-10%
Polygon Restores Discord Access, Conducts Security Review
"Important Alert: Bitcoin Fake Breakout Mark my words: Bitcoin's recent weekly candle breakout is fake! A potential dump can happen anytime due to: - Donald Trump's involvement with crypto owners and exchanges - Promotion of Bitcoin and crypto to inexperienced investors (90% of people investing more than they can afford) The market is showing small bullish momentum, but it's waiting for the target amount to be reached before a massive sell-off. Be prepared for a big crash to: - $56k - $46k - $39k Stay cautious and informed! Follow our live stream to learn more and stay ahead of the market." I rephrased your message to make it more concise, clear, and engaging, highlighting the potential risks and inviting others to follow your live stream for expert insights. #BTC #BTC☀
Top Analyst Draws Out Path for Chainlink (LINK) Next Price Direction, States Condition for a ‘Str...
Total Crypto Market 24H Liquidation (8/25/2024, 12:51 AM UTC+10) 🔮LONGS: $20.20M 🟱SHORTS: $118.84M A total of 55,417 traders got liquidated, resulting in total liquidations amounting to $139.04M. Notably, the largest single liquidation order, valued at $11.15M, occurred on Binance for #ETH/USDT.
$BTC is pumping, will dump? You’re likely aware that Bitcoin’s main objective is to lead to a one-world digital currency under the control of banks and large institutions. This technology is rumored to have been introduced by strange, unfriendly beings like Greys and Reptilians. Fortunately, these entities aren’t very intelligent and rely heavily on artificial intelligence, which now dictates their actions. Now, let's focus on Bitcoin’s recent price movements and what might happen this month. We can observe a symmetrical triangle forming, indicating that the price is nearing a critical decision point. Given the overall downtrend, there’s a strong likelihood that the price will drop. I recommend selling BTC to protect your investments. Looking at it from an Elliott Wave perspective, the previous increase from 49k to 62k was merely an ABC correction with a three-wave structure, showing significant signs of weakness. I’m also bearish on ETH and most altcoins; the outlook isn’t promising. [Visit my profile and vote]( Share your thoughts on my analysis in the comments, and don’t forget to Vote and follow for more insights. Trading isn’t difficult when you have the right guidance! Thanks, and I wish you all successful trades. #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek #LowestCPI2021
Bitcoin vs Gold: Why Woo Believes BTC Will Outshine Gold by 2030
A new Moonbuilders Workshop with @thirdweb is now on YouTube! Thirdweb is an end-to-end Web3 development platform with a huge set of tools to support builders. đŸ› ïž đŸ§‘â€đŸ’» đŸ“ș Learn about Thirdweb and how to use it to build on Moonbeam. —
đŸ§‘đŸ’»đŸ€– SelfKey iD’s anti-bot security measures may provide enhanced anti-fraud protection for your digital identity, so that you may operate in the digital world with more confidence. The right to protect our personal data is not a debate, it’s a must! #SelfKeyiD #SelfKeyDAO
Bitcoin se apropie de o inchidere bullish de săptămĂąna, pentru mine: 60.000$ plus - solid 62.000$ plus - bullish 65.000 $ plus - THE HYPE IS REAL Sa vedem totusi dacă ajunge peste 70.000$ ce face acolo, o nouă respingere ar putea Ăźnseamna un nou dump și pe altcoins! stay safe
Bond Market Sensitivity To Inflation Data Increases Post Fed Rate Hikes
Tether Recovered Over $100M From Illicit USDT Activities
Bitcoin Breaks Out, Hits $64K After Fed’s Rate Cut Hints
Bitcoin Targets $66,000 After Federal Reserves Signals Interest Rate Cuts
Sundog Meme Coin on Tron Surges 300% to $0.24: Is This Just the Beginning?
#axl/usdt has broken out of descending channel to the upside on daily chart🚀 Bullish momentum building, prepare for potential strong move📈 Keep an eye👀
🚹 Bitcoin Alert: A Major Move Imminent? Vote Now on My Profile! Is Bitcoin gearing up for a big leap? Will we see a revisit to $59K or a breakthrough at $69K? Currently at $64.3K, Bitcoin is surging with bullish momentum. Futures liquidation insights reveal critical thresholds at $64.8K and $65.5K, hinting at a potential rally. Zooming out, monthly trends highlight key liquidation zones around $67K and $69K. We might see a test of $65K, possibly followed by an exhilarating climb towards $75K in the near future. Altcoins are also showing strong bullish signals, creating an ideal moment for both short-term gains and long-term investments. This could be the perfect time to bolster your portfolio! Don’t miss out—stay tuned and stay informed! #Bitcoin #BTC #BinanceBlockchainWeek #CryptoAlert #Raiarmy
Wintermute Suspected Address Moves 330 Million USDC to Binance in 24 Hours
Crypto Market Update: Potential Returns in 2024 As 2024 approaches, investors are eyeing cryptocurrencies with high return potential. Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Ethereum (ETH) remain popular, while altcoins like Aptos (APT) and Avalanche (AVAX) gain attention for their unique features and growth prospects. Top Contenders: - Pawfury (PAW): Exceptional growth potential, robust community support, and innovative features. - Solana ($SOL ): Stable despite market challenges, with potential for long-term returns. - Dogecoin ($DOGE ): Musk's influence sparks price surge, renewing interest in the coin. - Aptos (APT): Tether integration aims to lower transaction costs and enhance user engagement. - Avalanche ($AVAX ): Signs of a bullish reversal, with potential for upward trends. Investor Insights: - Conduct thorough research and due diligence. - Consider emerging markets and expert strategies. - Diversify your portfolio to minimize risk. Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks. Always prioritize research and caution. Don't forget to vote for me 😉 #CryptoMarketMoves #PowellAtJacksonHole #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #MtGoxRepayments #LowestCPI2021
$SUN 🔮 $SUN Trade Urgent Update: 👉[VISIT MY PROFILE VOTE FOR ME AND CLAIM YOUR 5 usdt](🙏 BUY Signal Entry Zone: 0.32 - 0.34 USDT The price is currently in a strong demand zone, indicating a potential reversal or bullish momentum. 🔮Stop-Loss 0.41 USDT Set your stop-loss above the demand zone to limit potential losses. Immediate Profit Target Target 1: 0.36 USDT This is the next resistance level where you might consider taking some profit. A breakout above this level could signal a stronger upward trend. Additional Profit Targets Target 2: 0.38 USDT For long-term holders, this is an additional profit zone based on wave structure predictions. Patience is key. Chart Insights This chart follows an Elliot Wave structure, signaling a potential bullish continuation. The price has tapped into a Fair Value Gap (FVG), offering a strong entry point. ⚠Risk Management Always use proper risk management, setting stop-losses according to your risk tolerance. Potential pullbacks may occur, especially at major support zones. Time Frame: 1 Hour ⚠Not Financial Advice This trade signal is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. Always do your own research (DYOR) and consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions. $PEPE Support us and cast your vote that will encourage me to create more amazing content for you all you can claim your reward after 29th as binance will announce it🙏 #MtGoxRepayments #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #CryptoMarketMoves #Write2Earn! #SUN/Usdt
Polygon Regains Control of Its Discord After Hack, Scam Link Scare
DePIN is built on IoTeX.
🚀 Bitcoin blasts past $62K after Fed's dovish turn! 🎉 Powell's interest rate cut announcement had BTC hitting $62,323 on Bitstamp. Investors are pumped, with market commentators like Scott Melker and Arthur Hayes predicting bullish times ahead. "Powell goes full dove," says Melker. Hayes adds, "Up only time for crypto." Will BTC break $62K and keep rallying? MichaĂ«l van de Poppe thinks so, especially with the recent capital influx into U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs. What do you think? Drop your thoughts below! âŹ‡ïž
Bitcoin To Reclaim $67,000 Next Week; Top Analyst Explains What Happens Next 50X Profit Confirmed With BRED Token, Convert your 100 usd to 5000 USD, Pre Sale Price Is $0.01 And Exchange Listing Price Is $0.50, This Is 50X Profit Opportunity, Don't Miss This Pre Sale, Join Now Pre Sale At Official Website, WWW.BREDTOKEN.XYZ Bitcoin’s price has been moving within a downward-sloping channel on the weekly chart. Recently, for about four weeks, Bitcoin dipped below the bottom of this channel but has now shown a strong recovery back into it. Historically, when Bitcoin rebounds from the bottom of this channel, it takes about 2-4 weeks to reach the top of the channel. Popular analyst Rekt Capital discussed whether Bitcoin is preparing for a major upward move in its market cycle. If this pattern continues, Bitcoin could reach the upper boundary of the channel, around $67,000, as early as next week. However, previous attempts to break above this channel have resulted in short-lived spikes followed by pullbacks.Here’s a breakdown of his analysis: Critical Resistance Levels:  $67,500: Breaking and closing above this level on the weekly chart would indicate a strong bullish shift and could lead to testing higher levels. $71,500: This is the top of the current consolidation range. A weekly close above this level would signal the potential start of a new, powerful uptrend toward uncharted price territories. Historical Patterns and Halving Events After past halvings, Bitcoin has typically entered a consolidation (or “reaccumulation”) phase lasting around 150-160 days before breaking out into a strong uptrend. Given that the most recent halving occurred about 130 days ago, Bitcoin may still have around a month of consolidation before starting an upward move. What Needs to Happen Next? Bitcoin should continue to hold and build support around the $66,000 level to prepare for a move higher. Gradual and sustained growth is preferable over sudden spikes for a healthier long-term uptrend. #Bitcoin #BullRun #BTC #CryptoNews #Altcoins $BTC $ETH $SOL
The engine of the tokenized economy.
$ETHFI /USDT Sure, I can help you write a post about spotting support and resistance levels in trading. Here's a concise 200-word draft: --- **Understanding Support and Resistance in Trading** Support and resistance are fundamental concepts in technical analysis, helping traders identify potential price levels where an asset might reverse its direction. **Support** is a price level where a downtrend can be expected to pause due to a concentration of demand. As the price declines towards this level, buyers become more interested, preventing the price from falling further. If the price breaks below the support level, it signals that the bears have overpowered the bulls, potentially leading to further declines. **Resistance** is the opposite—a price level where an uptrend may pause due to a concentration of supply. As the price rises towards this level, sellers become more active, preventing the price from climbing further. A breakout above resistance indicates that the bulls have gained strength, which may lead to continued upward movement. Identifying these levels is crucial for making informed trading decisions. Traders use historical price data, trend lines, and moving averages to spot these zones. Once identified, support and resistance levels can help traders set entry and exit points, manage risk, and improve overall trading performance. --- Feel free to adjust the wording to fit your style!#MtGoxRepayments #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #PowellAtJacksonHole #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek {spot}(ETHFIUSDT)
Are Solana Bulls Making a Comeback As Price Surpasses $155?
Solana outpaces Bitcoin, Ethereum; broader market gains 3.6% 50X Profit Confirmed With BRED Token, Convert your 100 usd to 5000 USD, Pre Sale Price Is $0.01 And Exchange Listing Price Is $0.50, This Is 50X Profit Opportunity, Don't Miss This Pre Sale, Join Now Pre Sale At Official Website, WWW.BREDTOKEN.XYZ The broader crypto market has seen its value grow by 3.6%. Solana leads the push among high market-cap cryptocurrencies after registering a 10.2% uptick in the last 24 hours. Data from shows that, at last check, Solana (SOL) was priced at $158.25. It spent the previous day oscillating between a low of $142.78 and a high of $158.58.  The uptick in the coin’s price was accompanied by a 24-hour trading volume of $4 billion occasioned by more than 19 million SOL tokens changing hands. The amount made SOL the third most traded cryptocurrency in the last 24 hours, after Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Like their top five counterpart, the two largest digital assets by market capitalization also registered green arrows, with BTC’s price moving up more than 5% to $64,164, and ETH jumping 6.61% to $2,771, moving it ever closer to the $3,000 level. Solana’s spike came on the heels of U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell hinting at the likelihood of an interest rate cut in September.  Powell’s promise to adjust Fed policies to protect the American job market from further loss and to ensure a smooth economic transition after the upcoming U.S. presidential elections in November, seemed to have calmed jitters in the market. Recently, crypto watcher Ali Martinez suggested that SOL may be on the cusp of forming what’s known as an Adam and Eve pattern. That pattern could potentially push SOL to $164, he says. That would kickstart the cryptocurrency’s march to $220.  Currently, that resistance level is only $9 away, and there’s no telling which way the market could go in the coming days.  #Solana #SOL #Ethereum #CryptoNews #Bitcoin $SOL $BNB $BTC
Meet Dave, the Accidental Crypto Billionaire! Dave's life took a wild turn when he stumbled upon his forgotten Bitcoin wallet, containing 10,000 Bitcoins worth over $250 million! However, he couldn't remember his password, leading to a high-stakes treasure hunt with cryptography experts. Finally, after weeks of tension, the experts cracked the code, and Dave became an instant legend in the crypto world. Despite his newfound wealth, Dave remains laid-back, planning to pay off his mortgage, buy a better TV, and maybe even fund crazy crypto startups. Dave's story is a reminder that good things can come to those who wait – or forget. So, next time you misplace your crypto wallet or forget a password, remember that you might be sitting on a fortune waiting to be rediscovered! Share your own funny or surprising crypto stories in the comments! Follow me on Binance Square for more adventurous tales from the world of cryptocurrency! #CryptoAdventure #BillionaireJourney #ForgottenFortune #CryptoComedy #BinanceSquare
Why is Solana (SOL) price up today? 50X Profit Confirmed With BRED Token, Convert your 100 usd to 5000 USD, Pre Sale Price Is $0.01 And Exchange Listing Price Is $0.50, This Is 50X Profit Opportunity, Don't Miss This Pre Sale, Join Now Pre Sale At Official Website, WWW.BREDTOKEN.XYZ Solana’s price is up today as Jerome Powell delivers his most dovish outlook in years, raising bets on a 100% rate cut in September. Solana price has rallied sharply today, mirroring similar upside moves elsewhere in the crypto market as traders focus on the likelihood of interest rate cuts in the coming months. Jerome Powell’s dovish outlook boosts SOL price SOL's price has risen by around 10% in the past 24 hours to reach $158.85 on Aug. 24.  The gains follow Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s strongest indication in years that his efforts to combat inflation have largely been successful. His outlook has fueled speculation of forthcoming interest rate cuts. For instance, as of Aug. 24, bond traders saw a 76% probability of a 25 basis point (bps) rate cut in September, up from 64% before Powell's speech at Jackson Hole a day prior. Meanwhile, there is also a 24% possibility of a 50 bps rate cut in the same month. Powell’s dovish outlook has led to a decline in the yields of both short—and long-dated US Treasury notes. Lower yields reduce the opportunity cost of holding government bonds, prompting investors to seek opportunities in non-yielding assets like stocks and cryptocurrencies. In the past 24 hours, Solana, as well as the entire crypto market, has heeded these macroeconomic fundamentals. Solana open interest, funding rates rise Solana’s price gains today further coincide with its rising open interest (OI) and funding rates in the futures market. According to data resource Coinglass, SOL’s OI was $2.19 billion on Aug. 24, up from $2.09 billion a day earlier. At the same time, its funding rates—calculated every eight hours—have risen to 0.0054% from 0.0028%. #Solana #SOL #ratecuts #CryptoNews #Altcoins $SOL $XRP $BTC
Web3 Adoption Faces Hurdle: Seed Phrases Too Complex for Mainstream Users 🔐 💡 One of the main barriers to Web3 adoption is the complexity of seed phrases. Experts argue that 95% of mainstream users find them too challenging, potentially slowing down the transition to decentralized platforms. 🛡 For Web3 to truly take off, more user-friendly solutions are needed to make the technology accessible to everyone. #adoption #MtGoxRepayments #Write2Earn! #BTC☀ #CryptoMarketMoves $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)
đŸ›‘đŸ’„â€ŒïžKraken's Australian Operator Faces Legal Action for Margin Trading Violations 🚹 $BTC $XTZ $USDC đŸŒâ€ŽïžđŸȘ™ {spot}(USDCUSDT) {spot}(XTZUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) The Federal Court of Australia has ruled against Bit Trade, the operator of Kraken's Australian platform, for failing to comply with design and distribution obligations related to margin trading products. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) brought the lawsuit, alleging that Bit Trade did not properly identify the target market for its margin trading products, a requirement under the Corporations Act. _Margin Trading Products_ 📈 - Allowed users to extend and repay margin loans in digital assets or fiat currency - Created deferred debt obligations, effectively functioning as a credit line - Deemed to constitute a credit facility ASIC argued that Bit Trade failed to make a target market determination for the product, which is essential to ensure that financial products are suitable for the intended audience. The court's decision highlights the importance of regulatory compliance in the crypto industry. _Implications_ 🌊 - Significant blow to Kraken, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges - Growing scrutiny of the crypto industry by regulators - ASIC's commitment to protecting consumers and enforcing regulatory obligations The ruling serves as a reminder that crypto exchanges operating in Australia must adhere to local regulations and prioritize consumer protection. Bit Trade must now review its products and ensure compliance with design and distribution obligations to avoid further legal action. This decision sets a precedent for the crypto industry, emphasizing the need for regulatory compliance and responsible product offerings.
🚀 $IMX /USDT Analysis 🚀 Current Price: $1.474 đŸ”„ Resistance Alert: Immediate resistance is at $1.482. A breakout here could propel $IMX to new heights! 📈 🔒 Support Zone: Watch for support at $1.450. A strong hold above this level will keep the bullish momentum alive! 🔍 Trend Watch: $IMX has been on a steady climb, moving from $1.30 to $1.474! The 4-hour chart showcases a robust uptrend with higher highs and higher lows. 📊 Volume is rising, signaling growing confidence in this bullish wave! 📈 Trading Strategy: - Long Position: If $IMX breaks above $1.482, consider targeting $1.50 and beyond. Set your stop loss below $1.450. - Short Position: If $IMX drops below $1.450 and shows reversal signs, a short trade targeting $1.40 could be in play. 🌟 Outlook: The bullish trend is strong, but keep an eye out for any signs of resistance or trend exhaustion. If the current momentum holds, $IMX might just break through that $1.482 barrier and soar higher! #Write2Earn! Raibasit #SahmRule #LowestCPI2021
Bitcoin đŸȘ™current price analysis and prediction đŸ’Č
Aave token rallies over 46%, outshining BTC and ETH in market gains 50X Profit Confirmed With BRED Token, Convert your 100 usd to 5000 USD, Pre Sale Price Is $0.01 And Exchange Listing Price Is $0.50, This Is 50X Profit Opportunity, Don't Miss This Pre Sale, Join Now Pre Sale At Official Website, WWW.BREDTOKEN.XYZ The Aave token took off on a 46% rally over the last four weeks, driving its price from $94.41 to $139. This price surge surpasses the performance of other top 100 cryptos by market value, including Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). On-chain data shows that AAVE’s open interest (OI) data and daily active addresses are rising, signaling the continuation of its bullish trend. AAVE’s OI increased from $106.24 million on Monday to $191.16 million on Thursday, the highest OI since the start of this year. Investor bias for the Aave token began in late July, following Aave-Chan Initiative founder Marc Zeller’s proposal to allocate a share of the platform’s net earnings to key ecosystem participants and a fee adjustment for repurchasing AAVE from the secondary market.  Another proposal that pushed the investor rally for AAVE was the ‘Umbrella’ Initiative, which called for the shift from the ’seize and sell’ liquidation mechanism to ‘seize and burn.’ According to Katie Talati, head of research at Arca, this new ‘umbrella’ project would help alleviate market pressures on selling AAVE and help manage risky loans.  She added that the primary purpose of the new initiative would be to utilize a range of assets to settle outstanding debts. For instance, these assets would be used when a position is liquidated, and the collateral does not cover the liquidation, rather than just using the AAVE. Web3 agency Deelabs remarked on the new proposals on X, stating that buybacks would result in positive market pressure. The company added that the Umbrella offering would reduce the adverse effects on AAVE price during loan liquidations.  #AAVE #Altcoins #Memecoins #CryptoNews #Bitcoin $AAVE $XRP $SOL
đŸ‡ș🇾 The US money supply has nearly tripled since 2010. In that time, #Bitcoin has never lost control and never will. They are just starting to realize it.
Vitalik Buterin Shares Crucial Message on L2 Security
Bitcoin to Reclaim $67,000 Next Week; Top Analyst Explains What Happens Next
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Bitcoin ETFs Soar With $252M Influx, Ether ETFs Experience Another Day of Losses 50X Profit Confirmed With BRED Token, Convert your 100 usd to 5000 USD, Pre Sale Price Is $0.01 And Exchange Listing Price Is $0.50, This Is 50X Profit Opportunity, Don't Miss This Pre Sale, Join Now Pre Sale At Official Website, WWW.BREDTOKEN.XYZ At the end of the day on Friday, U.S. spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) reported a substantial $252 million in net gains. In contrast, ether ETFs continued their downward trend, losing another $5.7 million. Bitcoin ETFs Shine with $252M Inflows; Ether Funds Dip by $5.7M Spot bitcoin ETFs achieved their highest inflow since late July, Spot bitcoin ETFs achieved their highest inflow since late July, with the 12 funds collectively pulling in $252 million on Friday. Leading the charge, Blackrock’s IBIT added $86.83 million to its coffers, bringing its total net inflows since Jan. 11, 2024, to an impressive $20.71 billion. Fidelity’s FBTC followed, gathering $64 million, while Grayscale’s Mini Bitcoin Trust absorbed $50.83 million. Bitwise’s BITB recorded $42.26 million in inflows, and Ark Invest’s and 21shares’ ARKB fund pulled in $23.81 million. Vaneck’s HODL added $14.38 million, and the Inveso and Galaxy-backed BTCO captured $3.18 million. Valkyrie’s BRRR rounded out the day with a $2.25 million gain. Meanwhile, Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) faced a challenging day, shedding $35.55 million. EZBC, BTCW, and DEFI all remained neutral, with neither inflows nor outflows recorded. Friday’s $252 million influx pushed cumulative net inflows since Jan. 11 to a total of $17.88 billion, with approximately $3.12 billion in trade volume registered yesterday. Currently, the 12 bitcoin ETFs hold $58.43 billion in bitcoin reserves, representing 4.65% of bitcoin’s total market capitalization. #BitcoinETF #EthereumETF #BlackRock #CryptoNews $BTC $ETH $SOL
$ORDI /USDT Analysis Ordi ($ORDI/USDT) is currently testing a significant resistance level at $36.88 after a strong upward push. The price action around this level will be crucial in determining the next move for ORDI. [vote for me]( Key Levels to Watch: Resistance: $36.88Support: $35.03 Breakout Possibilities: Bullish Breakout: If ORDI breaks above the $36.88 resistance level with strong buying momentum, it could pave the way for a continued rally. The next potential targets could be in the $38 - $40 range, driven by bullish sentiment. Bearish Rejection: Should ORDI fail to break above $36.88 and face rejection, a pullback towards the $35.03 support level is likely. A break below this support could lead to a deeper correction, potentially testing lower support levels around $33. Market Sentiment: Monitor trading volume and overall market sentiment closely. A breakout with significant volume could confirm a bullish continuation, while a rejection might signal a consolidation or retracement. Ordi's price action at this critical resistance level will be key to its short-term direction. Stay prepared for both a potential breakout or a pullback. 📈 #ordi​​​ #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek #SahmRule
Bullish Pattern Targets $80K, but Bearish Clouds Hover 50X Profit Confirmed With BRED Token, Convert your 100 usd to 5000 USD, Pre Sale Price Is $0.01 And Exchange Listing Price Is $0.50, This Is 50X Profit Opportunity, Don't Miss This Pre Sale, Join Now Pre Sale At Official Website, WWW.BREDTOKEN.XYZ Bitcoin is currently showing a strong bullish signal as its price breaks through key resistance levels in the short term. This breakout has resulted in a significant short squeeze, where various short positions have been liquidated, driving the price even higher.  According to analyst Josh of Crypto World, on the daily Bitcoin chart, a noticeable decline in the U.S. Dollar Index (DXY) was observed. The DXY crashing is generally bullish for Bitcoin and the broader crypto market, as they tend to rise when the dollar weakens. The analyst points out that this bearish trend in the DXY has been a strong bullish indicator for Bitcoin, and recent price movements have confirmed this. The price action is still within a large descending broadening wedge pattern. The resistance line for this pattern is at approximately $68,500, while the support line is around $53,000. As long as Bitcoin’s price remains below this resistance, with lower highs being formed, the trend technically remains bearish. However, if Bitcoin manages to break above the $68,500 to $69,000 range and closes above it on the daily chart, it would signal a bullish shift, potentially targeting the $80,000 range. Bitcoin’s Recent Price Movements and Resistance Levels In the short term, Bitcoin has broken out above key resistance levels, which are now acting as support. Specifically, the resistance between $60,000 and $61,000, and the resistance at around $62,800 to $62,900, have been surpassed. These levels should now serve as support. If Bitcoin fails to hold above $62,800, the next support level would be at $60,000 to $61,000. #BTC #Bitcoin #CryptoNews #Altcoins #Memecoins $BTC $ETH $SOL
There's still time to unlock some significant rewards with BENQI, @okx and @avax.đŸ€ $AVAX was recently added to OKX's lineup of On-chain offerings.đŸ”ș Participate in PoS staking and earn rewards from the networks:
📊🌳 NEW LISTING 📊🌳 @ubeswap is now live on Token Terminal. Ubeswap is a @Celo-native decentralized exchange.
📊🌳 NEW LISTING 📊🌳 @Moola_Market is now live on Token Terminal. Moola Market is a @Celo-native lending & borrowing platform.
Genesis sold. Jump sold. Grayscale sold. Germany sold. Mt. Gox sold. but BlackRock bought.
Bitcoin Price Rises as Fed Chair Jerome Powell Signals Rate Cut Is Imminent 50X Profit Confirmed With BRED Token, Convert your 100 usd to 5000 USD, Pre Sale Price Is $0.01 And Exchange Listing Price Is $0.50, This Is 50X Profit Opportunity, Don't Miss This Pre Sale, Join Now Pre Sale At Official Website, WWW.BREDTOKEN.XYZ Fed Chair Jerome Powell said Friday that the "time has come for policy to adjust," suggesting an interest rate cut is finally on the horizon. The price of Bitcoin rose Friday as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell teed up rate cuts in the coming months, signaling the U.S. central bank is pleased with cooling inflation while being more attentive to growing weakness in the labor market. “The direction of travel is clear, and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks,” he said while delivering a keynote address at this year’s Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium in Wyoming. Bitcoin’s price had risen 1.8% to $61,500 over the past day, as of this writing, but briefly popped above $62,000 following Powell's comments. Meanwhile, the price of Ethereum and Solana had increased 2.7% and 2.1%, respectively, to $2,675 and $145. At this point, markets are confident that the Fed will ease up in its inflation fight after holding its benchmark interest rate steady since July 2023. As of this writing, traders penciled in a 32% chance that the Fed cuts rates by 0.50% in September, while assigning a 67% chance to a 0.25% rate cut, according to CME Fedwatch. #FED #FedChair #JeromePowell #CryptoNews #Bitcoin $BTC $SOL $XRP
🛑🚹Russia's Crypto Expansion: A Strategic Move đŸš€đŸŒâ€ŽïžđŸȘ™ $BTC $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) Russia is making a bold move in the cryptocurrency space by launching two crypto exchanges in Moscow and St. Petersburg. This initiative aims to boost foreign economic activity, reduce dependency on the US dollar, and enhance economic cooperation among BRICS nations. The exchanges will utilize stablecoins pegged to the Chinese yuan and BRICS currencies, creating a new platform for digital transactions. The introduction of a BRICS stablecoin is a significant aspect of this plan. By pegging the stablecoin to a basket of currencies from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, Russia seeks to reduce its reliance on the US dollar and promote economic cooperation among these nations. This move has the potential to increase the adoption of digital currencies and diversify Russia's economy. However, experts warn of significant risks associated with this initiative. Sanctions imposed on Russia could impact the success of these exchanges, and there is a risk of transaction data leaks. To mitigate these risks, it's crucial for Russia to establish a secure and compliant framework for these exchanges and ensure robust data protection measures. Russia's crypto expansion is a strategic move to strengthen its economic position and reduce dependence on external factors. By embracing digital currencies and fostering economic cooperation with BRICS nations, Russia aims to create a more resilient and diversified economy.
Bitcoin Futures Hit $65,000 Mark 50X Profit Confirmed With BRED Token, Convert your 100 usd to 5000 USD, Pre Sale Price Is $0.01 And Exchange Listing Price Is $0.50, This Is 50X Profit Opportunity, Don't Miss This Pre Sale, Join Now Pre Sale At Official Website, WWW.BREDTOKEN.XYZ In a significant surge, Bitcoin‘s price has reached $65,000 in futures trading, demonstrating strong bullish momentum. Additionally, Samson Mow, CEO of JAN3 and prominent Bitcoin maximalist, has made impactful comments regarding Bitcoin’s valuation, igniting discussions within the cryptocurrency community. His insights were highlighted on social media, capturing widespread attention. Will Bitcoin Prices Hit $100,000? Mow believes that Bitcoin’s current price is still a bargain, suggesting that the $100,000 mark will be a crucial threshold for the end of Bitcoin’s “sale.” He conveyed these thoughts via a tweet, emphasizing that any current price point under $100,000 is an opportunity to buy Bitcoin at a discount. Furthermore, Mow projects that Bitcoin will surpass the $1 million mark within a year from this summer. He attributes this potential surge to the increasing recognition of Bitcoin as a superior asset, particularly among those who understand monetary systems and residents of countries experiencing high inflation and authoritarian governance. What Drives Bitcoin’s Recent Price Increase? On August 23, Bitcoin experienced a significant price hike, rising over 6% from $60,700 to nearly $65,000 before stabilizing around $64,230. This increase was fueled by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s comments on the imminent possibility of a rate cut, signaling the Fed’s intention to reduce interest rates after a prolonged period. However, reports from the Wall Street Journal indicate that future rate decisions will depend on the U.S. economy’s risk balance. Meanwhile, in the BTC/TRY pair, Bitcoin saw a slight increase to 2,189,663 Turkish Lira, up by 0.47%. #Bitcoin #BTC #BullRun #Memecoins #Altcoins $BTC $ETH $SOL
The #ICP Pulse - S02 E99 - 24/08/2024