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Professional trader, senior cryptocurrency analyst, has been in the cryptocurrency circle for six years, focusing on mainstream cryptocurrency contract guidance, has gone through several bull and bear markets, is proficient in various trading methods, flexibly uses methods to deal with the market, and has his own unique indicator observation method. Siming has only two words "landing". Not only can you land, but you can also learn a lot of things. He has led many students to trade warehouses, only playing real games, never doing fake things, and landing on the big stage. If you have a dream, come. Contract Guidance - eth888520 QQ: 3979743304
Professional trader, senior cryptocurrency analyst, has been in the cryptocurrency circle for six years, focusing on mainstream cryptocurrency contract guidance, has gone through several bull and bear markets, is proficient in various trading methods, flexibly uses methods to deal with the market, and has his own unique indicator observation method. Siming has only two words "landing". Not only can you land, but you can also learn a lot of things. He has led many students to trade warehouses, only playing real games, never doing fake things, and landing on the big stage. If you have a dream, come.
Contract Guidance - eth888520 QQ: 3979743304
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The two cakes of Dodan arranged in the early morning fell steadily in the afternoon, pointing directly at 64 classics. I entered steadily and came out with a full meal. I put 1.1w of oil in my bag. The market is like a shooting range. I am your crosshair. Without a crosshair, you can only try your luck. The loss will always be greater than the gain from the hit. Only with a crosshair can you steadily hit the target you want. If you give me a trust, I will return it. You want to gain. $BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
The two cakes of Dodan arranged in the early morning fell steadily in the afternoon, pointing directly at 64 classics. I entered steadily and came out with a full meal. I put 1.1w of oil in my bag.

The market is like a shooting range. I am your crosshair. Without a crosshair, you can only try your luck. The loss will always be greater than the gain from the hit. Only with a crosshair can you steadily hit the target you want. If you give me a trust, I will return it. You want to gain.
$BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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Trump's potential candidate for Federal Reserve Chairman: The Fed's drastic interest rate cut is reasonable!A large interest rate cut seems reasonable, but Hassett believes that the Federal Reserve is not as independent as it should be. Trump's potential pick for Federal Reserve chairman defended the Fed's aggressive interest rate cut last month, despite Trump's accusations that the central bank's move was politically motivated. Kevin Hassett, an economic adviser to the Trump administration, said in an interview that the Fed's move to cut its key interest rate by 50 basis points instead of 25 basis points was justified because data showed a weakening job market. “It made sense to start cutting rates aggressively based on the data they had at the time, when it did look like economic growth was slowing sharply,” Hassett said in an interview.

Trump's potential candidate for Federal Reserve Chairman: The Fed's drastic interest rate cut is reasonable!

A large interest rate cut seems reasonable, but Hassett believes that the Federal Reserve is not as independent as it should be.
Trump's potential pick for Federal Reserve chairman defended the Fed's aggressive interest rate cut last month, despite Trump's accusations that the central bank's move was politically motivated.
Kevin Hassett, an economic adviser to the Trump administration, said in an interview that the Fed's move to cut its key interest rate by 50 basis points instead of 25 basis points was justified because data showed a weakening job market.
“It made sense to start cutting rates aggressively based on the data they had at the time, when it did look like economic growth was slowing sharply,” Hassett said in an interview.
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After many twists and turns, my friend continued to choose Siming. Needless to say, it was because Siming was efficient and reliable enough. The last cooperation started with 1.2w oil, and finally proposed 4w remaining oil. Now my friend continues to choose to trust Siming, 2w oil, the first order opened with 700 yuan, and the harvest was 4k oil. ​Be the best, serve with heart, because of professionalism, so trust, because of trust, so it is worth choosing. $BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #特朗普家族加密项目 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
After many twists and turns, my friend continued to choose Siming. Needless to say, it was because Siming was efficient and reliable enough.

The last cooperation started with 1.2w oil, and finally proposed 4w remaining oil. Now my friend continues to choose to trust Siming, 2w oil, the first order opened with 700 yuan, and the harvest was 4k oil.

​Be the best, serve with heart, because of professionalism, so trust, because of trust, so it is worth choosing.
#BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #特朗普家族加密项目 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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It was another Yidan who laid out in advance, going straight down 700 meters, diving from high altitude and landing with 1.1w oil, the layout was perfectly verified, and he could hit whatever he pointed at, playing with precision. ​ Having strength but no ability, 1×0=0, having ability but no strength 0×1=0, only when strength and ability are perfectly combined, 1×1 will produce sparks greater than zero or even greater. $BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测
It was another Yidan who laid out in advance, going straight down 700 meters, diving from high altitude and landing with 1.1w oil, the layout was perfectly verified, and he could hit whatever he pointed at, playing with precision.

​ Having strength but no ability, 1×0=0, having ability but no strength 0×1=0, only when strength and ability are perfectly combined, 1×1 will produce sparks greater than zero or even greater.
$BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测
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"Terrible data" exceeded expectations, and the Fed's expectations of a rate cut this year suffered another blowAn increase in U.S. retail sales in September showed the economy remains on track, which may not prevent the Federal Reserve from cutting interest rates next month, but the magnitude of the cut is set to be smaller. On Thursday, U.S. retail sales rose slightly more than expected in September, supporting the view that economic growth remained strong in the third quarter. The monthly rate of retail sales in the United States in September was 0.4%, exceeding the expected 0.3% and the previous value of 0.1%. The number of initial jobless claims in the United States for the week ending October 12 was 241,000, lower than the expected 260,000, and the previous value was revised up from 258,000 to 260,000. After the release of retail sales and initial claims data, traders expect the Federal Reserve to reduce interest rate cuts this year. The US dollar index rose more than 20 points in the short term. Spot gold fell $5 in the short term.

"Terrible data" exceeded expectations, and the Fed's expectations of a rate cut this year suffered another blow

An increase in U.S. retail sales in September showed the economy remains on track, which may not prevent the Federal Reserve from cutting interest rates next month, but the magnitude of the cut is set to be smaller.
On Thursday, U.S. retail sales rose slightly more than expected in September, supporting the view that economic growth remained strong in the third quarter.
The monthly rate of retail sales in the United States in September was 0.4%, exceeding the expected 0.3% and the previous value of 0.1%. The number of initial jobless claims in the United States for the week ending October 12 was 241,000, lower than the expected 260,000, and the previous value was revised up from 258,000 to 260,000.
After the release of retail sales and initial claims data, traders expect the Federal Reserve to reduce interest rate cuts this year. The US dollar index rose more than 20 points in the short term. Spot gold fell $5 in the short term.
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After the big pie patiently waits for a wave of Kong Dan to enter the market, it will first rise to the top, and then steadily land at 500 coins. It only seeks truth and efficiency. Years of persistence have earned recognition from people over time. There is no shortage of smart people in this world. Truth, stability, and reliability are the long-term solutions. If you come, we will climb to the top together. If you don’t come, I will always be there. waiting for you here $BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #ETHBTC汇率新低
After the big pie patiently waits for a wave of Kong Dan to enter the market, it will first rise to the top, and then steadily land at 500 coins. It only seeks truth and efficiency.

Years of persistence have earned recognition from people over time. There is no shortage of smart people in this world. Truth, stability, and reliability are the long-term solutions. If you come, we will climb to the top together. If you don’t come, I will always be there. waiting for you here
$BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #ETHBTC汇率新低
高盛预测:美联储接下来将连续降息6次!高盛在最新报告中预测:美联储将继续在11月降息25个基点,且接下来的每次会议都会降息,直到明年6月。 高盛周三表示,预计美联储将在2024年11月至2025年6月期间连续降息25个基点,最终将利率区间降至3.25%-3.5%。 上个月,美联储将联邦基金利率下调了50个基点,理由是他们更有信心通胀率将继续回落至2%的年度目标。美国联邦基金利率目前为4.75%-5.00%,该利率指导银行间借贷的利率,并影响消费者贷款利率。 若高盛的预测成真,这意味着美联储在今年11月、12月、明年1月、3月、5月和6月的议息会议上都将降息25个基点。 荷兰国际集团(ING)首席国际经济学家James Knightley也表示,美联储可能在今年剩余时间降息50个基点。 Knightley解释说,美联储目前的做法侧重于风险管理。与大多数央行的单一目标是将通胀率降至2%不同,美联储有两个主要目标:价格稳定和充分就业。如果美联储有信心实现通胀目标,它可能会将重点转向支持就业。 美联储的目标是实现“软着陆”,即经济放缓足以降低通胀,但避免经济衰退。Knightley表示,美联储可能很快就会从导致经济活动放缓的限制性政策转向更为中性的立场。这将为经济提供更多增长空间,同时仍能控制通胀。 Knightley表示,美联储11月降息25个基点,随后12月再降息一次是非常适合的。他还预测美联储可能会在2025年夏季将利率降至3%-3.5%左右。 自美联储上个月大幅降息以来,债券市场一直剧烈波动。基准的10年期美债收益率在强劲的通胀数据公布后大幅上升,而在数据显示就业市场放缓后又回落。这些波动表明,投资者对其美联储利率预测越来越不确定。 芝加哥商品交易所(CME)的“美联储观察”工具显示,市场目前预计美联储在下次会议上降息25个基点的可能性为94.1%,而维持利率不变的可能性仅为5.9%,并不再预计美联储将降息50个基点,因为市场已经看到了一系列最新的数据发布,以及企业盈利预测,这些都表明美国经济将继续在来年初继续扩张。 亚特兰大联储的GDPNow预测工具将第三季度经济增长率定为3.2%,明显高于2%到2.5%的长期趋势。 高盛还表示,预计欧洲央行将在周四的货币政策会议上降息25个基点,并预计在2025年6月政策利率降至2%之前,欧洲央行会连续进行25个基点的降息。 $BTC $ETH


荷兰国际集团(ING)首席国际经济学家James Knightley也表示,美联储可能在今年剩余时间降息50个基点。
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Yesterday, the pie broke a new high. Today, the pie has started to recover again. In the morning, it is filled with tangerines and pills. It is a sure thing in the morning. In the afternoon, it is polite to win 700 coins. Only by being reliable can you be widely trusted. ​ The market is like a shooting range. I am your crosshair. Without a crosshair, you can only try your luck. The loss will always be greater than the gain from the hit. Only with a crosshair can you steadily hit the target you want. If you give me a trust, I will And you want to gain. $BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #特斯拉转移比特币 #ETHBTC汇率新低
Yesterday, the pie broke a new high. Today, the pie has started to recover again. In the morning, it is filled with tangerines and pills. It is a sure thing in the morning. In the afternoon, it is polite to win 700 coins. Only by being reliable can you be widely trusted.

The market is like a shooting range. I am your crosshair. Without a crosshair, you can only try your luck. The loss will always be greater than the gain from the hit. Only with a crosshair can you steadily hit the target you want. If you give me a trust, I will And you want to gain. $BTC $ETH #BTC要挑战7W大关了吗? #特斯拉转移比特币 #ETHBTC汇率新低
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The pancake has started to pull back, diving down from 67300. What Siming can do is to lead his friends to fly, and then land 700 points steadily, and quickly pocket 4 Qianyou. At present, the pancake is still in a state of pullback. Friends who have set Dan should pay attention. It can take off when it goes up, and the root↑ square can easily solve the peach. Opportunities are always there, but when the opportunity comes, are you ready and can you take the first step? $BTC $ETH #BTC能否站稳6W6
The pancake has started to pull back, diving down from 67300. What Siming can do is to lead his friends to fly, and then land 700 points steadily, and quickly pocket 4 Qianyou. At present, the pancake is still in a state of pullback. Friends who have set Dan should pay attention. It can take off when it goes up, and the root↑ square can easily solve the peach.

Opportunities are always there, but when the opportunity comes, are you ready and can you take the first step?
$BTC $ETH #BTC能否站稳6W6
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$BTC For the time being, this is just for entertainment reference, no substantive suggestions, welcome to discuss
For the time being, this is just for entertainment reference, no substantive suggestions, welcome to discuss
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The evening market was like a roller coaster. My friend won three big waves and politely accepted 160,000 yuan of oil. He stood on the top of the mountain in one night. This is not a fantasy, but a reality. Only those who get on the bus can experience the excitement and fun. Only the audience will watch in vain. Ideals must be matched with actions. Now there is a road leading directly to Rome. If you don't go, you will always be moved but never take the first step. How can you match with those who have stepped out of 1 if you always stay at 0? $BTC $ETH #BTC能否站稳6W6 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
The evening market was like a roller coaster. My friend won three big waves and politely accepted 160,000 yuan of oil. He stood on the top of the mountain in one night. This is not a fantasy, but a reality. Only those who get on the bus can experience the excitement and fun. Only the audience will watch in vain.

Ideals must be matched with actions. Now there is a road leading directly to Rome. If you don't go, you will always be moved but never take the first step. How can you match with those who have stepped out of 1 if you always stay at 0?
$BTC $ETH #BTC能否站稳6W6 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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Operation suggestions
#BTC能否站穩6W5? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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