Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was arrested in France on the 24th. French TF1 TV reported that Pavel Durov may face charges of terrorism, money laundering and drug trafficking. As we all know, the arrest of the founder has a great impact on the reputation of the company, especially for the aviation industry, which makes people more cautious about the destination of the flight.٩(ᐛ)و✈️ #新币挖矿TON #telegram
Brothers, I'm really drunk. I wanted to buy some tons yesterday, but there was no exchange, so I had to exchange it. However, the exchange can only be done on Binance's web3 wallet, and then transfer from the trading account to the web3 account. As a result, the exchange requires Ethereum as a transaction fee, and then I bought Ethereum from the exchange, but Binance also required transaction fees. I found that I chose the wrong network, and bought Ethereum from the exchange, but it still didn't work. I gave up. Is there anyone like me? (´_ゝ`)#Toncoin #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
Spot, a small profit of 10,000 RMB, to commemorate Since last year, I let my little brother trade the contract, starting from 10 w u and up to 150 w u Later, the position was blown up and returned to zero. Now I only play spot I still want to say to everyone, don’t have contracts, don’t have contracts Take it slow, when it comes to investment, choice is more important than hard work (`・ω・´)💰 #现货BTC #不要合约 $BTC
I see a lot of empty nots. This is the first token of the ton chain. TON must set a benchmark before more projects will come in. Now the goal has been basically achieved. The leader of TON has taken shape. This coin will most likely rise. TG is really crossing the river by feeling the ass of WeChat and directly grabbing the skin (when WeChat was developing mini-programs, mini-games were also the first. Before there were actual application scenarios, games were the fastest application scenario 🐶#NOT还会上涨吗 )
Regarding key, less than 400u in two months, not bad, in line with expectations, about 15% profit? Be content̋(ˊ•͈ꇴ•͈ˋ), stay away from contracts, embrace spot
Brothers, don't touch altcoins. Every plunge in eth, bnb, and btc is an opportunity. Be steady and cautious. Isn't it better to just do spot trading? #BTC走势分析
My opinion on the recent sharp drop😁 Many people say it is a nightmare for the cryptocurrency world. I just want to say that this is a nightmare for contracts and leverage. Don’t call it a nightmare for the cryptocurrency world. This kind of volatile market is very normal. The cryptocurrency world is so magical. If it was stable every day, what would happen to everyone╮(╯▽╰)╭$BTC
Don't play with contracts and leverage (●`ε´●)#比特币减半 #大盘走势 I guess many contracts were liquidated yesterday. The spot market is as stable as a rock. Buy the dips, brothers.
I talked with a friend yesterday, he thinks data and so on are the biggest criteria for judging trends•ᴗ•💧, I told him that the real trend standard is whether the banker says it will go up or down, the financial circle is the most intuitive place to reflect human society, either you nb sit in the banker, or be careful to rely on the rise and fall of the banker, follow the trend, but still under the premise of spot, because you have no say on the winning rate, after all, you are not the banker's roundworm😉We are all smart people, sober up, don't act like you are a god, arrogant and conceited, and think you can predict everything╮(╯_╰)╭Gamblers will have nothing$BTC
This is my first time using a Binance robot. I don’t need to watch the market myself. I have set the parameters in advance. It seems quite interesting. I plan to let it run for a month to try it out. #比特币减半 Isn’t spot trading good? Now the daily income is about 100u. As usual, I don’t touch contracts and leverage!
Binance withdrawals are much better than EURUSD withdrawals, fast and convenient, thumbs up👍$BTC 4 0 0 0 u Less than a small amount of spot, two days of profit, I am already very satisfied, btcyyds, bnb did not hold, brothers really don't touch altcoins and contracts, it's really not difficult to make some pocket money🍉#btc#赚个零花钱