CHECK-IN Daily runs YOU DON'T WIN IF YOU DON'T WANT IT Free airdrop daily check-in redeem token every day to your wallet on free Without spending anything
First step to get the free airdrop STEP 1
DOWNLOAD APP (coinlive) available on play story, STORY IOS Android and iOS
STEP two OPEN APP Enter code to be eligible for the free airdrop 💰 (FFdZydwnGs) ⛔ ATTENTION IT ONLY WORKS IF YOU PUT THE CODE
STEP 3 Create Wallet in the app and redeem the token every day AND BET IF BTC UP OR DOWN EVERY BET GETS 5 FREE TOKEN
47 days left to pay for the airdrop run best free airdrop 2024
# ⛔ONLY THOSE WHO DON’T WANT TO WIN!⛔ Free airdrop daily check-in redeem token every day to your wallet on free Without spending anything
First step to get the free airdrop 👇 STEP 1 DOWNLOAD APP (coinlive) available on play story, STORY IOS👇 Android and iOS 👇 STEP two OPEN APP Enter code to be eligible for the free airdrop 💰 (FFdZydwnGs) 💰 ⛔ ATTENTION IT ONLY WORKS IF YOU PUT THE CODE ⛔ 👇 STEP 3 Create Wallet in the app and redeem the token every day AND BET IF BTC UP OR DOWN EVERY BET GETS 5 FREE TOKEN