Market sentiment is the process that traders and investors have regarding the price action of a particular asset. It can include information obtained from two fundamental analysis (FA) and technical analysis (TA) indicators. Current news and different price history can also play a role in this process. While they are closely related, it is worth noting that market sentiment and fundamental analysis are completely different things. Fundamental analysis is more related to the performance of a particular business or cryptocurrency project (e.g. reputation and market capitalization). Many traders and chartists consider market sentiment to be a positive indicator of potential short-term and mid-term price movements. And starts walking in the opposite direction. When the majority of traders are pessimistic, the market goes up. In summary, market sentiment can be seen as the result of two major emotions that drive financial markets: fear and greed. In addition, market sentiment is an important component of market psychology. Traders are the opposite of the market. Some traders prefer to buy and sell and some hoard it. Attempts to understand and quantify value by drawing on findings from fields such as ownership of rupees and economics and further knowledge. has been done.