From the current structure, the market on Wednesday showed a fluctuating downward trend. Although the market was not very large, it did fall. Wei Yi had been giving the idea of ​​looking down from high positions from morning to evening, and the market rebounded as expected to the lower line given by Wei Yi, and it also perfectly won the trend of the air force. In total, the big cake won more than 2,700 points of space, and the ether won more than 150 points of space.

From a technical point of view, although the price of the currency fluctuated downward and the daily structure closed with a small negative, it still did not change the fact that the short-term moving average extended downward. With the refresh of the new low, other periodic indicators followed and maintained the short position arrangement, and the Bollinger band as a whole continued to run downward. It can be seen that the short position is still in the advantage. However, it should be noted that the current MACD indicator double-line opening is in a passivation state, and the KDJ indicator is also in a passivation state with three lines sticking together. While the overall range of the daily line continues to fluctuate, it is also necessary to pay attention to the pressure support break. In the 4-hour chart, the price of the coin failed to continue to rise this morning, causing the current price to fall below the short-term moving average. Driven by this, the short-term moving average has begun to turn downward, and other periodic indicators have gradually turned to short positions. The Bollinger Bands are currently in a state of blunt opening downward, but are in a state of lack of strength. In addition, the KDJ indicator dead cross continues to extend downward, and the MACD indicator golden cross runs upward. The overall 4-hour level maintains a weak trend of range oscillation.

Big cake idea: 62000-62500 interval empty, target 60000

Ether idea: 3390-3410 interval empty, target 3280$BTC $ETH #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #Meme板块普涨 #美国PCE数据将公布