Open Campus is Binance’s 31st Launchpad project and is definitely the leader in Web3 education! Recently, we have been collaborating with various communities and have also launched the Open Campus ID. Today, we once again invited Alan Lau to share with you some recent progress of Open Campus.

1) Q: Recently, the news about Open Campus mentioned that they plan to launch an Open Campus ID with EDU rewards. Can you explain the purpose of this plan? And how to get EDU rewards?

A: Let's review the theme and features of "Open Campus". Open Campus is a decentralized education platform. Since IEO, our main focus in the past few months has been to serve educators, especially teachers. We noticed that in society, although education is highly valued, teachers' income is relatively low. In order to support teachers, our platform has launched an innovative strategy to convert the content sold by teachers on other platforms into NFTs and sell them on Open Campus to bring more benefits to teachers.

But at the same time, we also realized that not only teachers, but also students and learners should have the opportunity to participate and benefit. So, we launched the concept of "Open Campus ID". We believe that everyone knows the importance of learning and we are all lifelong learners. Therefore, every learner can get a personal student ID on our platform. This ID is not only an identity, it also carries "EDU" tokens, which students can use to pay for new courses we are about to launch.

In general, Open Campus aims to start from two aspects: first, to support and motivate teachers, and then to encourage students and learners in general to participate. We hope that in this way, we can motivate everyone to participate more actively in learning and educational activities.

2) Q: The points received from the airdrop can be exchanged for Publisher NFTs. What special NFTs can be exchanged? When will the exchange start?

A: One of the projects we have been promoting recently is to convert profitable teacher courses into "Publisher NFTs". This way, new publishers and investors have the opportunity to participate. According to our previous announcement, we plan to launch 1,000 Publisher NFTs in the next month.

Regarding the value of "Publisher NFT": If a teacher earns 100 yuan from a course on the Web2.0 platform, we will buy it for about 500 yuan and convert it into NFT. After the investor purchases it, the expected annual rate of return is 20%. For investors who have received points before, their purchase cost will be lower, and they may get a higher annual rate of return.

More project details and NFT issuance time will be announced later. Users who have received points before are advised to pay close attention to our updates.

3) Q: Many people may not be clear about the role of Publisher NFT. Can you give us a detailed introduction?

A: Our latest project focuses on converting popular courses on the iOS education platform "tiny tap" into NFTs. Users can purchase them using "EDU". These NFTs are not just images, they represent certain assets and annual returns.

In addition, we also focus on the original intention of "Open Campus", which is to meet the courses that are not provided by the school but are considered important by parents, such as environmental protection and financial education. If parents or investors think that a course does not currently exist but has potential market value, they can initiate a demand. After seeing it, the teacher can choose to make it. This model is a bit like Didi Taxi, one person makes a demand and another person satisfies it. The completed courses will be put on the platform for sale and may be converted into NFTs.

In summary, we have two goals: one is to convert existing popular courses into NFTs; the other is to create new courses based on market demand and convert them into NFTs. Both routes aim to bring more new content into the market to meet user needs while also bringing benefits to participants.

We believe that true Web 3.0 and educational innovation should be driven by user needs rather than simply creating content that no one uses.

4) Q: We can see that Open Campus has been working with other communities recently. Can you talk about your experience in working with different communities and what positive impacts and results it has brought?

A: Our goal is to make more people aware of the core mission of Open Campus. To achieve this goal, we launched the Open Campus Alliance project to provide users with more opportunities to purchase services with EDU through cooperation with education-related partners. These partnerships have opened the door for us to cooperate with 20 different education platform companies.

Recently, we also announced a new program. Rather than serving a single company, it is a fund that aims to invest in startups related to educational technology. These companies will include "EDU" in their development blueprints from the beginning to make them more in line with current market needs.

Ultimately, our goal is to promote "EDU" and enable it to be used in more scenarios. We firmly believe that collaboration with other communities is key to achieving this goal.

5) Q: What major developments will Open Campus have in the future? Can you share some information?

A: In order to let more people know about our project and future plans, I have summarized the following key points:

  • 1. New Publisher NFT issuance: We are about to issue 1,000 new Publisher NFTs. This is an assetized token in the real world, representing actual cash flow and courses. Therefore, we expect this issuance to receive widespread attention. We hope that everyone will prepare EDU in advance and participate in this important process.

  • 2. Open Campus Alliance: We are working with multiple education platforms to enable users to use EDU on these platforms, which provides a strong boost to the popularization and added value of EDU.

  • 3. Open Campus ID and partners: Open Campus ID is a public identity verification system that everyone can claim and earn EDU rewards in. To further promote this system, we have partnered with several well-known brands as our educational partners to encourage everyone to learn happily.

Please continue to follow our news and updates, all important announcements will be posted there. If you haven't followed Open Campus yet, please join as soon as possible to don't miss any important information!

6) Q: How does Open Campus use Publisher NFT to protect digital copyright?

A: The original intention of Open Campus stems from the concern for teachers in the education industry. Although teachers are generally respected, their salaries and benefits are not satisfactory. In addition, the courses they create in the education process often do not receive effective intellectual property protection.

To solve this problem, we decided to use NFT technology. By converting the course into NFT, we can ensure that the teacher's intellectual property is protected. Whoever owns this NFT owns the intellectual property and can trade it as an asset. Although NFT is already common in other industries, we may be the first to try this in the education field.

To further explain, I want to share a true story: Last year, we released the first wave of Publisher NFTs and selected more than a dozen teachers, one of whom was an 80-year-old lady. She has been creating on the platform for five years and has accumulated many courses. When we introduced the project to her, she said that although she did not fully understand NFTs, she trusted us. Her biggest wish was to pass on her creations to the next generation. Through NFTs, we helped her realize this wish and make her creations an asset that can be passed on.

This story touched us deeply and proved the practical application value of NFT in the field of education.

7) Q: I am an EDU token holder, what benefits can I get?

A: Regarding this matter, I think there are three main aspects worth paying attention to:

  • 1. Purchase of NFT: Publisher NFT is an asset with cash flow, and the buyer can get corresponding income every year. If you have participated in the NFT airdrop before, you will get more points and further increase the annualized income. Through EDU, you can invest in these assets.

  • 2. Courses and cooperation: There will be many new courses behind Open Campus ID, and we will also cooperate with some well-known brands. People who hold EDU will have the opportunity to participate in learning and get more incentives through the mechanism, so that they can study harder and earn more EDU.

  • 3. Open Campus Alliance: In addition to the content mentioned above, we have signed contracts with about 20 companies. EDU can be used on these educational platforms. In the future, EDU will have more application scenarios.

8) Q: I am a teacher, how can I maximize the benefits of the Open Campus agreement?

A: I think there are two main paths for teacher participation:

  • 1. Currently, there are hundreds of thousands of teachers on the Tiny Tap platform. Teachers can create on this platform and take advantage of its large amount of traffic and the daily influx of students and parents.

  • 2. If teachers think that a certain subject lacks high-quality educational materials, they can propose innovative solutions on Open Campus. For example, if a teacher plans to use 10,000 EDU funds to create a course on environmental protection, investors may see this plan and think it is a worthwhile investment and choose to fund it. This provides teachers with a brand new opportunity to create and make money.

This model is equivalent to providing teachers with an additional source of income. In the past, in the traditional education system, it was difficult for teachers to find such opportunities. But now, they can do it like "Didi Taxi", where someone raises a demand and someone meets the demand, so that more people can participate in the creation of educational content.

In fact, there are many teachers in our community who are exploring the possibilities of Web 3 and participating in it. Open Campus provides them with an opportunity to earn additional income in addition to their traditional teaching jobs.

9) Q: Can I collaborate with other users on the platform to co-create educational content and share the profits?

A: Indeed, the creative process is very flexible. Whether you are an individual or a small team, you can showcase your work on this platform.

A real case is that during the Publisher NFT sale last year, a popular teacher sold his courses and earned the equivalent of more than 200,000 RMB. But he did not use the money to travel, but chose to hire more people to co-create new courses. He understood the opportunities brought by the Open Campus platform and gradually developed from a self-employed person to a small team.

Therefore, if you have this consideration, you can form a small team to create. The income your team gets from Publisher NFT can also be reasonably distributed.

This method provides teachers with a new opportunity to create and make money.

10) Q: How is content on the platform evaluated and rated to ensure that the value of the NFT I purchased remains stable and does not experience a large drop?

A: In our design, we considered the cash fluctuations behind the assets. But an interesting discovery is that since our main educational materials are for children's basic courses, such as mathematics and Chinese, the usage rate and cash flow of these materials are very stable. We have many years of data to support this.

When purchasing, we will disclose the revenue generated by the courses behind the NFT, so the buyer can roughly know the value of their investment and the expected return ratio.

The education sector is different from other industries in that its assets are relatively stable. Although we have two types of assets, one is the existing stable assets and the other is the new courses. New courses may have higher uncertainty because they are new and have not accumulated much sales. Buying NFTs for new courses is equivalent to investing in the future, and its cash flow and quality are different from those of stable assets.

For NFT enthusiasts, our NFT is very different from traditional NFT. The value support behind many traditional NFTs is weak, and the price fluctuations are large. But the importance and value of education in human society cannot be ignored. Behind our NFT is the great value of education, so the price fluctuations are relatively small.

11) Q: How does Open Campus ID protect my personal privacy and data from being leaked?

A: Our system is divided into two parts: Open Cameras ID and learning profile. Open Cameras ID is a non-transferable TOKEN. Behind each ID is a small wallet that stores the user's edu and future rewards. We hope that each learner has his or her own learning profile and understands their learning habits through some interesting questions. These habits will be stored in the ID to help the education platform accurately recommend courses for learners.

Regarding privacy, we use a similar approach to many DIDs, using technology to protect user privacy. Personal privacy data will not be leaked to other projects. This technology is already mature, and we believe there will be no problems in this regard.

Our innovation is to combine learning habits and education coins into one system, which is a new concept in the current website. We look forward to announcing more information in the near future.

12) Q: As a user, do you have the opportunity to directly participate in the governance and decision-making process of the Open Campus Protocol to express your opinions and suggestions?

A: Thank you for your question. If you follow us on Twitter, you may already know that we recently launched a decentralized voting campaign for Open Campus to establish a governance mechanism. We firmly believe in the decentralized concept of Web 3 and hope that our education platform will be at the forefront in this regard.

Users who hold edu are eligible to vote on current and future proposals. These proposals are related to the use of funds for edu and Open Campus. For example, we plan to set up a $10 million fund to encourage more educators to create courses on Open Campus. This proposal is crucial to attracting new educators.

Given the importance of the fund, we want the community to be involved in these key decisions. Many existing projects are still centralized, and we want major decisions, especially about the use of funds, to have broad community participation.

For those who are interested, please pay close attention to our announcements. We encourage the community to submit proposals and have detailed the proposal process on our website. We welcome everyone to make suggestions that are beneficial to the edu community and invite everyone to participate and support.

13) Q: Has Open Campus considered providing some training or tools to help everyone better understand and use Publisher NFT?

A: Thank you for your suggestion. We did introduce the use and participation of Publisher NFT on our official website and Twitter, but there is no dedicated training tool yet. Taking your opinion into consideration, we hope to launch relevant courses through the EDU platform and sincerely invite interested creators to participate. We admit that the previous communication method may be too monotonous, and now we are considering developing new training tools. If you are interested in helping us, please contact us.

14) Q: Are there any restrictions on the Publisher NFT I purchased, such as whether it can only be used in a specific region or sold and used on a specific platform?

A: Regarding the use of Publisher NFT, there is actually no restriction on a specific region. There are two sources: newly launched and purchased courses on the platform. It can be used in any country. We understand that users may be concerned about the compliance of Web 3 products or regional legal restrictions. But we have reached an agreement with teachers and ensure the protection of intellectual property rights. No matter in which region, the rights and interests of users can be protected by law. In short, as long as the product is circulated in the market, users can buy and use it with peace of mind without worrying.

15) Q: If I buy a Publisher NFT, how much benefit can I get from it? What is the process?

A: We have just introduced the tiny tap system behind Publisher NFT. Existing courses have formed independent cash flow, which can bring considerable benefits to everyone when converted into NFT. For example, a course with an annual income of 100 yuan may be sold for 500 yuan. After the investor purchases it, it is equivalent to obtaining an asset with an annual yield of 20%. In addition, students who have previously received points can enjoy deductions when purchasing, thereby obtaining higher actual benefits.

Buying NFT not only represents the rights and interests behind it, but also provides liquidity for investors. This means that in addition to waiting for annual returns, investors can also choose to resell NFT on the trading market and realize asset appreciation at any time.