Six taboos of cryptocurrency trading. Once you touch them, your assets may vanish!

Contract trading without stop loss: Blindly rushing into the contract market without setting a stop loss point, once the market direction changes suddenly, you will suffer heavy losses. Making money without knowing how to stop profit and withdraw cash: Seeing profit growth, you are complacent, but you don’t know how to withdraw cash in time to lock in profits. Such greed will only make you lose everything in the end. The market is good but you are eager to leave: The market is in a big market, but you are eager to leave because you made a little money, missing out on greater profit opportunities. Go against the trend and resist the order to the end: Knowing that the market trend is unfavorable, but being stubborn and insisting on resisting the order will eventually only make yourself fall into a deeper quagmire. Grab a rebound when the waterfall falls: When the price plummets, you always think about being able to buy the bottom or grab a rebound, but the result is often severely slapped in the face by the market, and the funds are locked. When the price soars, you always think about touching the top and shorting: When you see the price soaring, you think about touching the top and shorting to make high profits, but this high-risk operation is often accompanied by huge loss risks.

The road to cryptocurrency trading is full of unknowns and challenges. Only by strictly abiding by trading rules and maintaining rational investment can you make steady profits in the market. Do not touch the above six taboos, otherwise your assets may be wiped out!

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