Exposing U.S. war crimes and global corruption, Julian Assange has not only faced unjust imprisonment for over five years but also championed Bitcoin since its early days at $10. Discover how he shaped crypto history. $BTC
#wikileaks #legend #history

Long before #Bitcoin made headlines, Julian Assange was already a notable figure.

As a former cypherpunk turned journalist, he unearthed critical details about U.S. military operations in the Middle East. His efforts contributed significantly to challenging the narrative around the West’s "War on Terror."

Video footage of what it says is a US military attack on Iraqi civilians in Baghdad

In retaliation, WikiLeaks faced severe censorship from the state.

Facing financial blockades, Julian saw PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and a Swiss Bank freeze WikiLeaks' accounts. This attack threatened not just WikiLeaks, but the future of independent journalism itself.

The U.S. government underestimated who they were dealing with: a bona fide cypherpunk.

Julian Assange wasn't just any activist; he was a seasoned hacker from his teens, famously infiltrating even the U.S. Department of Defense. Here's a glimpse at some of the systems he's reportedly hacked into:

  • US Military Systems on Milnet

  • Us Airforce 7th Command Group

  • Naval Surface Warfare Center

  • Standford Research Institute

  • Panasonic Corp in Net Jersey

  • And a lot more...

Julian wasn't just a political agitator; he was a master cryptographer.

He co-developed Rubberhose, a groundbreaking cryptographic protocol that enabled activists to secure their data so tightly that not even torture could force its decryption. This technology was a significant stride in the fight for digital privacy and freedom.

Bitcoin enthusiasts were quick to back Julian, recognizing the uncensorable nature of BTC.

In 2010, as the financial blockades hit WikiLeaks, the Bitcoin community saw a unique opportunity to support freedom of expression. One developer notably reached out to Julian's team, proposing Bitcoin donations as an unseizable and uncensored funding method, effectively turning a crisis into a pivotal moment for both WikiLeaks and Bitcoin.

Satoshi Nakamoto, the enigmatic creator of #Bitcoin, was cautious about the idea.

He warned, "Don't bring it on," expressing concerns that the Bitcoin network, still in its infancy and valued at around $1 million, might not withstand potential attacks if it drew too much attention during such a high-profile affair.

The first mainstream media spotlight on #Bitcoin came unexpectedly.

PC World published a story speculating that WikiLeaks might begin accepting Bitcoin, drawing unprecedented attention to the cryptocurrency. This development alarmed Satoshi Nakamoto, leading to his decision to permanently step away from the project, concerned about the potential for increased scrutiny and the fragile state of the network at that time.

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With limited fundraising options, WikiLeaks took a bold step in June 2011.

They posted a #Bitcoin address online, effectively circumventing the financial blockade. This move not only marked a significant pivot in their fundraising strategy but also showcased the power of decentralized digital currencies in combating censorship and financial exclusion.

Bitcoin community's support for Julian was immediate and significant.

In the first week alone, WikiLeaks received a remarkable 171 BTC in donations via their Bitcoin address. This wave of support wasn't just a fleeting moment; it marked the beginning of a sustained influx of donations that continued for years. Here’s how the distribution of donations looked over time: [Insert chart visualization.

Over the years, WikiLeaks amassed a substantial Bitcoin treasure.

A total of 4,100 BTC flowed into WikiLeaks' coffers. At current market values, this digital war chest has appreciated to an astounding $250 million, marking a 233,000% increase from the initial sums donated. This incredible growth highlights the potential of Bitcoin as a long-term investment tool, especially in the context of global fundraising campaigns.

Julian's advocacy for Bitcoin didn't stop with just fundraising.

In a bold move in June 2011, Julian arranged a secretive meeting with Google's CEO Eric Schmidt. During this meeting, they discussed the potential and implications of #Bitcoin, showcasing Julian's ongoing commitment to exploring and promoting innovative technologies.

By 2014, Julian's view of #Bitcoin had evolved significantly.

He described Bitcoin as "the most exciting development on the internet," seeing it not merely as a new currency but as a groundbreaking, censorship-proof tool for safeguarding truth. His vision highlighted the potential of Bitcoin to empower freedom of information across the globe.

Julian's use of Bitcoin extended far beyond mere financial transactions.

WikiLeaks began embedding timestamps into Bitcoin blocks, leveraging the blockchain's immutable nature for record-keeping. Remarkably, Julian also used the blockchain to verify his existence, demonstrating the innovative applications of this technology in verifying facts in an unforgeable manner.

The Bitcoin raised by WikiLeaks proved to be a substantial asset.

In a twist of irony, Julian Assange publicly thanked the US in 2017 for the financial blockade, as it forced WikiLeaks to adopt Bitcoin early on, which soared in value by 50,000%, greatly benefiting their operations and mission.

Support for Julian remains robust within the #Bitcoin community.

The immutability of Bitcoin's blockchain means hundreds of WikiLeaks cables are now stored in blocks, beyond the reach of state censorship. Notably, block #786501 even contains a digital portrait of Julian Assange, symbolizing his enduring impact and the community's support.

Julian Assange has achieved a significant milestone.

He has successfully negotiated a plea deal with the US government, marking a pivotal turn towards freedom. This development represents a monumental victory after a lengthy and highly publicized legal battle.

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