All currencies whose price is 0.1 or more, but their price now is only 0.1

They will all amount to one dollar, but with time, patience and patience

But the other thing is that you, my friend, my friend, must study the currencies and see how big they are in the market, how much their carrying capacity is in the market, and what is their market value..

Last year I bought currencies at a price of 0.1 and this year

It gave me good profits when I made $1 and its price stabilized

But I bought it to study its projects

I am talking about my experience, my patience, and my investment of money that I allocated to such projects.

I am speaking from experience. Last year, I invested $200 in reality

Now I have a total of $5k in my wallet. I was just patient and overcame my feelings. I did not reckless in my drive for what I did and I kept my eyes on the goal 🎯 of what I set..

Praise be to God, with patience, destiny rises.

Therefore, my brothers and sisters, all the beginner crypto family, be patient and keep your eyes on your goals... do not be distracted by the noise of others.

By God, I swear to God, you will never find anyone who will guide you to the path of maturity in this field.

Let us be frank, and honesty is beautiful.. Focus on legitimate currencies that they bought, put them down, and leave them for a year or a year and a half.. Do not involve yourselves in an up market or a down market, overcome your obsession and greed..

In the end, you will see the results of your patience.

Advice from your brother and greetings to you from the heart..

Be patient, be patient with your goals..

God grants success ..
