The market has fluctuated greatly recently, and the price of EOS is relatively strong. That's because it has RAM, which has increased 60 times in 7 months. You can participate in the RAM mascot design competition and use AI to draw pictures. The total prize pool is worth 8888 Kb RAM, worth 10,000 EOS. RAM is the gold of EOS and has attracted more and more people to participate. 350 million EOS are prepared for the development of the RAM ecosystem. Recently, as shown in the figure, 35 million EOS have been directly purchased for RAM. Currently, only 2 rounds have been launched, more than 1 million EOS, and there are more than 30 million EOS to be purchased. At present, there are only 45 million EOS in the RAM pool. If all the more than 30 million EOS are bought, the price will increase by at least 10 times. Give money openly. In addition, the recent RAM deposit for exSat online activities will be launched. It is said that the prize pool is very generous. This is hosted by RAMS DAO. RAMS DAO, the official RAM rental platform on EOS. Defibox, the only leading DeFi at present. Now EOS and its ecosystem are the most underestimated, and gold is everywhere.


Grey Chicken Community: rams_in_ram

#RAM #exSat #Defibox #EOS