We are excited to announce that the beta version of the Chainsight Dashboard UI is now available to the public.

The Chainsight team has been working hard to develop the CLI and act as an oracle provider to collect the necessary data for teams that need it. The Chainsight CLI is open source and anyone is welcome to contribute.

Chainsight CLI

  • github.com/horizonx-tech/chainsight-cli

Today, we’re excited to launch the Dashboard UI, making it easier to access Chainsight’s protocol layer directly from a user-friendly interface. While this feature is still in beta and therefore has limited functionality, we’re providing it for free and eagerly awaiting your feedback and requests.

Dashboard UI:

  • app.chainsight.network

Chainsight is an on-chain data center that collects data from each market and publishes it on-chain. The data is collected in a community-driven manner and indexed on-chain in a reusable format.

Chain-key behind Chainsight also allows data to be synchronized to any chain without the need for a bridge. In other words, Chainsight is a data center and infrastructure that enables on-chain applications to efficiently use the required data.

Let’s try the Chainsight dashboard UI

First, sign up for the login UI. Currently, you can sign up using MetaMask (Rabby also works) or your email address. Make sure you are using the correct URL:

  • app.chainsight.network

After signing up, you will see the following customizable dashboard. You can display any panel you like. Let’s start by displaying some simple data. Click the icon in the top right corner to display your own charts on the dashboard.

You can choose any chart, but as a first step, let’s plot the Chainsight AI chart, which is an average of AI-related crypto assets. Select “Single Chart” and click “Add”.

For more information on unique index sets like Chainsight AI, see below:

  • chainsight.network/blog/chainsight-indices-now-available

Select “Index” for type and “Chainsight AI” for data, click the “Save” button, press “Finish”, and you will see the chart panel you just created at the bottom of the dashboard.

Congratulations! You have added your first chart to your dashboard. Remember to click Save Layout at the bottom to save your data. To remove a chart, drag and drop it to the right. A trash can icon will appear.

Advanced Charts
Now, let’s explore more advanced charts, you can select “Comprehensive Chart” to view multiple charts in a single panel.

We select Chainsight 20 and Chainsight AI to compare their performance, set the type to “Rate of Change”, and the label name can be customized.

As you can see, a new panel appears below that compares the performance of AI-related tokens with the top 20 assets over a specific period.

You can also compare volatility, for example, to compare the volatility of Chainsight 20 and BTC over a specific time period, select the respective project.

The resulting chart will show that BTC’s volatility is very similar to Chainsight 20, while ETH’s volatility is higher and ICP’s volatility is lower over the selected period. This information can be very valuable for your trading strategy.

Rating Stablecoins Using Radar Charts

Finally, we introduce the radar chart of stablecoin ratings. This chart evaluates stablecoins based on six criteria and derives a final rating score. Let us create a radar chart and historical final scores.

Now you can analyze stablecoins right from your dashboard, enjoy your analysis!

Currently, you can create any data using Chainsight CLI, but soon you will be able to create data directly from the UI in the upcoming updates, so stay tuned for more updates.

By following these steps, you can maximize your use of the Chainsight dashboard and gain valuable insights from your data. Your feedback is critical to us, so please share your thoughts and suggestions as we continue to improve the platform. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

For more information about Chainsight, please read:

  • Chainsight in action: Collecting data from the Internet Computer

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