From the current structural trend, it continued to go short in the early morning, near the 58402 line, and then rebounded upward after touching the bottom. Last night, Wei Yi Cake took more than 2,000 points of space and more than 80 points of short.

In terms of trend, the downward trend continued in the early morning yesterday. After a small shock, it went from short to short. The bulls had no chance at all. So from the current structural trend, the market outlook is expected to continue to fall.

Cake idea: short near 60600, target 58000

Auntie idea: short near 3380, target 3100$BTC $ETH #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安上线ZK #美联储何时降息? #MicroStrategy增持BTC #币安HODLer空投