Wanna be a Whale? 👀 Check this out...

Your budget is limited and crypto may be the only way out of years of sacrifice to build a better life. By now, if that is your situation, you surely understand that a big part of achieving success in crypto is to build wisdom and patience as central traits of your business personality. But how about to truly PLAN YOUR PATIENCE RESULTS?

Yes, I mean, being patience without knowing what you are being patient to achieve, is like being in a cult, and this is business. This is not a church, and you want results, not miracles.

So, a good idea is to become a whale. But how? You have not the large amounts of money that buying whale number require. But... IÂŽm not talking bout becoming a TODAYÂŽS whale.

You can be a whale of the near future, for instance, the next cycle. What you need to do is to accumulate tokens with a future that may not be immediate winners but that in the long term they will be valuable. Such is the case of many RWA tokens. Also infrastructure tokens with good WEB3 projections, and the gaming tokens that are now in the floor, those bad boys will explode in the near future, and by the time that happens, you may be the owner of a good bunch.

The idea is to abandon the immediate rewards hunger that consume you on a daily basis and just keep DCAing and accumulating for the future.

Is this mindset a thing? Well, I can tell you that building whale wealth is a matter of time and patience. And some of the assets you will hold will die, or fail, or even rug. But some will become valuable, and there will you be, owner of a big bag from years before the hype started.

I leave you with that idea, and wish you a long, prosperous crypto journey.