⭐️With the decline occurring at the present time, most people are not eager to see crypto or hear anything about it.. The only ones who benefit from this decline and love it are those who used to make profits and always save cash..
💠 Investment currency prices are very attractive and we may never see them at these prices again..
💠 When we were talking about decline and making profits and cash, no one was convinced or believed what we were saying, but the result is before us, praise be to God, and this is what I always said to the youth of the course (making profits and maintaining cash is very necessary)
💠 The rise is always very fast, but the decline is slow, and we talked a lot about depleting the wallets and correction after halving between 3-6 months..
⭐️ Currently, if we are going to think as a market maker after this decline, in order not to let people get out of the market so quickly, I must continue the decline a little to another area, and then give another speculative rise, reviving the market and draining the wallets once again, and then I will go back to them again, and this will let the majority lose. Hope in the market or you can get out of it or buy and sell prices at the bottom and here we start the quick upward journey..
⚡️ Try to choose your investment currencies carefully and do not overload them in your wallet
⚡️ Take advantage of any trend or speculative rise to increase capital or cash for investment currencies