Market Analysis

BTC: Bitcoin market hits a new low of 60567. The hourly line has repaired a wave of market. The news of the Mentougou incident caused a sharp drop. It is not ruled out that the dog dealer used the news to ship. However, whether it is the last drop or not depends on whether the 61000 position can stand firm. I personally think it is the last drop. Spot can boldly buy the bottom. Continue to hit the upper pressure level of 64500 and the support level of 60500ETH: Ethereum market hits a new low of 3240. The current market has a rapid pullback, indicating that the bottom is still supported. Moreover, Ethereum has been adjusted for a long time under the condition of clear positive factors. It is right to buy the bottom at the current position. The upper pressure level is 3470. The support level is 3250. Strategy: Bitcoin and Ethereum are mainly used for bottom-fishing. The cottage sector follows Bitcoin's callback, but it is obvious that the downward momentum continues to weaken. Now many sectors are almost low-priced chips. Short positions can buy the bottom, and heavy positions can also buy the bottom appropriately to reduce costs. Pay attention to the MEME and SOL ecological sectors and the old cottages in the early stage.