[Is Solana under investigation? 】

Solana (SOL)’s recent crypto market dynamics have investors spooked, with the cryptocurrency experiencing a sudden price drop of 24.84% over the past 30 days.

A possible explanation for this change emerged on June 24, when well-known cryptocurrency KOL Crypto Bitlord posted on X that he had heard that SOL was under investigation. The KOL pointed out:

We have heard rumors that $SOL is under investigation and that a major case is about to be made public. This has been weeks in the making and the timing is very unfortunate. If what we are hearing is true, please pray for Solana.

While it is not uncommon for agencies such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to investigate digital assets, the suggestion that a major case is about to become public, combined with recent price action, gives this statement considerable weight.

Furthermore, the downward trend has intensified again over the past 24 hours of trading, with SOL losing another 4.85% after six days of relative stability.

#鴉快訊 $SOL @Solana Official