What is the truth you understood too late in your life?

If I have to say it, it is marriage. You can also say that you understood it too late, or that the price you paid was too high.

In fact, many people only know what marriage is and what marriage requires after they get married. It is not easy for two people to get along, and it is even more difficult for two people to live together.

Marriage requires too many things, including love, common values, no big conflicts in living habits, business management, sense of ritual, ability to live, ability to take care of children, etc.

Marriage is not difficult to live together, but it is difficult to persist in it for a long time. A marriage that is easy to last requires a high-quality relationship, and two equal people who love each other with the same goals, or two comrades-in-arms.

It is actually difficult to explain what marriage is in one sentence, but I particularly like the description that "marriage is two people working together to fight the world", so you need to find a comrade-in-arms who loves each other, not anything else.

Comrades-in-arms can give you more than any other relationship can give you, and comrades-in-arms will not abandon you.

I saw Professor Liu Qing's words "Love is the smallest unit of communism", which is really well said. This is true not only for love, but also for marriage.

Therefore, it is easier to achieve communism and have the belief in communism among comrades-in-arms. Because you advance and retreat together, work towards the same direction, and move forward for the same goal.

You all hope to become better people, and hope to do more for each other, give more, and also get more and have more. Then the relationship between you will become more harmonious, and the marriage will become stronger.

All these calculations, accusations, contempt, abuse, speculation, etc., which should not and cannot happen to comrades-in-arms, should not happen in love and marriage. Marriage should be a beautiful thing, not a ring full of calculations

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