#英伟达 #MicroStrategy增持BTC

NVIDIA plummeted, the cryptocurrency market was in a state of misery, have you been cut off?

The financial market is like a war without gunpowder, with ever-changing and thrilling changes!

The soaring momentum of NVIDIA's stock price per share has now collapsed and ushered in a sharp drop!

This huge change, like a depth bomb, instantly set off a storm in the investment field.

Just two days ago, Douyin was full of people showing off their NVIDIA profit orders, and they seemed to have made a lot of money in this carnival.

However, this short-lived glory instantly turned into a bubble.

Looking at the cryptocurrency circle again, WIF, a highly anticipated currency, once held the bottom line of $2, but now it has fallen to $1.6, and there are obvious signs of the banker's withdrawal.

Fortunately, Brother Jiu had already stopped the short-term profit of io and wif in the previous two days! $IO $WIF