The current market is causing deep psychological damage to all participants. Especially those holding altcoins.

The manipulator's goal is simple— prevent most of us from holding assets until altcoin season and market ATHs. Someone panicked and sold, someone was at the limit and waited for a minimal recovery to sell at zero or at a small loss and forget about cryptocurrencies like a bad dream. Someone will sell at x2-3, not believing in higher growth.

Manipulators masterfully play on the emotions of even the most experienced players in the market. 📖 The reason is simple: the smaller the crowd, the easier it is to launch a rocket to the moon. Assets cannot deliver x10-100 growth if there are many people sitting in them.

Cryptocurrency market veterans are smart and experienced, so the focus is on beating them. The current market feels tighter than in previous cycles. In parallel to this process, hundreds of millions of new users are being brought into the market through meme coins and tap-and-play applications, which in the future will become "liquidity exits" for manipulators, funds, whales and manipulators.