#币安合约锦标赛 #仓位管理 #meme板块关注热点

Many friends don't know how to effectively manage their positions. Knowing effective position management can help you achieve great success.

Effective position control:

Controlling positions is the key to stable profits. According to the research of the famous mathematician Fisher, always keeping full positions will increase risks and lead to unstable profit and loss results. In contrast, a fixed position strategy, such as using only 20% of the total funds each time, investing with a probability of 50% profit and loss, setting a 5% stop loss and a 10% take profit, can more effectively manage risks and increase the possibility of stable profits.

Accurate timing ability:

Timing not only means seizing the opportunity of market fluctuations, but more importantly, being able to identify and follow trends. When the market trend is unclear or unfavorable, you should consider reducing your position or temporarily shorting it to prevent further losses. An effective right-side trading strategy can help avoid over-trading when the trend is unclear.

At present, I can only talk about the main trunk. After all, there is definitely no one-on-one help. If you are interested, you can si#铭文三傻 $ORN $SUI $FLOKI