When pursuing what you really want, you will definitely encounter a lot of obstacles.

For example, the attitude towards life instilled in you by others, the lifestyle influenced by social media, how the entire social environment teaches you to be mediocre and stable, how a lot of junk information drags down your spirit and wears down your will, how your parents and elders persuade you to get married early, so that you have no time to create a broader world.

Even we ourselves will be constantly dragged back and forth by the freedom of retreating and lying flat, sliding towards the "downward freedom" in Beauvoir's mouth, and when we realize that we should create value as much as possible in our limited life, our strength has been exhausted in failure and mediocrity.

Bravery is the most important attitude in life. Thinking clearly about what kind of person you want to be and what kind of life you want to live is what people should seek most in their 20s and 30s.

It is not about money, sex, material desires, or power games. The ultimate goal of a person should be to choose a life that he is willing to devote all his enthusiasm and energy to on the basis of fully understanding himself, and to firmly implement it, and create his own world from his unique attitude towards life.

Who am I, what do I want to do, why do I live?

After a lot of experience and thinking clearly, people build their own life system. Then people will naturally develop principles, pride, and a strong and sincere heart.

On this basis, people will definitely walk on the path that truly belongs to them, and build a fortress of their own life meaning in a limited life, which is hot and prosperous, and endless.

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