Today, let's talk about how to screen strong coins and how to ambush.

First, if the big cake pulls up, it will rise faster. If the big cake falls, it will go sideways or not fall. This kind of coin is very strong.

In addition, how to determine whether it is stable and how much it can rise?

It is easy to get 100 million with a market value of less than 100 million. If it is very high, it is not so big to forget about the space of several billion. It is not so easy to launch a king-level project. The right time, right place and right people, team funds and marketing must be in place.

Second, the community atmosphere, look at the community environment in Telegram, whether the founding team is active in doing things, in case it is occasionally updated, there is no movement, which means that our money has gone to yachts to pick up girls and sleep with girls.

Third, what are the good prices for its technical aspects to buy, don't use too high leverage, otherwise you can't bear it and can't get a few points. #价值币 #强势币布局 $ton #TON生态