A total of three orders were opened this week, and all of them were liquidated. Only the second order $LDO was correct, while other trading orders had serious errors.

$POLYX continued to increase its positions to resist the order, which led to the final liquidation.

$XRP was traded due to a bad mentality after a margin call, so the leverage was fully utilized when opening a position. In addition, the first $XRP order had a take-profit signal in the transaction, but in order to make more money, it was not completed as required.

Next, let’s talk about $POLYX, which has the greatest impact on mentality. In fact, the loss should have been stopped on June 17, because the logic when opening the order was that the copycat token could outperform the blue-chip token, and the #RWA track could rise against the trend.

But why didn’t I stop loss?

Because the price has been falling since I opened the order on the 16th. I was supposed to go to bed at around 10 o'clock that day, but I didn't fall asleep until 12 o'clock. Do you think that's the end?

I woke up every hour at 2, 3, and 4 o'clock. What was waiting for me? Falling, falling, and falling again. In the end, I fell asleep because I was too sleepy.

The next day I went to work with huge dark circles under my eyes. The more I thought about it, the more annoyed I became. The idea of ​​closing the position had long disappeared, and it became:

"If I close my position now, will I have stayed up all night for nothing?"

"No! We must hold on until we get our money back."

As you can see, the big negative line on the far right of the K-line chart not only broke through my position, but also broke through my mentality.