In the journey I started last week, I tried to show a brief route to new entrants in the market. But since I thought this would not be enough, I decided to explain the steps I mentioned in the article in more detail. In this context, I will start from the first item “KNOW YOURSELF”. I hope it will be useful
Self-knowledge is a very important issue not only for the market but also for the course of your whole life. The process of self-knowledge is one of the most valuable and impressive journeys in a person’s life. This journey enables a person to understand who he/she is, discover his/her inner world and reveal his/her true potential.
So what does self-knowledge/discovery bring you? The process of self-knowledge increases the individual’s self-esteem, provides inner balance and reveals deeper and more meaningful aspects of life. It enables you to determine your goals and values, understand your life purpose and lead a more meaningful life. There are some steps we need to take to manage this process.
1-Discover Your Inner World: The journey of self-discovery begins with understanding your inner world. Take time to understand your own feelings, thoughts and beliefs. This can be done by using tools such as meditation-prayer, diary writing.
2. Identify Your Pleasures and Interests: Think about what you enjoy most in life and in which areas you can shine. Identifying your tastes and interests will show you which paths might interest you.
3. Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Recognising your strengths gives you the opportunity to develop them further. Likewise, recognising and working on your weaknesses supports your personal development.
4. Learn from Past Experiences: Learn from your past experiences. By reviewing your successful moments and what you have learnt from mistakes, you can understand how you can make better decisions in the future.
5. Be Open to New Experiences: Being open to new experiences on your journey of self-discovery takes you beyond your limits. Trying different cultures, hobbies or activities can help you discover new aspects of yourself.
6. Accept and Love Yourself: One of the most important steps in the journey of self-discovery is to accept and love yourself as you are. Your flaws are a part of you and accepting yourself as a whole with your flaws promotes inner peace and positive self-esteem.
7. Keep Learning and Improving: The journey of self-discovery never ends. Continuous learning and development supports your personal growth.
So how can we adapt these ways to the market? If you are in the classic money markets, your job is easier than crypto investors. Crypto is not yet fully established, so we encounter a lot of new ideas every day. Let’s say you are a crypto trader and want to survive in the market, there are some steps you need to follow.
1 Determine your investment type: Markets have a cycle within themselves. To understand this and integrate yourself into it, you first need to know your mental state. If you are not very excited and do not have a strong psychology, long term investing may be more suitable for you. You can earn more efficiently by learning fundamental analysis, or if you have a steel will, it may be suitable for you to take shorter-term trades by learning technical analysis.

2 Make a plan: After determining your own mental state, decide where you want to invest your money. Don’t look at what so-and-so phenomenon says, set up your own game plan.

3 Be realistic: When making your plans, don’t dream of things that will never happen. Trust your maths and psychology, not this and that.

4 Manage Your Risk: Don’t forget to plan your risk while making your plan. Not everything is about psychology and analysis. The most important part of this business is definitely risk management. Don’t be afraid to stop while managing your risk. If you are in the market, stop and profit are brothers. But don’t go blindly and risk 10% of your balance in a single trade.

Finally, the market is not a playground. You are here to protect your earned money and earn more. The market consists of 1 and 0. There is definitely a winner and a loser. To be a winning side, first of all, is to know yourself, to know your way. Remember that no good will come from any wind to the ship that does not know the harbour it will go to.