From the moment I first heard about #Bitcoin, I was hooked. The idea that a digital coin could be worth $20K, $30K, or even $80K was mind-blowing. Despite my fascination, I hesitated to dive in completely. I created wallets and collected some cripto around 0.0138, maybe even a full coin but never committed to serious investing.

Then, I stumbled upon the Polymoon project. It seemed like a promising opportunity, and I managed to turn a small profit of $300. I was elated, but it didn't last. Polymoon turned out to be a scam, and one day, the coins just vanished from my wallet. There was no website, no white paper, nothing. It was a harsh lesson in the realities of the crypto world.

Around that time, I watched a movie called *Alice and Jack*. It's a beautiful drama about a woman who becomes a successful financier by making a fortune in oil stocks, seeing a 2000% increase in her profits. The movie struck a chord with me and reignited my desire to take financial risks.

Despite my previous setback, I continued exploring cryptocurrencies. I got an invite to the Tap Tap project and started accumulating Notcoin. I diligently clicked and upgraded, eventually amassing about 8,000 #NOTCOİN . When it launched on #Bincance , I was thrilled—it was actually happening! The coin's value started to climb, and I decided to invest more.

My initial plan was to cash out at $0.021, but as the price began to decline, I exited at $0.0186 to cut my losses. Later that day, I saw it had surged to $0.026! I bought back in, but it quickly corrected to $0.02. Despite the volatility, I decided to hold my position, trusting in the fundamentals and the long-term potential.