Market Analysis

BTC: Bitcoin market volatility is very small during the day, oscillating back and forth in the range of 64100-64600. The weekend is still the same, with no market. The next market will still oscillate around the position of 64000, with the upper pressure level of 65500 and the support level of 63050

ETH: Ethereum's daytime trend is still very weak, and the four-hour line trend is downward. It is still very difficult for the current volume to rise in a short time. At present, the market continues to oscillate around the position of 3500, with the upper pressure level of 3565 and the support level of 3455

Strategy: Bitcoin Ethereum is mainly sold high and bought low. The cottage sector has mixed gains and losses, and there are obvious signs of stopping the decline. The main decline is still the new currency. The previous old cottage market has started $BSV $LTC. When everyone hates VC new coins, the market's hot spots may return to the early old cottages. Those who are currently short can buy the bottom appropriately, and those with heavy positions should hold the currency for a rise. Continue to pay attention to the MEME and SOL ecological sectors and the early old cottages.